Reminded why I hate Rom coms
28 April 2024
I haven't seen a good romcom in years and it still stands after seeing this trash heap. While the two stars are somewhat engaging; they can't do anything with the horrendous script. Most of the costars act like buffoons and most of the situations are just silly. Even worse there's absolutely no humor. I can't even fathom how empty some of the reviewers lives are if they found this even modestly funny. That some said they couldn't stop laughing is one of the most unbelievable statements in the history of unbelievable statements. I remember laughing just one time the entire movie. It gets a couple of extra stars for the scenery and the two stars not acting like complete fools despite what's thrown at them. Maybe one day they'll make a likable romcom again. Maybe not. You can do worse than this but not by much. Watch only if you're bored.
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