The Floor (2024– )
Room Temperature IQs Welcome
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had a lot of hope for the concept of this show. I love trivia and trivia shows, but this is just a "name that picture" game. They literally put a picture of a writing pen on the screen so someone could answer "pen!"

The timer is inconsistent and will eliminate players who answer correctly and still have 2-3 seconds left on their time.

Speaking of time, The Floor loves to waste it. There is so much dead space between showdowns so we can hear cringe and corny dialogue from anyone with a tongue and a mouth hole.

Rob Lowe has some pretty poor chemistry with the cast and comes off as generally passé. He seems genuinely uncomfortable to be there and often seems to glaze over behind the eyes and say things a human being on autopilot would say.

If you like trivia I'd wait till the whole show is fully out and have your remote on standby so you can zoom through all the filler garbage and knock out all the trivia in about 3 hours.

Edit: All the "unhelpful" user ratings of my review only proves more that this show was made for dullards. Write your own review sticking up for the show if you disagree with me so hard. I'm not afraid of being the only correct person in a room, let alone the internet. Bite me.
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