The Crow (1994)
This hold incredibly well !
14 April 2024
About 15 years ago my cousin introduced me to some Brandon Lee movies, Rapid Fire and Showdown in Little Tokyo. The later became one of my favorite martial arts movie. For some weird reason tough i never saw The Crow yet always wanted to. Maybe its because i knew it was not a Martial Arts movie. Anyway recently the movie came in the spotlight again due to the remake and i saw Snarky Jay on Youtube mention its one of her favorite movie so i had to finally watch it.

Grabbed a few beers and started it as it was dark outside and well... the movie still hold up very well. Yes there is a few stereotypes of the 90s like those insane gang members you would often see in movies, wich i have no idea if real life was really like this as i was a kid in the late 80s and early 90s. Sometimes it feel a bit over the top, but its something im so used from that era that it pass by smoothly for me.

The story is well made, Brandon Lee is excellent as the main character. The music and visuals are a mix of gothic and grunge rock, giving a solid overall tone. Movie has its fair share of violence and touchy subject but it never goes into over the top graphics for shocking values.

Overall i had a very good time and im pretty happy having finally see it and being able to compare with the remake when it comes out.
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