Tsoi suet yuk chi ngo oi nei (2005) Poster

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Lovable Against the Odds
Adorable5 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
**May Contain Spoilers**

Indeed, spoilers herein. But then again, with a story veering quite close to the formulaic and expectable, spoilers can be regarded as par for the course. We could have sworn All about Love's premise was spotted somewhere, sometime, probably in a bit of French 70's psychedelia, alas to time of writing no evidence supporting the theory has surfaced. Deja vu notwithstanding, anyone with minimal experience in movie watching will quickly suss out most of Daniel Yu's love tragedy, and likewise have little difficulty foretelling its dire, finalistic resolution.

Happily enough, and despite the absence of a smiles-all-around catharsis, AAL brought one of the neatest pieces of cinematography in HK filmography to the big screen. We can't honestly remember the last time a movie made in Port Fragrance looked this good, even if story-wise it was everything but original. Part surreal drama, part interior design demo, as presented it shone from start to finish in the visual arena. Typically, HK flicks have awesome soundtracks and dodgy photography. With this one it's more the other way around.

And don't misunderstand, looks did not amount to All about Love's full extent. The tale told was also touching and had the more jaded in attendance taking note, or even holding back a few hefty globs of ocular discharge. To their credit, everyone involved with the project produced to acceptable standards, save maybe for the dialogue writers, as that was the weakest link. Characters on more than one occasion rambled, composing some banal discourse the movie as a whole could have done more than equally well without.

Having noted that, we had to acknowledge somebody did their job properly for Charlene Choi to come across as competent and completely devoid of her irritating Hello Kitty/Kawaii act. Instead, she was simply sweet as Ziqing, young wife and hanger-on for dapper Doc Ko (Andy Lau). Although the pair shares a marvelous love and friendship, Ko's career comes first, wife doing constant battle with his schedule. It gets to the point of Ziqing collecting "tomorrow's", promises to meet for dinner the following evening. By the 108th promise, rookie driver Ziqing dies in a deadly car accident en route to picking up hubby from the hospital.

Fast forward a while into the future, and Ko's no longer a practicing MD, but rather a captain in the city's corps of paramedics, under his dad's command (excellent Hui Siu Hung from Love Undercover and others). Ko jets around town in an ambulance driven by Lam Suet (seen recently in Election) like he was Nicholas Cage in Bringing Out the Dead, till one late night he comes across another crash victim, Yuen Sam (Charlie Yeung). As fate would have it, Yuen Sam has in her Ziqing's heart, a fact revealed to Ko by accosting Yuen Sam's cardiologist (Anthony Wong).

Sensing there's more to this than mere coincidence, Ko proceeds to take a vested interest in Yuen Sam's life, and promptly relives numerous moments experienced while his wife was still alive. The film did this cleverly via doubled up scenes where events occurred once for each of the female leads. The effect worked nicely and created significant emotional resonance, in spite of the frequently iffy situations and dialogue.

Events take a turn towards the bizarre for Ko when he discovers Yuen Sam's married to elite fashion designer Derek, another absent spouse who proclaims love yet is never around. The movie then shifts to shed light on the dysfunction ailing the second relationship, down to some very vocal confrontations over Yuen Sam's demands for affection: we realize she's also seriously sick, and may not survive the heart transplant for much longer.

But we did say bizarre didn't we? Of course. Here comes the movie's only true attempt at a twist. Derek looks uncannily like Ko, or mayhap exactly, for both are portrayed by Andy. This, naturally, opens new venues to explore, something AAB does, but half-heartedly so.

However, lukewarm or not, All about Love reaches the finish line in mostly a workable condition, above all else thanks to its cast, yes, even pet peeve Charlene. Andy's again himself, always competent and professional, while Anthony Wong felt so much like a doctor you'd have him consult the guys from ER in a, well, heartbeat. And while watching Charlie Yeung up close and personal, we decided there was something good about the hugely disappointing Seven Swords after all, coz she was in it. One of HK's sleeper talents from as early as Ashes of Time (1992), Yeung possesses a breathtaking spectrum, moving from timid and supple to volcanic with little observable lag. Coupled with Andy's romantic prowess and sad-puppy routines, the two contributed to AAB's tragic romance quotient as Yuen Sam and Ko probe their growing love for each other.

And don't forget the visuals. Yes, the acting was good, but the sights of AAB were right on the money for a mood-infused heart wrencher. We hope the studio has something similar in store for Valentine's, otherwise they sure missed on a winner.

A cut above many of its genre peers but still not as polished and smooth as could be, All about Love earned the requisite boxes of Kleenex with moderately flying colors.

Rating: * * * 1/2
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Romantic slickness
Chris Knipp8 May 2006
Andy Lau as two characters with a doppelgänger with a goatee and pretty ladies Charlie Young and Charlene Choi and Amber. A man falls in love with a woman who turns out to have his dead wife's heart. Of course he falls in love with her -- you knew that, right? This lady's estranged husband looks just like Andy, and that's because he's played by Andy too. This contains lots of cute Hong Kong romantic gimmicks from movies and novels, including ones that Wong Kar-wai has often used in his rapturously stylized reworkings. Here the style is conventional and the thinking trite. The only interest is to see the technical displays, split-up editing, superabundance of flashbacks and computer manipulations, which are extremely slick, without making the material convincing -- though at times it's good for a laugh. This doesn't seem suitable for an international film festival -- so the choice to include it in San Francisco's 49th (April 2006) seems questionable. Nonetheless students and fans of Chinese film-making might want to watch it for its mastery of current clichés and tricks.
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drama romance
limsumin2 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Zai shuo yi ci Wo Ai Ni:

Say again "I love you" (Chinese title) aka All About love (English title)

Andy Lau acts as Ko, a successful surgeon whose wife died a few years ago in an accident. After his wife's death, he chooses a job as a paramedic which gives him regular working hours to enable him to spend more time with his family and friends.

One day, Ko saves Yuen-Sam who suffered a road traffic accident and starts to take an interest in her life. Ko discovers that her husband, Derek (acted by Andy Lau) went missing a few years back. Derek is a famous stylist. He is pursued by a supermodel and results in having an affair. The affair strained their marriage and after one big argument Derek left for Japan.

Yuen-Sam is suffering from rejection of her transplanted heart. She tells Ko that her dying wish is to spend some happy times with Derek. Ko agrees to help and in his quest, he discovers that Derek actually looks very much like himself. Ko also discovers that the heart donated to Yuen-Sam came from his late wife.

Ko masquerades as Derek (guessing who is who is fun). He spends time with Yuen-Sam and celebrates Christmas and Chinese New Year all in a row. Ko introduces Yuen-Sam to his parents-in-law, the parents of the heart donor who accept Yuen-Sam as their own daughter. Ko summons Derek back from Japan just in time to say farewell to Yuen-Sam.

Yuen-Sam leaves her diary for Ko which expresses her gratitude to him and her desire to share her love for him by way of the personality of the heart within her. She is glad for a second chance to say to him "I love you".
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Beautiful cinematography, weak plot
leekandham3 November 2006
Ko (Andy Lau) is a young doctor happily married to Zi Qing (Charlene Choi) when one evening she is killed in a car accident. Giving up his job as a doctor to become a paramedic, one evening he encounters a car crash in involving a young woman Tse Yuen Sam (Charlie Yeung). Finding that she was the recipient of his wife's heart, and that the transplant operation has not been entirely successful (her body was rejecting the heart), Ko tries to find out more about her. On discovering that her husband, Derek, who has a striking resemblance to Ko, had left her and that her dying wish was to spend time with him, Ko steps into Derek's shoes to try to bring happiness to her and his wife's heart in their dying days.

All About Love is beautifully filmed a very much an indie, art-house style and therefore encompasses visually-appealing photographic shots with interesting camera angles. A few special effects here and there add photography, and I have to say that in terms of the visual element of the film, it is really up there with the top. Congratulations to Jason Kwan with that.

However, this film was meant to be an emotional film. And while it was (there will have been a few tears jerked in the theatres), I didn't feel as though there was much credible emotional depth to the story. Andy Lau does very well and I can't fault his attempts to bring the characters of Ko and Derek to life. But unfortunately, the plot was simple, weak and linear, with not enough depth in the characters to really keep the viewer that interested.

Overall, at the end of the film, I was left feeling that the film could have been much, much better, which is a shame considering the cinematography was excellent. One missed opportunity.
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Andy Lau the Genius
had_whoken13 December 2005
This is not one of the best Andy Lau movie, (in my opinion, Running out of time was the best one) but this is absolutely the best Andy Lau acting, or acting, you have ever seen. I don't think anyone in the world has the same skill of act like Andy. He is just a genius, there's no word for descriping his act in this movie, you just have to see it for yourself. I dare to say that this movie would have been "average" or "below average" because the story is just "boring" actually, but now, there's something special.

The movie it self deserves a 7, but i'm giving it a 10, just because of Andy Lau.
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gingertan8820 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this movie, I didn't have much expectation from it. The cast attracts me to watch this movie.

But god knows what. I cry throughout the movie. It's a beautiful movie, great editing and cinematography. The flashback in Charlene life into Charlie Yeung is amazingly done.

I recently rewatched it. Still remember some of the tear-jerking scenes. - The one when Charlene body was pushed along the hospital alley while Andy take steps after steps backwards. The emotion in that scene is so powerful. - Also the one when Charlie died looking at both her real husband and the one accompany her all along. That heartbeat sound and when it stops, I can't stop thee tears flowing down my eyes. - The ending is the most tear-jerking. The letter which Charlie wrote for Andy in place of his wife. Despite knowing all along that Andy wasn't her real husband, she whom have Charlene heart beating inside her was as happy as seeing him as her real husband and the feeling she had for him is genuine from her heart. I cry so much.

Acting is top-notch from Andy, Charlie and Charlene. Andy is perfect as Dr. Ko and Derek. Charlene as the young wife have good chemistry with Andy despite the age gap. Charlie is amazing. I really love her acting here. Her dieing scene and the letter at the end move me greatly.

Overall this is a great film. Some reviews I came across might not agree with me but this movie make me realize the things in life that we have abandon and things we should cherish. If you can remember a movie in detail and the feelings it gave you even after 6 years, that movie is special to you. Just like how this movie is special to me.
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Great movie
gamiite9 July 2006
I loved this movie. It was the best movie that I saw this year. I would like to see more films like this one:

touching, sensitive, with a deeper meaning,

different from the Hollywood standards...

Is there any movie that you could recommend me?

I loved the moment of his dreaming... When he closed his eyes and dreamed of his wife. An then the drops falling into the mug. It was so beautiful. And all the idea in general. A man crying for his lose and trying that hard for a woman that has just his wife's hurt.

See it and you will understand.
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Excellent movie
cutie_sagittarius_is18724 February 2006
I really like the movie. In the beginning it talks about a husband (Andy Lau) that doesn't have enough time to be with his wife because of his work. One night the Andy finally had time to have dinner with his wife (Charlene Choi). Charlene just learned how to drive. She drove to the hospital (Andy is a doctor) and waited for Andy. Then Andy had something to do so dinner was canceled. Charlene then got into a car accident and died. Andy's life from then on became so normal and dull. He would go to work on time and get off work on time. Everyday was like that. Later he found out that Charlene's heart was used as a heart transplant (am i right i'm not sure) on a woman. That woman got in a car crash a met Andy. It turns out that woman ( Charlie Yeung) once had a husband that looked just like Andy. His name was Jack(i think). He wanted to give all his time to her so he could repay Charlene. Charlene's heart was in Charlie. Over the time Andy spends with Charlie memories of the times that Andy spent with Charlene came up. There was a kissing scene. Charlie was about to die so Andy called her husband Jack( or Josh). Charlie died and wrote a letter to Andy in Charlene's place. She pretended to be Charlene to write a letter. If you want to know what it says then you have to see it to know. I highly recommend this movie. It was great, excellent!
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Minor flaws, but simply moving
xlovexpopx7 August 2007
All About Love was pretty obvious like most romantic drama films. Most people can clearly guess what's going to happen all throughout the movie. Though it does have it's unexpected turn of events, of course. I won't go into much detail. But here is what I will say: There are two men, Doctor Ko and Derek(both played by Andy Lau), and two women, Zi Qing and Tsue Yen Sam. These are two couples that both go through something pretty terrible, so you can see the resemblance and guess that there will be something that intertwines the people together in the story. I don't like spoiling so I don't want to give much away at all. It's a really nice love story and has some good lessons. It really makes you think and can bring tears to your eyes. I thought the imaging was very beautiful, but there were some things that I thought could be a lot better done. The character's emotions might have needed to be displayed a lot stronger. But truly, you get the full-effect that was intended either way. 9/10
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Yes, Andy is a Genius!
destin58813 April 2006
This was the 1st of Andy's films I found recently. I cried when I saw this film! Didn't cry for King Kong, but I found this movie very touching. After that, I went and bought lots of his music & movies.

Some research found a very funny review of this movie, said it contained advertising for Cyma watch inserted at poignant moments of the film. haha.. Andy is very popular in HK, etc. He is a very versatile actor & singer. Sings Mandarin & Cantonese, bilingual. His English is not bad too. He changes his looks to suit the character, with expressive use of face/body language. You will enjoy this film. Therefore I can understand why he is much sought after for brand advertising. Also, in only 20 yrs he has made 100 films plus have a very successful singing career, must say how hardworking, enthusiastic, passionate about his art(s) he is. Any is a great entertainer indeed...

This film has many threads: to take care of how we use our time to express love & commitment); how to resolve unfinished business; Organ donation (how we can contribute to another person's need); 2nd chance if work on the relationship; how to move on (or not move on).

After watching this movie, find what threads/meaning, to suit your own situation. Check out his other films, I particularly liked the 'Century of the Dragon' where he is also married in that film. Won't tell you what happened, you must see for yourself! Have fun. Enjoy.
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All about love
ll20012 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Film Review

——All About Love

The reesons why I selected the film "All About Love" for my target film are its touching feeling and successful acting. The director of this movie was Yu Weiguo in Hongkong, and the first time of releasing was the autumn of 2005. All About Love is a typical love movie which includs the complicated relationships among family members. The famous movie star, Andy Lau (Liu Deihua), was the main actor, while Charlie Yeung (Yang Caini) and Charlene Choi (Cai Zhuoyan) were the main actress in this movie. The story of this film is mainly focus on the complex relationship among the three figures above, but it clearly displayed the truth love related to people's whole life.

First of all, I was attracted by the brief introduction to the plot online of this movie, and the attractive plot and vivid story roles led me to be interested in this movie. In the movie, Andy acts as doctor Gao, he is hard working and always devotes himself to his career. In his daily life, Andy tries his best to save people's lives, and works until late night. However, the day in and day out work make him neglects his hamily, and seldom to company with his life. Charlene in this movie acts a special mature woman who played a wife, and loves her husband deeply. She often makes delicious dishes to wait for her husband, Gao, going back home from work. Sometimes, she goes to hospital to see her husband when she feels lonely. Even though, she is quite disappointed as the less private time together with her husband, she still cares about Gao with the power of love. She nevel told her unhappy to her husband, instead, she write them down in a diary as her personal secret between her and her husband. However, Gao does not realize the importance of his wife until a sudden traffic accident happens. Since then, he feels seriously guilt and changes his job to a person who gives first-aid. His life turn to so regular and boring, but he thinks it should be a punishment for his previous behaviour pattern of living. In a certain traffic accident, Gao breaks common rules and saves a pretty woman called Chen, who is acted by Charlie. The appearance of Chen opens the closed heart of Gao in his life. Gao finds that Chen's husband is a famous hairdresser called Derek in Hongkong, additionly, Derek is a handsome man and popular among women. In the first impression of audience, Derek just looks like the twin of Gao but has quite different characteristics from Gao. Derek is also busy with his work and loses the passion with Chen. Finally, in one quarrel, he goes to Japan and leaves his wife who gets a serious heart disease. Gao can find the used him from this man, and Chen also has a soft place in Gao's heart as the short period of life. Therefore, he decides to disguise himself as Derek and give unforgettable memories to Chen instead of his husband. This behaviour make him hardly to compenstate to his real life, but he never regret. Finally, as Chen's husband, Derek comes back in her last minutes of life..

After finishing to watch the movie with tears in my eyes, I understood what the main truth is in people's life. People always do not know how to treasure somebody and something until the later arriving of understanding about loses. The whole movie reflects the particular plot and masterly acting techniques. In my opinion, the special technique is that Andy Lau acts to different roles, Gao and Derek, separately. These two figures have various levels of status and temperament. It is a challenge of the actor and he should spend a lot of energy and ideas to practice how to act both of the two different rloes well. Gao is a figure who is despondent and wordless, while Derek is a man with extroversion temper. The director also designs some extraordinary scenes to strengthen the expression which the movie try to indicate. There are some special scenes in my memories, such as the various festivals which are celebrated between Gao and Chen. Gao wishes the time can pass quickly, so Chen could enjoy more happiness in her last life. In fact, there are a large number of simple symbols to make up of this movie. A simple symbol is especially designated in order to imply the particular meaning. For instance, the simple symbol that Gao and Chen dancing in the snow, on Christmas Day. That is really a beautiful genre which shows the pure love and desire for living in front of the audiences. After Derek coming back to Chen, Chen could leave the world peacefully. Besides, Chen knows the fact that Gao is not Derek even if they look like the same. Indeed, she is grateful for the good intention of Gao, and writes a letter to express the true feeling to Gao instead of his dead wife. After reading this letter, Gao is able to release his pressure and forgive himself in the end of the movie Then the sky light at the last scene means the hope of the life without sadness.

In the world, different people pursue different lives, within love. Some people want the passion of love just for a moment, others desire the love for a long time like family emotion. However, honesty is the most important feelings of a person. I consider that honesty could link the communication in two hearts. I admire the ideology of the director and the perfect acting techniques of the actors and actresses. The movie gave me a memorable time for nearly two hours. This is the reason why I review this movie and want more and more people to gain pleasure and comprehension.
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