"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Something Blue (TV Episode 1999) Poster

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Possibly the funniest BTVS episode ever
katierose2956 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is ones of my favorites. It's funny and charming and sets the stage for the Buffy and Spike relationship. Even Riley gets some good lines. I don't think Buffy and Spike are ever cuter than they are in "Something Blue." This episode completely reestablishes their relationship, putting it on a more romantic level. If you're watching it the episodes in order, large parts of season four will come as a surprise. Spike is suddenly part of the gang and seeing him kiss Buffy, even under a spell, is a huge change of pace. Still, from "Something Blue" on there is a sexual undercurrent to all their conversations. By next season, Spike will be the show's leading man. All in all, this episode is a real winner and I highly recommend it.

The episode, like so many others, revolves around a spell going wrong. Willow is mourning Oz and when he sends for all of his stuff, she realizes that he really isn't coming back. Heartbroken and wanting to feel better, she resorts to magic. Her spell is supposed to let her control events through the force of her will. That way she could just get over Oz by "wanting" it bad enough. Of course, something goes wonky. She's making things happen through the force of her will, alright, but it's all unintentional. She calls Xander and demon magnet and suddenly demons are chasing him everywhere he goes. She tells Giles he doesn't understand her point of view or see anything and suddenly he's going blind. And, annoyed that Buffy is spending the evening trying to corral Spike, she mutters that Buffy and Spike should just get married. Before you know it, they're engaged.

Spike has been hiding out at Giles' house, tied in the bath tub, drinking pigs blood from a "Kiss the Librarian" mug and watching daytime TV. Buffy and Giles have been pushing him for more details about the Initative, though. And Spike is worried that they'll kill him as soon as he tells them everything he knows. He escapes to go look for the Initative himself and make them remove the chip from his head. Buffy finds him, drags him back to Giles' and right about then Willow's spell kicks in. Spike and Buffy are suddenly engaged and planning their wedding. While Giles' implores them to see reason, they happily discuss photographers and flower arrangements. Xander and Anya arrive, with demons hot on their tail, and pretty soon they deduce that Willow must be behind this mess. They set out to look for her, unaware that she is being approached by Anya's old boss, who'd like her to become a vengeance demon.

These's so much to love about this episode. Amy popping out of rat form for about 3 seconds. Xander screaming as demons break down his door. Willow baking cookies to ease her pain. And Buffy and Spike are just so, SO funny together. She makes him a little bit lighter, so suddenly Spike's worrying about Giles. And he makes her a little bit darker, so suddenly Buffy's smearing red paint on the cake-topper groom's mouth to represent the "blood of the innocent." The two of them somehow have books of wedding invitations to pour over. They're bickering over Angel and Dru and making out at every opportunity. It's even funnier because of Giles. Both Spike and Buffy view Giles as an authority figure. They've been tattling to him about each other all episode. ("Giles, make her stop!" "Giles, I accidentally killed Spike, that's okay, right?") Now, they're "living the dream" and Giles' growing aggravation at Spike and Buffy is just hilarious. Spike gives Buffy a skull shaped engagement ring. (Which is extra ridiculous if you contrast it with the beautiful colladgah ring that Angel gave her in season two's "Suprise.") "Giles did you see my ring?" Buffy chirps, delighted. "Thankfully, not very well." Giles grumbles in response. The poor guy is blind and they're still hassling him. It's just really funny stuff.

On the downside, I think that this episode sinks the Riley/Buffy relationship before it even gets started. The previous week on "Angel" the episode "I Will Remember You" aired. It showed Angel and Buffy sharing a perfect day and served as a reminded of their tragically beautiful love story. With "Something Blue" we get Spike and Buffy being cute and funny and having undeniable chemistry together. Between the established romance of Angel and the new "spark" with Spike, there's just no room for Riley. He comes in a distant third for Buffy's possible boyfriends. Next to Angel and Spike, he seems boring and lifeless. (Which is ironic since they're the ones who are undead.) The show will try everything to make Riley a viable hero. Over the next, season or so we'll get dark Riley, sensitive Riley, funny Riley, super-powered Riley and nothing works. In my opinion, he was doomed from this episode on. Buffy just needs to be dating a vampire.

My favorite part of the episode: Spike watching "Passions" in the bath tub. He'll be obsessed with the show into next season. "Passions" is a soap opera and I think Spike's a fan because he's lonely. It gives him a vicarious sense of community. Plus, it's got a kind of campy charm. "Passions" is still on the air and it currently has a character named "Spike." I'm guessing it's an homage to BTVS.
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Really awesome and gripping
thedarkarcher-2353912 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love this buffy episode so much its so funny how buffy and spike end up together after willows spell . Love the scenes with buffy spike and giles when giles hears buffy and spike kissing and says please stop doing that I can hear the smacking this episode is so well done
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blueshadow-632-97781625 November 2020
Not only is this a great episode, it had me laughing for 5 minutes straight on multiple occasions, forcing me to pause it;
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Funniest EVER!
aura77211 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is an amazing episode, I really think it made my mind about the 4th season, that until now I thought to be worst from the Buffy series... Actually is the worst, just that now it's much better...

I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard! Spike and Buffy preparing their wedding was the highlight of the episode... It would have been a lot funnier if Angel was around and he would've seen them like that.

The reason why this season is the worst is because in each and every episode... you can feel the absence of Angel. You can feel that Buffy still feels something strong for him and you wonder if she will ever stop loving him. It's really poetic, how Giles said.

I can hardly wait to see the episodes with Spike playing the good guy. He's just kinda hot evil... in the good way... Spike is an extraordinary character, but he's not Angel. When Spike takes on Angel's place as leading male character, it's like an entirely new show.

Nevertheless, I strongly recommend this episode if you're having a bad time... Just make sure you are totally familiar to the Buffy show.
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The One Where Buffy And Spike Get Engaged...
taylorkingston1 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You may be saying from the title, "What? Why are they getting married? I don't understand." Don't worry, it's okay, you're not going crazy. This episode made me very confused as well, before I knew the entire plot. But it is a very good episode and one of my all-time favorite episodes from this season and the entire series.

In this episode, Willow has been very depressed since Oz left. So, to make herself feel better, she casts a spell on herself, that doesn't work the way she wanted it to. It's a will- be-done spell, but when she can't command herself to get over the pain, she gets even more upset. But when she says that Buffy and Spike might as well get married, that Xander is a demon magnet, that Amy was a perfectly normal girl, and that Giles can't see anything, things go bad. Buffy and Spike get engaged and make out all over Giles' apartment. Xander and Anya gets massive amounts of demons flooding them. Amy turns back into a human for a second, but then Willow says, and then she's a rat, so she turned back into a rat. And Giles goes blind. Her will-be-done spell, worked. It's so funny, it really is. Especially when Anya's ex-boss, D'Hoffyrn, wants to recruit Willow to be a Vengeance Demon.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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A Powerful Spell
claudio_carvalho6 August 2006
While deeply missing Oz, Willow decides to put a spell on herself to make stronger and prevail her will. She believes the spell failed, and while talking to Giles, she mentions that he can not see anything. She tells Xander that Buffy and Spike could get married to each other, and that Xander would be a magnet of demons. When her wishes come true, Buffy, Giles, Xander and Spike get in real trouble.

"Something Blue" is a great episode of the Fourth Season, and I really liked it a lot. The romance between Buffy and Spike and their reactions in the end are hilarious. There are many funny lines and this story is really excellent. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Uma Ligeira Tristeza" ("A Slight Sadness")
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Willow casts a spell with unintended consequences in this quality episode
Tweekums22 May 2019
Buffy and Giles are trying to persuade Spike to tell them more about The Initiative; Willow suggests using a spell to force him to tell the truth and promises to get the necessary ingredients... unfortunately she still hasn't got over Oz's departure and tries casting a spell to help her move on. Somewhat inevitably it doesn't work as planned. At first she thinks it just failed but it soon becomes obvious that it is working in a different way. Things she says about other people start coming true although she doesn't realise this. The effects are mixed to say the least; Xander is put in danger as demons are drawn to him; Giles loses his sight and Buffy and Spike get engaged!

This episode really is a lot of fun; Willow's spell causes enough danger to require some good demon fighting action scenes but the real highlight is how it effects Buffy and Spike... it is so wrong it is hilarious! The cast is on great form; especially Alyson Hannigan who does a great job portraying Willow as she attempts to get over Oz; and Sarah Michelle Gellar and James Marsters who are so much fun as Buffy and Spike. The episode has a really good resolution that doesn't go quite as one might expect. Overall a great episode that provides laughs, excitement and character development.
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Spuffers delight
Joxerlives11 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Good; The ep to put joy into the hearts of Spuffers everywhere. Brilliantly funny with some emotional resonance with Willow and Xander and Anya's relationship taking a step forwards. Plus AMY! Nice little touches too like Giles' 'Kiss the librarian' mug

The Bad; Some of the demons look a bit ropey. Why does Willow's spell on the other's work instantly but Giles only becomes progressively blind?

Best line; Xander; "What? How? What?" Giles; "3 excellent questions?"

Tied up; Spike chained in the bathtub

Women good/men bad; Buffy comments that her dad isn't too far away which means they're not estranged yet

Jeez!; Anya says that she used to do spells to give men 'Boils on the penis'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kinky dinky; Buffy teasing a chained up Spike with her neck. Plus naked Amy. Xander tells Anya to consider his lips the 'fruit roll ups of love'. Willow shakes her booty on the dancefloor. Willow comments on all the demons who are attracted to Xander. Buffy ponders her attraction to dark relationships? Xander pictures her in Raquel Welsh's buckskin bikini from 1 Million Year BC. D'Hoffryn strokes Will's face (he seems to consider his female demons akin to his daughters?)

Calling Captain Subtext; Note it's Spike who notices that Willow is still in pain. Perhaps William the Bloody;sensitive poet isn't totally gone after all? Spike's 'little brother' jealousy of Angel is still evident. Riley helps out the UC Sunnydale Lesbian Alliance by hanging their banner up and tells Buffy that he's a lesbian (he wishes!). Willow agrees that Riley has good arms (another tick in the Bi box)

Where's Dawn? Presumably returned with Buffy from visiting their dad in LA. Buffy doesn't seem to get around to telling Dawn and Joyce about her engagement. Spike seems to cast aspersions on Joyce's naming of Buffy which is weird as he normally thinks the world of her.

Questions and observations; Hugely funny, nice to see that Willow mourning her loss of Oz hasn't just been forgotten about. A step forwards for Spike and D'hoffryn back again. Buffy again refers to her not being the greatest driver. Willow still has the pics at the pier from season 3 of Buffy. Buffy kills one vamp and Xander drowns a demon. Buffy says that they may be into a forgetting spell later and indeed in season 6 they are.

Marks out of 10; 8/10
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Will's Will
ossie8521 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Willow finds that Oz has moved all his stuff out of his room, this upsets Willow so much she tries to create a spell that wills her pain to be gone. But her spell backfires and now everything she says comes true - Xander becomes a demon magnet literally, Giles becomes blind and Buffy and Spike are engaged.

Why It's So Good - A hilarious episode, with some great bits all round. Buffy and Spike paring the best of it, but oddly prophetic. Willow's pain is real, and the end of a relationship really is a grieving process.

Watch Out For - Spike lips! Lips of Spike!

Quote - "'Passions is on! Timmy's down the well, and if you make me miss it, I'll..." - Spike.
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Dumb dumb duh dumb
Realrockerhalloween3 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Willow still feeling heartbroken from Oz leaving is recruited to become a vengeance demon and whatever she says becomes true. This episode is heartbreaking as Willow still suffers from losing her boyfriend trying to forget him with partying, drinking and starting fights with her friends. It really takes a cosmic cry to have one of these demons to visit you yet Willow was at the point where she was nearly self destructing. It tries to balance it out with humor by having Giles go blind, Xander becoming a demon magnet and Buffy & Spike fighting turned into romance yet during all the exploits remind you its because of Willow feeling awful this is happening.

Another aspect is Buffy & Spike do in a weird way have chemistry and look nice together even though I'm not a spuffer. I much rather it was played for laughs then they get together as a couple.
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The Bells Are Ringing for Me and My Vampire
Hitchcoc4 June 2024
This is a really fun episode. Willow is in a tailspin over Oz leaving. So being a witch, she cooks up a spell which eventually brings about unwanted consequences. Giles goes blind. Demons chase Xander. And Buffy falls in love with Spike and drools all over him--they actually begin making wedding plans. The visual absurdity of this is hilarious. Buffy wants a traditional wedding with Spike. Their dialogue is just like any loving couple. Spike's comments are really funny. Anyway, the point of this is for the infected to figure out what has happened. The results are striking, especially when the spell is broken.
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