Just another day in the neighbourhood ... of Auschwitz
11 March 2024
I live in a country which was occupied by Hitler for seven years. A concentration/extermination camp was erected in our country, and it remains a mandatory visit for all schoolchildren. I have visited it as well as others. I have visited Jewish cemeteries across Central Europe which are now overgrown and literally falling apart because there is no one left to visit them or provide upkeep. I have been to the Kehlsteinhaus - Hitler's Eagles' Nest - and stood in rooms in which some of the most heinous decisions made by man - to date - were made.

I offer only factual descriptions because if I start writing about my emotional experiences I will never stop.

Jean-Luc Godard famously said that films have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but not necessarily in that order. This ... I don't know what to call it but it certainly is not cinema ... this thing has none of those.

I never though the Holocaust could be so utterly, so meaninglessly trivialised. If that was his goal, Mr Glazer has succeeded.

Just a word about me: I am not Jewish - I am, in fact, an atheist - but I will still wear a yarmulke or somehow cover my head when visiting a Jewish cemetery; I do this out of respect and common decency.
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