Last Resort (2023)
Exactly what it should be
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Directed and written by Jean-Marc Minéo, a former six-time kung fu champion of France, Europe and finally the world champion, Last Resort reminds me of the films released by Cannon-like labels after it went out of business, 1990s direct to video efforts that were all about action, that got the story out of the way as soon as possible. This is not a bad thing.

Michael Reed (Jon Foo) nearly died in Syria and ever since can't get himself off the couch. This former soldier has pushed his wife Kim (Julaluck Ismalone) away and she's taken their daughter Anna (Angelina Ismalone) to the bank and then out of his life. They're taken hostage by Islamic terrorists led by an American named Cooper (Clayton Norcross) who are really after a bioterror weapon in one of the safety deposit boxes. He didn't count on Michael -- who he knows, it turns out that Michael wasn't an ordinary soldier -- who starts killing his men one-by-one, as this movie echoes so much of Die Hard but yet, doesn't every action movie made after it do the same? For example, there's one cop who looks out for our hero when no one else believes in him.

There's enough fighting and guns in this -- including a sniper ending that I wish I'd seen in a crowded theater -- to satisfy most action fans. Sure, it's a by the numbers shoot 'em up run and gun film, but we don't get that many of those any more. I can look past the awkward line readings if I'm going to get stuff that moves this fast and looks this good.
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