Passable Occult Tale
1 February 2024
A movie lensed to cash in on the marquee value of H. P. Lovecraft's name, this Indiana curiosity has its strengths. Unfortunately, those don't include competent acting or a coherent script. Filmed in a historic 19th century house, the story concerns a grad student who has moved to said house to avoid an abusive ex. She's writing a thesis on geometry somehow providing the doorway to another dimension, or something. The film kicks into high gear when said student pierces this other realm. Fever dream sequences of Satanists and witches cavorting naked in occult rituals abound, which seem to be the director's strong suit. Murder and mayhem ensue. There's probably some half-baked message about female empowerment in here, but it's lost in the bad acting, wild occult rituals, and gore. Just enough here to hold your interest.
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