High Strung (1992) Poster


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The one to watch when your having one of Those days
vamp882 October 2002
Never has a movie been so funny with so little plot. There is a small amount of story here, but mostly just a guy fed up with the world and he spends the whole movie telling you why he'd rather be dead. Very, very funny stuff. I love to watch this when I'm having a bad day. It has so little plot you can jump in anywhere and watch as long as you want 5 mins or the whole thing, you'll get a few laughs and not miss a story. If you don't like the first ten minutes turn it off, it's not going to change. But if you can relate to the main character like I belive most of us can you'll have a great time laughing with and agreeing with this man who's just fed up with ...well, everything and everybody. Interesting note Jani Lane (lead singer for the band Warrant) makes his film debut, and Jim Carrey has a role as well. Get angry prepare to laugh and enjoy.
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A Unique Comedy
Idiot-Deluxe8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Oh that's great! SEEDS IN THE POPCICLES!!! No problem!"

As a long-time fan of this movie I can say without hesitation, that there is no other movie quite like High Strung. A comic tale centering around the ever paranoid character of Thane Furrows - a writer of children's books (of all things) he's also a pessimist to the extreme and comes across as a very "edgy" person who has many, many, phobias - basically he loves to complain, a lot.

The movie has a very small cast of only about 10 people, most of which have only a scene a piece and it takes place almost entirely in one location, Thane's rather size-able loft apartment.

The film sports a brief role by a pre-Ace Ventura Jim Carrey, a friend of Oedekerk's (note: it was Oedekerk who directed the second Ace Ventura film). Jim Carrey is "Death" in this movie, or worded another way, the grim reaper and he arrives in a limousine. Oh and "Biff" from Back To The Future shows up a couple times too.

The script is superb throughout, the acting is consistently good (especially Steve Oedekerk's). Though the film is highly limited in a visual sense, the camera work manages to bring to life the interior of the apartment, in a fairly artsy and immersive way; by way of numerous pans (several 360 degree swiveling pans) and a few odd angles, such as when representing a fly's point-of-view or later Thane's out-of-body experience.

Throughout the film Thane's favorite hobby frequently manifests itself in the form of an endless stream of observations and complaints; AND he complains about just about anything... and everything. A series of pop-in visits (much to Thane's chagrin) and persistent phone-calls are used to break-up his habitually paranoid ramblings and serve to balance things out. It can't just be Thane ranting all the time - though I wouldn't mind if it was. In the meantime he seems to do little else other than eat cereal and write eccentrically-themed childrens books. He's essentially a shut-in and his personality is molded by his many phobias and foibles and with that being the case it's one gripe and grievance after another. Throughout the movie take notice of Steve Oedekerk's numerous facial expressions, they seem to span the entire emotional spectrum. That's just another reason why this film is so effective in it's delivery and that's especially the case when he's talking directly to the camera, in which he has a definite knack for creating some exceptionally effective comedic sequences.

So if you're fond of the biting, pessimistic humor of GEORGE CARLIN (particularly his complaining routines) or Jerry Seinfeld's observational humor that focuses on modern life and it's many foibles and faux-pas. Well than HIGH STRUNG is a movie you should definitely check out.

HIGH STRUNG has maintained its oddly neglected and under-appreciated "cult" status over the years AND as of April 2016, no legit DVD or Blu-ray release exists. Which means that you'll be watching either a VHS tape or a digitized VHS tape-rip, so take your pick between those two less-than-optimal choices.

Most definitely an unheralded comedic classic. Naysayer's be damned!
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"I'd rather Be DEAD!"
cynthia-ostrich25 June 2013
This hilarious film is a hidden gem. You can't get it on DVD (which is sad), and it will only be funny to those who are annoyed by everyone else. High Strung tells the story of Children's book writer and cynic Thayne Furrows, played by a young Steve Oedekerk. Poor Thayne is irritated by everyone and everything in his life and he breaks the fourth wall to tell you all about it. Although dated, because it was filmed around 1990, you will find that many of his daily annoyances are ones that we all share. A young Jim Carrey makes an appearance as 'Death', because apparently there is a limit on the amount of times you can wish or say "I'd rather be dead". Oedekerk is truly great in this rant of a film. You can see how his humor has evolved into becoming a very successful comedic screenwriter from this early work.
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I am sorry that this film has gotten a bad rap.
criggar14 February 2001
I can not believe that this film has received so many poor votes. It is just insane. Honestly, if you have ever complained about something, and you thought that your complaint was legitimate, then see this film. You will be rolling on the ground, especially if you find complanatory statements to be amusing. (Warning: This film is a great cult film, only for those who can truly find humor in the truth.) See it, and see what I mean.
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It's a hit or miss movie
Random4394 June 2005
I was working at a video store when this movie came to my attention. I had seen the box any number of times and thought about checking it out because it has Jim Carrey in it, but never got around to it. Then one day a customer returned the movie while I was working and I asked how it was. "Terrible!" he said. "It's just some guy hanging out in his apartment, complaining about everything that annoys him." And that's when I decided to see it; to me, that sounded like a pretty decent film. I was pleasantly surprised. It was better than decent; it is one of my favorite films of all time. The directing is interesting, the acting is not great, and the plot is light but cute. The reason to watch this film is for Steve Odekirk ranting about all the things that annoy him, from smokers to people on gameshows, to Happy The Clam. It's good, it's funny, and it stands up extremely well to repeat viewing (I can't get bored of it). But you probably need the right personality type to appreciate it.
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Steve is a genius...
madhater_da_killa14 May 2003
Steve Oedekerk is a genius when it comes to well written comedies, so when I heard about high strung I nearly freaked out. Basically in this film, one of Steve's more independent workings, Thane Furrows, portrayed by Steve, stays locked in his apartment and bitches about stuff. The movie was fairly engaging and had a lot of good one liners but some of the rants that Oedekerk launches into are a little lame. The original comedy in this movie; especially Furrow's boss and his description of his job. Jim Carrey does play a small role in the film, death in particular, but he is a pivitol part of the plot and comes into a little more prominence in the end of the film. Also another noticable appearance on this film is Kirsten Dunst playing a small girl right after a scene with Thompas Wilson AKA Biff from Back To The Future... not that we really care but... for Carrey fans I wouldn't reccomend High Strung. Though many of you would enjoy it a great deal would be looking for a Jim Carrey movie and Oedekerk's style is to slowly paced for most Carrey fans.
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no wonder no ones heard of this movie, it stinks
hurricanepictures42613 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was telling my friends recently about a movie i saw in '92 or '93 that had Jim Carrey as first bill but he didn't show up until the last five minutes. No one knew what i was talking about and so i came here to find out what it was.

High strung is one of the worst comedies and thats why its unknown. it's marketing was poor if it had any and had to milk the success of an actor who was in it for five minutes to get it released.

I can describe this movie very easily, nothing happens but you as a viewer will be bitched at for the whole movie about some pathetic persons life. despite the wit to some of the ideas, its absolutely boring. Its been awhile since i saw it but the one repeated thing that comes to mind is the character's inability to accept that no matter how little milk he puts in his cereal there is always some left when he's done eating. It's so stupid even a real person would not bitch about it, in fact they would just drink it or not , Thats a simple solution but to bitch repeatedly about it is dumb.

It tries way too hard to be funny. Even Carrey is unfunny in his cameo. This is a movie that should of been shelved and never released.

I did see one person liked this movie, maybe that one person is enough to justify its existence, for me its not.

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A great way to discover your friend's personality type
personmn29 November 2005
This film is very revealing. If you enjoy it, you'll know what I mean... you'll have shared it with dozens of friends- some will get it, some just wont. This is a roll-on-the-floor-laughing film for me, and for those close friends who share my sense of humor. For those who just can't find the humor in it, good night and good bye.

Also, you might try this one out as a "filter" of sorts for people you're dating... don't want to consider getting serious with someone who just doesn't share your spice for life and all things satirical...

If you haven't seen the film, I highly recommend giving it a try. If you like it, good for you. If you find it dull, unengaging or dry then I recommend spending some time taking yourself less seriously and trying again- you're sure to love it eventually!
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Drags on...
PhantomPopcorn23 May 2013
This movie was funny for the first 5 minutes and then it got old REAL fast. The actual content is pretty funny but the execution of both the script and the humor is terrible. The entire movie is based on just this guy complaining about certain aspects of life which is humorous but it just goes ON and ON and ON in the same format for 2 hours straight. Plus the lead actor is horrid. The only bright side to this movie was the 5 minute cameo by Jim Carrey. If Jim did the lead role, it might have been worth the watch, but even then the run time should be cut by at least 25%.

Skip it, don't waste your time.
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Bringing the world closer together
DrGoot25 February 2002
I saw this with a Brazilian guy and a couple of Russian guys who rented it because it had Jim Carey in it. (Is it like a cultural thing that Russians like Jim Carey?) The Russians were disappointed. Not enough Jim Carey. (Jim Carey fans...be warned...if that's the only thing you think sounds interesting, don't see this unless you've seen everything else he's in and are desperate to just complete the collection. This is a small movie with a small part from a big star, so it may be sold with his name on it. He's an important but tiny part.) The brazilian guy and I quoted lines from that movie at each other for months. ("Hello Mr. Clam, may I take your...HAT!?")

Steve Odekerk is a genius. He has hits and misses (ever see that real-time computer animation special of his? Ugh), but if he's had a large role in the creation of anything, it will be original. High Strung, BTW, is definitely a hit.
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Why wasn't Jim Carrey billed?
lee_eisenberg27 September 2005
Well, I'm not sure what exactly I thought of "High Strung". It focuses on Thane Furrows (Steve Oedekerk), who gets annoyed by everyone and everything. Quite literally, anything that you can think of, it's guaranteed to rile him. Throughout one particular day, he sits around pontificating on why everything makes him angry, while he has a series of visions of a strange character (Jim Carrey) who may or may not be coming to visit him.

I guess that if there's any reason to watch this movie, it's mostly that the movie's a before-they-were-famous situation for Jim Carrey. Otherwise...well, I wouldn't call it a bad movie, but don't make it your first choice at the video/DVD store.
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This is one of my favorite movies of all time
matrixmary-theone8 May 2006
I love movies so when asked the question what is my favorite movie, I can never narrow it down to one, but if I had to, I think this one may possibly be it. I don't think it is good for "mainstream" people, but if you are a fan of quirky movies, this is IT! My two daughters and I absolutely love this movie and probably quote it on a daily basis. I don't know why they like it, but I can tell you that one of the things I love about it is I can relate to it. I can definitely get on a rant, and then I sound a lot like Thane Furrows!! I think there's a little Thane in all of us, and those of us who aren't ashamed to admit it can find the humor in this movie. Besides, how can you not love a movie where Jim Carrey plays death? I would highly recommend that everyone see this movie at least once, and if you're like me, you'll want to see it again and again! A real off-beat comedy classic!!
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Jim Carrey, The Chosen One, and Fred Willard
Max_Doobermin13 August 2002
This movie is great! Jim Carrey has an uncredited role. I won't say who it is I don't wanna give it away. This movie is out of print. But if you can find it at your video store you will not be disappointed. I can't get enough of this movie. It's about a guy who gets mad at everyone and everything. He also writes children's books. The star, and writer, is the star, director, and writer of Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. Which is also a hilarious movie. Steve Oedekerk is a funny, funny guy. WATCH THIS MOVIE!! It is my favorite movie of all time. So watch it and you will be laughin so hard. It's basically just Thane in his apartment alone talking to the camera the whole time but it is funny. It also has a cameo from Fred Willard. He's funny!
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This one grows on you...
malictus30 April 1999
This movie has quickly achieved cult status at my house. The more times I watch it, the sillier and funnier it seems. It stars one main character, was shot in one main location, and looks as if it were produced for about $100. This, of course, only adds to its quirky charm. The movie consists largely of Steve Oedekerk talking directly to the camera about everything that bothers him, and he is bothered by almost everything. The movie is really a thinly veiled stand-up comedy routine, but that doesn't make it any less hilarious. (A bit of related trivia: You can actually see a little of Steve Oedekerk playing himself as a stand-up comedian on an episode of 'Full House', in which he appears on Star Search!)
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You know a movies Bad when you fall asleep the 5 times you try to watch it
MrMovieReviewer23 February 2020
I'm Stunned that a studio would back this, I'm also amazed you can push it as a Jim Carrey movie When he's in it for a few minutes and even he's forgettable This is pure crap the only thing scarier then this movie Is the lunatics giving it 10 stars I'm guessing they are still smoking the stuff they were smoking When they watched this because that's the only way anyone can sit through this Even Jim Carey doesn't acknowledge this, What's that tell you.
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Under rated comedy extrodinaire
twolanebl20 September 2002
This movie cracked me up. Steve K. puts in a great performance as Thane, and Jim Carrey cracks me up as Death. The whole movie is basically one big rant, but you will find yourself telling your friends about it. Those children's books were hysterical! I've rented it about 5 times and am about to rent it again this weekend. Simply hilarious.
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Artwork is misleading.
braddoesfilm29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jim Carey is in this for maybe 5 minutes...at the end. He is not anywhere near as funny as he was in Ace Ventura... this movie pretty much takes place in an apartment. It's been almost 25 years since I've seen this but I rememebr I only laughed once...something to do with a house plant.. I fell for the Jim Carey promotion on the cover of the vhs...so disappointed in this "film" any review saying they enjoyed this is just messing with you.
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Easily one of the funniest movies I've seen.
jenica5spd-16 May 2005
Oedekerk is a comic genius in this movie which will have movie goers everywhere quoting lines. Similar to Office Space, High Strung centers around the absurdity in every-day-life & one man's inability to cope with it. Jim Carrey plays death & pulls it off brilliantly. What I love about this movie is how accurate Thane's observations of life are. He seems to point out to all what we should have seen the whole time had we had more insight on life. Commenting on things from flies to Vietnam, the "O" keeps us entertained from start to finish. And considering there's really only three characters that's quite an amazing feat. I find it extremely cute & smart with a good moral that leaves audiences feeling warm & fuzzy. I give it a 10/10.
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secrets_and_lies318 January 2003
this is the best movie in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no movie which rivals its brilliant comedy I have laughed at this movie for the last seven years. Its incredibly stupid, thats whats so funny.
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One of the funniest movies I've ever seen
styates17 May 2004
OK, I admit, this movie is a bit on the odd side, but I can't help laughing hysterically every time that I see it. It's about a children's book author Thane Furrows who is basically paranoid and tired of his life. Thane is just so p***ed off at everything, that you can't help but laugh at the insane things that he rants about. I love the whole talking to the camera aspect of the movie, it truly makes it unique. By the way, don't watch this film expecting to see a Jim Carrey movie. He's barely in it and doesn't do a whole lot. Actually I could have done without that part of the storyline all together. I hope that this comes out on DVD some day as I would LOVE to own it.

PS "What is this SH*T on here? It's there again!!!!
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Best 2 hour Monologue EVER!!!!!!!
salamander_slurpee16 January 2002
I rented this movie years ago when I had seen everything. This film kept catching my eye but I never heard of it and was skeptical. Needless to say, I took it home and LOVED IT!!!! I have since forced all I know to see it and choose to label it as my FAVOURITE MOVIE. Steve Oedekerk is a frikin' genius with his rantings and ravings. Also, he just KNOWS how to stage each moment perfectly. Where he's sitting in various scenes, the nearness of the camera, the simple apartment...perfect!
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The funniest movie I've ever seen. And it's not even close.
Horror-yo21 April 2012
Its IMDb rating is beyond ridiculous. Probably as ridiculous as this movie is good.

It's pure unadulterated hilarious comedy. It's got that 90's humor all over it, that "real" feel, that original non-commercial inside humor feel. That creativity, that dynamism and freshness. Nothing like the utter bullcr*p we get today. It's never thick, over-the-top over-exaggerated rubbish. It's just plain hilarious. Subtle but never intellectually superior and pretentious.

From a creative standpoint, this thing is amazing. He's got to pull out a full movie length monologue basically, all by himself, and/or with the occasional presence of some secondary character. And it never, at any point, gets boring or unfunny or loses focus.

There's no need to even analyze this movie, or talk plot or any of that. It doesn't apply one bit here. It's perfectly fluid.

What is certain about it: it's hilarious, acidly sarcastic. It's not even comparable to anything you've ever seen obviously if you haven't seen it. Unique. It's a must-see.

Oh and you may hear this a lot, but trust me if you're going to trust anything I have to say that is absolutely true: if you don't laugh here, you Don't HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR. Objective certainty. Well, not really but..
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My Childhood.
siva6915 March 2005
I don't think I've ever laughed harder at a movie than at this one. So many of the sequences are fantastically hilarious. It's like a reality show, except five years or so earlier and funny.

The basic plot: Thane Furrows, a children book's writer (who has some interesting ideas about the topics children's books should cover, as well as an unabiding hatred for Happy the Clam), spends one entire day in his apartment, going into random diatribes about everything from leftover milk in cereal bowls to a fictional Vietnam war flashback. During the course of the day, he receives numerous bizarre phone calls and says "I'd rather be dead" an inestimable number of times.

Jim Carrey, for his brief role, is hilarious, and the carpet telemarketing scene is a jewel of modern cinematography. Rent this film. Rent it now.
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Why is High Strung not all over the internet?
hurricane_moser10 November 2004
The first time I saw this movie, I almost sh*t my pants it was so funny! With all the crazy flash animations that I see on the internet nowadays, I'm surprised this movie isn't more widely known. There is a very limited amount of people I know who have even heard of Steve Oedekerk (genius). High Strung is one of those movies that got under-rated when it came out, but will be highly recognized in the future. I envision High Strung fans 20 years from now making a mecca to the movie theater for a grand reopening of High Strung, dressed as their favorite High Strung characters (like at the debut of a new Star Wars or LOTR movie). As soon as this movie is released on DVD, someone tell me.

"I killed the President."
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Good fun, and very entertaining.
Toronto2sec-124 September 2001
A good presentation on the part of Steve Oedekerk.

The plot is basically about one Thane Furrows, A very up-tight, mean and sarcastic guy. Who hangs around his apartment all the time. It follows the plot of him speaking right to the camera, about his everyday life, which everything he talks about, he hates. Some sequences involve Jim Carrey playing Death. Which is hilarious. It also involves his friend Al and his Boss. Who don't see the camera as he does.

Out of 10 I'd give it what is already explained. 7.2.
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