Yodelin' Kid from Pine Ridge (1937) Poster

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"Heap Big Show To-Morrow"
classicsoncall22 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For an early Gene Autry Western, this one has a few interesting hooks to keep you entertained, chief among them the location in that far off western state of Georgia. I imagine it was necessary to pull off the premise of the title, since the story dealt with a community of 'turpentiners' who made their living off the by-products of the local pine forests. It set up a type of range feud between encroaching ranchers who needed more grazing space for their cattle, pitting them against the turpentiners, who relied on the forest for their livelihood. Autry gets caught in the middle trying to do the right thing by both sides, and winds up becoming alienated from both. It's the only picture I can remember where any Western hero of note (Autry, Rogers, Hoppy, etc.) actually had a father in the story.

I don't think I've ever seen Smiley Burnette looking as young before in a movie, to the point of being almost unrecognizable behind the mustache and meager girth. However when he lets out with the frog voice, there's no mistaking him. Ever the con man, Colonel Millhouse (Burnette) does some quick thinking on his feet when he declares a runaway team of horses a publicity stunt to help promote his Wild West Show.

There's a nominal love interest for Gene's character in the person of young Milly (Betty Bronson), who has an earnest crush on Gene and pines for him when he goes away to establish his career as a world champion cowboy (sorry, couldn't resist the pun). That sets up the ensuing action when Gene returns to Pine Ridge as the star of the Millhouse extravaganza.

The story moves along at a pretty rapid gallop, and you'll see some exciting horseback footage featuring Gene and the bad guys. I didn't see it as all that necessary to speed up some of the action footage the way director Joseph Kane did, for me it was a little distracting. Say, you know, I was curious about one thing - when Gene was late for his act in the Millhouse show, the Colonel threw in a ringer to impersonate him, but where did the Autry impersonator find a Champion impersonator?
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A Fast Moving Mix of Action and Show Biz
Chance2000esl14 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This one moves along fairly quickly, mixing the dramatic story of the feud between families of cattlemen versus 'turpentiners' (those drawing turpentine from pine trees) over land use with the musical and Wild West Show performances of Gene Autry and a large cast. One of the tight little early Republic westerns.

Charles Middleton plays 'Gene Autry Sr.' head of the cattlemen who are seeking more grazing land for their cattle by burning down the pine trees. Betty Bronson plays Milly, the perky step daughter of the boss of the turpentiners, who wants to save them. Straight arrow Gene doesn't want any feud between the two families, but by trying to help both, quickly winds up their enemy, and is forced to leave Pine Ridge. Of course, Betty and Gene are in love with each other. All this within fifteen minutes! Unfortunately, I've only seen the edited version (Platinum disk) which then cuts to Gene triumphantly returning to the city of Pine Ridge as the star of Colonel Frog Millhouse's Wild West Show. Looked like something was cut, and sure enough, 7 minutes were taken out. As described by another reviewer here, the missing portion shows Milly's tearful goodbye, her pledge of love, and a montage of Gene's rise to popularity with the Show.

This is one of Joseph Kane's better pure action efforts. There are at least 5 running stirrup horse mounts -- were they Gene or (uncredited) Yakima Canutt? They looked too good to be Gene. We get the great evil villain Le Roy Mason, arch bad guy of over 170 films, who is also strongly featured in the outrageous 'Round Up Time in Texas' (1937), among countless others. Betty Bronson was the breakout star of 'Peter Pan' (1924), and was selected for the role by J.M. Barrie himself over the 30-year-old Mary Pickford. Betty's great mime and physical skills are briefly on display here. You can see her (in technicolor sequences no less!) as Mary the mother of Jesus in the 1925 silent version of 'Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.'

We get a good song written and sung by Gene, "A Song of the Saddle," and the deep voiced, hatchet faced Charles Middleton, killed off too early in the film. His immortal 'Ming the Merciless' ("Kill them! Kill them all!") is one for the ages, but we can see him as a singing prosecutor in 'Duck Soup' (1933), the evil Pa Stark in the serial 'Dick Tracy Returns' (1938) and as a pious clergyman befriending 'Doctor' Buster Crabbe in PRC's 'Jungle Man' (1941), among his many, many roles and cameos.

We also get 30s clichés: the hero being falsely accused of murder and going to jail; a shoot out behind rocks by the heroes and villains; and the chasing the villain off a cliff and fighting him in the water below. Even though the film is fast paced, it would have been better if the tension and war between the feuding sides, with Gene and Betty thrown in the middle, had been more of the main focus and the tension continuing throughout the film. What, you say? This film doesn't have pretensions to be Romeo and Juliet on horse back? What it does have, though, pushes it up to a 5.
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Gene Autry, Son Of Ming The Merciless
bkoganbing5 September 2010
Although in the film Gene Autry is from the town of Pine Ridge and gets to sing quite a few numbers, I don't believe I heard a single yodel come from him in the Yodelin' Kid From Pine Ridge. He was not a yodeler, unlike his main singing cowboy rival who would soon be making his first starring western Roy Rogers. Now he yodeled in just about every film he made.

In Yodelin' Kid From Pine Ridge, Gene is cast as Gene Autry Jr., a sensitive young man who is devoted to the cattle business, but does not like to see the violence developing between the cattlemen and a group of turpentiners who are from the hills. These transplanted hillbillies headed by Russell Simpson like the pine forests because they strip the bark off the pine trees and make turpentine to sell.

The cattlemen however want more grass acreage for the cattle to graze and want to burn down the forest. And they don't like the hillbillies just taking cattle whenever they need a meal. Cattlemen LeRoy Mason and Charles Middleton want to lead the effort to burn the forest. And Middleton is Gene Autry, Sr. Talk about exotic casting, Gene Autry as the son of Ming The Merciless.

Anyway Gene is banished from the councils of the cattlemen and joins a Wild West show and many years go by before he returns to Pine Ridge and only as part of the Wild West show. But he's back involved as soon as he returns. Part of the reason of his involvement is Russell Simpson's stepdaughter, former silent screen star Betty Bronson.

In the 54 minute running time a lot of singing and riding gets mixed in with a lot of gunplay as Gene finally gets to the bottom of the feud between the cattlemen and turpentiners. Not much suspense as it is revealed pretty early in the film, but I won't reveal it.

Smiley Burnette plays the head of the Wild West Show, not the usual sidekick part with Gene. He's still getting a lot of laughs, but you will not hear one frog croak which was part of his screen persona.

For fans of the great singing cowboy tycoon, Yodelin' Kid From Pine Ridge should please them.
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The Western Channel Screws Up
dougdoepke12 June 2014
Beats me why The Western Channel only rated this entry a 1 out of 4. It's easily one of Gene's best. Great mix of hard riding, fast shooting, big cast, and scenic location, plus Gene's way with a song. And get a load of that jug band. They could make music with a bathtub. Gene's trying to bring peace between cattlemen and turpentiners, all the while baddie LeRoy Mason is rustling and blaming it on the turpentiners. Got to admit this is first time I've seen turpentine trees involved in a plot, but it is a change from the standard formula. Look for some good stunt work, plus the grinning aside that the cowboys are just shooting blanks—a joke that I guess stayed in. Looks like one trip-wire episode with a horse going suddenly head over heels-- I hope I'm wrong. Anyhow, Frog gets to cut-up, this time as an impresario of a big time pageant show! And with a moustache, no less. All in all, a fine Autry mix, thanks to Republic. Next time The Western Channel ought to watch a movie before rating it.

A "9" on the matinée scale.
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Even for a Gene Autry film, this one is odd and makes little sense.
planktonrules26 June 2013
The film begins around the Georgia/Florida border. Ranchers and the 'Turpentines' (local hill people) are at odds with each other. In the middle is Gene Autry—who tries to get both sides to see reason and avoid an all out war. Unfortunately, he ends up ticking off both sides and Gene's father disowns him. As for Gene, he lands on his feet—becoming a rodeo champ and singing sensation. When he returns home after a few years, things have NOT improved but have become a lot worse. So, it's up to our star to find out who's behind the fight—who is stirring up BOTH sides as well as why.

The idea of setting a Gene Autry movie in the Georgia/Florida region was very good—a nice change of pace. After all, back in the 1930s (and even today) northern Florida is home to many ranches and horses are very common there. However, and this is a BIG however, the film looked exactly like any other Gene Autry film—with cowboys, dusty trails and even a canyon—yet there are no canyons in Florida or Georgia and they are also not dusty/desert locales. In fact, they have TONS of rain, foliage, palm trees and the like—none of which you see in "Yodelin' Kid from Pine Ridge"! It's obviously just another California back lot production and the filmmakers took no efforts to even try to make it look like the film was set in the East. To me, this was incredibly lazy and brings up a major problem with many B-westerns—they were produced so quickly that shabby mistakes are too common.

Another problem in the film is the singing. While Autry always had a very nice voice, one of the other singing groups (the ladies who sing at about 34 minutes into the film) are just terrible—and I found myself speeding past their performance. Autry's yodeling, while unpleasant, was at least quite skilled.

All in all, a very disappointing film with little to recommend it. After all, who wants to see a 'western' set in the East Coast where none of this clearly took place?!
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Autry Starts To Hit His Stride
boblipton11 August 2023
In Georgia or the Florida Panhandle, the ranchers think the turpentiners are stealing their cattle. Only Gene Autry knows better, and is kicked out by his father, Charles Middleton. The turpentiners hate him too, despite Betty Bronson speaking up for him. Her father, Russell Simpson is mad at her. Autry gets a job with Smiley Burnette's Wild West congress and investigates.

It's a nice B western for Autry, with the Tennessee Ramblers providing a far more hillbilly sound than usual for the series. With good performers, a script that offers a handsome variation on a stock western plot, and Joseph Kane directing, there's good music and handsome camerawork by William Nobles proceeding at a good pace thanks to editing by Lester Orleback.

Betty Bronson rose to fame when she was chosen to play the title role in the silent version of Peter Pan. She was a fine actress, but tastes changed, her producers didn't know what to do with her, and she largely abandoned the screen after her marriage in 1933. This would be her last screen appearance for two dozen years. She died in 1971, largely forgotten, at the age of 64.
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Old West Range War
StrictlyConfidential9 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Yodelin' Kid From Pine Ridge" was originally released back in 1937.

Anyway - As the story goes - A range war is brewing between the local cattle ranchers and the turpentiners, who harvest the pine tree sap to make their product. One man wishes to take advantage of this situation by stirring up trouble between the groups in order to profit from each side's suffering.
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Very Different In Restored Uncut Version
tom-ord7 February 2005
This Autry film is one of a hand full of his films that for years has been available to the public only in the 53 or 57 minute cut versions. Recently I had the opportunity to see the restored and uncut version on the Starz Westerns channel a few weeks back and what a difference the added 6 or 7 minutes make. The restored version includes a scene of Gene saddling up and singing a nice trail song as he leaves his ranch following his banishment by his father for warning the rival group. Along the way he meets Millie Branum ( Betty Bronson), a young starving girl he befriended earlier by giving her a calf. Millie gives him his rope back and asks him if he will ever return. Gene replies that he doesn't know and Millie blurts out that she will be waiting for him. As Gene rides away continuing his song you see Millie watching him leave as tears stream from her eyes. Also restored are scenes of newspaper headlines superimposed over rodeo footage of Autry's success on the rodeo circuit. Finally an announcement that he is coming back to Pine Ridge with a traveling show. There is more nice restored footage of the show's parade into town with Champion prancing and marching to the music. (The Champion shown in these scenes is not the original screen Champ since he had only three white stockings . The horse used in these scenes has four white stockings.)However, Gene spots his Dad from the parade route and rides over to him, sticks out his had and says " hello Dad". His father turns and walks away. This movie also contains some of Autry's best riding of all his movies. Many closeup chase scenes and running stirrup mounts that clearly show that it is in deed Gene performing these feats. In all a much more enjoyable movie in the restored version.
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One of Gene's Best!
JohnHowardReid12 August 2011
This entry is on everyone's must-see list because it co-stars the legendary Betty Bronson. Betty had actually retired from movie-making in 1932, and after this "comeback", she didn't make another movie until A Pocketful of Miracles in 1961. Betty is absolutely lovely here and it's a thrill to see what a fine pair Gene and Betty make in this really top-notch script that helps to make it (as far as I'm concerned) one of Gene's top five pictures. Other assets include a fine support cast led by Smiley Burnette (who excels in what amounts to a character role), LeRoy Mason (a well-spoken heavy), Charles Middleton (Gene's dull-witted dad), and Russell Simpson (a delight as a really nasty piece of work). Good slots are also provided by Jack Dougherty (the heavy's partner in crime), Henry Hall (the sheriff), Jack Ingram and even Art Mix. Mr Toones, on the other hand, has – thankfully! – but one brief moment.

Despite its somewhat off-putting title, this entry shapes up as one of Gene's most vibrant and exciting. Even Joseph Kane, normally a rather humdrum director, seems to have realized the movie's potential and pulled out all stops to make it as thrilling as possible. Production values are great. (If you're quick, you can plainly spot Kane in a rare on screen appearance as one of the turpentiners. As far as I know he actually faced the camera only five times in his lengthy directorial and editing career).

Please note that while the Platinum Disc print is of good quality, it's mastered from the TV cut-down that's missing six minutes of essential footage, including the opening scenes of the street parade, other bits and pieces here and there, and the entire episode where Gene rides away from his home ranch after being dismissed by his dad, encounters Betty who asks him when he's coming back. Gene tells her that he doesn't know. A tearful Betty promises to wait for his return.
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Family feud, cattle rustlers and the Big Show
hines-200017 August 2020
Gene Autry and Ol' Frog put on another great extravaganza which is well directed by Joseph Kane. Betty Bronson always gives a fine performance as the Juliet to Autry's Romeo. Her dad, Russell Simpson is the west's favorite curmudgeon. You can't have a hero without a villain well played by favorite western heavy, Leroy Mason. Great to see a cameo by Fred 'Snowflake' Toones who was a staple in these early westerns.
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Vibrant and exciting!
JohnHowardReid31 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Despite its somewhat off-putting title, this "The Yodelin Kid from Pine Ridge" shapes up as one of Gene Autry's most vibrant and exciting ventures. Even the often humdrum director, Joseph Kane, seems to have realized the movie's potential and pulled out all stops to make it as thrilling as possible.

Production values are great. Gene's co-star is the legendary Betty Bronson. What a thrill to see what a fine pair she and Gene make in this film!

The script by Jack Natteford and Stuart E. McGowan is top notch, matching the talents not only of our two stars but of the support cast led by Smiley Burnette (who has what amounts to a character role), LeRoy Mason (a well-spoken heavy), Charles Middleton (Autry's dull-witted dad) and Russell Simpson (a really nasty piece of work).

All the songs are wonderful too!

(Don't buy the Platinum DVD of this one as it's missing several important scenes. Buy the full-length Mill Creek disc).
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'No yodelin' ? NONSENSE!
corporalko8 November 2022
One reviewer on here said he "couldn't find a single yodel" in "Yodelin' Kid from Pine Ridge". He must have gone to the popcorn stand, or the restroom, just as the movie started, as Gene yodels the first few bars of the theme song over the credits of the movie. Yes, he did yodel, in a number of his early recordings. And yes, so did Roy Rogers. But my opinion is that Gene's yodeling was superior to Rogers'.

Gene Autry started making records in the late 1920s, and many of his early records were his versions of records made earlier by Jimmy Rodgers, who was famous for his yodeling. That's where Gene learned how to yodel.
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One of Gene Autry's Best!
morganobx21 February 2022
Excellent storyline. Beautifully upscale sets. Nice direction and marvelous character actors. Plus Autry gets the most interesting girl he's been paired with in his movies! Thank goodness we didn't have to see him in Africa again!!!!
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