Rick and Morty: The Rickchurian Mortydate (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
The worst finale
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The worst finale to the worst season of Rick and Morty. I don't care what anyone says, Season 3 is godawful aside from a few episodes. So after the president gets Rick and Morty to sort out some creature running around the office or something, Rick and Morty get tired of the president needing their help all the time and decide to insult him behind his back which he finds out soon and the president and Rick and Morty become enemies. The rest of this plot is nothing but the president and Rick fighting, no interesting sci-fi concepts, and no reason to care. In the middle of the episode, Rick decides that Morty deserves a selfie from the president for some reason and refuses to leave the White House until it is done. Hilarious. Rick's unlikableness works in episodes like The Ricks Must be Crazy because there is an interesting plot that actually goes places and both Rick and the antagonist of that episode are both equally terrible unlikable people and you're not really supposed to like any of them. The president in this episode (while he's not so great in other episodes) is extremely likable in comparison to our annoying main protagonist, and you kinda want to see Rick get punched in the face because of it. Once again not helping is the utterly stupid plot about Rick just annoying the president for no reason. It does not evoke laughter. The subplot from this episode is about Beth worrying she is a robot and Rick, the smartest man in the universe reassures her that she is real but then asks if she's becoming self-aware which leads to her going back to Jerry and Rick being confused as to why that happened.
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