Black Sheep Squadron (1976–1978)
Great show until Jeb Stuart Adams showed up
9 February 2024
As an Army brat I loved this show until they introduced Jeb Stuart Adams. When he showed up with hair down to his shoulders the show had jumped the shark. I knew this show was wildly historically inaccurate, but as a teen it was a fun show. Since my dad was in the Army I was taught that all military haircuts had to at least be above the ears and above the collar. Clearly Jeb was put on the show to appeal to teenage girls. What it did, was destroy the illusion that the show took place in the early 40's. No way would he be allowed to have his hair so long that it rested on his shoulders and still serve in the Army. Certainly not in the 40's. Ironic that they placed Jeb on the show to improve ratings and it did the opposite. The show was soon canceled.
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