Not a crown jewel
24 March 2024
'Scooby Doo and Guess Who' "The Crown Jewel of Boxing" (2020)

Opening thoughts: Was rather ehh on "The Crown Jewel of Boxing" on first watch. Loved the guest star (Laila Ali), the setting and the villain, but the mystery was really wanting and the episode just felt forgettable. Am not a fan of boxing, but the Scooby Doo franchise has many good episodes centered around sports ('The Scooby Doo Show's "The Spooky Case of the Grand Prix Race", 'What's New Scooby Doo's' "A Terrifying Round with a Menacing Metallic Clown").

Also have found that some episodes of 'Scooby Doo and Guess Who' were better on rewatch, with the first half of Season 1 having more noticeable strengths than remembered. Others fared worse on rewatch and others didn't change (both good and not so good). "The Crown Jewel of Boxing" is an example of a 'Scooby Doo and Guess Who' episode where my indifferent opinion didn't change really, what was noticed as good is still good and what was not well executed is still not.

Good things: By all means, there are good things. Ali is a zesty and charming guest star with great interaction with the gang. She was also used perfectly, not underused and also not dominating the episode. The other standout is the villain, loved the eerie and unique robot design and it is one of the few villains of the show to pose a real threat.

Did enjoy the boxing setting, with some well choreographed action in the animation. The animation is colourful and atmospheric, the music has groove and atmosphere and the voice acting is mostly fine.

Bad things: Unfortunately, the mystery didn't do much for me. There is very little memorable about it and all ghe plot turns have a very seen it all before feel. None of the intended red herrings surprise. It is also quite bland, with a lack of energy and suspense. It also boasts one of the show's most blatantly obvious perpetrators in an episode with a pretty low suspect vount, and not just a few minutes beforehand but more as soon as they are introduced. Everything about the reveal is predictable.

Would have liked more character moments with the gang, a few cute moments but not many amusing or memorable ones. The boxing setting could have featured more, this is one of those episodes where it could have happened anywhere. Velma is annoying and also uncharacteristically stupid, with some pretty abrasive voice work from Kate Miccucci, especially in regard to the fire alarm. That was dumb to an insulting degree.

Closing thoughts: All in all, watchable but forgettable.

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