director's own story is more interesting than the plot.
16 March 2024
Herb jeffries is blake, who goes looking for joe jackson, who has gone missing. But jackson's sister hasn't seen him lately, either. A silly, early use of ventriloquism by slim, who uses it to his own gain. The story doesn't really make much sense, but it's historical for several reasons. It was written and directed by richard kahn. He was caucasian, but often worked with all black casts, according to wikipedia dot org. This was a short-ish, feature film from hollywood pictures, at only fifty eight minutes. Some scenes filmed at victorville california, in the high desert. A couple songs from "the four tones". Some information on the web site second hand songs dot com, but not a lot of information on them anywhere. The sound quality is pretty bad. Lots of hiss and static, for most of the film. It appears that some of kahn's films didn't survive, so we're lucky to have this one in any condition! It's okay. Interesting more from a historical point of view than the storyline.
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