Block-Heads (1938)
Only blackheads like Laurel and Hardy could have done justice to a mad comedy like this
19 January 2024
Block-Heads (2023) : Brief Review -

Only blackheads like Laurel and Hardy could have done justice to a mad comedy like this. Block-Heads may not look like a typical Laurel and Hardy comedy in the beginning as we get into the World War Zone, but after a while, when it turns to the city and that building, things go crazy with L & H as expected. Stan Laurel is seen as a soldier in the front, and for a moment I thought, "Is it going to be a war-zone comedy?" Thank goodness, I was wrong. Yet, that part was insanely funny. The war was over for more than 20 years, and still Laurel is there on his front, shooting any plane he sees. He didn't even know that the war was over and was leaving all alone. Wasn't that funny? Hell yes, it was. Hardy, on the other hand, is living with his wife and forgets his wedding anniversary. The couple plans a date, and Hardy leaves the house for one hour, only to learn about Laurel and get into a new jam. He brings Lauren home, and the house is scattered like cards. The two create chaos inside the house, among neighbours, and in family relations too. That kitchen blast scene was hilarious, as was the entire episode of wives after that. You need some crazy thinking to visualise scenes like them, and then you need blockheads and comedy legends like Laurel and Hardy to make those scenes work. What chaotic entertainers they have been. Hardy was naive and stupid, and Hardy was physically hilarious. Their appearances made them better, and here you can see why. Minna Gombell speaks so rudely to them, and yet you enjoy it. Patricia Ellis is cute throughout the film and then turns aggressive in that last scene. John G. Blystone gets all the old formulas of Laurel and Hardy together and makes a fresh comedy out of it. This one isn't great, but certainly more than good enough.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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