Road House (2024)
A reasonable movie... but for one thing (well...two, actually)
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Conor McGregor.

I don't know if it was his choice, the writer's or the director's, but whoever directed him to play his character as a frothing lunatic clearly overestimated Conor's acting prowess.

I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but if he doesn't win best Razzie for worst supporting actor next year, then the Razzies aren't doing their job right.

Instead of frothing lunatic, we get buffonish clown and he kind of ruins every scene he's in. Up until he appears, the movie moves along decently. After his appearance, everything takes a one-way trip to clown town. Even the other "henchmen" seem to get infected with this cartoonishness and you just can't take the movie seriously any more.

It's a shame, because there are some well done scenes of fight choreography and, as I said, up until McGregor's entrance it seems to build nicely. A bit of a wasted opportunity, I think.

But I mentioned in the tag-line that there were two things that spoiled the movie. The other is the post-credits scene. See, after killing McGregor at the end of the movie (he was stabbed at least six times) someone thought a scene of McGregor stomping out of a hospital apparently unharmed would be a good call. It isn't, because his character is obnoxious and painful to watch and his death at the end came as a blessed relief. I guess there was a contractual obligation NOT to kill McGregor's character, or some such nonsense.

This final scene is made worse, because the dodgy police chief who takes over the crime scene at the end of the movie has a vested interest in McGregor's character not surviving. It would be the only way to control the narrative from his perspective and shape things in such a way that he escapes the consequences of all that happened.

But no... vanity appeasement end-credit scene that does nothing except leave a sour taste in your mouth.

SUMMARY: Decent movie ruined by Conor McGregor. Too clownish, too cartoonish and too much McGregor. Bad end credit scene. Let's just hope there isn't a sequel and if there is, it doesn't have him in it.
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