The Captives (Video 2001) Poster

(2001 Video)

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Watch if you mad or crazy
planettelos18 January 2007
I expect the same excitement as I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE but I was let down by just junk how can you even call this a movie ( its kinda of a mini porno) . It made my sick when the guy was made to eat his own business. There is no story line to it at all it jumps to quickly from each murder. If you like seeing a women naked or even mens parts then there's spots in the movie for and there's even a masturbation spot in the movie which makes it a porno and not a movie at all. I have seen some dumb movies in my time but this is number 1 . I want be watching it again at all. The actors even look bored during the movie to me so they probably were in need of money badly to make this movie.
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Don't Let the Film's Title Fool You
gavin69425 March 2007
A young man kills a young woman for no reason. The man's brother is jailed on charges that he was an accomplice, but soon escapes. Upon escaping, the seemingly innocent man kidnaps three victims and soon he ropes his girlfriend in on the plot. If this isn't bad enough, the situation quickly makes a downward spiral.

This film had some good aspects and many bad ones. Its strongest aspect was lead actress Emily Haack. Setting aside the fact she's nude in a fair amount of this film, she presents herself as a decent actress and a very strong character. I see no reason she cannot take this experience and somehow turn it into a career in some way. I was convinced she was a ruthless individual.

Also, the makers of this film were very bold and pulled no punches. Graphic nudity (both male and female), coprophagia, and extreme anal violence are not shied away from. I like my horror films to push the boundaries a little bit, and this one ignored them altogether, gladly skipping towards Gomorrah. Maybe it was too much, but I think they achieved what they were looking for.

But now the negative aspects. First, and most noticeable, this film is very low budget and the film quality shows this. I can excuse that -- the plot was decent, the acting fine and in some scenes the lower quality film actually made the movie more disturbing (a more realistic feel). So, I won't scold them for having low-grade equipment. What I will scold them for is the use of poor choices in shots. For no reason I can ascertain (besides plumping the movie), there is a large amount of footage of a cemetery. I don't really know why, and I frankly started dozing off at this point because it was so long and pointless.

I also take issue with the title. The idea here was to deceive people into thinking this film had some connection to the classic "I Spit on Your Grave". Now, there is a line that seems to imply the main character is the daughter of the woman from this other film. And the themes are very loosely the same (a woman getting revenge on men). But there is no firm connection and the reason this title was chosen was for the video store customer to think they were getting a sequel. This was deceptive and dishonest.

My last major complaint is that this plot makes no real sense. Not even a little bit. A woman is killed in the beginning for no reason. A prison escapee finds time to kidnap people to torture them, for no reason (because they wronged his girlfriend?). The same man goes from good to very evil without explanation. Likewise, the female lead (Haack) turns fro ma normal person to someone who is overly cruel and sadistic, for no reason at all, and against people who for the most part were only marginally mean to her (a neighbor offering drugs for sex is wrong, but by no means worth getting tortured for).

Don't let this title fool you, or the claims that the film is incredibly shocking. Yes, some scenes were shocking, but the vast majority of the film is dull and makes you want to take a nap. If you see this in the video store or on Netflix, just keep browsing. Or rent it, and we can sit around and vent about it for hours. You have been warned.
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Prepare yourself for the ultimate in gruelling horror: Emily Haack with a broom handle.
BA_Harrison3 March 2008
In director Eric Stanze's 'ISOYC, IPOYG', three men are subjected to torture at the the hands of a woman that they have all sexually abused. The first victim is forced to eat his own crap, before being axed to death. The next bloke ends up with a bullet in the crotch after refusing to have anal sex with the first guy's corpse. But it's the third man who gets it the worst: he has to watch the heavily tattooed 'star' Emily Haack get naked and masturbate with a broom handle (oh, he also gets the handle shoved up his butt too!).

And, unfortunately, so do we (get to see her masturbate, that is—not get a broom handle up our butts!).

Yes, 'ISOYC, IPOYG' is one harsh viewing experience, not because of its relentless violence, but because Haack, who is obviously under the misguided notion that she has the body of a goddess (as opposed to that of a roadie for Metallica) constantly gets buck naked for the camera. It ain't a pretty sight.

In addition to the non-stop nudity from an inked-up Haack, viewers also get to see dreadful direction from Stanze (who thinks that endless shots of tombstones and trees is entertaining stuff), some really bad acting, and a fat guy's penis.

Strangely enough, I give 'ISOYC, IPOYG' a rating of 3/10, which is actually slightly higher than its current 2.9 average. That's one point for the messy axe attack (which, being a gore-hound, I actually enjoyed); one point for the bit where the fat guy gets his face pushed in chocolate mousse masquerading as feces (hilarious); and one point for the sheer nerve to suggest that this film might somehow be a sequel to Meir Zarchi's superior exploitation classic I Spit On Your Grave.
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Do they expect people to pay for this?
imdb-292129 December 2003
What an awful, awful, awful movie. I tried *REALLY* hard to find something worth while in this and came up empty. I did enjoy the ending of the movie immensely, but that was only because it meant my suffering was over.

The story (which is *completely* irrelevant to the actual movie) is that some guy rapes and kills a woman on his brother's property. The guy goes to jail and because his brother tried to help him cover up the act he goes in for accessory to murder. He then escapes, meets up with his girlfriend and then introduces her to the 'gifts' he has stored in the basement, which is just a couple of people that somehow wronged him at his trial. He intends to kill them and her, so she tries to escape, struggles with and then subsequently kills the brother.

She's now home alone with 3 people that incidentally also wronged her in the past, so it's payback time.

At this point the movie has finally reached the part that people watching this movie paid for. Problem is it took almost 40 minutes to get there, and a *LOT* of those 40 minutes were spent watching long stupid scenes of nothing shot like your dad would film something with his handycam while walking. The background noise during this was a bunch of annoying buzzes and shreeks. Guess even soundtracks cost a lot of money these days.

The acting... It's a stretch to even call what they are doing 'acting', but for argument's sake let's do so. It's terrible. There's a scene where one of the 'actors' actually laughs when he's clearly supposed to be in pain. My guess is these 'actors', if they were even slightly serious about their acting career, pretty much blew it by signing on for this movie. If they had an agent, he should be shot (or worse, be forced to watch this movie).

There's a whole bunch of nudity in the movie, and while the main subject isn't exactly ugly, she probably won't become Miss Universe anytime soon. I think she's also the most tattoo-covered girl I've seen on film ever. There's a pretty explicit up-close and personal masturbation scene with her too, but that's about it. When she then does a similar thing with one of her captives, there's a striking lack of close-ups of the act. If anything would've been considered shocking (which is probably what the movie was intended to do) *THAT* would've been it.

Oh yeah, to keep some sort of story going, every so often they cut to black and white segments of her moaning on about why who did what. Aside from the fact that absolutely nobody cares about the story, this monotonous monologue is about as interesting as listening to someone reading entries out of the phone book.

If you have any plans at all to go watch this, PLEASE DON'T! If you wanted to see it for the shock-value, watch either "I Spit On Your Grave (1978)" or the less sexual "Broken" video by Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor. And if you wanted to just see the naked girl, rent a porno. I can guarantee you it'll be more interesting, have a better story, makeup, lighting, acting and BUDGET, and give you a lot more value for your dollar.

0 out of 10. Avoid at all cost.
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ItsZodiac12 July 2005
I'm a horror/gore movie freak and this flick was so bad, I felt embarrassed for not only the "actors", but also the director and the poor sap of a producer who actually put his money up for this schlock.

From the title, you'd expect some great carnage, somewhat of a storyline and at LEAST some direction or dialog. Instead, you get what looks like a slightly more violent and sexual Three Stooges episode. At least I laugh at the Three Stooges. While watching this crap, I turned another TV on and started watching Howard Stern until something interesting happened.

Needless to say, I kept watching Stern.

Watching this "film" I realize that I could produce a film with three monkeys, 2 DV cameras, $50 dollars in loose change and a broken PC. This film is my inspiration to get into no-budget film making. Watch this movie if you dare, but be warned...there is a lot of nothing in here but a whole lot of talking and very little action. This makes "KaZaam" look like a Meryl Streep film.

I'm sure Germany didn't ban it due to sex or violence. Other countries need to take heed.
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chrisasom5 January 2007

I love horror movies, but this has got to be the poorest attempt to make one ever. Calling it "a movie" is also a stretch. This "random-clips-of-obviously-fake-and-tacky-violence-and-an-ugly- woman-trying-to-act-sexy-edited-poorly-together" is not worth watching.

Watching this is about as interesting watching as some random family's holiday pictures, and it has about the same quality you would expect when you send your ten year old son into the woods with your new vid-cam, and tell him to make a movie.

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This is an awful film.
dingusking16 May 2007
I watch bad movies.

This movie is not good enough to be a bad movie. Not an ounce of humor, not an ounce of talent throughout.

I am LAZY.

Usually, I see a bad movie and curse. This was so bad, I actually made a review to try and save others from the completely boring mess I fell victim to.

I am smashing my copy of this movie.

It's too lame even to use clear a room. So boring. Watch 'Bloodsucking Freaks' or 'Shock, shock, shock' for absolute crap that has some merit as entertainment. This sludge looks awful, is awful, and whoever made it should feel awful.
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the ... horror .... (for the viewer, that is)
celco7426 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
good lord! (and that coming from an atheist), this "movie" is bad !

much has already been said by the reviewers before (the ones who rated this piece 3 and below) to which I fully agree, I just like to add a few things:

among the three guys who had to eat their own digestive end products, got chopped up by an Axe, raped by a broomstick, had their balls blown away - the ex-boyfriend suffers the worst torture by having to listen to the girl's endless and pointless babble at the kitchen table (as do we, but at least we have the mercy of the mute button).

had the director cut out the point- and endless graveyard and inverted scenes, our suffering would have been over after 30 minutes.

the only things that made this flick at least somewhat bearable are Emily Haack's tits (one point).

forget it. don't buy it. don't waste your time. and your sanity. my brain is so fried after watching this I feel the urgent need to watch (and suffer?) "Scrapbook" right now.
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Crimany it's bad.
xpurityx3 January 2008
Picture the fugly annoying goth kids from college in a scat film, throw in a pinch of story and a whole lot of awful acting, and you are still not even close to how bad this movie is.

Shot badly, bad effects, worse acting. Contrived attempt at shocking horror. Everyone I've showed this to gets kinda depressed watching it. The sex scenes are disturbing, not necessarily for their content, but more because they're just something you want to end as soon as possible. The last sex scene is just foul, even before she gets to the guy.

I'm one of those people that loves to watch movies that people hate, which is why I picked this one up. But for your own sake, save yourself the time and avoid this abhorrence. It's that bad. I literally threw it in the garbage.
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I Spit on Your Corpse
wilkiepooh10119 April 2009
Am I wrong,or is the 2007 version just a rip-off of the original? I have to ask because the DVD I just bought is one of the worst films I have ever seen.....bad acting,bad editing etc....the only "exploitation " aspect here is how we were ripped off for our money buying this piece of crap. It is nothing more than a light-weight porn real gore, no scary images, just a cheaply done bit of garbage. If anyone wants to see an excellent film with no name actors,some slimy gore and a decent storyline...get Baby Blood...also done on a cheap budget but well made...and an actual story too!I Spit was a waste of money but I'll keep it just for a is pathetic! New comment....Sept 3.....I'll keep this film forever just because it it SOOOOO bad it's almost a really bad way....the worst acting ever...a real crap-movie classic!
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What is wrong with you people?
Tromafreak13 April 2009
I'll just go ahead and assume that anyone who is willing to pay their hard-earned money for a movie called I Spit On Your Corpse would be someone who digs B-horror. Some Matrix-loving tool hating this movie would make perfect sense, but anyone who is familiar with B-horror legends such as Beyond The Darkness, or I Spit On Your Grave should not have a problem with this one, in fact, you should find it downright delightful. So, why all the negative reviews?

Even after reading all the unreliable reviews, curiosity got the best of me, and I bought it. My expectations were of course lowered but wouldn't you know it, this movie is awesome!! Alright, fine, I Spit On Your Corpse was shot on video, big deal, 70% of any half-decent B-horror made over the last 15 years has been shot on video, so get used to it. And don't give me that "boring" nonsense, I know boring B-horror when I see it, probably far better than I should. This movie is not boring, in fact, boredom should be the least of your worries.

Not only is it better than I thought, but much more hardcore, Eric Stanze really pushes it this time. An unlikely revenge story about a killer who has broken out of jail, calls his girlfriend, Sandy, and convinces her to meet him in a house, where he has 3 men tied up in the basement, 3 men who have wronged her. Soon, killer-boyfriend gets it at the hands of tattooed-girlfriend, after making it clear he plans on killing 4 people today. now, alone with her enemies, Sandy has a decision to make, either do what any sane, law-abiding citizen would do, or unleash hellish amounts of torture and humiliation on the low-lifes who at least deserve a portion. The unspeakable acts that follow is simply too gruesome for words... not to say it wasn't funny.

What a rare treat. 21st century exploitation done the right way. I Spit On Your Corpse will make you forget the fact that it's a shot-on-video Sub Rosa specialty. Were looking at a graphic throwback to the glory days of gore & trash. I found this one to be even better than the only other Stanze film I've seen, Ice From The Sun, which is what surprised me the most. Some of the reviews I've read have specified that this isn't a sequel to I Spit On Your Grave, as if that would be an insult to the legendary original, well guess what gang, I Spit On Your Grave ain't all that anyway, yeah I said it. So, never mind all the negative reviews. Take a chance on an under dog, and you might find I Spit On Your Corpse to be exactly what you were looking for. 8/10
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Fun time grimy trash
Bloodwank30 December 2011
You know, if I were a less level headed, upbeat and all round peaceful kinda guy titles like this one would bug the crap out of me. During the whole film not one corpse is spat on, nor grave p!ssed on. If you're gonna have such a great descriptive name, you damn well oughta make something more of it I say. Though to be fair I Spit on Your Grave featured no grave spitting as it's actually called Day of the Woman, but if it hadn't had the name change it might never have become such a success. This one shoulda just been called Fun Times With Emily Haack or something, because that's exactly what it is. She plays Sandy, who runs afoul of a boyfriend escaped from jail and ends up going hilariously off the deep end and inflicting some pretty nasty stuff on a few luckless scumballs. She may not match the unhinged nightmare vigor of the likes of Christie Wiles but still turns in an engrossing performance and happily gets nekkid a couple of times. She looks a good deal hotter than she did in Scrapbook as well (maybe the change in hair color) and since I thought her pretty lovely in that one its a real bonus. As one might expect this isn't what one might term a "good" film, though it is interesting in its way, putting forth its notions of hereditary madness and brutality, of the incendiary eroticism of sexual violence, the catalysts that send someone over the edge, and its revelry in the idea of female as aggressor. It has been argued that the whole idea of female dominance is just a roundabout way of asserting male control in that it siphons female power into fantasy (and as a fan of femdom porn I wouldn't necessarily disagree), so its nice to see here a woman getting to be really pretty savage in a technically unarousing manner even if I did find it more amusing than shocking (I have a weird sense of humour). The film does little to actually explore any ideas but its still nice to see them there. What's not so nice is the way the film feels padded even with its trim runtime. Too much time spent with the camera woozily exploring a churchyard and its interior which could have been better spent on more depravity. Still, when things are moving they really move, with some fun grue and a number of classy eyebrow raising moments (with a broom handle put to especially good use). Although this one is held in generally lesser regard I found it a better watch than Scrapbook, faster, tighter and more engaging if not as grimly potent. 7/10 from me, though I suspect most will be far less impressed.
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Sick little film.
HumanoidOfFlesh23 November 2003
Eric Stanze's "I Spit On Your Corpse,I Piss On Your Grave" is a piece of vile exploitation,which reminds me nasty movies from the 70's such as the rape and revenge genre.However unlike excellent "Scrapbook" this film was made only to shock the viewer.It is still one of the most extreme movies I have ever seen.Some scenes of sexual torture and humiliation are pretty hard to stomach.The most disturbing moment for me is when Sandy(Emily Haack)forces one guy to eat his own excrement.The scene,where Sandy masturbates with a broomstick and then shoves it into another guy's ass is pretty vile and unsettling too.The actress,Emily Haack is wonderful-her performance is simply outstanding.The film may be not as good as "Scrapbook",but anyone who likes violent exploitation should be pleased.6 out of 10.
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Absolute crap.
Darthjuris27 May 2004
I like B-grade horror movies. This movie does not merit a "B". Nor "C". Nor "Q". See where I am going? I'd give more details about what precisely was bad about this, but my mind is blocking most of this steaming turd from my memory as a defensive measure. (I defer to the gentleman's review above.

Well put, sir!)

The people who made this movie took a page from Ed Wood in that this movie is not about the details. It's about a 'big picture' that never seems to materialize. It is an amateur Goth/S&M piece that was scripted entirely by phrases beginning with "...and then wouldn't be sooo cool if...". A lot of nothing happens. It's like waiting behind a convenience store waiting for a blind date to arrive would be like if said date never existed and was merely a prank on you by people who hate you a lot. After you realized your mistake, the pain and ridicule are already firmly in place.

This was the least enjoyable movie...ever.
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There is NOTHING Good About this Poorly Made Movie
arfdawg-129 September 2020
Eric Stanze has to be the most untalented individual I have ever come across.

A monkey cold have directed this piece of crap.

It's "filmed" with a cheap video camera that makes it look like it cost less than a hundred bucks to make.

The "plot" is non-existent. If you are expecting I Spit on Your Grave, you will be absurdly disappointed.

The main female character is unattractive and can't act. She's pudgy and has way too many tattoos.

I cannot over emphasize how horrible this movie is. Eric Stanze -- who claims to be "award winning" shoudl never make another movie.
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culmo8020 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, to be fair, this is a video that looks like it was filmed by some aspiring film-makers who got some of their friends to act in it. I give you props for working hard, but this is a far cry from Silence of the Lambs or any other horror film for that matter. I think all the girls were picked because the guy has a thing for lots of piercings and tattoos...maybe those were the only girls he could find in his town who would do this movie...who knows.

The acting was bad; laughable at some points. I also had to fast-forward through long periods where the camera would just focus on random objects or do pans with weird music in the background.

There was a lot of sex and a lot of nudity and some graphic violence.

The plot is pretty thin. I'm not even going to try and explain it because if you took out the sex scenes, and the prolonged camera pans of random things, you would have about a 20 minute movie.

I think the worst part of it was where the girl forces one of her captives to take a crap on the floor and then rub his face in it. This was followed by a close second when she forced the same guy to urinate in his pants. The part where she violates a guy's rectum with a pole, puncturing his bowels was pretty terrible too.

The sex scenes were poor attempts to make this alluring to a wider audience outside of the group of friends of those involved in making the film.

There are horror movies which are bad but fun to watch...this wasn't one of them. Save yourself from losing an hour and 13 minutes of your life and read a book, go exercise, play a few games of solitaire, or even take a nap; anything you can think of would be more beneficial to you than watching this movie.
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Just Torture Porn
billcr1225 June 2012
A variation of the more famous cult title, I Spit on Your Grave, which had a woman seeking revenge on her rapists, one by one, in bloody fashion, including the castration scene in a bath tub. The aforementioned is a masterpiece compared with this mess.

Sandy(Emily Hack) is the woman wronged, by everybody, it seems, and so she goes on a sadistic rampage. She shoots one of the men in the balls; ouch! Bad man number two is burned with a cigarette and forced to defecate, and then forced like Fido, to have his face shoved into it; bad dog. He is having a really bad day, which ends with an angry Sandy turning Lizzie Borden with an axe.

The last guy gets to watch our heroine pleasure herself with a broom handle, and then she uses it on him in a very unnatural manner; holy s***, all we have here is torture porn. No budget, bad acting, and a supposed eight day shoot, make I Spit... a waste of seventy one minutes of my life.
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I love Emily Haack
hedorah994 October 2004
This was another great movie by Eric Stanze. Not as good as Ice from the Sun or Savage Harvest in my opinion, but great none the less. He uses great back stories to make this more than just a remake of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE.I really loved the atmosphere of the film, another strong point of Stanze as a director. But most of all I realized that I love Emily Haack. I think after watching her torture three guys to death on film, I may be intimidated by meeting her, but she made the movie great. Someday I'll have to get SCRAPBOOK. By the way, if you get the DVD, watch the extra about how there was a murder investigation due to the making of this movie.

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More torture porn from the master
alistairc_20009 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This delightful movie is by Eric Stonze of Scrapbook fame. With such a lovable title you can what type of movie this is. It also stars the lovely female from Scrapbook, yes none other than Emily Haack. So the the crew who brought you Scrapbook are back with an equally glum tale of abuse. The story. Emily being the nice lassie she is has fallen in love with a ( another ?)serial killer. She meets him in a graveyard and he guides her back to his place. They get down for a bit of love, after all he has been inside. Then he leads her down to the basement where there are a number of her former pals. Her lover tells her she is next for being nasty to him. He has not reckoned on her being a nutter and she does him in. So the three guys think they we are in for a release... They could not be more wrong. Analysis You can see that is another micro budget opus. There are quite a few long drawn out shots of the church, the fields, the trees and the gravestones. Originally I thought that these were just there to put the time up but now I think that they are there for another purpose. Eric is lulling you into a false sense of security before going for the throat. In the movie we have a reverse of Emily's role in Scrapbook. Emily is the the abuser turned abuser. The music is great and it really puts you in the scene with the cast. Emily gets more and more psycho as the movie goes on. Also she gets this really maniacal gaze in her eyes. The only real problem with this movie is the rather short running time of 70 odd minutes. Extras include a commentary, An amusing dumpster tale and a behind the scenes documentary.
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