Review of Migration

Migration (I) (2023)
Non-migrating Mallards decide to go to Jamaica for the winter.
16 April 2024
At first glance this animated movie, not even 80 minutes long, is just mindless entertainment. With very good, very colorful animation. However it has a message, and almost the same message in the 1998 movie "Pleasantville." "Is it better to live a safe and predictable life, or is it better to takes risks and be uncertain of the outcome?"

We meet a family of Mallard Ducks, happy in their little pond. One fateful day a group of strangers, a different species of duck, stop for a rest in their little pond. It turns out they were headed to Jamaica for their winter migration. They were surprised to learn the Mallards, at least this family of Mallards, did not migrate. Papa Mallard was content to keep his family in the safety of their friendly little pond. They would tell the kids stories of young ducks that ventured out and were eaten.

However Papa Duck relents, the group of five take off for Jamaica, but having never been there got lost easy. One experience was an unscheduled stop in Manhattan. Another was a rescue. Then their luck changes when they meet a brightly-colored originally from Jamaica.

I don't think it tries to be profound but simply fun entertainment, and it does that. On DVD from my public library, my wife skipped, not in the mood for an animated movie.

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