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Worth Another Look
westegg5 May 2006
As recently suggested by others, THE BIG NOISE has suffered in reputation for years, usually sight unseen. As a lifelong L & H fan, I finally saw it for the first time via the new Fox set (a very well done package), and it is more than acceptable a part of L&H's legacy. Of course it can't match their heyday, but among the Fox films it is much more Stan & Ollie's show than the initial Fox entries. The whimsical fadeout is by far one of the most delightful moments of their entire career, which is something.

Give this film some slack, and you'll have a good enough time with it. I'm glad Fox has made this one available.
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The Big Noise (1944) ***
JoeKarlosi27 August 2006
Another of the infamous "Fox Laurel & Hardy" latter comedies, and in the running for one of the most enjoyable of the bunch in my book. Here, the older but no less amusing duo are hired to guard a bomb christened "The Big Noise" by its zany inventor. Some old tried and true classic funny routines are trotted out and revamped, with generally satisfactory results. Stan and Ollie seem like their old selves again in this, thankfully getting more screen time together.

After enjoying this I just had to post a positive show of support and say that I think it's vastly underrated. This was echoed on the DVD's commentary track by author Randy Skretvedt, who actually apologized for trashing it once upon a time in his book entitled LAUREL AND HARDY: THE MAGIC BEHIND THE MOVIES, and now admits that during the '70s and '80s, this was a rough film to see in good quality or in its entirety, and so a lot of critics relied only on memory and reputation. THE BIG NOISE has been one of the most unjustly maligned movies in history (Michael Medved even had the gall to list it among the "Worst Films Ever Made" in his dispensable GOLDEN TURKEY AWARDS book). Luckily, the tide is presently turning for the better as moviegoers and Laurel and Hardy aficionados everywhere are finally giving the movie its due. *** out of ****
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Not too bad at all
BJJManchester26 November 2006
THE BIG NOISE has had an horrendous reputation with critics,film-goers and L & H fans in the past,dismissed by various film scholars,writers and journalists as "a groan","sublimely indifferent","sinking to a new low",and even receiving an entry in Michael and Harry Medved's notorious book,'THE FIFTY WORST FILMS OF ALL TIME'.The film is certainly no classic,and is pretty poor when even compared to their average efforts at the Hal Roach Studios,but for the standards of the L & H wartime comedies,this is actually one of the better,more tolerable films that were made,which isn't saying very much,though increasing numbers are recognising that some of the contemptuous comments made previously are somewhat unfair and out of proportion.

The story itself is rather thin,but one plus factor is that there is a decent concentration on Stan and Ollie here,unlike their previous efforts for 20th Century Fox,and scenes which are thankfully more in keeping with their characters;it is pleasing to see the Hardy camera look in many scenes,for example.This essential trait of Ollie's behaviour was non-existent in their previous Fox features(the otherwise banal MGM vehicle AIR RAID WARDENS at least had several authentic stares to the camera),but after several unsuitable drafts,writer Scott Darling apparently watched a few vintage L & H shorts,and began in earnest to mildly understand their established characterisations,reworking routines from such films as HABEUS CORPUS(this very utterance is actually spoken in the film),WRONG AGAIN,BERTH MARKS,OLIVER THE EIGHTH and TWICE TWO. Some of the insertions of these routines work surprisingly well,best of all the train upper berth sequence borrowed from BERTH MARKS.The original routine was over stretched and strained,mainly because this was only the team's second talkie,and restrictions on technology at the time(particularly sound editing)led to tedium and repetition.This routine works rather better in THE BIG NOISE,with not as much footage, improved pacing and the amusing addition of a genial drunk,played by Hollywood favourite inebriate Jack Norton;Tinseltown's other regular drunkard,Arthur Housman,had worked with L & H notably several times before,and would probably have been cast for this sequence had it not been for his premature death two years earlier.

That said,there is still too much straight,non-humorous exposition involving gangsters and would-be Nazi spies,an all too common problem in these post-Roach L & H features,and Bobby(later Robert)Blake is something of an irritation as the inventor's misbehaving son.But some of the support cast aren't bad at all,especially the elderly Robert Dudley and an amusing bit from Francis Ford.Several supporting players from their Hal Roach days also turn up;the brief appearance of motorcycle cop Edgar Dearing(memorable in their silent classic TWO TARS)is a welcome diversion;a previous occasional foil,Del Henderson,can also be briefly glimpsed at the end of the upper berth sequence. The eminent L & H expert and writer Randy Skretvedt has admitted on a commentary accompanying this film's recent DVD release that his previous highly negative opinions on THE BIG NOISE were somewhat wrong,and that it's nowhere near as bad as he originally thought,rating this only under THE BULLFIGHTERS as the best of their Fox-MGM wartime features.I more or less agree with him.

RATING:5 and a half out of 10.
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Much better than reputation
scott-walker-412 September 2006
I bought this in the mid 1990's on VHS because it wasn't on DVD at the store. I was just hungry for more of the boys films and had not read the critic's yet. It turned out that I was very surprised at the level of comedy as I was not expecting much since the 40s and on I had mostly been disappointed. I recommend this film though. Much better than Utopia, Jitterbugs, and a couple of the other later ones. This film and Nothing But Trouble were probably their last good comedies, IMO. Not as good as their vintage days, but still good and funny. You can't always go by reviews(which includes mine!) This film has more character-driven comedy than some other Fox films. Maybe the studio let them do their own thing a little more, which was what made them so great such as was Keaton's greatness too but was stifled by over-control. If you have seen their old films but ignored this one and Nothing But Trouble give these a try. I think you will be surprised. Steve
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Not a Bomb By Any Means
JBX6322 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For years, I avoided seeing Stan and Ollie in THE BIG NOISE, after reading in book after book that the film was the worst they ever made, and without value. However, finally, begrudgingly, I saw it--not once, but twice--and with pleasure!!! Not only is it by far not the worst of their post-Hal Roach films (The two MGMs are far duller, and the first few Fox entries are buried under tiresome plots.), but it certainly compares favorably with their lesser Roach features (like SWISS MISS)and shorts (Are there any fans of BE BIG and THE LAUREL AND HARDY MURDER CASE out there?). Yeah, the Boys reprise quite a few old routines in this film (Screenwriter Scott Darling apparently mining their filmography mercilessly.), but then that wasn't uncommon at Roach either. I rather liked the wacky inventions like the compressed full course meal and the automated room. The supporting cast is bright with welcome players like Esther Howard, Phil van Zandt, and Arthur Space. I'll admit that the high-flying "patriotic" ending leaves this 21st Century film-goer cold. But any film that has so much leisurely L&H byplay (stuff like hat switching, stubborn door locks, and so many Hardy camera looks of exasperation)is simply no bomb, by any reasonable measure. I'll go so far as to say that--against conventional wisdom--it just might be my favorite of the (admittedly sorry)later Laurel and Hardys.
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Good for a few laughs
cellorey2 February 2001
This is one of Laurel & Hardy's later Twentieth Century-Fox films and it is not one of their best. However, it is an upbeat and fast-paced effort that shows signs that they put some effort into it. THE BIG NOISE has some good bits: the dinner with the inventor, the bunk bed scene in the train, and the constant threat of the bomb going off with Stan transporting it carelessly. The only part of this movie that seems weak is the Nazi segment and the scenes with a very annoying little kid. Other than that, this is recommended for all L&H fans, especially younger fans. 7 out of 10.
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"The Big Noise" not necessarily "The Big Bomb" it is made out to be.
hausrathman3 May 2007
Laurel & Hardy play two janitors at a detective agency who take the job of protecting an inventor with a new bomb themselves with predictable results in this late comedy.

This film has been unfairly labeled as one of the worst films of all time. Nonsense. While it is certainly not one of their best films, it is not their worst either. In some ways, it should probably be one of the better late features because it presents the team in their traditional, well-honed personalities rather than forcing them into being cut rate Abbott & Costellos. Some of the gags happily hearken back to earlier shorts. Still, it doesn't quite work. Why? While growing up, "The Big Noise" played frequently on the local UHF channel -- more so than any of the other late, non-Roach features. As a child, I found the film enjoyable, though even at that tender age I found it inferior to the Roach material. Is it the lack of knockabout humor? No. Is it their age? No, I don't think that's the main problem either -- even though wrinkles do work against Stan's persona. Ollie's persona, on the other hand, isn't particularly hurt by his age. (The older I get, the more I find myself concentrating on Hardy. Although he often described himself as Stan's straight man, he was nothing of the kind. He is a talented comedian who remains a joy to watch.)

It was only after a recent viewing have I been able to put my finger on the problem. The problem is the intended audience. In their heyday, Laurel & Hardy were mainstream comedians aimed at a widest possible audience. While children often take great pleasure in Laurel & Hardy films, and I'm sure most of the people reading this comment gained an appreciation for the team in their childhood, their films weren't specifically aimed at children. I think that changed at Fox and MGM. I believe these late films, "The Big Noise" in particular, were aimed primarily at children and were softened in the process.

There is hardly a description of the team that does not use the word "child-like" to describe their antics, but Laurel & Hardy, while they were often naive and innocent, were not children. (Except maybe in "Brats" and "Wild Poses.") Certainly not in the other worldly sense that Harry Langdon's persona could be labeled child-like. They were adult men and as often as not found themselves in adult situations, whether it be drinking bootleg hooch or sneaking out on their wives. Granted, you would never find the sophisticated comedy of "The Thin Man" in a Laurel & Hardy film, but they weren't necessarily childish either. Laurel & Hardy benefited from keeping their foot in the adult world. Just as the Marx Brothers were funnier against the more serious backdrop of an opera. Laurel & Hardy were funnier in real world situations we could all find ourselves in.

While World War II themed storyline of "The Big Noise" is certainly more serious than many of their classic shorts, the boys themselves are more child-like than they were at Roach. By aiming their comedy at children, they lost some but certainly not all of their wider appeal. That's the problem. That's why the film doesn't completely work for me. Still, a child like Laurel & Hardy is better than no Laurel & Hardy at all, so feel free to enjoy this film for its simple benefits regardless of what the critics say.
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Not particularly big noise
TheLittleSongbird21 January 2019
One can totally understand Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy's appeal, with distinctive comic timing and easy to remember personalities. It is also very easy to see why the chemistry was, and still is, considered legendary. Their best material, both verbal and particularly physically, was amusing to hilarious, with quite a fair share of classics through the late 20s and all the way through the 30s.

Their 1940s (know that a few of the late 30s films were less than great but not to this extent) films sadly saw quite a big decline. A period when Laurel and Hardy and their material on the most part were tired, they were put in settings that they didn't gel in, the films seemed to forget what made Laurel and Hardy's prime period as great as it was, a lot of the verbal humour was dumb and trite, the supporting casts were variable and a few were too plot-heavy and the plots were far from great. 'The Big Noise', as has been noted, has a very bad reputation. Didn't think it was that bad actually when seeing it, as a Laurel and Hardy completest and out of curiosity to see whether it was that bad, it does have quite a number of big problems but there are good things here in 'The Big Noise'.

It is with those good things that this review will start with. Laurel and Hardy are both amusing and endearing, not at their peak but they look engaged and their chemistry hasn't tired, some inspired and at times remarkably subtle interaction here. Robert Dudley is scene stealing support. 'The Big Noise' does have amusing moments, with the meal and accordion gags coming off best, and some of the lines likewise.

Visually, it is competently made and do agree that the fade-out is whimsical and moving.

Unfortunately, the story is very messy. Not just very thin, with overlong scenes that could have been shortened or excised (the train bunk scene did amuse but did go on for too long), but also rather too unfocused with the gangster subplot complicating the storytelling and becoming far too silly at its worst.

Laurel and Hardy don't really gel in the wartime setting (have found this in general with their 1940s films) and the dialogue tends to be trite. Also found the ending too ham/heavy handed, going too far making its point and feeling tacked on.

In summary, watchable and not that bad but by Laurel and Hardy standards it falls short. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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For years, wrongfully accused of being the team's "worst;" surprise: it's one of the best of their later features! :)
NYCOPYGUY1 July 2006
Here it is - the film that had the worst reputation for many years, due to several books about films in general and Laurel & Hardy films in particular that labeled it the team's "worst ever." Many fans who never had an opportunity to view the film took those books at their word... until they actually saw the film. Now they realize that not only is "The Big Noise" one of the best of the later films the team did for the big studios like MGM and in this case, 20th Century Fox (several of which admittedly were not among the best due to studio interference and such), but it also compares favorably to many of the classic films done during the team's golden years at the Hal Roach Studios (even besting a few of those gems, if you ask me).

Find out for yourself. This film is now available on DVD as part of a 3-disc set that also includes two other Fox L&H features, "Great Guns" (their first for Fox, and one I dislike - it tries to take square Laurel & Hardy pegs and force them through round Abbott & Costello holes, in my opinion) and "Jitterbugs" (a slightly-above average film that shows how the team could have continued their careers as character actors).

"The Big Noise" has a loopy charm that will just carry you away if you let it. It is filled with reprises of some classic L&H routines from yesterday (some think that's desperation, but I see it as an homage) and an absurd, farcical plot. This is a film that I had not seen in about 25-30 years, but had vivid memories of. When my Sons of the Desert tent (the Laurel & Hardy aficionado club) ran the film at one of our meetings, I was shocked: my memories were absolutely right on target! "The Big Noise" had stuck with me for many years. And rightfully so. One area in which it improves on a lot of the other '40s L&H films that it featured some supporting characters who were supposed to be comical, just like in the Roach films.

I will forever be baffled over this film's bad reputation. If you stack it up against some of the other '40s L&H films, at least the boys are IN the action-- they're not taking a back seat. They're also not portrayed so much as doddering old fools ("Air Raid Wardens," "A-Haunting We Will Go") or servants ("Nothing But Trouble"). They are quite close to their Roach persona's, in my opinion. The only compromise seems to be less slapstick, but that is in obvious deference to their advance ages, it seems-- I think it's okay to have a "pill as a meal" gag instead of Ollie falling in the mud since they're older here. Also, it's just absolutely crazy (in a fun, entertaining way, in my opinion) that they happen to wind up parachuting over the water and somehow there's an enemy sub in it, but that's part of the loopy charm of this movie, and I feel it has one of the best closing shots of any of the "bizarre endings" Stan favored for a lot of the films. This is a really fun film that was perfect for the times in which it was made and still can produce laughs today.

So don't believe the (negative) hype - this is NOT the team's worst. Save those darts for "A-Haunting We Will Go" and "Nothing But Trouble!"
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not a classic, but not too bad either
mortenwebstar222 September 2005
When I saw this movie the first time, I was greatly disappointed, and thought that the boys really had lost it. But after watching it again, I realised this view was a bit unjustified.

The movie is about Laurel and Hardy taking a job at a private home as detectives, to protect a bomb (called "The Big Noise" - thus the title of the movie) from people wanting to steal the bombs, and sell it to foreign nations.

The big flaws that this movie has, are particularly the little kid of the house trying to tease and annoy the persons in it, particularly Stan & Ollie. This may sound like fun, but it truly isn't. And the only the kid really managed to annoy, was me. Also the scene of the woman of the house trying to seduce Ollie wasn't my thing (a scare attempt to enter some love in the movie?), and finally the nazi segment. This segment is particularly disappointing, because it shows a Japanese officer saying "Heil Hitler", and the Japanese did no such thing.

But apart from that, the movie has some good scenes. All scenes with Stan and Ollie at their room in the house are hilarious. For instance Stan's unpacking of the things, when the woman trying to temp Ollie sleepwalks with a knife into the room, when Ollie disappears inside the wall (don't ask) and the card playing. Amongst other noteworthy scenes, are the dinner scene at the house and the bunker scene in a train.

So, not a classic and with flaws. But still having some original and hilarious moments.
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Bomb Surprise
richardchatten31 August 2019
As in so many old movies, we see inventions reality still hasn't caught up with yet; and over seventy years later we could still do with Alva Hartley's device for removing paint stains from clothes. (Not surprisingly Hartley has to come up with a new weapon of mass destruction before the Patent Office finally thinks he might be on to something...).

Like many old movies, some of the most interesting cast members go uncredited. In the case of 'The Big Noise' they include Philip Van Zandt (Mr Rawlston, producer of 'News on the March', in 'Citizen Kane'), Robert Dudley ('The Wienie King') and Jack Norton from 'The Palm Beach Story'; and as Hartley's amiable butler Mugridge, silent director George Melford ('The Sheik'), who also made the superior Spanish-language version of 'Dracula'.
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Maisie - Doats
theowinthrop11 June 2006
In the Medved Brothers' usually on target book, THE 50 WORST FILMS OF ALL TIME, THE BIG NOISE is given a degree of prominence as the worst of Laurel & Hardy's films. John McCabe dismissed it in his MR. LAUREL AND MR. HARDY by saying the plot of the film can be described in one sentence - the boys are assigned to deliver a bomb and do so. Yet a number of people have also supported it as one of their cutest, if not funniest movies.

When L & H left Roach in 1941, they had planned to do a production of the Victor Herbert's THE RED MILL as their next movie after SAPS AT SEA. They probably were picking up on their success in operetta films (BABES IN TOYLAND, THE BOHEMIAN GIRL, THE DEVIL'S BROTHER, even SWISS MISS) as a sure fire way of showcasing their humor. I have often thought about this project. No doubt the roles of Kid Connor and Con Kidder that David Montgomery and Fred Stone had originated would have been redone by the screenplay writer (with advise from Stan) to fit the person-as of Stan and Ollie. But by 1941 the cycle of films in Hollywood which were based on operettas had slowly collapsed (the last major ones were Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald's BITTERSWEET, as well as Eddy and Rise Stevens' THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER). Shows based on current stage hits were more likely to be made into films (the next and last Eddy and MacDonald film would I MARRIED AN ANGEL, based on the Rodgers and Hart stage musical). It seems doubtful that any of the studios would have been willing to finance a production of a 1905 operetta hit, whose major big-time number was "In Old New York".

Yet that was what Stan was proposing (and Ollie would have supported him on that). William Everson has suggested that actually, by 1941, the boys were tired, and needed more time to rejuvenate their material. I end up feeling that this is true. The best of the later films, JITTERBUGS, has some nice moments (Hardy romancing Lee Patrick, and shepherding around Stan in drag as an old lady), and includes some rejuvenated material at the conclusion of the film from Alice Faye's movie, SALLY, IRENE AND MARY, but (as John McCabe suggested) it's plot does not make any sense (particularly as Bob Bailey's character, a major one in the plot, seems good natured one moment and opportunistic and crooked the next).

THE BIG NOISE does have a straightforward plot, tied in with the current war effort. Arthur Space is one of those screwy scientist/inventors who crop up in many comedies of the 1920s to 1930s. He has invented food pills that replaced full course meals, and has an impossible push button modern house (after the 1939 - 40 New York Worlds Fair "push button" future space saving homes become a perennial joke in comedies - and a weak one at that - see the Marx Brothers contemporary film THE BIG STORE and the ethnic children in the disappearing beds scene).

Space has, however, designed a new secret weapon - a highly powerful bomb. This is the "Big Noise" of the title. The government is testing it with the intention of using it against the Axis, but their agents are planning to steal it to use against us (shades of Lionel Atwill as Moriarty in SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE SECRET WEAPON). In need of guards for his weapons, Space hires L & H thinking they are detectives (they are janitors in a detective school).

In reality the interplay of L & H with Space, Robert Blake (then Bobbie Blake), Esther Howard (who shows a sexual interest in Hardy - quite unusual for him, and very unsettling to him), and the cast is actually quite good. The result is that the material, even if reused from earlier films (the bit from BERTH MARKS about changing in the upper berth of a train) is quite well done. And since the film is actually keeping a coherent story for a change (as opposed to JITTERBUGS) the film is more than just tolerable.

It is also nice to see that it did introduce one popular tune to movies: the tongue-twister tune, "Mares Eat Oats and Does Eat Oats and Little Lambs Eat Ivory", which is called "Maisey Doats" or "Maizy Doats" for short. Stan supposedly plays it on his accordion in the film.

A nice movie, possibly the boys' last good comedy.
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Very Enjoyable
tonio119 September 2014
I can only echo the other reviews below. I'm another who relied on the received wisdom that this was a terrible film. I regret that I didn't watch this years ago. Obviously it doesn't compare to the Roach films and some writing isn't true to them but it was perfectly enjoyable. Stan and Ollie are the focus of the film and they weren't written as fools unlike some of these later films (as I recall). I did however notice there's a weariness in Stan's eyes which may possibly have been his unhappiness behind the scenes with 20th Century Fox but who knows. There's a funny scene with their "dinner" and a lovely final scene. Well worth watching in my view. As any Laurel and Hardy fan knows the world will never see their like again....
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AAdaSC6 June 2009
Two cleaners (Stan & Ollie) pretend to be private detectives and turn up for duty at the house of an inventor (Arthur Space). They must protect a new bomb that he has invented from being stolen before he takes it to Washington. Next door are a gang who are planning to steal the jewels of Aunt Sophie (Esther Howard) who lives with the inventor, Grandpa and a young brat. Once they learn that the inventor has made a new bomb, they change their plan to steal this instead of the jewels. The arrival of Evelyn (Doris Merrick) allows them an invite into the inventor's house, but when this is cancelled, 2 of the gang break in to find the bomb themselves.......

Stan & Ollie look old in this film but it still has a few funny moments, eg, the meal scene and the scene where Stan is playing the accordion where we focus on Ollie's annoyance as he keeps playing wrong notes. This is, however, balanced out with unfunny segments, the most notable being when they are undressing on the train and a 3rd person joins them in their bunk. It's tedious and too long and not at all funny. In fact, there are no funny moments once the action shifts away from the house, and overall, the film is a disappointment.
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Good L&H
Michael_Elliott29 February 2008
Big Noise, The (1944)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

I was a bit shocked that Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide gave this film a BOMB because I thought it was the best of the later day L&H films. Laurel and Hardy play detectives hired to protect a new bomb made for the war but of course nothing goes as planned. While this is a far cry from their Hal Roach days, I thought there were plenty of nice laughs throughout the film to the point where I'd certainly watch this again. A lot of the gags here were "remakes" of stuff done earlier in their career but they still made me laugh.
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Among the less remembered movies of Laurel and Hardy, but still funny
bellino-angelo201417 June 2019
Having always been a longtime fan of Laurel and Hardy I can say I saw almost all of their movies (silents, feature films and even some of the shorts they made when they weren't yet a pair) and THE BIG NOISE was one of my last movies left to watch. I also wanted to watch it because it has a dubious reputation, and it also ended in the Harry Medved book ''The fifty worst movies of all time''. So is THE BIG NOISE that bad as its reputation suggests? Not that much. Now, it's NOT the best movie with Laurel and Hardy, but is far from ATOLL K (their lowest point).

At the beginning Laurel and Hardy work as janitors and part-time detectives and they are called at night by a weird scientist that calls them at night for extreme surveillance on a tiny bomb that can blow entire cities! Unfortunately two of the scientist's neighbours are crooks and try to have the bomb at all costs for their evil plans. So after a meal of microscopic proportions (designed by the scientist himself) Laurel and Hardy go on a cross country trip with the bomb for avoiding that it gets stolen. After re-enacting a scene from the 1929 short BERTH MARKS but making it even longer, they end up using the bomb for its purpose (from a radio controlled plane).

So, is it terrible? No. Laurel and Hardy are older and some of the gags are recycled, I agree, but they still manage to crack a smile from most die-hard fans. And they manage to carry the plot well, considering also the setting. The supporting cast is decent, with Arthur Space and Robert - here still Bobby - Blake that are good scene stealers in the first part.

The bottom line is that the movie isn't that great but it didn't seemed dreadful or painful to watch, which a bit disappointed me because I was thinking before watching it that the film would made me cringe.
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"Don't forget the bomb, and be careful!"
classicsoncall15 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll have to agree with a majority of the posters for this film in that it doesn't deserve it's reputation as one of the worst Laurel and Hardy films. It may not be of the caliber of "Sons of the Desert" or "Way Out West", but it's entertaining enough in it's own right. If I had to find a quibble, it's in the fact that Stan Laurel doesn't seem to have any of his classic, nonsensical responses to situations the Boys find themselves in, like "I heard what he said but I didn't hear what he meant" from their film "Nothing But Trouble", out the same year as this one. They do repeat some of their former gags like the train car scenario, one of their hallmarks from 1929's film short "Berth Marks". The ending comes across as rather abrupt, as the inventor in the story (Arthur Space) never does make it to Washington, D.C. with his explosive invention. I had to laugh when I read one of the comments on this board in which the reviewer lamented the 'annoying little kid' in the beginning of the movie. That annoying little kid grew up to become TV's Baretta, Robert Blake. I always liked Blake, even through his personal difficulties, and this is the only Laurel and Hardy effort I've ever seen him in.
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That Big Noise you're hearing is your laughter!
mark.waltz26 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have to kick myself for assuming that all of the post-Hal Roach Laurel and Hardy films were poor or only slightly amusing at best. True, most of them were, but this one is a pleasing find in their later day credits.

The actual "Big Noise" is a massive explosive, a bomb slightly bigger than a pool ball but smaller than a bowling ball. It can blow up an entire mountain (which somehow the police or newspapers never find out about) but poor Oliver doesn't see it. His head is covered by part of an old fashioned camera, making him look like an elephant. The boys are hired to guard the bomb invented by a wacky inventor who also invented an eye guard for people eating grapefruit. Of course, some criminals next door find out about the invention, and the boys screw everything up, leading to lots of hilarity.

As the inventor, Arthur Space plays his part as if he were Karloff or Lugosi in one of their sillier horror films from PRC or Monogram-totally seriously! Recent "Our Gang" graduate Bobby Blake (later Robert, of "Baretta" fame in addition to a well-publicized murder trial) is adorable as Space's prankster son. There's some amusing uses of familiar songs, particularly "Did You Ever See a Dream Walking?" for Space's Bluebeard-ish like Aunt who's buried six husbands and wants to make Oliver her seventh), "Singin' in the Rain" (where Hardy accidentally finds a shower in Space's inventive model home) and "Mairzedoats", played by Laurel on his trusted accordion and later danced to by some talented fish. There's the usual series of pants-ripping gags, sights of Hardy constantly tripping over luggage and some great verbal humor, especially one surrounding who will stay up taking turns to guard the bomb. Of course, Laurel is never as dumb as he seems, so its always nice to see him pull one over on the unsuspecting Hardy.
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Not a single laugh....not even one!
planktonrules3 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First, a summary of what this wartime Laurel and Hardy film is about, and then some background information and my impressions of the movie.

Stan and Ollie are janitors at a detective agency and are working late at night when a crackpot scientist calls them--asking for a couple of detectives to guard his new top secret bomb (I wasn't sure at first if he was referring to a weapon or the movie itself). Ollie announces that he and Stan are detectives and will be right over. Unknown to them, the neighbors who live next to the crackpot are crooks and two of them plan on stealing the bomb to sell to an enemy power.

Once at the home of the professor, he entertains the boys by showing off his amazing space-saving room as well as feeding them a meal of food in pill form. Neither of these key moments in the film are funny, though it's obvious they were intended as laugh riots. I think showing a documentary on skin diseases would have been funnier!

Later, after the crooks try to steal the formula, Stan and Ollie take off on a cross country chase. During this time, they board a train and they blatantly rip off one of their earlier films, BERTH MARKS. While I wasn't a huge fan of BERTH MARKS (it's not one of their better shorts), Stan and Ollie manage to redo it and take out all the humor and originality. Supposedly, Stan tried to get the director to change the scene and do it quite differently (on a plane), but Fox simply wanted to churn this out regardless of whether or not it was funny or a quality product. Stan and Ollie's lack of enthusiasm is quite evident in their delivery.

Ultimately, the boys blunder onto a radio controlled plane and the movie ends with a scene that really seems to come from out of nowhere, as they parachute from the plane and drop this secret bomb on a Japanese sub. So, literally and metaphorically, the film ends with the team dropping a huge bomb.

From 1941 to 1950 was the absolute low-point for the team of Laurel and Hardy. Following SAPS AT SEA (1940), the team no longer was under contract with Hal Roach Studios and became free agents--mostly selling their services to 20th Century Fox, but also to MGM and a French production company. None of these products remotely resembled the finely crafted films the boys made in the 1920s and 30s, but a few (such as JITTERBUGS) managed to be almost passable entertainment. A few, such as DANCING MASTERS, ATOLL K and THE BIG NOISE managed to mostly make fans of the team cringe--as Laurel and Hardy looked old and rather sickly, plus the films simply weren't funny. Most of this was because the companies had no interest in input from Stan--who often contributed ideas to the Roach films but was completely ignored by the other studios.

Of all the bad films made by Laurel and Hardy, however, THE BIG NOISE must rank as the very worst--mostly because it doesn't offer a single laugh...not even one! This isn't to say the film is unwatchable--it is watchable--sort of like a train wreck. The main reason I saw it was because I have seen almost every available Laurel and Hardy film as well as almost all of their existing shorts before they teamed up--so I would eventually like to say I've seen every one of their films. I think I have at most 3 or 4 to go.

There is one other reason I wanted to see THE BIG NOISE and that's because it managed to be listed in "The 50 Worst Films of All Time" book by Harry Medved. I have probably seen about 30 to 40 of these bad films and just like my quest for Laurel and Hardy films, I'd like to one day see them all. Now, having seen it, I can honestly say it is the worst Laurel and Hardy film but it isn't bad enough to make the list in the book--there are probably a few hundred movies worse than THE BIG NOISE--though this isn't much of a consolation!! My advice is that if you are obsessive-compulsive about Laurel and Hardy films or you also want to see the supposed 50 worst films ever made, then by all means watch it. Otherwise, with so many wonderful films to their credit, please see some other Laurel and Hardy film instead--any would be preferable to this unfunny pile of bilge.

By the way, I have noticed in reviews for the later Laurel and Hardy films that most of the reviews were amazingly positive--so positive I either wonder if they never saw the earlier films (which deserve high praise) or if the positive reviews were really a vote to say "I love the team no matter what". Well, I love the team, but can't see how a sane person could like this mess of a film. It just isn't funny.
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The Big Noise
bakerd1-123 February 2007
I don't know why this movie always gets such a bad rap. I think it is funnier than any of the other non Hal Roach films (this was a 20th Century Fox release.) It is considerably different than many of their other movies (no pies in the face, no cars sawed in two, and no vase smashing) because of ration issues during World War II. (Although it claims to have no destruction in it that's not entirely true because Ollie gets his pants ripped up in the hallway in one scene.) But you can definitely detect wartime feelings abounded during production. Indeed that's the story. Eccentric California Inventor has been driving the patent office in DC crazy with goofy prototypes. He finally may have struck a chord with a "blockbuster bomb that sounds like a popgun." DC is interested but they're not the only ones that are interested. Next door kniving neighbors who are mixed up with a cadre of gangsters are also eying the explosive to send to the Axis powers. In a telephone mix-up (purpetrated by the Inventors son, a very young Robert Blake) he is advised to guard the bomb with his life. The solution? Enter Laurel and Hardy. Two wannabe detectives working for a now vacant janitor office (all employees are on government business). With no options they accept the job to guard the bomb. The job is carried out in usual Laurel and Hardy fashion: first Ollie makes friends with a streetlight that has been freshly painted, then Stan wrecks havoc on an expensive painting, and the old codger father-in-law explains to Stan the dangers of his daughter who lives in the house. That's just the beginning... Some funny scenes to watch for- The light's out scene in the push button bedroom, the train scene, and the rigged poker game. Possibly the funniest moment in this movie comes when Stan is playing "Mairzy Doats" on the concertina accordion. One of the funniest scenes I've seen! This is a great movie, don't let others talk you out of seeing it.
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Worth Watching
robcartwright-2603424 March 2019
All the bad press/critics of this movie are wrong. It may not be their best but it is enjoyable and worth watching.
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Occasionally funny with a beyond bizarre ending, even for wartime
policy13426 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Laurel and Hardy do theirs for the war effort. The film's funniest sequences are in a train cabin, at a dinner party (with very little you can call food) and despite this, the whole thing takes a wrong turn, with a truly head scratching end, that I can only imagine got a misplaced cheer by the wartime audiences.

I know that Asian people and particularly Japanese were not very popular in the United States in the 40s, but to portray them as wrong as so many filmmakers did and in my opinion still do, leaves me a little bit nauseated.

Of course, they were not the only ones given raw deals in Hollywood at that time, and I am glad that we live in a little more enlightened time.

Anyway, this is, despite the ending, full of what made Laurel and Hardy one of the most beloved comedy teams of the 20th century. Logic takes a back step (the inventor is particularly out of it, isn't he? Why would he ever hire such a pair of bumblers in the first place?). It's all an excuse for madcap comedy.

Despite my objection to that ending, this is somewhat entertaining. They could have done without the subplot about the gangsters, though.
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A lot of fun to be had here with Stan and Ollie
dmdavidsonhome-267-59371017 January 2012
I read the poor reviews before I watched this for the very first time, but I always try to keep an open mind and actually watch a film to decide for myself if it is good or bad. Admittedly it is still a far cry from L & H's glory days at Hal Roach Studios, but this film is still funny and very entertaining. I have seen many modern-day comedies that I would very easily rate well below this one. It is never a hardship to watch Laurel and Hardy together and the supporting cast is good and very capable. I urge any fan of the two great comedians to give The Big Noise a chance and watch it. You won't regret it. It is great that these long neglected films are finally being made available.
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A morale booster during WWII . . .
oscaralbert8 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
. . . THE BIG NOISE teaches the war-weary American public four main lessons. First, ANYONE can come up with an idea for a super weapon which will win the war. While "Alva P. Hartley" as the eccentric bomb inventor here is not as singular as Albert Einstein, his real-life counterpart, they BOTH come up with the same idea--one bomb that can destroy a major world city (well, technically, Alva beats Albert to this notion by a year). Second, ANYONE can be a mercenary traitor at a time when loose lips sink ships. The characters "Jim Hartman" and "Dutchy Glassman" seem like the most average Americans here, but they're the ones plotting against the United States. Third, men need to focus on Homeland Security in war time, while leaving all the less essential jobs to women, who keep the home fires burning. In THE BIG NOISE, it's the men who design the munitions, guard military secrets, patrol vital highways, and man anti-aircraft guns. Women deliver telegrams, keep colleges going, and drive cabs. Fourth, ANY American can be in the right spot in the right time to score a major victory against the Axis, if they have proper situational awareness. Laurel and Hardy brave intense "friendly fire" in THE BIG NOISE to scuttle an enemy submarine on the verge of destroying Hollywood. Bottoms up, boys!
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Amiable enough, but no classic
Leofwine_draca1 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE BIG NOISE is an amiable Laurel & Hardy comedy made after the pair split with Hal Roach Studios. It's nowhere near as funny as their earlier work a decade before but it passes the time well enough if you're a fan and is comparable with similar fare from the era. The main thing that disappointed me is that there's a real lack of scenery and prop destruction, apparently a decision made to help contribute to the war effort. The hapless duo become bodyguards for an eccentric inventor whose malfunctioning devices cause plenty of chaos. The stars are noticeable older here but they still give it their all and the gags come thick and fast, although the success rate is lower and that 'bunk bed' scene goes on interminably.
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