The Importance of Community
6 January 2024
Kathy Bates delivers another powerhouse performance in this sweet story about a family who seem perpertually down on their luck. Kathy's temper seems unmatched, and everyone who is unfortunate to be in the path of one of her rages seems to surrender by default. To my recollection I have not seen another actress who is able to channel that much fury and genuinely be terrifying.

I thought this movie was delivered in such a charming way. There is a magic to the family dynamics and the children they picked for the roles are really perfect. Mr. Moon should also be mentioned for his role as the charitable neighbour who blesses the family benevolently with the 3 acres of land and the existing shack that stands on it.

The theme that I took away from this movie is the importance of community, and how even those without anything can receive so much if they are well connected. There are also other themes, of course, like being grateful for the gifts you do have in spite of what appears to be a bleak situation.

I think where this movie shines most is delivering a wholesome, fully fleshed out story with believable relationships, raw emotion and lessons to takeaway. Where it falters is in its simplicity and lack of really dark moments that would take it up a notch.
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