Being British, I would've preferred sherry
17 March 2024
Another animated Disney classic that delivers everything we expect from such. It's cute, funny, sweet, dramatic, and tense. Incredible animation, with strong use of colour and lighting. Hair and water looks very realistic. Everything moves just right, the way they would in real life, except for where that's the gag. The musical numbers are memorable, catchy and tell us about the characters. They get more mileage out of animals, even pets and we get more exploration of class. Though it is pretty disturbing that the antagonist is a butler, just working hard and expecting to inherit, given that there's no living relatives, before the freaking cats do. Encouraging children to prefer rich and adorable to someone hardworking who's occasionally annoyed with unreasonable demands.

Not gonna lie, I liked this much better when it was the other way around, and 101 Dalmations where the wealthy person who was trying to do in fuzzy little creatures who were in the care of poor people. At least it does feature some positive depictions of the latter, though a lot of them are feline, few are human. There's also the misogynistic depiction of the twin sister geese who when trying to help worsen existing problems something that some people do actually believe is a common trait for women. Probably to distract from how often we men do that. There's also some negative stereotypes, including some pretty intense orientalism.

The various characters are credible including in their interpersonal relationships; the sibling dynamics are especially convincing and relatable for most kids watching. Lotta characters in this seem to dream reality - I guess this was back when a lot of people believed in precognition. I'm quite fond of the dog that loves chasing cars and can tell you everything about it just from the noise that it makes. The elderly people who still enjoy dancing are impossibly charming. This one manages to feel like it isn't terribly episodic despite actually being so. It's just better at connecting it all together in a way that feels logical than most of the others by the same studio from before the renaissance. 7/10.
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