Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Beta Delta Gamma (1961)
Season 7, Episode 6
Too contrived and predictable, but it DOES have Barbara Steele!
11 January 2024
To see Barbara Steele NOT made up to appear evil or hysterical, and to hear her real voice (with a gentle British accent) is the chief fun of this ep. Plus, the presence of a pre-"Dark Shadows" Joel Crothers. Otherwise, the plot is absurdly contrived and, as a consequence, not remotely believable. The twist was obvious from the first five or ten minutes--it's the only way things could have concluded in the context of a morbid, Hitchcock-sadistic twist (though I kept hoping the writer would concoct something more compelling). Granted, these are college kids, and ill-advised actions are bound to happen under the influence of alcohol, but individuals lucid enough to set up the highly complicated situation in question would have been able to gauge the potentially horrific outcome. Not to give things away, but stupidity that epic, and on a group basis, kills any and all believability. And ironic twists don't work if they aren't a matter of reasonable expectations gone ironically astray. This is poor writing, plain and simple.
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