Fallout (2024– )
I've never seen a bigger echo chamber for a mediocre show
15 April 2024
I just finished this series. The writers took the goofiness of the games and copy/pasted it over into the show, expecting game goofiness during horrific events to translate well over to show goofiness during horrific events. This is a similar flavor as the "horror comedy," which I think is an abomination, save a few rare examples. Like during a massacre, one of the vault leaders is more concerned about the caterers bringing out the jello too early. I mean, he's literally being chased by a machete wielding maniac when he says this. That's the kind of mood-killing cringe that peppers through this show. You know that feeling where you get invested in a mediocre show? And you know there's better things to watch out there, but you aren't invested in those; you're invested in this mediocre show, and you know it's not going to get better, but too bad, you're invested. That's what watching Fallout felt like.

The backgrounds, effects, and general world building is pretty cool, and definitely captures that Fallout vibe. I give it a 7 because of the nostalgia, but if I hadn't played the games then I imagine this would be a 5 or 6.
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