Assassin's Creed II (2009 Video Game)
One Hell of a Sequel, But a Flawed One at That
4 January 2024
Assassin's Creed II is an amazing game and huge step up in quality compared to the previous game... in a way. It's a great game on its own merits, but even as an Assassin's Creed game, this is far from the best.

It improves on gameplay in many ways, but also donwgrades a few things. The parkour and traversal is sped up and feels a bit smoother. But the combat takes a step back and just makes this game terribly easy.

The story is a lot better than what came before, when it comes to characters and a dynamic plot. It's longer than the first game, but that length doesn't do any service to the overall story. Again, the story is great on its own merits and it's a phenomenal story on the surface. But the more you replay and analyse it, the more and more cracks appear.

The last four or so hours of the story just feel like filler, from a gameplay and narrative standpoint.

The story also introduces one of the most beloved characters in the franchise, Ezio Auditore. A likeable character indeed and one with depth. But his character arc feels rushed and disjointed, which sucks because the story does emphasize his arc quite a bit. Ezio is likeable and has depth, but at the same time, he doesn't truly feel challenged or bested throughout the story. He's just invincible or a perfect dude. Which took me out the experience quite a bit.

Lastly, the overall presentation. The soundtrack, atmosphere and art direction is some of the best in the series. It's a beautiful and artsy game, for sure. It really does feel like a Renaissance.

Overall, Assassin's Creed II is a great sequel with some downplayed and smoothened gameplay and an ambitious story that out stays its welcome a little too much. It provides a likeable protagonist, but one that doesn't truly feel challenged. The atmosphere and visuals of the game are also really great.
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