Three Months (2022)
Really didn't expect to enjoy this so much
16 December 2023
I watched this purely because Troye Sivan was in it and I wanted to support him. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't expecting it to actually be good, was hoping it would at least be mid.

I'm actually kinda shocked to say I loved it! The acting was surprisingly good, especially for what I've seen of him so far. This is the best acting I've seen from him in any of his projects. I loved the characters, all of them. The premise of the story seemed kind of tired, but again, I absolutely loved the execution.

I saw a few people talking about how the story didn't delve into darkness and kept things too light, and I'm honestly puzzled by this critique. Yeah, it wasn't Euphoria, but the despair, longing and loneliness came through loud and clear for me.

Even being a fan of Troye, I wasn't expecting this to be good, but I genuinely thought it was pretty fantastic.
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