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It's not what you think it is..It's what you think it's not.
sol-kay28 February 2005
**SPOILERS*** Finding her boyfriend, Bradley Armstrong, in the arms of another girl Kate, Tamara Cholakian,Gena, Chelsy Reynolds, gets so drunk to the point where go gets in her car and visually impaired, by the bottle of booze, and runs down and kills law student Pete Farmer, Robert Baugh. Even worse leaves the scene of the accident.

Getting in touch with her dad Henry Clark (Dennis Hooper), a big time real-estate business man, he tells Gena to hold still until he can come up with something to get her off the hook. Henry had been having a big fight with his partner Ron Sloan, Roy Tate, over his unsavory business practices. Henry tells Ron to take a hike out to the Death Valley Desert for the summer and forget to come back.

Ron picking up the outside extension phone, as Gena called her father, heard the trouble that she's in and started to use that to get back in with Henry by blackmailing him over his daughter's action. Going to the Clark home and finding Gena alone Ron gives her this cock & bull story about him working for her dad in helping her out with the accident that she had that night. Ron then takes the incriminating evidence, the damaged car with blood stains of the dead Pete Farmer, away from the police to find.

When Henry find this out from Gena what Ron did he blows his top. And gets in touch with Ron at the company cafeteria to talk things over. Going into the bathroom to get away from anyone listening in, there was a couple of cops sitting at one the tables having a snack,Henry grabs Ron by the throat and squeezes it until he passes out.

Waiting outside for Ron to recover and leave the bathroom Henry notices that he's not leaving and when he goes in he finds him on the floor dead. Panic-stricken Henry throws Ron's body out of the bathroom window, in broad daylight, and waits outside for the coast to be clear to dispose the corpse that was hidden under some brush. This sets off a bizarre encounter with Will, Michael Madsen, who seems to know everything that happened between Henry and Ron. Even the fact that Ron was laying dead in the bushes.

Will has a problem of his own he has a dead hooker in the trunk of his car that he's trying to get rid of. Talking Henry into helping him by driving his, Will's, very distinctive looking car through the local hooker's strip in town while he gets rid of the two bodies, Ron and the dead hooker Christianne De Marco, some miles away. Will wants Henry to seen by the locals thus giving him an alibi to Christanne's murder.

By now you and those in the movie "Choke" forgot about Gena's hit and run accident but it later comes to the surface with explosive results. It comes out end of the movie with an ending that came right out of left field with the force of ship load full of Cruise Missiles.

Weird is the word for "Choke" that keeps you guessing to what's happening in the movie and just what that deranged cuckoo bird Will is up to until the last frame. Michael Madsen's Will is so strange and obnoxious in this movie that at one point he actually invites a cop, Gino Dentie, to tow away his car. The car that had two murder victims in it's trunk? this after the cop warned him over and over to move out of a parking space reserved for the disabled.

Michael Madsen, who seemed to be doing a John Deere commercial throughout the entire movie, was so nuts and off-the-wall that for a moment I thought that he may have well had a disable sticker on his car fender due to the mentally unstable condition that he was in.
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Madsen and Hopper Just Try So Hard...
VonCouch4 October 2007
Like most everyone who views this movie, I did it for the stars Michael Madsen and Dennis Hopper. The two are extremely underrated and sadly, because of that, have to headline a lot of crap. In this film, Hopper plays a guy who accidentally kills a blackmailer and is offered help from the mysterious Madsen.

The film actually isn't as terrible as it could have been. I've seen both in much worse, both independently and working together (LAPD, horrible film). The direction was pretty poor and the script needed a few re-writes, but both give the best performance possible with the material offered. Also the ending is pretty strong, so you can tell the story had potential. But when a glowing review of a film is, "It could have been much worse", it doesn't say much for the film itself.

All in all, this is one that can easily be skipped if neither of these actors draw you in. But if you're a fan of either or both, give it a watch. They both give strong performances that outshine the obvious flaws of the film. Trust me, there are much worse options out there.
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Choke Choked
tringwood3 January 2003
Hopper has never been worse as if he felt as this movie is worthy of only a grade B performance and he delivers a rather good one. Outside of Madsen and Hopper the acting is horrid; you've seen better at your local high school. The sound and at times the editing and camera shots are low end of B-movies. The scene with the peeping tom is of movies greatest gratuitous nudity scenes I've ever seen (it doesn't even come close to fitting in the movie). The script was probably a great 10-page outline, but when it comes out to a full-length movie there are more holes in it then the dead bodies Madsen left behind. I do have to say Hopper dressed in a nice suit driving the Hummer had me laughing out loud, but I don't think that was the intent. Yes there is a little style, and Hopper can always draw my interest. However the interesting plot concept never pays off and you are left wondering why you wasted your time watching this.
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Good dark comedy
one4now419 October 2003
First of all, this movie is not even remotely what the box is trying to sell it as. It's not meant to be taken totally seriously, and is in no way a tense, psychological thriller of any kind. It is a hilarious dark comedy that, despite two fave actors of mine (Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen) being in it, really defied my expectations. I have to admit I rented it solely for those two names (especially since Madsen was playing a serial killer), but I did not expect it to be as enjoyable as it was. Hopper plays an uptight, jumpy, rich jerk who drives around in his hummer in between jumping down people's throats. The sight of Hopper, looking dead serious in a business suit and odd shades, driving the hummer is funny as hell, whether it was meant to be or not (and looking at the rest of the movie, I find it highly probable that it was). Hopper gets blackmailed by an opportunistic scumbag when his own daughter becomes responsible for a drunken hit-and-run incident, and Hopper, being the loving father, tries covering it up. This is to no avail when the con man scumbag comes calling, but things look up a bit when Daddy loses his temper in a bad way and Madsen, playing a devil-may-care serial killer, happens to be lurking in the area and offers a helping hand to the frantic Hopper, who must dispose of the corpse. It just gets funnier from there, and that's where I'm going to leave it because giving away the ending in this case would probably eliminate one's will to see it. All in all, it's just as I said, a good dark comedy.
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plot is interesting, movie is not
sleeper10012 February 2003
I just can't imagine any possible reasons why Madsen and Hopper wanted to be in this movie after reading the script. They got blackmailed maybe? Or are they that badly out of money? The main problem with the movie is that it's boring. The conversations between Madsen's and Hopper's character are pointless, just like the bored chatting between two buddies while drinking beer on a saturday night. You never feel for any of the characters (although Madsen's psycho killer is very likeable, comparing to the other characters). Hopper always was a good actor, and Madsen does a fine job as the serial killer, otherwise the acting is almost laughable. There are about three scenes in the whole movie where something is actually happening, each of them last about three minutes. Although the "talking and thinking about murder and the nature of murderers" scenes would have been interesting, if they were scenes in a book. The whole concept would've been interesting for a novel, but a movie just can't bare with a story with that much inner thinking and so little action.
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Movie wasn't the greatest, but an excellent performance by Michael Madsen
duckydee4018 May 2005
I thought Choke had potential, but I thought it could have been a much better film. It had some interesting twists and turns, but some of them seemed kind of pointless. When showing background on the two main characters, some of that really seemed to go awry. Most of it was sort of useless and didn't help the movie at all. This was also not Dennis Hopper's finest hour. However, the main saving grace of this movie for me was Michael Madsen. His performance was excellent. In this movie, he almost makes Mr. Blonde look like a nice guy. All in all, it was watchable. Still, I was left thinking some things could have been done differently. These things would have made the movie much better, in my opinion.
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jaumette27 August 2006
The worst movie i've ever seen. I still don't understand what Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen intend to do in. Maybe they had bills to pay... The best and cult part happens during a flashback which brings us during WWII when a Nazi officer hide his Jewish wife. That's the beginning of a typical serial killer life! It seems to be directed during the beginning of the 80's but then appears a New Beattle... Amazing! This movie was directed in 2001... I'm quite sure that it took less than two weeks to do that movie. I heard that Dennis Hopper's wife asked for divorce after she saw that picture and Michael Madsen's mother had a heart attack when the actor admitted to be the man under the yellow baseball hat. Pathetic!
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OK, its bad...really bad
friduchaulv4 May 2006
I admit it now. This is one of the lamest films ever made. But, in Mr Sjogrens defense, the "Not really"-scene wasn't all bad!

And you gotta love the effort of going all the way to Sweden just to find a sweet Swedish 15 year old blonde, have her speak Swedish posing as the Jewish mother of Henry (dennis hopper).

What makes this scene so perfect is that Henrys father answers the blonde Swedish-speaking(Jewish?) girl in German...

The best actor/actress of all in the film must be the nun who takes care of Henrys mother, this is a woman who has had no experience whatsoever of acting, but still puts in the most convincing performance of all!

All and all, this flick is nostalgia for me personally, it is after all what gave me a posting on IMDb:s database. :D

//Feelin like a movie-star*
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Good premise and plot, extremely bad execution
OJT18 February 2014
Choice is like your average crime TV-flick, where the storyline and acting is quite convoluted and easy-made. Dennis Hopper though is good, though struggling with a rather bad script. Especially where he talked to himself, or imagines what might happen, or where he remembers his daughter speaking. Really amateurishly made.

There's nothing wrong with the plot, but more about the way the idea is put to life. A great director would have made something out if this. Rather unlikely dialog, which reminds me of the "Murder she wrote" TV-series, which is not due to bad actors, but direction and manuscript. The man behind both is a man of obviously Swedish heritage, John Sjogren, which also is a co-producer of this. I can see his behind both better and worse productions than this.

The set is sometimes laughable, like the cantina, and the toilet, which is for both men and women. Even the police is suspicious in this movie. To bad to see great actors like Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen sinking into some deep sheiss like this.

Stay away, unless you are out for a bad flick with a couple of good laughs, without this really being a comedy even being a bad movie, it kept me interested. That's worth something.
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I liked it!
dmolino-127 December 2011
In my opinion; I liked this movie. I think the writing was above board. To put two really good Hollywood actor's together and not create an abomination coined as a feature film, is a monumental task. Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen were great. Give the Director credit, for a low budget film, this film is far better than the crap we are forced to digest on Netflix and Blockbuster. The setup I felt was interesting, and Hopper's character was riveting from the first moment he hit the screen. The confrontation and spin in the plot was when Hopper's character throws the body out of the window. The introduction to Madsen's character (Classic Madsen bad guy) adds a good spin to the story, and the resolution is a twist unexpected. Even though the dialog was a bit verbose, it was still good dialog and story driven. And let's not forget the 200 ft. SuperBee pipe ramp. Classic and well done! If you want to sit down and take the film apart, you will surely find something to *itch about. Honestly, you can sit down for 95 minutes and be entertained. Enough said.
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Fresh from his own murder
bkoganbing8 November 2014
Choke stars Dennis Hopper as your forty/fifty something businessman who has problems at work and at home. At work he has to give Roy Tate the heave-ho as he finds Roy is a conman who wants to rope Hopper into one of his schemes. But on the domestic front his daughter has just gotten involved in a hit and run accident where she's killed someone.

Tate overhears the conversation between Hopper and his daughter and interjects himself in that affair by taking her car and ditching it. Which enrages Hopper even further and he chokes Tate.

Sad to say his act of throwing Tate's body out the bathroom window from his building is seen by Michael Madsen who is fresh from his own murder of his girlfriend with the body in his car trunk. A combination of charm, insinuation, and blackmail forces Hopper into alliance with him.

Imagine Strangers On A Train where Guy and Bruno each commit their own murders and ally themselves in the disposal and getaway and you've got Choke. An interesting idea and Hopper and Madsen work hard, but we know the outome already due to some bad execution of the script. Plus both could have used a bit better direction.
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a brilliant story plus everything a Hollywood movie needs
pbet121 December 2011
We enjoyed very much seeing this movie, the story idea is really good. There are 1000s of Hollywood films worse than this one, which offers not only the regular really cool action parts, but also some really big stars and you can see them acting well together. Maybe one day, a big studio movie will even come up with a high-budget remake of this brilliant story, where nothing is as it appears on the first look...seriously, that the murderer in the first place only mistakenly believes, that he killed Ron Sloan, this is an interesting way on how to begin a tricky story... moreover we liked it a lot, that the movie plays really in Hollywood and you get to see some of the Hollywood and Valley areas you do not see in all the other independent films... so, all in all, a quite entertaining piece of an independent Hollywood movie!
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You'll Choke- On Fits of Unintentional Laughter
NoDakTatum22 November 2023
You might see the names "Dennis Hopper" and "Michael Madsen" on the cover of this straight to video thriller and think "how bad can it be?" Trust me, it is worse than you can imagine. Hopper is businessman Henry. What type of business? I don't know, the writer/director cannot be bothered with such trivial nonsense. Anyway, sleazy business associate Roy (Ron Sloan) is trying to pressure Henry into yet another shady deal. Henry refuses, and then gets a call that his cute daughter Gena (Chelcy Reynolds) has just drunkenly run over a district attorney's son and killed him. Roy overhears the conversation, and tries a little blackmail to get Henry to sign on to the deal. It may have been one heckuva of a deal, but we never find out. The funniest scene occurs at well-to-do Hopper's suite of offices, which is about the size of my bedroom closet, even though Henry drives a Hummer. Henry attacks Roy, leaving him coughing and gasping in the office building bathroom. Henry later checks on Roy, and finds him dead. He dumps the body out the bathroom window and makes plans to get rid of it. Cue local serial killer Will (Michael Madsen), who decides to help out Henry. Will already has a body in the trunk of his car, but there's room enough for Roy's carcass, too. The two make an agreement: Will will dump Roy's body, but Henry must help with Will's own alibi for his latest murder. Trust me, the synopsis, a bad riff on "Strangers on a Train," is more interesting than the film.

I am guessing the entire budget for the film was barely enough to pay for Madsen's brand new John Deere cap. The film is goofy-cheap, from the hysterical office suite to Henry's rather modest home. Most of the film involves Henry and Will talking to each other for what feels like hours on end. They cover their childhoods, how dissimilar they are, pick up hitchhikers, leave notes for each other, threaten one another, etc. I eventually forgot whose bodies were in the trunk of the car, and didn't care. Watch for one scene where Will and Henry park and admit to their respective crimes as a peeping tom looks on. Does the peeper's testimony put anyone behind bars? No, his only role is to turn around from Will and Henry and look at the only actress with enough low self-esteem to show some skin in a dressing room scene. The director must have sat in between Madsen and Hopper in the endless driving scenes, because the camera pretty much shows us every nose hair the two actors possess. The finale involves one character's lack of peripheral vision, I was laughing instead of being thrilled or relieved. "Choke" deservedly went straight to video. Like the DVD cover? Looks kind of cool, huh? A gauze-wrapped face, a shovel, oooohhhh! Aside from the cut and paste picture of the two stars, which I believe came from another film anyway, none of that is in the movie. Pick a better flick.
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Best Movie of 2000
cdaniel-127 December 2002
Superb acting by both Michael Madsen and Dennis Hopper would have guaranteed Oscars to them in a perfect world. Unfortunately, as can be seen from the very few comments at IMDB, no one with a good taste in movies has ever seen it.

This story has an intriguing premise, an engaging story line, and the series of events unfold in such a way that you would enjoy the ride and never bother try to figure out how it would end. The entire plot sequence involves every familiar but sinister plot device to make an exciting story, but it is the dialog between Hopper and Madsen that makes this movie tick. The interaction between the two of them is so good that you would have to see it to believe it.

Definitely one of Madsen best movies, clearly showing why he was the first choice for Travolta's part in pulp fiction. Best Picture, Best Actor Awards go to this movie. One of my favorite movies made.

One word of warning: the first five minutes of this movie while the credits roll are atrociously bad (poor acting from D grade actors) that take away 1/2* from this otherwise perfect movie. 9.5/10
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Waste of Dennis Hopper and time.
c-conley9026 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Made on the cheap, the awful Michael Madsen/Dennis Hopper combo floats for 90 minutes with Hopper covering his daughter's accidental hit and run incident. Slimeball Ron takes advantage of this to get Hopper to do something for him. Hopper threatens Ron and nearly strangles him to death in a bathroom, except he comes back to the bathroom to find him dead. He proceeds to throw the body out the window of the bathroom and try to cover the body up with a trash bag. Madsen rolls up as a lively and somewhat interesting serial killer. Though mostly it's Madsen's lively over-acting that makes it enjoyable. Madsen offers to hide the body in his car and that he's seen Hopper throw the body out the window. Hopper slowly decides to go with this madman after the Madsen's car gets the attention of the cops. This leads to a rather pointless and sole car chase action scene that looks like it was the probably the best they could afford.

Hopper discovers that Madsen is a rather prolific serial killer, picking up random women and killing them. It's at this point that the movie stops being a thriller or interesting because it bogs down in a road trip movie with Madsen and Hopper driving around and musing about murder and their boring childhoods that have no real effect on the plot. This also has pointless exploitational scene of a peeping tom homeless guy who goes back and forth listening to Hopper and Madsen's ADR'ed conversation and watching a woman strip in a changing room. It's one of the most laughable scenes I've ever seen, as the director seems more interested in a peep show then the actual characters in the movie.

Other lame scenes including pointless flashbacks to both character's childhoods that really explain nothing and go nowhere. We don't need to know anything about their childhoods. We don't need to know Madsen burned his father alive as a kid. That's rather hard to care about considering we already get the point he's a serial killer. All those scenes exist to just have Madsen crone on and try to convince Hopper that's he's no better than him in the killing department. It's awful, the suspense is finally brought back when Hopper is made to cooperate with Madsen in a massive cover-up mission that involves wiping phone messages off of Ron's home phone recorder (Madsen destroys it) and getting rid of the victim's car and his daughter's wrecked, bloody car that was taken by Ron as leverage to get him to do something for him.

Unfortunately, both of them are not counting on Ron's current girlfriend who is sneaking around trying to find him and is ultimately done away with by Madsen. Madsen's instructions are not followed to the letter and he goes after Hopper and reveals that he set him up in a WTF twist that will leave your head swimming and the bigger twist that ends the movie rather anti-climatically is that Hopper has invited the police into his home and they shoot an armed Madsen dead in the closing moments of the movie. And right to credits. Seriously, it's a lame ass thriller and only recommended to people who want to watch Dennis Hopper act nervous, yell at people and ADR things.

Madsen plays a Mr. Blonde clone with a John Deere hat, and may be quirky and interesting for a few moments but little is done with him when having him sit and describe his childhood. The rest of the actors are community theater level and atrocious. In only 90 minutes the movie has succeeded to annoy me and bore me all at once.

Plus the weird product placement that was not blurred out for some reason. Yes, South Park shot glasses support drunk driving and hit and run. Also, Hefty is the only trashbag you should use to put dead bodies in according to this movie.

Odd scenes where Hopper is seeing into the future trial of both his daughter and him complete with a lesbian prison inmate getting abusive with his daughter.

And Ron the kindest blackmailer and slimeball you've ever seen who comes off more as a used car salesman or a door to door salesman selling life insurance than a slimeball conman with an agenda.

Further odd scenes of Hopper watching home movies of a little girl that's suppose to be his daughter and looking concerned while he ADR's his thoughts into the scene. The movie is just odd and not even really enjoyable. It's not as bad as Chasing Ghosts though, as far as Michael Madsen movies go.
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Freaky but enjoyable
Roseybaby6328 August 2005
I just saw this movie on late night television and really liked it. I wanted to find out more about this thriller and ended up here. The only reason I started watching it was because Dennis Hopper was in it, but was quickly drawn into it. I realize, from the comments I've read, that lots of people didn't think it was very good, and that surprised me. I liked the plot and enjoyed the acting of Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen. I found it quite interesting how they were filmed while riding in the car talking. It gave a surreal and rather paranoid feel to the scenes. Sure, not all of the supporting cast are overwhelmingly wonderful when it comes to acting, but they're not on screen enough to really be a bother. I adored the ending. All I'll say is; it's a nice bit of a twist. I thought it was quite clever. I truly don't understand why so many people dislike this movie. I recommend it. It certainly kept my interest.
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laughed my ass off!
itsapetepetepetepeteworl22 December 2011
Bizarre twisted psycho thriller. Layered with jokes and hip pop culture references. Happy ending. Two thumbs up. Ignore all those negative reviews by girly men and other wimps. They can all go to hell. If you like to laugh and love action pics you'll enjoy this. Otherwise perhaps not.

If you liked Denis Hopper in Blue Velvet you'll like this movie. If you liked Madsen in Reservoir Dogs, you'll like this too. Even though I'm still very angry at that little jerk for waking me up in the middle of the night when he was looking for Johnboy.

Any more questions?

I give this film a 9/10. It would be a 10, but it wasn't in Panavision.
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Some films are worth watching just for the ending!
chrisjanis7911 July 2004
Unfortunately this film is on the 'lost classic' list! i must say the acting isn't the best but what could you expect from such a low budget! Hopper and Madsen are great to watch together, being two of my favourite actors. It has quite a weird feel about it but flows quite well..except i didn't really understand the scene with the man watching through the hole in the fence, quite irrelevant i thought..none the less i enjoyed the story and its worth watching just to see the great ending..not all is what it seems! If you like either or both of these actors then i suggest you give it a go..even if everyone else in the film is virtually unknown! Just always remember some films are worth watching just for a great twist at the end!! Enjoy, i certainly did!
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hopper and madsen are always great
jsnamer7022 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
i have seen every hopper film and every madsen film and wish there were more films with hopper and madsen together. Choke is a tiny inde film with these two great actors. I like this film more than most madsen hopper films because madsen and hopper are really in the entire film not just a minute or two here and there. A lot of low budget films that put hopper and or madsen's names above the title end up really being about some other actors and madsen and hopper are really only on the screen for 5 minutes. In the case of this film "Choke" however, Hopper and madsen are almost always on the screen working their magic and in my opinion, delivering 90 plus minutes of the stuff i watch hopper and madsen films for? there is also an extremely cool 1970 dodge super bee that gets into a decent police chase and catches more air than the general lee catches in most dukes of hazzard episodes. for that old school car jump alone i should give this film 10 out of 10 but... i'm gonna leave room in case they make choke part two somehow some day? i recommend this picture.
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Lots of unintentional hilarity
scente11 August 2001
This is the most gloriously contrived flick I have ever seen. Dennis Hopper's character and his actions are laugh out loud funny. Man this is a so bad it is good flick in the truest sense. Hopper's inner monologues and Madsen's bad guy mugging for the camera make this silly, silly movie so much fun. Sit back and laugh at this laughable movie. Fun stuff!
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My husband and I liked it-my mom, not so much
lindasaunders25 August 2018
I liked all the twists and turns. Laughed out loud a few times. We thought it was a good movie. My 82 year old mother said it was "so-so".
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For Hopper and Madsen fans only.
CLINT-158 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** What would otherwise have been a teaming in heaven, this Hopper-Madsen teaming is little more than a waste of film roll. Not surprising I suppose considering the recent track record of the actors, both have never been in a worthy theatrical release for a number of years.

"Choke" starts out promising. A Wealthy businessman (Hopper) discovers his daughter was the culprit in a hit and run accident. Rather than report it, they decide to stay quiet, because she was drinking at the time. Little does he know, someone overheard. Blackmailing into taking a job he didn't at first want to, Hopper then decides it's easier if he just knocks off the man - and before you can say "cover up" - a body is pushed out a second story window. Enter, Madsen, as a strange man, who drives up in a classic car, claiming to have seen Hopper's act. Instead of turning him into the authorities though - Madsen asks Hopper into his car and together they go cruising on the highways, stopping (constantly) to talk about their evil deeds.

It's this "stopping and starting", that causes "Choke" to crumble. At times, it's as if we are watching a home video of a couple of actors talking (most of the time about nothing in particular), forgetting that they are supposed to be entertaining the audience. For Madsen and Hopper fans only.
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Movie Nuttball9 August 2005
Choke is a very good film that has a good cast which includes Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen, Chelsy Reynolds, Bradley Armstrong Donohue, Tamara Cholakian, Robert Baugh, Roy Tate, Paula Stevens, Robert Reiser, Beny Hafkamp, Baron Gerrick, Brian Dill, and Racquel Krupsaw. The acting by all of these actors is very good. Hopper and Madsen are really hilarious together in this film. I thought that they performed good. The thrills is really good and some of it is surprising. The movie is filmed very good. The music is good. The film is quite interesting and the movie really keeps you going until the end. This is a very good and thrilling film. If you like Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen, Chelsy Reynolds, Bradley Armstrong Donohue, Tamara Cholakian, Robert Baugh, Roy Tate, Paula Stevens the rest of the cast in the film, Comedy, Action, Thrillers, Crime, Adventure, Dramas, and interesting films then I strongly recommend you to see this film today!
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Very Odd.
mr_pivac198524 February 2003
This was one very strange movie, I rented this film on video manly because it had Dennis Hopper And Michael Madsen in it, They made the film watchable but with out them two actors this movie forshore would have been more of a bomb then it already is. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the film, But only because of the actors, Lots of other people would dissagree with im sure.

all and all it was still a very watchable film so I would give it a 7 out of 10.
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Nifty and offbeat black comic thriller
Woodyanders18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Uptight businessman Henry Clark (an excellent performance by Dennis Hopper) finds himself in a jam after he accidentally kills no-count small-time scam artist Ron Sloan (a deliciously smarmy portrayal by Roy Tate). Blithe itinerant psycho Will (smoothly played with quiet menace Michael Madsen) offers to help Henry dispose of Ron's body.

Writer/director John Sjogren relates the absorbing story at a constant pace, draws the two main characters with depth, maintains a pleasingly edgy and quirky tone throughout, further spices things up with amusing touches of black humor, and delivers a real doozy of a surprise twist ending. Moreover, Hopper and Madsen play off each other exceptionally with, with Madsen's laidback cool making a fun contrast to Hopper's slow burn intensity. A neat little movie.
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