Battlefield 1 (2016 Video Game)
Kaiser Chiefs
4 April 2024
I'm pretty late to this party, I accept, but the next game alphabetically on my Playstation Plus account was "Battlefield 1" and it's been a while since I engaged in a proper online shooter, so I was ready for this. I should say, I only played the base game, not any of the various expansions that came afterwards but even 8 years later, I found the servers still populated and I enjoyed my time quite a bit.

Set during the various theatres of war during World War 1, "Battlefield 1" sees players select one of four categories of character and engage in large scale wars for territory. The solders are customisable (within the four categories) in terms of which weapons, perks and skills they have and a good game requires a mix of the playing strategies to succeed. In addition, there is a single player mode, which sees you play as five unrelated characters, again in the varied locations that WW1 took place in completing a story.

Comfortably the best - and therefore with the biggest numbers still playing it is Operations mode. This sees a large battlefield split into smaller fields of war, each of which have a number of key locations. The attacking team has a limited number of lives to take those locations at the same time, and thus clear a section and move on to the next. Sometimes, depending on the campaign, at the completion of that the whole game may move to another nearby location and continue on. The attacking team will have three attempts to win, and on their second and third attempts will be supported by a "behemoth" a Zeppelin or armoured train to help the assault. As well as all that, the game regularly allows both sides use of specialist characters and vehicles to help with the attack or the defence.

I loved playing this mode, I am the sort of (evil) person that loves to play as a sniper, hiding at the back of the map trying to pick people off, but I did play as all four-character types, to level them up. A headshot snipe, in this game, is perhaps the single most satisfying split second, I've ever experienced as a gamer, the bell noise and the slight judder is perfect. The game looks and sounds great, occasionally, as with any game of this sort of size and complexity, it glitches but it's not overly common. The single player mode was fun too, whilst not particularly difficult it did provide a complete experience of the game, with only the stealth sections proving frustrating. There are lots of historical context provided to the battles and what they meant, with regards the overall war and, despite the bombastic nature, the game, particularly in the single player story, goes to great lengths to acknowledge that "war is hell".

I would say, there wasn't an awful lot to that base game though. The single player mode could probably be completed in a couple of settings, though there are challenges and collectables to locate within that which would extend it. There are probably six locations where Operations take place and you will see and get to know them all pretty quickly. There were four DLC packs that followed the release though, if you want to keep going.

I really liked my time with "Battlefield 1" and will look back on it fondly in years to come.
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