Mystery Liner (1934) Poster


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Hide and Seek - Monogram Style
howdymax12 October 2008
This is the kind of low rent movie Monogram was justifiably famous for when they weren't making no budget westerns. Secret agents, secret passages, etc.

This one has to do with a government project to control ships at sea with a radio control device called S505. In order to test the device, the scientific team installs it in a cruise ship with the cooperation of the captain and his staff. This was 1934 and we didn't actually have an enemy, so Monogram created a "foreign power" as the antagonist, and installed a couple of agents aboard the ship to steal the main component of the device and sabotage the experiment. We spend the rest of the picture trying to figure out who is who - and there really are secret passages.

Monogram, as was their practice, cast this picture with fading stars and familiar character actors. This effort stars Noah Beery although he only shows up at the beginning and end of the show. The real "star" is Edwin Maxwell, supported by George Cleveland and Gustav Von Seyffertitz. You get the picture.

I won't go any further into the story. It is a pretty formulaic spy yarn you could find on any double bill in any cheap theater back in the old days. But there are those of us that really love them. In fact, although I live in New Mexico, I recently made a pilgrimage to Hollywood. Not for the usual reasons, but to track back the homes and locations of my favorite old time actors and the locations of all those Poverty Row studios of the day. I actually found the original office address of Monogram at the wrong end of Sunset Blvd. I'm afraid most devotees would be disappointed to find that the actual address is occupied by a take out chicken joint. The sound stages across the street are now occupied by what appears to be a television station. I didn't care. I was standing on hallowed ground. I could imagine "The Duke", (whose ranch location I also visited in Encino) driving through the gate in his Chrysler Phantom.

The movie has a predictable ending, but the trip there is still entertaining. I have a brother who probably wouldn't appreciate it because it doesn't have a message, it doesn't have a basso thematic orchestration with all the bells and gongs, and it doesn't excite the viewer with sweeping visual images. But for the rest of us peasants, it rounds out the weekend just like grilled bratwurst, potato salad and beer.
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rather mediocre mystery, but there are few loose ends...
AlsExGal6 September 2018
And that is saying something for these mysteries from the 30s that usually have plots that are so muddled that you are constantly having to rewind to figure out what is going on.

Though Mr. Beery is at the top of the cast list, his onscreen time is minimal - opening and closing scenes. The rest of the cast split the screen time about evenly.

A ship's Captain is relieved of duty for medical reasons. His first officer takes over as Captain while the ship carries out an experiment in remote control by use of special equipment previously installed. A remote land base will take over when in open waters.

Though it appears as if this ship is a passenger cruise liner with many people boarding and waving off with streamers as it leaves dock, it is depicted as a cargo ship as it exits the harbor. The story brings only a few passengers to our attention as it unravels. Mostly it's the Captain(s), crew, and an investigator - along with some short scenes of an unnamed enemy group attempting to sieze control of the ship by means of their own remote system.

There are no notable performances or personalities just an espionage/murder-mystery which reveals itself nicely leaving no loose ends.

The most interesting scenes were those of the experimental equipment. They made noises like those in Henry Frankenstein's laboratory - vaguely resembled them visually. Popping, crackling, buzzing. Also, the iPad-like message transmitter, by which you write your message in handwriting script using a stylus - it appears nearly instantly onscreen at the receiver's end.
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Pretty confusing
kidboots7 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this film a few times. I keep thinking "was it as bad as I remember" and the answer is yes!!! Based on an Edgar Wallace novel "The Ghost of John Holling" the novelty in this film is seeing actors play against type. Noah Beery who was one of the silent cinema's great villains, plays the gruff but kindly Captain Holling and Gustav Von Seyffertitz, who usually played leering foreign villains, was the "red herring" in "Mystery Liner".

As the film starts Captain Holling (Noah Beery) falls strangely ill and is replaced in command by First Mate Downey (Boothe Howard). The ship is also carrying the S 505, an invention created by Grimson (Ralph Lewis) to control ocean liners from a land base. Grimson is found strangled by a rope tied in a similar knot to the one Downey had just shown the waiter (George Nash). Second Officer Cliff Rogers (Cornelius Keefe) is jealous of the attention that Downey is paying Lila (beautiful Astrid Allwyn, billed as Allyn in this film).

Among the passengers are Granny (Zeffie Tilbury) an elderly lady on the voyage for her health, who just wants a bit of fun, her wet blanket nephew, Edgar (Jerry Stewart, in his only role of any merit), the mysterious Von Kessling (Gustav Von Seyffertitz) and the pompous Major Pope (Edwin Maxwell). News travels around the ship that the waiter has seen Captain Holling on board. Downey gets agitated and tries to send a message but is killed in the same way as Grimson before he can finish it. Rogers is found beside the body and things don't look too good for him. Everyone is under suspicion, Lila is accused of planting a book in his cabin to incriminate Downey, von Kessling wants to leave the cabin urgently - the "spy" who is seen in silhouette relaying messages, has the same upturned moustache as von Kessling.

The invention is put to the test as the ship is put on automatic control. Suddenly the lights go out, Holling is discovered, the ship goes out of control and foreign accents are heard as the S 505 signals are scrambled.

Astrid Allwyn was quite a versatile actress. She mainly played chilly "other woman" roles, even turning up as a femme fatale in a Shirley Temple movie "Dimples" (1936) but here she was the menaced heroine. George "Gabby" Hayes played a ship's watchman here, before he went out West.
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Fairly Interesting Story Idea Partially Makes Up For Slow Pace & Other Weaknesses
Snow Leopard24 October 2005
The story in this B-feature has some fairly interesting developments, and it makes the movie just worth watching despite a very slow pace and some other weaknesses. The acting performances vary in quality from solid to weak, and the production is adequate most of the time. So in most respects it is a typical B-movie of its era, but the story offered some possibilities that might have furnished the basis of a better movie.

The story starts with a liner preparing to test a Professor's device for using remote-control to guide the ship from a laboratory. The experiment is complicated by the captain's nervous breakdown and by an on-board murder. The ship also contains numerous passengers, some with various eccentricities and others with some suspicious characteristics. While the setup could have been taken in a number of different directions, the way it actually develops is probably as good as any.

One of the main things that keeps it from being better is that too many of the key characters never take form, remaining uninteresting and one-dimensional. Likewise, the dialogue never approaches the interest level of the story. And too often, things move very slowly, making it seem longer than the running time.

On the plus side, it maintains the mystery level rather well, and it does hold your attention. The atmosphere is not always maintained, but for much of the time the shipboard setting is used fairly well. More than anything, the remote-control idea is used in a way that was rather creative for its era, and it almost provides enough interest in itself to make you keep watching.
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A Real Sleeper Ship
Mike-76424 February 2004
Professor Grimson invents a device which can power a liner by remote control. Obviously enemy spies would love to get ahold of the device and send an agent to mix among the various vacationers unnoticed while he or she sabotaged the ship. The inventor is strangled and the crew must wait until the steering experiment is proven a success before the saboteur strikes, and what has this all to do with the ship's captain, Holling taking ill right before the ship is to depart. Very shoddy script and direction send this one to Davy Jones locker. The first 45 minutes is describing parts of the mechanism, then introducing the passengers and watching them mingle with each other before anything remotely interesting happens at the end, which last about three minutes, and seems so out of place with the pace of the earlier footage. Not good, even by Monogram standards. Zeffie Tilbury is annoying as the old lady looking for romance. Only plus for this film for me, was that, as always, Astrid Allwyn looked cute as a button. Edwin Maxwell and Gustav Von Seyffertitz lend a sinister presence. Rating- 3.
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Huh...what did I just watch?
Antoine_Bugleboy2 December 2006
One reviewer here made some sardonic remarks and referred to this being a "Grade C" Hollywood product. If thats so, I'd hate to see what "Grade D" looks like. Normally, I can find simple enjoyments in even the lowest budgeted films of this period. I like many of the early 'Thirties films from the cheapo studios, but this is one I have no idea who it could appeal to. Forget the premise, it's all nonsense.

Only if your curious what Zeffie "Mama Joad" Tilbury was up to at this early stage in her career, would I excuse you for watching this . Old stalwart of the silent era, Gustav von Seyffertitz, is the only one of the main characters, who doesn't completely make a fool of himself.

Most of the performers look like they're acting through a thick gelatinous liquid, with such painful back and forth gestures. It looks like the director was either shouting at them in several different languages, or had them drugged.

By the 52nd minute (it felt like 92nd) Mrs. Tilbury flops in her cabin with the exhausted remark: "I've never been so bored in my life". The films one irrefutable, unintentional laugh.
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"You stuck your nose in the wrong place once too often..."
classicsoncall17 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a curious little programmer from Monogram Pictures, probably the best known of the Poverty Row studios of the 1930's. The basis of the story has to do with the testing of a newly invented device in the form of a glass tube operated by radio that was designed to control a passenger ship. The gizmo is classified as 'S-505' and if successful, might have significant application during wartime. This all leads to murder and mayhem as a band of enemy agents in a remote location attempts to wrest control of the device. The odd thing is that the affiliation of the enemy agents is never identified, even with one of their own men on board. The other thing that had me scratching my head was why the ship's original Captain Holling (Noah Beery) was pronounced dead after being relieved of command, only to turn up later skulking along the ship's rooms and corridors in dark glasses, scarf and hat. It was stated that he was poisoned, and there was some mention made of an exotic West Indies toxin that might have been responsible, but that went nowhere.

There's not a lot to recommend this one, even if you're a fan of unknown flicks from the turn of the talkie era. Though Noah Beery is top billed, he has very little screen time, and even though I saw George Hayes' name in the opening credits, I was hard pressed to identify him sans beard and that trademark Western film voice. She tried, but Zeffie Tilbury was a bit tedious as lovelorn Granny Plimpton. So what I think you'll find to be the picture's most redeeming quality is the presence of pretty Astrid Allwyn as ship's nurse Lila Kane.

It's too bad, because the picture had the makings of a neat little mystery, but it got all jumbled up in the delivery. Monogram might have done better to put a Chinese detective in charge, like 20th Century Fox did for 1937's "Charlie Chan at the Olympics". That one took place aboard ship for a good portion of it's story, and also had to do with a newly developed radio control device for aircraft. If nothing else, Chan could have explained everything that happened in the story in a way that would have made some sense.
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Dated melodrama
xredgarnetx22 January 2007
This Edgar Wallace murder mystery takes place aboard an ocean liner being piloted automatically, as everyone and his grandmother is trying to get hold of the tube that pilots the ship without benefit of human hands. Ed Maxwell, veteran of the early silver seen, has a decent role as an investigating private eye. He may remind some of Nero Wolfe. Zeffie Tilbury, as Granny Plympton, a familiar face from Little Rascals shorts, was the most annoying character. No mystery here, and dreadfully acted and sound-produced to boot. It feels like a play transferred directly to Hollywood. Some of the performers would appear to have come right from the NY stage.
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Forced and Silly
Hitchcoc3 November 2006
This is a bit of a curiosity. I don't know much about Noah Beery, but his name on the top of the bill is interesting. He barely appears in the movie. It's about some secret navigation device for piloting ships by remote control. There is an enemy force that is after it and its inventor. On board an ocean liner, where it is being tested, the captain (Beery) becomes deranged and is replaced. Soon a couple murders take place and the captain is seen by people (though he quickly disappears). There is some device where people communicate using a machine where you write in cursive hand. Of course, radio has been invented. This is so silly. There's also a subplot with he romantic aspirations of an old woman who is utterly insufferable. Her being there contributes nothing but the screeching of nails on a blackboard. There is really no plot and in the end I'm not sure anything was resolved. Not really much of a movie.
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A radio-controlled steamer - Edgar Wallace, Monogram style!
binapiraeus28 March 2014
After only three years of experience in movie production, Monogram Pictures had already found JUST the recipe that makes up a REAL good B mystery: an inventive, suspenseful Edgar Wallace story, a veteran actor of many a great silent movie, Noah Beery, as the star, and a VERY capable cast of all ages, from a pretty young nurse to an elderly lady who wants to enjoy herself without the 'protection' of her boring grandson, to make the movie REALLY lively! And as setting for this most unusual and entertaining murder/spy story - a steamer used for the first experiment with radio control over ships...

In just a little over an hour, we see about EVERYTHING, from mysterious strangulations to enemy spies' attempts to steal the control device to that good, old-fashioned, fancy 'scientist's equipment' of the 30s, with sparkling tubes and light bulbs that add a 'Buck Rogers'-like touch of science fiction to this lovely little thriller - a FEAST for fans of good old-fashioned 30s' mysteries; and surely at least a nice bit of 'Poverty Row' entertainment for everyone else!
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Intriguing story idea lacks punch, leaves audience as confused as passengers
csteidler5 March 2012
On board this ritzy passenger liner, the ship's control room communicates with a roomful of scientists on shore using a cool two-way Etch-a-sketch style device: You scrawl out your message on a picture screen, and at the other end they see your handwritten message appear just as you wrote it. Pretty neat! Unfortunately, that's probably the most interesting thing about the whole movie.

This B suspense picture features a broad array of standard characters—embattled veteran captain with mysterious health issues (Noah Beery), all-business doctor, pretty blond nurse (Astrid Allwyn) who is being pursued by a rival pair of ship's officers, a firecracker of an old lady who wants to party, a tall and thin mystery traveler (Gustav von Seyffertitz), and a military man (Edwin Maxwell) who quickly appoints himself chief investigator when mysterious events kick in.

The mystery centers around a high tech invention called S-505, which is apparently a tube that will enable a ship to be steered and controlled remotely. The invention is ready to be tested—but look out! because a sinister foreign power is very interested in the device and may have spies aboard.

It all adds up to intrigue, deceit, and even murder….but alas, the actors and plot are sadly defeated by slow pacing, obvious dialog, and just a generally muddled presentation of the whole story. Too bad, because there is a nifty story buried in there somewhere.
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One of Monogram's Best!
JohnHowardReid9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As the title suggests, this adventure is set on an ocean liner and manages to package three or four stories together until its conclusion 64 minutes later. The main story, however, is not the one in which Noah Beery appears. Indeed, despite his star billing, his role is very small. He disappears for over 50 minutes. Zeffie Tilbury has by far the largest role, closely followed by radiantly lovely Astrid Allwyn (not Astrid Allyn, as the poster proclaims) and Gustav von Seyffertitz (who cleverly subdues his usual vocal and body language so that his revelation of his identity at the climax comes as an agreeable surprise). Cornelius Keefe is appropriately surly as the second officer. Oddly, he receives third billing after Beery and "Allyn" on Monogram's poster, even though his role is small and relatively unimportant. But that's nothing compared to the billing given Ralph Lewis. He's fourth in line on the poster, but in lettering larger than anyone else's (including Beery's). Lewis plays a character called Grimson and frankly I don't remember him at all! However, Gustav von Seyffertitz, who collars the fifth position on the poster, has a large role which he cleverly plays at half his usual volume so that his climactic revelation of his identity has a fair amount of impact. Indeed the revelation of the true villain came as a genuine surprise. And it's always a pleasure to see radiant Astrid Allwyn and bombastic Edwin Maxwell in major roles. Also in the cast, Gabby Hayes has a small, straight bit as a watchman, whilst George Cleveland almost walks away with the film as a suspicious steward. Production values, including Hickson's sets and props, plus Archie Stout's atmospheric camera-work, also impress. Available on an excellent Grapevine DVD on a double bill with Night Alarm.
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A pleasant night for the undead
sol-kay18 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** Pretty good whodunit about murder and intrigue on the high seas involving the luxury passenger cruse ship Guthrie. As things turned out The Guthrie was to be tested with this new gizmo called S-505 that would have it travel through the wide and stormy Atlantic Ocean without the use of a captain & crew. This all would be done by a strong radio frequency directed at the ship from a land base radio transmitter. This would also do wonders for the US Navy in a future war with it having its war ships controlled by radio waves, instead of sailors, who are immune to enemy naval gunfire and air strikes!

The first thing that goes wrong with this whole S-505 operation is that the ship's Captain John Holling, Noah Beery, goes batty losing his mind and with that the command of the Guthrie! Sent to a local sanitarium to chill out it's later found out that Capt. Holling was slipped this strong drug when he was in the Orient that caused hallucinations and paralyzed his brain; Much like LSD would have done if it were around back then in 1934. When Holling is replaced by 1st Mate Downey, Boothe Howard, as captain things get even worse when the inventor of S-505 Prof. Grimson, Ralph Lewis, ends up with his neck broken, by having a hang rope tied around it, by an unknown assailant leaving him on life support and unable to conduct his S-505 experiment.

Still determined to go on with it, the S-505 experiment, Prof. Grimson decides to conduct the S-505 experiment from his hospital bed even if it ends up killing him! It's then that someone on board, the Guthrie, pops up and murders the ship's Capt. Downey who's suspected to be the deranged and escaped, from the sanitarium, former ship's Captain Holling. With private criminal investigate Major Pope, Edwin Maxwell, on the case it becomes evident that Holling is taking out his frustration in being dumped as the ship's captain on everyone aboard the Guthrie! Even if they had nothing to do with him being sacked.

***SPOILERS*** The truth of the matter is that Holling is on to who really is behind all these events to sabotage the S-505 experiment and is also on to who the person, or persons, are working for. A foreign government, probably Germany, who want's the S-505 remote control gizmo all for itself to use against a future, very probably the USA, enemy if another world war is to break out! It's now up to Holling to stop them from carrying out their sinister plan! Even at the cost of his own life!
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The only mystery is how one stays awake
dbborroughs26 June 2004
The mental break down of a ships captain happens about the same time a means of remotely steering ships comes into existence. The Captain is locked away and escapes just as a murder is committed.

And the audience snores.

This is one of the dullest movies I've ever seen. Its a sure cure for insomnia even for small yappie dogs on triple espresso.

This is just boring...really really boring and should I go to hell it will be a movie theater I can't leave that plays this movie for eternity.

Amazingly I find I can't give it a one out of ten because its not bad, its just dull, which somehow isn't the same thing. I don't know why, but I gave it a three, probably because its such a good sleep aid that it does serve some cosmic purpose.

Even so I wouldn't want to ever see it again.
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Sleep Liner
Michael_Elliott25 November 2006

* 1/2 (out of four)

The ship is sailing the ocean when bodies begin to pile up. Is it a stowaway? The captain? Another member? The biggest mystery is trying to figure a way to stay awake. Typical overly talkative Monogram film that tries to be mysterious but forgets to be interesting. Monogram was always smart by releasing films very short (usually under 65 minutes) but this film really doesn't have a thing going for it. By the time the movie is over it feels like a grade D film.

Available on DVD through various PD companies.
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No beer allowed for this one
Cicerosaurus11 February 2006
It is totally incomprehensible at best. The wooden acting, the cardboard figures along with the poor setting make this a movie to be viewed only if you revel in C grade movies (as I do). There is a semblance of a plot- I have seen this 70 years after it was made and the technology aspect can be discounted. The rubbish backgrounds can't. It is difficult enough following the plot when due to the black and white colour, and similarity of dress, the characters tend to blend. When you combine that with blackouts and seemingly Nazi characters it becomes really unbalanced.

I can't see one actor in the film who would look back on this and be happy.
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Amusing apparatus
dhkessel22 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting to see what passed for high-tech in 1934. Lots of sparks flying and big vacuum tubes. Even a sort-of TV for sending messages. The model ships used suggest that this was a low budget outfit. At first, I thought that Noah Beery Jr was in the cast, but this was Noah Beery himself. Unfortunately, he didn't have much of a role. There are also some amusing insights into shipboard travel in the 1930s. What I do find odd is that the owners of this ship are trying out for the first time a radio-controlled system and pick a ship with real passengers, not volunteers. It is also not entirely clear who the 'bad guys' are supposed to be. Considering that this was 1934, they appear to be generic Europeans, up to no good. Maybe their plan was to kidnap the ship and turn it into a floating casino?
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Remote control device for passenger liner is what the crooks want
bkoganbing11 January 2012
Mystery Liner has to be one of the very few times that the senior Noah Beery ever headed a cast list. He had to go to Monogram Pictures to have this happen and the results are somewhat indifferent.

Edgar Wallace novels are usually sources of material for film, but in this case they didn't really get down to business until the final third of the film. Someone has invented a remote control steering device for ships and so while this is peacetime, it's decided to test it on a passenger liner. But a mysterious foreign power wants to get this device and the plan is to cut in with their own radio waves and steal the ship. They've fatally injured the inventor Ralph Lewis and a few more people will die before all is revealed.

Beery plays the ship's captain who is stripped of command due to a nervous breakdown and forced into a rest home. But he doesn't show up there and there are sitings of him on the voyage.

A collection of interesting character actors besides Beery make Mystery Liner somewhat enjoyable. Here's a hint though, don't be fooled by some of the obvious casting in deciding who are the good and the bad folks here.
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They should call it "The Garbage Scow"
rooster_davis10 May 2009
The only reason I will give this move a 2 instead of a 1 is because it was done in English. And I'm not sure if I should give them credit for that, or be forgiving them for the fact.

This is a simply awful movie. The story is really stupid. The characters are annoying, each and every one. The sets are cheap and cheesy. In that way, this movie resembles Plan 9 From Outer Space - cheap, cheesy sets. A typical grade school could duplicate this movie on an auditorium stage.

It's boring. The only time it's not boring is when it's annoying. There is barely a hint that this story even takes place on a ship - I was hoping maybe for occasional period stock footage from an ocean liner but of course that would have pushed them over their $100 budget.

If this movie comes on, find something more interesting to do. Paint your trash cans or learn to play tissue paper and comb. This movie is flat out awful. Do I make myself clear?
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Although it has some intriguing ideas, the film is pretty lame...
planktonrules21 February 2013
If you are a film addict like myself, then by all means watch "Mystery Liner"--otherwise do yourself a favor and skip this limp little film. There just isn't a lot to like about the movie and it features some amazingly bad acting.

The plot for this film is in some ways quite interesting and it's sort of like sci-fi. Although it's apparently set around 1934, the scientific experiments in the film are rather far-fetched. A scientist has created a radio-controlled device for ships. Such things are possible today, but back then it was pretty amazing stuff--as was the odd writing device that you just need to see to believe. Well, 'the enemy' wants the vacuum tube used to control the ship and they will stop at nothing to get it--even if it means killing. Once bad things start happening, the film becomes very much like a B-mystery film and I could have easily seen Charlie Chan in such a film. HOWEVER, unlike a Chan film, this one just isn't that entertaining--mostly because the dialog and acting (especially the acting) is often pretty crappy. The comic relief (common in such a film) isn't all that funny, either. Overall, a strange film because of its scientific angles--otherwise, pretty limp and uninteresting.
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Cute Mystery Movie
Rainey-Dawn3 September 2016
Something about this one I like - it's refreshing and entertaining for me. The story is pretty good it's about a radio controlled ship and it's strange passengers but someone on-board is a murderer - but who? I liked Granny best - she has her eyes out for a man! She sure likes flirt with the guys and had me laughing at her ways. She turned out to be the highlight for me and when the film started I thought she was going to irritate me but it was quite the opposite.

The rest of the cast is great as well, most of them are likable and enjoyable to watch in the film.

Overall a good afternoon film with a mystery to try to solve and a few giggles along the way.

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Have you ever seen a ship GI downhill?
mark.waltz18 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
O.K., so the hill isn't anything like Niagra Falls would be without water churning down them, but it is a pretty steep one. What starts off as just adequate but ends up like the bottom of the falls: completely rocky. The mystery is the belief that an insane former captain of a cruise line (Noah Beeey) is killing off remainders of the people who plotted his commitment after he had an alleged nervous breakdown. It only jumps to life when feisty old flirt Zeffie Tilbury shows up on screen. At times, there is absolutely no sound but the crackling if the screen which in complete silence sounds like I imagine a dog whistle would. If it wasn't for the funny, nosy antics of Tillbury, I'd rank this as a bomb with its claustrophobic presentation and creaky presentation.
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Quickie based on British pulp fiction.
michaelRokeefe15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Poverty Row/Monogram presents this bit of mystery and science fiction based on a story by Edgar Wallace, a British pulp writer. John Hollings(Noah Berry)is the captain of an ocean liner that is equipped with a scientific gizmo that is able to steer the ship by remote control. When Capt. Holling becomes too ill to continue his duties, he is replaced by First Mate Downey(Boothe Howard). Did the captain suffer a nervous breakdown or was he possibly poisoned? Typical low-budget project. A 62 minute escape that also features: Edwin Maxwell, Astrid Allwyn, Cornelius Keefe, Ralph Lewis and Gustav von Seyffretitz. A clean-shaven "Gabby" Hayes plays the ship's night watchman.
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Ship Ahoy!
StrictlyConfidential19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Mystery Liner" was originally released back in 1934.

Anyway - As the story goes - Captain Holling is stripped of his command after a nervous breakdown. When Captain Downey assumes command, he discovers that the ship will be navigated by a remote-control device invented by Professor Grimson. A gang of villains has figured out how to intercept signals from the device and assume control of the ship. Murder, mayhem and suspicion ensue.
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Slack Mystery
dougdoepke28 February 2017
Talky mystery that never really gels. Events concern an ocean liner being tested for remote control. Since a successful test will revolutionize warships and naval warfare, the test is being done in secret. Nonetheless, an unnamed foreign power gets wind of the experiment and gets an undercover agent aboard. But which of the many characters is it, and how many will be murdered before the end.

Cheapo Monogram is constrained to film inside cramped ship-board sets, though oddly we never see the supposed water below. And since there's little action or pacing, the narrative fails to crystallize plot potential. Events tend to meander rather than build. I suspect the problem lies with trying to cram too much of the Wallace novel onto the screen On the other hand, the reveal did surprise me, while showing a good twist on the usual. Too bad that imagination didn't extend to directing and lighting.

Though Beery headlines--probably for marquee reasons--he has little screen time. Instead, rotund Maxwell carries the plot as a self-appointed sleuth. I guess the aged Tilbury is supposed to be comedy relief, likely because lanky Jerry Stewart proves so inept. Too bad her over-acting hits more of a sour note than a funny bone.

Anyway, I didn't dislike the results as much as many others. Still, it's an easily forgettable entry among that decade's slew of cheap whodunnits.
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