The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
The Book Of The Mandalorian
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Book of Boba Fett isn't without its issues, but it ends up being an entertaining addition to the Star Wars saga.

I will admit I found the first few episodes to be quite slow, something that I feel is very rare from Star Wars projects. Its plot isn't coherent, as it crosses between flashbacks and the present day inconsistently, which can get a bit confusing. The story doesn't start off too exciting either. Boba Fett walking around Mos Espa is not what we expected from the fan favourite character we know to be a bad-ass bounty hunter.

It does however have some great action scenes, much like The Mandalorian, and it answers some questions fans have been asking since that show. It also expands the Star Wars lore in ways that fans should come to appreciate.

It also serves as a crossover with The Mandalorian. While I did enjoy his arrival in the back half of the season, it seemed odd that a show that was supposed to be about Boba Fett, ended up side-lining him for a couple episodes. There is nothing wrong with The Mandalorian showing up in Boba Fett's show, but instead it acts as a continuation of The Mandalorian.

I will admit as the series went on, it got much better. The "Mandalorian" episodes were a lot of fun, and while they did not belong in this show, they were great episodes nonetheless. And the finale was exciting, action-packed and had a few nice surprises.

I still enjoy watching this show, but I have to have the mindset that this is The Mandalorian season 2.5, because if you go in expecting a kick-ass Boba Fett bounty hunting series, you will be disappointed.

Overall, while it admittedly is weaker than The Mandalorian, it still should provide the fans with enough enjoyment that they've come to expect from the franchise, although it may leave some more casual viewers scratching their heads.

7/10 - Good

I hope if there is a season 2, it gives us the badass, bounty hunting Boba Fett that fans have loved over the years. And please let Boba Fett have the whole season to himself!
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