Phony Outrageville & The Cult of Sanctimonious Documentarians
14 April 2024
Here's a not-fun drinking game: take a shot every time an interviewee in this documentary misuses the word "like." You will, like, literally die of alcohol poisoning within, like, the first seven minutes.

This is an attempted fashion documentary hitpiece like the recent one about Abercrombie&Fitch; but the approach is so scattershot that it's difficult to discern whether the filmmakers are denigrating the particular brand, the entire fashion industry, consumerism in general or demographically-targeted marketing.

Most of the people featured are vapid dingbats. There's also a wanna-be journalist trying to resurrect her nothingburger takedown of a minor retailer. It's difficult to accept anything this production alleges when it keeps trotting out sub-80-IQ goofballs to make its points.
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