It's a "solid 7" bro-movie based on the history of Polish gangsters. Actors, director, music everything is tied together very nicely
27 November 2023
Do watch it, if you're interested in a bro-manship movie, on gangsters, on ethics and human values, on history. It will make you question a lot about the humans involved in this movie and how gray area some things can be and how despite the fact that the protagonist cared about human value, ethics etc he screwed himself up in an unethical business because of the need to feel adrenaline, or become somebody to someone else, the feel to feel important.

If I didn't have to value it among other movies I would put an 8-9, but there are many great movies and the enemy of the great is the greatest.

But this movie is definitely worth your time. I won't spoil anything, I feel you don't need to know much or else it will ruin your experience. I started watching it with the feeling of "are we romanticizing gangsters now? Really?", but it's not what this movie is about.

Watch it with remorse, empathy, value for everybody's lives inside even the ones killed. That way you'll get into the head of the protagonist and the writer(s) behind this movie, start understanding that it's not about romanticizing gangsters, but about humans as a whole, as a species. Try to see the bigger picture, and this movie will feel like an unpolished gem.
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