A Coming-Out Party (1961) Poster

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Light-hearted comedy-drama, with excellent cast
Libretio11 March 2005

(USA: Coming-Out Party)

Aspect ratio: 1.66:1

Sound format: Mono

(Black and white)

Internees at a German POW camp plot the escape of a high-ranking British scientist (James Robertson Justice) who has fallen into enemy hands.

Entertaining mixture of comedy and drama, directed with cut-throat efficiency by Ken Annakin (later responsible for blockbusters like BATTLE OF THE BULGE and CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG), and headlined by some of the most popular names in contemporary British cinema, including Leslie Phillips and Jeremy Lloyd as upper-class comic relief, and Stanley Baxter playing dual roles as a temperamental Scottish prisoner and an unpleasant Nazi officer (when the German calls him a 'British swine', Baxter retorts with haughty pride: "SCOTTISH swine!"). Robertson is at his most gruff and lovable here, initially appalled by the company he's forced to keep in the POW camp, then quietly appreciative of the lengths these 'idiots' will go to secure his safety. The tone is pretty low-key, which means the film isn't always as funny or as suspenseful as it could have been, but it's a hugely enjoyable treat nonetheless. Eric Sykes, Richard Wattis and John Le Mesurier are featured in supporting roles.
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A little gem.
cjcampbell371 February 2007
This comedy-thriller gives an unexpectedly authentic look to a German prisoner of war camp, suggesting a practical knowledge of the subject from some of those involved in the making of the film.

I remember seeing this film on TV as a kid, and enjoying it immensely. Recently, it cropped up on UK's Channel Four, and it was still just as entertaining and oddly touching.

James Robertson Justice gives a great performance as the grouchy, but underneath it all, sensitive boffin, and it's a real treat to see the young Eric Sykes, Stanley Baxter and Leslie Phillips all relishing their work. Wonderful support also in the always solid and dependable forms of John Le Mesurier and Richard Watiss. Many other familiar faces from films of the era add to the overall success of this movie. A very British little gem of a movie.
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Lighthearted British Comedy
JOHN_REID14 June 2007
Very Important Person combines elements of the Carry On films, The Great Escape and Hogan's Heroes to produce a lighthearted low budget British Comedy that is surprisingly effective. Many of the stalwarts from this era are here with John Le Mesurier, Stanley Baxter, Eric Sykes in supporting roles. I wouldn't have been at all surprised to see Sid James turning up somewhere.

James Roberson Justice is excellent in his role as the cantankerous Very Important Person. There are lots of stiff upper lips and "tickety boos" from the British and the German officers are typically cast as foolish buffoons. This must have all been an inspiration for Hogan's Heroes but a very long way from the reality of prisoner of war camps.

Overall, VIP is a fine example of British Comedy from the 60s and is well worth a look.
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478th Review: James Robertson Justice: curmudgeon at its best
intelearts11 January 2012
Very Important Person is a well-written, and enjoyable British comedy that really belongs with other classic 1950s films. 1935 - 1962s British Comedies are my absolutely favourite genre as they hold their charm and wit even now and Very Important Person has a great deal of the essentially British humour in tough straights.

The plot of the genius scientist - JRJ - who ends up in a POW camp and must escape at all costs is a good vehicle to hang some nice character acting from Stanley Baxter and let Leslie Philips do his bounder at play act.

There are a ton of recognisable faces from John Le Mesurier to Eric Sykes, and the terrific part actor Richard Wattis, who everyone in Britain would recognise but few can name, all making the time fly by to perfection.

Above all, there's James Robertson Justice. Justice ironically nearly always played characters that looked and sounded true Tory but was the child of two of Britain's better Socialists (They did a lot in educational reform). He, himself, stood for parliament in Scotland as a Labour MP. Thank goodness he lost! His curmudgeon, which he had already perfected as Sir Lancelott Spratt in the Doctor series, is at its best here; he takes rude to a comic art form - and we love him for it.

Ken Annakin directs, and given that his list include Battle of the Bulge and Those Magnificent Men in their FLying Machines and Monte Carlo or Bust you know you're in excellent hands.

All in all, this is very reminiscent in style to The Wooden Horse but with laughs, a classic of its style and one that will still bring a wry smile to the face.
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Surprisingly effective POW comedy/drama
mp4728 October 2005
I've seen a few James Robertson Justice/Leslie Phillips/Stanley Baxter films recently (thanks, Amazon Rental!), such as THE FAST LADY and FATHER CAME TOO, and compared with such absurd and dated fluff this works well. The 'This is Your Life' framing device is simple but neat; Annakin keeps thing moving, without allowing any of his cast to go over the top, even James R-J's role has more depth and less bluster than usual; various comedy stalwarts (Eric Sykes, Richard Wattis, John Le Mesurier) do their thing in ways that make sense in plot terms; Baxter's dual role is brilliantly handled, with tiny adjustments in gait and expression making it quite clear which is which when they appear in the same scenes. Even Leslie Phillips (with the possible exception of Kenneth Connor the most annoying of all the British comic actors of the 50s & 60s) brings something to the party this time. In some ways it stands up better than 'serious' POW stuff like THE WOODEN HORSE.
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A last quality British comedy before the rise of Oxbridge.
ianlouisiana2 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Although Stanley Baxter was principally known as an impressionist he was more versatile than the run-of-the-mill mimic.He had the actor's ability to assume a full personality rather than merely copy a voice or a look.In "Very Important Person" he plays a Scottish POW and his German captor,the latter role being perhaps the more challenging. Since the early 1950s there had been a whole sub-genre of war films featuring resourceful Brit POWs outwitting the plodding German prison guards and making plucky attempts at freedom.At one time there were so many chirpy cockneys digging tunnels that there were hardly enough left to stoke the boilers or peel the spuds. Normally the Germans were amazingly sanguine about it all,being sportsmen,but when the decidedly unsporting SS became involved things rapidly changed ."The Great Escape" marked the end of the "POW as naughty schoolboy" cycle of movies with its cold-blooded slaughter of dozens of unarmed British officers.That this film is a Christmas perennial says something rather disturbing about the British psyche - or the BBC.Rather daringly the Escape comedy was revived a few years later by American TV with "Hogan's Heroes". In 1961 we were just about on the cusp.Our boys were not having it all their own way - the Germans were clamping down - no more Herr Nice Guy. So when the wonderful James Robertson Justice is shot down and imprisoned under a false identity effecting his escape is going to require a bit of thought. Fortunately the Escape Committee,comprising a comforting number of British actors with experience in other POW movies is able to get him out so he can get on with his hush-hush war work back in Blighty. That is the bare bones of the plot,but the pleasures in "Very Important Person" are in the writing and the performances.It dates from the time when British movies were still made with craft and care and the audience able to recognise intelligence and wit in a screenplay without a laughtrack to tell them.Nobody thought they were making "Citizen Kane",but they took pride in what they were doing and the finished product is joined-up comedy film-making. 1960 saw the birth of the British Satire Movement - "Private Eye" began its existence,"Beyond the Fringe" opened in Edinburgh and soon the floodgates would open to a tide of Oxbridge men and women queueing up to be very rude to politicians and Royalty and be very handsomely paid for doing it - well it was more fun than working in a Merchant Bank I suppose.In some respects "Very Important Person " is a last hurrah for quality British comedy before OUDS or "Footlights" got their clever-clever cold-hearted hands on it. It was funny in 1961 and it is funny today.Far funnier than some onanist in a college scarf imitating Harold Macmillan.I think it's fair to say that Messrs Justice,Baxter,le Mesurier et al will be remembered with far more affection long after all the satirists have gone to that big JCR in the sky.
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It's the crackpot Great Escape.
hitchcockthelegend20 June 2009
Sir Ernest Pease is sucked out of an aeroplane and captured by the Germans, and promptly interred at a POW camp. Naturally he refuses to give the Germans any information, and carrying his surly approach into his bunking quarters doesn't endear him to his fellow prisoners. But word comes thru from the hierarchy that Pease is so important on account of his scientific knowledge, he must escape at all costs. Thus this odd group of people must unite to get the old curmudgeon free.

Written by the men behind some of Norman Wisdom's most well known offerings {Henry Blyth & Jack Davies} and starring such British comedy luminaries like James Robertson Justice, Leslie "Hello" Phillips, Stanley Baxter, John Le Mesurier and Eric Sykes. Well it isn't rocket science to work out what type of film you are in for. Competently made at Beaconsfield Studio for Independent Artists,Very Important Person is practically a goofy version of the Great Escape {made two years later I hasten to add}. The Germans are of course portrayed as clueless dunderheads, and the British prisoners get by with a stiff upper lip and using humour as ultra sharp defence mechanisms.

So nothing new here for those that have sat thru many a 50s and 60s British war comedy, but the cast and writing is so engaging it's easy to forgive the familiarity of it all. Carried easily by the broad presence of James R Justice as Pease {fans of the Doctor franchise will love him here}, it's a film that knows it's a simple piece. It exists purely to induce a giggle, maybe even stir a bit of pride, and with its ending-actually has something to say as regards its main character. It's real light stuff that isn't the least bit dramatic {as some on line reviewers have suggested}, kind of like like a light wafer biscuit, you know it's a snack and that's really all you need to make you temporarily fulfilled. 6.5/10
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Spondonman26 May 2007
Avoid the book of the same name clumsily written by John Foley if you ever see it, based on the film's screenplay by Jack Davies. The main thing here is that the film was a showcase for the mammoth personality of James Robertson Justice, it would be virtually nothing with someone else in his role of frosty crusty portly professor. The book is nothing without him; get the DVD.

In WW2 acidic high-up professor (JRJ) has to get into Nazi-occupied Europe to try out some scientific experiment but gets captured and sent to a POW camp in Germany to his disgust. Then he has to get out again with the help of his room-mates who eventually discover just how important he is – to Winnie in London at least. A lot of old British actors were paraded here, but particularly manic Stanley Baxter (x2), lascivious Leslie Phillips and poncey Jeremy Lloyd, all making for a comfortable familiar ride. JRJ surpassed himself, evincing stoical but disdainful contempt for everyone British or German and his surroundings, barking orders to all lesser mortals and generally displaying an organisational brainpower not usually found this side of Mount Olympus. Favourite bits: Phillips immortal impatient leg-crossed line when JRJ as a Red Cross Inspector is imperturbably wasting time in front of the German guards; and almost everything JRJ uttered during the film.

All in all, a typical British comedy from the time but turned into something special by a tour-de-force performance, and one I've seen umpteen times since the late '60's. What an original the man was – to me indeed, a Very Important Person.
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The Great Escape
boblipton15 May 2020
John Robertson Justice , the head of some very hush-hush research group during the war, needs to get a look at some German fortifications from the air. Things go pear-shaped and he's captured and sent to a Naval P.OW. camp. There, being John Robertson Justice, he convinces everyone he is a German spy, until orders come from Britain: he's got to be gotten back to Britain. Being John Robertson Justice, he handles it all himself.

Usually Justice is the terrifying authority figure in a comedy fronted by some one else. Here, with the lead role, he's about eighty percent of the show, and a very good show it is, with his usual comedy persona in full bloom. It's a fine mixture of comedy and thriller, with Justice being annoyingly right at all times.... we hope.

With John Le Meseurier, Norman Bird and Leslie Phillips as his stooge
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Just an average British war film.
MIKE-WILSON617 June 2001
James Robertson-Justice plays (Sir Ernest Pease.) an important scientist sent on a bombing mission to see how a raid goes. As we can all guess, the plane is attacked and he parachutes to safety only to be sent to a pow camp,where he takes on the alias of Lt Farrow. When the senior British officer learns who he is, Farrow is helped to escape.

The film is held together by Robertson-Justice, whose performance lifts the film out of the ordinary.
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Cedric_Catsuits8 July 2011
A sterling cast is largely wasted on this flimsy attempt at satire. Heavyweight JRJ's typically confident and purposeful performance is about the only thing making it watchable, although brief glimpses of comic genius Eric Sykes and twin roles from dour Scot Stanley Baxter do help lift this above the merely mundane.

The plot is strong enough but is weakened because of the light-hearted treatment, and there is little attempt at creating tension or even realism. What passed for gentle entertainment 50 years ago would mystify most modern audiences who are raised on a diet of high-octane, high-speed thrills and laughs.

As a piece of social history illustrating the British attitude to the war just 15 years after it ended, it has merit. Sadly as a piece of cinematic entertainment it does not.
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Funny film about an unpopular POW trying to escape.
hedgehog-1013 December 1999
A funny film which has maintained its humour since being made in 1961. James Robertson Justice is excellent as an morose and unfriendly POW who must be helped to escape back to England. Well made and with some excellent exchanges between James Robertson and the other POWs.
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Maybe the earliest POW comedy of WW II
SimonJack7 June 2020
When this movie came out, World War II had been over for nearly 16 years. Time, with God's mercy, had healed most wounds of those who had lost loved ones and of those who had suffered as German prisoners of war. Of course, the horrors of war, especially the atrocities committed by the Nazis in the Holocaust, are never forgotten by those who lived through them. But, enough time had passed that civilized peoples could now look back on some of the times and situations of the war years with some humor. Allied military prisoners in POW camps were treated far better than were the civilians in the notorious Nazi concentration camps. So, the POW camps are the milieu of the first and many of the humorous films about the war that were made in the 1960s and later. This British film is one of, if not the first comedy set in a POW camp.

It's not a comedy of witty dialog or humorous lines, but one that is mostly situational, based on various characters. James Robertson Justice plays the main character around whom the whole plot plays out. He is Sir Ernest Pease, a brilliant, no-nonsense scientist who is the director of Applied Aeronautical Science in England. When he wants to fly over Germany to see how well his latest project is working, he is given the identity of Lt. Farrow of the Royal Navy. His plane is hit by flak and he falls through a hole blown in the fuselage. That's how he came to be in a POW camp after his parachute got caught in a tree.

A number of other characters contribute to the humorous situations. Stanley Baxter has a double role, playing Jock Everett, the master tunnel digger, and the camp commander, Kommandant Stamfel. There's more to this than is said here, but that's to be seen in watching the film. Leslie Phillips plays Flying Officer Jimmy Cooper, and Jeremy Lloyd plays his friend Flt. Lt. Bonzo Baines. Several others have lesser supporting roles, but the best among them is John Le Mesurier who plays the escape officer, Piggot, and Eric Sykes who plays the sports officer, Willoughby..

"Very Important Person" was the original title of the film, and considering the subject and plot it seems much more on point than "A Coming-Out Party." The April 1961 film was released in the UK under its original title. The revised title may have been chosen to reflect on the TV celebration of the main character's life as well as his getting out of a POW camp. Perhaps someone thought the connection to a popular TV show would draw more audience.

Most of the film takes place in a flashback as Sir Pease is on the popular TV program, "This is Your Life." An American live radio show by that tittle began in 1948 and ran through 1952 when it then became a live TV program. The BBC copied the program and began airing its live version, under the same title, in 1955. This was one of the most popular shows in the history of TV in both the U.S. and England. The English program ran, with some short interludes when it changed productions, until 1987.

More to the point on this movie, though, is the fact that it seemed to spark interest in POW camps of WW II, for both drama and comedy in movies and TV programs. Two years later, probably the most popular POW drama movie of all time was made by the Mirisch Company in Germany and distributed by United Artists. "The Great Escape" was one of the most star-studded films of all time, with top American and British actors of the day. Steve McQueen, James Garner, Charles Bronson and James Coburn head the American cast. Richard Attenborough, Donald Pleasence, Gordon Jackson, and David McCallum head the UK cast.

The next big POW story success was the TV comedy series, "Hogan's Heroes." It was hugely popular and made stars of a number of actors including Bob Crane, Werner Klemperer and John Banner. The series ran seven years on CBS, 1965-1971.

So, "A Coming-Out Party," or, "Very Important Person" had an effect beyond the entertainment of audiences in 1961. It helped open the door for more than three decades of POW and escape movies, for situational comedies in POW films, and for outright comedy in TV programs. While this movie isn't anywhere near the level of "The Great Escape" for drama, or "Hogan's Heroes" for comedy, most people should enjoy it. War film and history buffs, especially, should find it entertaining

Here are some favorite lines from this film.

Lt. Farrow, "Cooking requires no intelligence. Whereas otherwise, women would be no good at it."

Kommandant Stamfel, "Move on, English Swine." Jock Everett, "Scottish swine!"

Jock Everett, "Who'd be damn fool enough to start a tunnel under a bunk?... Yes, well."

Jimmy Cooper, 'Now look here, Farrow. If dear old Winston wants you home, I'd be only delighted to give you some of my filthy food."

Lt. Farrow, "There is enough air in that tunnel to last any normal man between 12 and 16 hours. For a man like myself in a state of suspended animation, it's possible to remain even longer."

Jock Everett, "What are you lookin' at me like that for?" Jimmy Cooper, "The height's right. The same build. The same shifty eyes. He's a natural." Everett, "You mind your own business, Cooper."
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Fairly ordinary
Leofwine_draca29 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
VERY IMPORTANT PERSON is a British comedy twist on the usual prisoner-of-war WW2 escape drama. It gets by alone thanks to the strength of the ensemble cast, which collects together various comedy stars of yesteryear and gives them plenty of lines and humorous moments. The storyline, however, is more than a little weak, and drags a bit at times. James Robertson Justice plays an undercover high-ranking officer who ends up in a prison camp and must escape without anyone - including his own side - finding out his true identity. The Nazis are evil and more often than not bumbling idiots, the fellow prisoners are an amusing bunch that includes Leslie Phillips, Stanley Baxter and Ronald Leigh-Hunt. Things play out pretty much as you'd expect, but it's lively and amusing enough, just not what you'd call a classic.
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Good british comedy
marktayloruk9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I suspect his fellow-inmates were glad to see the back of him! He did mellow a bit in the camp- probably did him good to be cut down to size.
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Not bad, but not exactly a comedy.
planktonrules3 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
While this film offers some mildly (very mildly) humorous scenes, I would not characterize it as a comedy--more like a drama with comedic overtones. This isn't a complaint--I just don't want to viewer to expect too much from this film.

It starts off in the present day. James Robertson Justice's character is being honored on the British version of "You Bet Your Life" and this leads to a flashback that comprises most of the rest of the film.

Apparently, Justice was a big-shot during WWII. During a special mission over German territory, he is accidentally sucked out of a gaping hole blown into the Halifax bomber. And, not surprisingly, he's placed in a POW camp filled with British soldiers. However, he's so important that word makes it to the prisoners that he MUST escape at all costs. In the meantime, Justice is incredibly brusque and dismissive of everyone. It's obvious he hates everyone--showing no respect or willingness to socialize with anyone--British or even German. So, the prisoners are forced to help someone no one really likes--nor should they like him! Much of the film the viewer ponders whether Justice's character is truly hateful or if it's all an act, of sorts. See it and then you decide for yourself. It's an enjoyable little film--nothing great, but well done....and Justice is very good as usual.
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Maybe the earliest POW comedy of WW II
SimonJack6 June 2020
When this movie came out, World War II had been over for nearly 16 years. Time, with God's mercy, had healed most wounds of those who had lost loved ones and of those who had suffered as German prisoners of war. Of course, the horrors of war, especially the atrocities committed by the Nazis in the Holocaust, are never forgotten by those who lived through them. But, enough time had passed that civilized peoples could now look back on some of the times and situations of the war years with some humor. Allied military prisoners in POW camps were treated far better than were the civilians in the notorious Nazi concentration camps. So, the POW camps are the milieu of the first and many of the humorous films about the war that were made in the 1960s and later. This British film is one of, if not the first comedy set in a POW camp.

It's not a comedy of witty dialog or humorous lines, but one that is mostly situational, based on various characters. James Robertson Justice plays the main character around whom the whole plot plays out. He is Sir Ernest Pease, a brilliant, no-nonsense scientist who is the director of Applied Aeronautical Science in England. When he wants to fly over Germany to see how well his latest project is working, he is given the identity of Lt. Farrow of the Royal Navy. His plane is hit by flak and he falls through a hole blown in the fuselage. That's how he came to be in a POW camp after his parachute got caught in a tree.

A number of other characters contribute to the humorous situations. Stanley Baxter has a double role, playing Jock Everett, the master tunnel digger, and the camp commander, Kommandant Stamfel. There's more to this than is said here, but that's to be seen in watching the film. Leslie Phillips plays Flying Officer Jimmy Cooper, and Jeremy Lloyd plays his friend Flt. Lt. Bonzo Baines. Several others have lesser supporting roles, but the best among them is John Le Mesurier who plays the escape officer, Piggot, and Eric Sykes who plays the sports officer, Willoughby..

"Very Important Person" was the original title of the film, and considering the subject and plot it seems much more on point than "A Coming-Out Party." The April 1961 film was released in the UK under its original title. The revised title may have been chosen to reflect on the TV celebration of the main character's life as well as his getting out of a POW camp. Perhaps someone thought the connection to a popular TV show would draw more audience.

Most of the film takes place in a flashback as Sir Pease is on the popular TV program, "This is Your Life." An American live radio show by that tittle began in 1948 and ran through 1952 when it then became a live TV program. The BBC copied the program and began airing its live version, under the same title, in 1955. This was one of the most popular shows in the history of TV in both the U.S. and England. The English program ran, with some short interludes when it changed productions, until 1987.

More to the point on this movie, though, is the fact that it seemed to spark interest in POW camps of WW II, for both drama and comedy in movies and TV programs. Two years later, probably the most popular POW drama movie of all time was made by the Mirisch Company in Germany and distributed by United Artists. "The Great Escape" was one of the most star-studded films of all time, with top American and British actors of the day. Steve McQueen, James Garner, Charles Bronson and James Coburn head the American cast. Richard Attenborough, Donald Pleasence, Gordon Jackson, and David McCallum head the UK cast.

The next big POW story success was the TV comedy series, "Hogan's Heroes." It was hugely popular and made stars of a number of actors including Bob Crane, Werner Klemperer and John Banner. The series ran seven years on CBS, 1965-1971.

So, "A Coming-Out Party," or, "Very Important Person" had an effect beyond the entertainment of audiences in 1961. It helped open the door for more than three decades of POW and escape movies, for situational comedies in POW films, and for outright comedy in TV programs. While this movie isn't anywhere near the level of "The Great Escape" for drama, or "Hogan's Heroes" for comedy, most people should enjoy it. War film and history buffs, especially, should find it entertaining

Here are some favorite lines from this film.

Ll. Farrow, "Cooking requires no intelligence. Whereas otherwise, women would be no good at it."

Kommandant Stamfel, "Move on, English Swine." Jock Everett, "Scottish swine!"

Jock Everett, "Who'd be damn fool enough to start a tunnel under a bunk?... Yes, well."

Jimmy Cooper, 'Now look here, Farrow. If dear old Winston wants you home, I'd be only delighted to give you some of my filthy food."

Lt. Farrow, "There is enough air in that tunnel to last any normal man between 12 and 16 hours. For a man like myself in a state of suspended animation, it's possible to remain even longer."

Jock Everett, "What are you lookin' at me like that for?" Jimmy Cooper, "The height's right. The same build. The same shifty eyes. He's a natural." Everett, "You mind your own business, Cooper."
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Justice to the fore!
JohnHowardReid4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 1961 by Independent Artists. Not copyrighted in the U.S.A. New York opening at the Plaza: 30 July 1962. U.S. release through Union Film Distributors: 30 July 1962. U.K. release through Rank Film Distributors: 21 May 1961. Australian release through British Empire Films: November 1961. 8,820. 98 minutes. (Available on an incorrectly framed Network DVD). U.S. release title: A COMING-OUT PARTY.

SYNOPSIS: In 1942, aeronautical scientist Sir Ernest Pease is flown over enemy Germany to observe at first-hand the results of one of his radar experiments. When his plane is hit by anti-aircraft fire and he is forced to parachute to earth, he is captured and sent to a P.O.W. camp. Because of his aloof and taciturn nature, his fellow prisoners suspect him of being a spy. However, when word arrives from the War Office that he is a very important person, all hands join in arranging an escape. Following several unsuccessful attempts, Pease decides to take over.

VIEWER'S GUIDE: Borderline (lots of bombast, anti-German sentiments, implied cruelty).

COMMENT: Who else is better qualified to enact a "Very Important Person" than James Robertson Justice? Even the name sounds important. Mr. Justice is a master of the cutting remark, the caustic put-down. Acidic bombast issues as smoothly from his lips as invective from the most well-versed sergeant-major. And fortunately for us, Leslie Phillips and company are just the sort of scallop- brained officer talents to try the great man's patience.

Of course no amount of bombast, no matter how entertainingly well- honed, will serve as adequate entertainment in a feature film if the surrounding story and characters are not likewise sharply drawn and delineated. Fortunately that is not only the case here, but an extra jester has been added to the pot. Two extra jesters in fact – both in the person of that superb mimic, Stanley Baxter. What is more, Baxter is not merely a bonus on the sidelines, but an integral part of the movie's cleverly plotted escape. As for the actual support characters, they are as entertaining a medley of reliable British types, led by Eric Sykes and Richard Wattis, as any Empire could boast.

Annakin's direction is surprisingly skillful and assured. And as the film has been realized on a fair-sized budget, other credits are likewise first-class.

OTHER VIEWS: It's not only Justice's film. The principal acting credit for its success must be equally shared with Stanley Baxter. As for the script credit, it does no disservice to the long, noble tradition of British POW movies, mostly because it re-uses so many of the standard ruses, devices, props and even characters.

Fortunately there's still more than a bit of life left in the old genre. Spirited playing certainly helps. — J.H.R. in Photoplayer.
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A Great Favourite
malcolmgsw19 March 2020
When this film was shown at our local Gaumont I saw it three times in a week.I saw it yesterday on TPTV and it still kept.me laughing.The film is of course dominated by James Robertson Justice.However not far behind is Stanley Baxter in a dual role.Leslie Phillips and Jeremy Lloyd are excellent as the aspiring review artistes.I was surprised to learn that the story was actually based on a real escape.One of my all time favourite comedies.
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Still tickles me ....
mch24695 March 2021
I have seen this film on a good few occasions and I can still watch again...... it has to be my favourite POW film and it tickles me every time I watch it.....!

The characters are truly what makes this film for me.... and has a great cast list of contemporary comedic actors that plenty will recall from many comedy films of the 50s and 60s.... some even until the 70s and 80s....!

I would recommend this film to anyone of any age.... in the same way I would, Dads Army (UK TV series from the 60s and 70s) especially if some of you that do watch it will recognise the stereotypes of that time as its that premise that makes this work...... I suppose you might say that this film is the comedic version of the other escape movies of that era.... and from my own understanding is also a lot more accurate than most in terms of the settings and backgrounds...!

I had a couple of family members who were POWs in Germany during the war... and I can still remember sitting watching this film with them when I was much younger! I enjoyed laughing along with them and hearing some of their more humorous anecdotes of their experiences... as it was only those that they ever talked about.... the more serious of their experiences, I never heard them discuss but when they were together they would share the funnier side of what they remembered and the characters they met....

We should never forget what these guys went through as prisoners under the Germans and I still don't think I have heard of or seen any POW war film that truly reflects the abuse and deprivation that these men went through at the hands of their captors.... !

Well worth your time even if the British humour is not quite your thing... I am sure it is still enjoyable....
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