Don't say a word
24 December 2023
I'll never tell - in case you have not seen the Michael Douglas movie I am referencing here (with my trademark no pun intended line). And why you ask am I even thinking of that? Because of the (I reckon one of the many?) title of course: Caligula 2: the Untold Story. Also the untrue story apparently! I could not have told or said so myself (would not call myself a history buff in that regard), but the screenwriter himself says so.

He was on the disc talking about the movie and about the political and other stuff in it. And I like the political and social commentary the movie has. Actually if it dug deeper into that - if it poked that instead of ... well other holes it fills (sorry had to) ... there would have been an even better movie.

I do not think that the "hardcore" stuff in this were necessary. I was surprised to see a scene with a horse here that I thought was exclusive to the Black Emmanuelle series of movies. I have not seen that movie were it is supposed to be in and maybe it is explicit in that one (because the version I saw here, did not show the horrible thing you may imagine - and I imagine for the better ... no pun intended).

But let's not get off that stuff ... no way let us get off that stuff. You know what I mean. The acting is ok, though there are so many different versions of this, I doubt any actor knew what was happening at all times. Which I guess makes the performances even better. Again, there is some really good stuff here and I like what the screenwriter had to say in his interview about the movie and about current people in power (or who were in power and try to get back in power)! There is some interesting stuff here.

But you really have to have a .... well hard skin? Is that how one would describe it? You can't be easily offended for sure - there is a reason you need to tell imdb show me all the titles to find this - or use a search engine of course to come ... to this page. Sorry for another pun - I doubt this will ... well arouse you in that way, but far be it from me to tell you what makes your day ... or doesn't.

After the original Caligula the movie had to up the ante ... there are some truly horrific stuff in this. The make up effects are quite good. Again not sure what version you might have watched or want to watch ... but you can check what you missed or buy the blu ray that is out and has almost everything in it - and if not it is in the deleted scenes. "Enjoy" may not be the right word ... experience more like it (or don't like it)
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