A fun and excellent 1930's adventure film!
26 February 2024
This film has a number of negative reviews on this site. In my opinion, those are all way off base! This is an adventure film! That is what it aims for and what it achieves. People who compare it unfavorably to Charlie Chan movies of the 1930's are entirely missing the point! This movie is NOT about mystery, it is about adventure. It is in the spirit of the great fiction adventure pulp magazines of the 1930's, such as Blue Book, Short Stories and Argosy.

The movie is loaded with good action scenes, such as knife fights and even a battle with machine guns. As a big fan of classic adventure stories, I love that stuff! I also enjoyed the scenes in which jungle animals such as monkeys are present. The movie should get credit for the fact that we actually see a lot of monkeys right there on the jungle set with the actors, not just in a pasted-in bit of film, such as we almost always get in such period movies.

About Mr. Moto's disguise used in this movie: People, he is a secret agent! He is not meant to be a "detective" here! I found the main disguise he uses well done and extremely effective.

The movie is teeming with interesting characters who are trying to double-cross each other, which made for a good plot. Indeed, everything about this movie is good and first-rate! So, ignore all the sour comments from those who wouldn't know a good 1930's adventure movie if it kicked them in the you-know-what. This is a movie to enjoy and appreciate.
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