13 December 2023
Hitch apparently gave two new writers, Jack Dillon and Alan Gordon, with few credits to their names, a break. They did a terrific job with this unforgettable story.

To note, this also may be the most poignant episode of the entire series 10 year run. Good trivia question!

Definitely, a somber drama, almost like a soap opera, but it will keep your interest right to the end. Walter Matthau returns to the series, playing the atypical Hitchcock "man with mounting problems, and are they ever. He owns a lumber yard, business is slumping, and he's about to lose it all.

Enter Betty Field, in wonderful role she is best at playing, a lady leading a not too happy life herself, taking a chance and helping this man who really can use a friend. The rest you cannot miss, especially for the talent of both these dynamic actors.

The notes are correct, and may have been added by Alfred Hitchcock. In PSYCHO, Janet Lee steals money from her real estate office as does Betty Field. Same deal.

Betty, who became a star in OF MICE AND MEN (1939), had a very good role in BUTTERFIELD 8, opposite Liz Taylor at the time. I am sure Hitchcock was one of her fans. She was one of the best.

One you have to see. SEASON 6 EPISODE 3 remastered Universal dvd box set.
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