coming of age teenage socio-drama for the top cinephile's collection
4 May 2024
Ask a middle-age psychologist what was '90s like? She'd say they still dwell within me.

Ask Bruce Willis today, why everyone hated The Color Of The Night, but you loved yourself as a psychologist attempting to save a suicidal teen from killing herself, he'd say they still dwell within me.

Ask a middle-age Michael Jackson breakdance fan what was '90s like? He'd say they still dwell within me.

Asked Elodie Bouchez what was '90s like? She said ''LE PLUS BEL AGE" (it was the most beautiful age) to live, to love, to have sex, to suicide

What would Zalman King say?

What would Serge Gainsbourg say?

Exactly 'tis the same:

One can't understand the age of '90s the period from 1989 'til 2000 looking onto it from the year 1988, nor from the year 2002, further to the past and to the future makes the understanding even harder and unostentatious.

For a screenwriter, thriving to make producers option his script of a movie retelling the '90s, Le Plus Bel Age with its socio-drama style, adds a layer an idea.

Great opening with a mystery in this film, unique fast-paced photography, and eroticism action is in the style of Zalman King... Meaning very very very rare, A gem, A coming of age teenage socio-drama movie for the top cinephile's collection.
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