The sadistic smile of the old woman n the creepy music will surely give Bates a competition.
17 February 2024
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs.

The old lady's face, her sadistic smile n the creepy music stayed with me for a long time.

Revisited recently.

The movie is a bit boring n the effects ain't good.

Apart from the creepy music n the old lady's facial expressions, the movie has oodles of atmosphere.

The isolated hotel, the woods n the constant rain, all add up but in the entire movie we never get to see any mountain.

Now lets talk bah the lol moments.

How conveniently the old woman comes up from the basement without Prissy noticing her inspite of being in front of the mirror.

How she was able to take the body down into the basement all by her self is beyond me.

Later she pulls the tall n heavy built Reverend.

The movie has one very brutal scene, a scythe piercing thru d cheeks.

The big built cop gets beaten by the old lady.

Now some irritating moments.

Lots of titillating scenes but not an ounce of nudity.

They shud have reversed Hitchcock's Psycho by making the mad lady keep the dead body of her daughter.

I feel Keanu Reeves' Knock Knock borrowed the element of two stranger gals n one man on a rainy nite stuff from this movie.

I also feel that John Cusack's Identify too borrowed from this movie.

Complete strangers coming together on a rainy nite in a motel n later getting killed off.
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