Last Resort (2023)
I ain't saying it's Die Hard....but it's well...
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like they wanted to make an action movie, and they couldn't decide what on the plot, so as a "Last Resort" they just used Die Hard as a model.

And you know, there is nothing wrong with that.

Similarities aside, this is a pretty good action movie. Jon Foo plays a former special forces soldier whose soon-to be ex- wife and daughter are taken hostage in a bank within a high rise building. In this case the robbers really are terrorist looking to get some poison gas which was placed in the vault. Foo must win the support of the police on the outside while dispatching the bad guys on the inside.

The highlight of the movie is the multiple great fighting sequences, especially one where he finds a bad guy masquerading as an escaped hostage (in a minor ode to Die Hard) and they proceed to have a hand-to-hand and knife battle. There were a few "wtf" issues like the cops simply watching hostages being executed on two occasions, a few continuity things where the good guys knew the bad guys plans without showing how, the horrible screaming of the wife as she was lowered down the side of the building and worst of all the ending where upon getting a body count of 47 dead terrorist he "knows one is missing" cause he pays attention. Along those same lines, him shooting the guy with the sniper rifle from what looked like 800 yards while there were what looked 10 swat team members 20 yards away was a little ridiculous.

Oh, I've got to add one other small ode to Die Hard - which I'd say has to be intentional as I can't imagine any action director or actor worth his salt not having seen the movie - after Foo shoots his first bad guy, as he's wearing sandals he checks the guys feet only to find them too small. He does later kill a terrorist with a bigger shoe size and takes his boots.

All-in-all, this was a very entertaining movie. I enjoyed watching it. I've seen movies with bigger name stars and bigger budgets that weren't nearly as good. I'll recommend it to my friends. It's a 6.5 and I'll for sure round it up to a 7.
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