29 March 2024
Given my interest in science fiction it's no wonder that I saw this I don't know how many times when I was a kid. This is the first time I've seen it in many decades and it is an antique, no doubt, but it was also way ahead of its time. The title kind of tells you the entire plot unless you're not familiar with Robinson Crusoe and his Man Friday. Some of the special effects are not too bad, but some are terrible and the production design couldn't be more cheap looking if you tried, but hey, this is 60 years old as of this writing and it was probably low budget then. The so called Robinson Crusoe here is played by Paul Mantee and he is actually pretty good, but the film is kind of laughable sometimes. After landing on Mars it takes little time to find oxygen, water, food, shelter and quite a few other improbable things. I don't think kids today would like it at all, so this has pretty much just become a nostalgic piece for older people to view again.
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