Last Stop for Paul (2006) Poster

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I changed my mind
RNMorton2 March 2010
Maybe I was in a really good mood the first time I saw this movie. Maybe the fact that I started the movie half way through (which often works very well) shaded my viewpoint. For whatever reason, I enjoyed this the first time around, even wrote a good IMDb review for it. But having tried to watch it from the beginning yesterday I lasted about 5 minutes or so. Film depicts two shallow American travelers going from international location to location trying to figure the proper resting place for their friend. When they meet other travelers with interesting stories things sometimes break out into a flashback/movie-within-a-movie. There are elements of this that are okay (like Petrone as the babe) but on proper reflection this movie is trashy in its own smarmy way, unnecessarily gross, self-absorbed, and by the way I don't like the staged violent Christian episode, along with the other negatives. Next time you see it pass 'em by.
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Great movie for travel buffs!
badjuju_0029 January 2009
Granted this was not an academy award-earning movie, but I thought it was great. If you love to travel and crave an experience that's truly unique, you'll love this movie. The funny part is my sister and I used the travel writer bit to get free hotel rooms. In our case, we DID write about our experiences at the hotel. This is one of those movies that will convince us to take a break from our hum-drum lives and enjoy a life-changing experience. It opens your eyes and hearts to cultures out of your comfort zone and gives you a glimpse about people from all works of life. I loved this movie and as I was watching it, I wanted to buy a round the world ticket. Great job!
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Fun and touching!
vica9312 May 2008
This movie really makes you want to get up and start traveling the world! After watching this film, I got really inspired to experience the world and the people. A year later I am still hoping to own this film on DVD one day.

Its fun to watch, very entertaining, a great flick to watch if you have company over.

This film left me feeling that I actually got to visit all the places featured in this film. It's almost as if you are partaking in this adventure.

I highly recommend this film to everyone who is interested in seeing and experiencing other countries and cultures.
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Acting kills this film
ThreeThumbsUp26 October 2010
The idea of this film has some genuine life, but the acting simply slaughters it. At first glance, I thought Last Stop for Paul was a travel documentary, but I quickly discovered that it wasn't. The dialogue was predictable, stale and fabricated. The two main characters are not professional actors, making for some almost laughable tête-à-tête. Each conversation lacked any sort of verisimilitude.

If you can get past the dreadful acting, there are aspects of this film that can be thoroughly enjoyed. For a geography buff like myself, I took pleasure in the scenery, especially when the pair stops in Greece and Vietnam. The producers took time to actually exhibit the landscape too, helping stimulate the viewer where the plot and dialogue don't.

Overall, this film fails miserably in the acting department, but the cinematography is great. Again, the intent of Last Stop for Paul isn't that bad, but it simply didn't take off like it should have.
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The most entertaining film I've seen at any film festival. Ever.
port-ms18 June 2008
I was talked into seeing a midnight screening of this film, and was caught completely off guard. This film followed the usual, boring, trying-to-be provocative short film you can expect at any festival, so naturally I assumed the worst for the upcoming feature.

I was totally wrong. Sure, "Last Stop for Paul" was shot on some pro-sumer grade cameras, had no real actors, and was all hand-held...but it was one of the most charming films I've seen in a long time. I can honestly say that I was never bored--and I've never enjoyed movies starting after midnight (I like to be alert and in the "mode" for movie-watching).

It's not the greatest film I've ever seen, and it isn't really life changing, but I can tell you that it will be worth your time to give it a shot--you will be entertained. Check it out!
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Embodies everything to dislike about American travelers
one_punch_monkey27 July 2009
I saw this title at the video store and was impressed with the number of awards the film had won at small film festivals. I find this film (if I can even call it that) embodies everything to dislike about American travelers. It follows two suits from L.A who go on a two week trip across the world to scatter the ashes of one of their buddies (Paul), they get deals on places because they pretend to be travel writers with Froomers. It seems to me that the way they pitched this idea for the film it is in similar fashion to resorts and airlines in order to get free stay. Anyways, sorry for being no negative. I was just amazed at how much good press this movie received. The acting is horrible, specially Cliff, the scene with the two Jamacian hookers... I don't know what to say. The two main characters are unlikable and even though the one guy claims to be a world traveler he seems that he would be lost at a Walmart. The only decent actor is the dude they meet in the Vietnamese jail. The reason my girlfriend and I kept watching is the one saving grace of the film, the locations, even with the crew's amateur cinematography they manage to capture some of the sceneries' beauty. But the film's finale at the full moon party is just a bunch of American tourists vomiting over the place (read Alex Garland's the Beach). In conclusion do yourself a favor and skip last stop for Paul. It's funny but for the wrong reasons.
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This film's got heart!
CaffeinePusher3 July 2008
If you've ever tried to shoot a film without a script with untrained actors, let alone ones that don't even speak your language, you'd respect this little movie. Apparently, that's what the director here did. It gives the film that improvisatory feel that I like because it's loose and seems more like real life, but there's still a structured story that you can follow so it's not just some mess. The story moves really fast, you get to meet a lot of funny characters, and you get to see beautiful footage of a lot of different countries. I checked this movie out because I like Borat and Anchorman and improvised style comedy, My friend who is an up and coming filmmaker told me about this flick that he saw at some festival in Florida. It's not exactly like Borat as the main character seems like a real guy as opposed to some freak, but the humor is still pretty awesome! Just crazy characters and crazy stuff that happens when you're a stranger in a strange land. It looks like the guys who made it had a lot of fun doing it and their passion for traveling comes through perfectly. I would definitely give this a chance!
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amgbain12 February 2010
The only reason I got this movie out was because of the extraordinary number of awards it seemed to have won. I will never base my movie hiring on that basis again after this.

The acting of the two main characters is awful but I suspect that has as much to do with the editing than their acting skills.

The guy they meet in the prison in Veitnam is convincing but apart from that it comes across exactly like the stories I hear of American tourists around the world. I hope there is not a sequel or that these guys don't try to make any more films.

There are some great shots of the scenery but it's been shot so much better in so many travel documentaries that this is not a saving grace.

Please do not waste your money on this film.
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One of the most inspirational films I have ever seen.
mebesingin14 March 2008
What can you say? This film blows you away as a serious contender for conventional artwork. At no point does your imagination or eye stray as you are taken on a re-enactment to of all those countries you traveled years ago. Get ready to reminisce about the holiday romances, the adrenaline filled afternoons, the late late nights, and all the things you never thought you'd do but ended up doing. The story moves along at fine speed with plenty of edits, fun characters, crazy stories and an underlying current of friendship and passion for travel. I take my hat of to those involved with the movie and would like to thank them for helping me dig my crusty hiking boots out of the cupboard for one more adventure.
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my review for LAST STOP FOR PAUL
creativetype20073 June 2008
LAST STOP FOR PAUL was the best movie I have seen about seeing the world and travel. There is no doubt that come award time next year, Last Stop should be up for an Independent Spirit award for best movie, and best director. When you see it is looks just like a studio film but I later found out it was shot for very little money which blew my mind. And not only did it motivate me to put my backpack on and hit the road and see the world myself, but it moved me which doesn't happen often. Shortly after seeing the movie, I decided to leave my job and headed for Asia which changed my own life as it was the first time I traveled and this movie motivated me to do this. The movie is very moving and inspirational. I recommend it to everyone.
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Very smart and funny
ronah36014 March 2008
I saw this movie last weekend at the Laemmle Sunset 5 theater in Hollywood and I was blow away at how unique it was. It looked like a big budget movie, yet I was shocked when I heard there was no crew. Apparently Neil Mandt and Marc Carter played the two main actors and shot themselves in the scenes. Their acting and production skills were amazing. As for the story, my wife and I were laughing the whole time. The scenes in the movie were all based on a series of true travel adventures from Mandt and his friends. I've been to Jamaica and Japan and I can tell you that the authenticity of the stories was spot on. Anyone who loves to travel internationally will love this movie!
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Fun and a pleasant surprise.
micalclark13 February 2009
This movie is fun and uplifting. For a movie on a limited indie budget it's really well done. Yeah, there are likely to be no Oscar winning performances here, but there were very few times when I didn't believe a line either. The story is a bit meandering and includes a lot of people they meet along the way interjecting their own travel stories, but mostly that only adds to the freshness and authenticity of the film. You can really feel like you're there (or have been somewhere like it) most of the time, running into all these offbeat characters. Well worth seeing if you can take a break from all the Hollywood Blockbusters. Personally, I like smaller films and will look forward to seeing more from the Mandt Brothers.
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filmsrfun14 March 2008
I saw this movie with a group of friends, we didn't know what to expect but we all love to travel and it looked like fun so we decided to check it out. Wow! Were we surprised at how good it was. It is such a great movie, the beautiful scenery and all the awesome locations! It was so much fun it made us all want to get on a plane and travel around the world immediately. The characters get into all kinds of hysterical adventures, we were cracking up through the entire movie. It's is really quick paced, they really travel around the entire world! But it was also very sweet and pretty romantic at the end too. Which was nice for us girls but it's definitely not a chick flick! Buddy road movie all the way!
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Try to see it on the big screen
islandofbazoo20 March 2008
I heard a lot about this film and frankly I was prepared to be disappointed. I'm happy to say I absolutely loved it. The energy and love is on the screen - there's no need to think about it being low or no budget - it's wonderful story telling and looks great. Try to see it on the big screen but if you miss out be sure to look for "Last Stop for Paul" in rentals or TV.

This is the kind of film that inspires other filmmakers to go for their dream. I think the director's technique of working with non actors was the biggest surprise for me and proof that when one really knows what they want to say you don't need a lot of money to make it happen. Just see it!
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Inspirational Film-making
grumblegrumble11 September 2008
What an amazingly made movie. If you don't know the story behind the film, here it is. Director Neil Mandt set out with cinematographer Marc Carter and just one camera. They went around the world to different countries filming themselves and other people. Somehow, they managed to use this method to make a great movie. Don't ask me how they accomplished this. Last Stop for Paul is full of great characters, stories and settings. It's pure eye candy. As a film student, I found this movie to be very inspirational. It got me to believe that I might actually be able to make a good film. This is the future of film-making here and it's a beautiful future indeed.
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Awesome Adventure!
astroguy2429 July 2008
OK, this movie is really awesome. First of all, it was made by a couple guys with digital video cameras traveling the world. They got all the local people to be actors. How they got the people to do and say what they did is beyond me. They are hilarious!

It's so cool to see all the places they went. There's a great part in Jamaica, but I don't want to spoil it. Just check it out. You'll be quoting it for months.

I would recommend this movie to anyone... especially up and coming filmmakers. Take note because this is the future of movies. Great stuff.
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Earnest, kind and real
totallyhenty18 August 2008
This movie was made without a script and filmed by the actors themselves. But somehow it works, and it is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a very long time. How they managed to pull this off I may never be able to figure out, but I have to recommend this one. Maybe it is because the characters are so earnest, kind, and real. The cinematography is gorgeous. It's hard to pick a favorite scene. I really liked when the guy had to drink the snake blood. With wonderful images from Jamaica, Moscow, Greece, Thailand, and many more, it provides a great armchair journey to the top of the world. This is an excellent movie.
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Two buddies travel around the world spreading the ashes of a dead friend.
metrocitygirl16 April 2008
This is a great movie...A must see if you are into traveling. I found the story to be particularly intriguing. The concept is simple; not convoluted and plot-driven. It's one basic story-line: two friends scattering the ashes of a late-friend all over the world, culminating at the full moon party in Thailand. The movie carries itself with witty and fast-paced interactions, entertaining the audience with comedic dialogs throughout. What I really loved about this film was the fact that it was shot guerrilla-style, poaching locations; there was no crew and very few principal actors. I found something interesting, there was barely any production; the actors also doubled as the camera crew and they utilized people they met along their travels to play roles throughout the film. I highly recommend everyone to go see Last Stop For Paul...Definitely a well-spent 10 bucks!
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A great little movie about traveling the world on a budget
funkmastere7 August 2008
As a backpacker myself, I have been all around the world on pennies. There is nothing quite like the people you meet when you're in the middle of nowhere in a country you're not familiar with. I don't think any movie has ever captured it better than Last Stop for Paul. I've been in these situations before, and I completely relate to Cliff and Charlie. The great thing about the movie is seeing all the different countries at once and seeing how different and the same things are all across the world. I especially liked the scene in the Vietnamese prison. I can't imagine what I would have done in similar circumstances. I'm sure I would have tried the snakes blood though. Why not? If nothing else this movie made me want to hit the road again and have an adventure or two myself... and maybe make a movie along the way.
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A wonderful little movie
SternWarning11 August 2008
Me and my husband just saw this movie over the weekend and we both thought it was wonderful. We love to travel and have been to many different countries and this film got the energy and excitement of traveling just right. The film takes you from Russia to Chile to Vietnam and the characters you go along with are fun too. I especially liked the story about the stolen motorcycle in Japan. Me and my husband noticed the same thing when we were there, nobody locks anything up. Any way, if you want to spend a nice evening out and just enjoy a simple story that leaves you with a good feeling and like you've just been all around the world even though you've just been sitting in a theatre seat, go see Last Stop For Paul. It's highly enjoyable.
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Best Indie Film Ever
dowhatido7 August 2008
Last Stop for Paul is probably the funniest film I've ever seen at a festival. It was filmed in 13 different countries, but never lags. The longest they stay in a country is probably ten minutes, which makes it a really exciting thrill ride. Charlie and Cliff have funny adventures in all of these different places. They also scam hotel rooms by pretending to be travel guides. This movie has pretty much everything you could ask for… comedy, adventure, action and even a love story. The people and locations are really interesting and the entire movie was financed by the actors and editors. Truly, the best indie film I have ever seen. A+
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Loved it
brianfuller-211 August 2008
Last Stop for Paul is the bomb. I saw it over the weekend while visiting New York. I always try to keep up on the latest indie flicks and read about this one. I ended up really enjoying this movie. The whole movie was shot on hand held cameras that really capture the charm of everyone involved. It has kind of curb your enthusiasm feel to it (which is a very high compliment coming from me considering it's my favorite show). It's very funny and touching at the same time. The guys in the movie travel to a bunch of different continents and it's cool to see all the mountains and stuff. The best part is the end when they hit up the full moon festival in Thailand. It makes me totally want to go party there. I loved this film. Go see it.
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Recommended for any true movie fan
hobomancan8 September 2008
Last Stop for Paul is a hilarious thrill ride that I recommend for anyone that is a fan of comedy and traveling. The best way to describe it is to think about Curb Your Enthusiasm meets the best travel movie you've ever seen. The story follows two friends as they set out to travel the world. They do this because their close friend has just died and it was always his dream. So they go out an fulfill it for them. The story is great, but this movie is all about the visuals. There is so much to look at. Snowy mountains, Thailand, Jamaica and countless other countries are featured. The directing on this movie is also out of control. I don't know how the director had the balls to get all of these people in the movie. If you love improvisational comedy, like in the movie Borat, then you will love this. It is a must see for any true movie fan.
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Soon to be a Cult Classic
totallyblazed21 August 2008
Last Stop for Paul follows two traveling friends (Charlie and Cliff) on their journey to fulfill their dead friend's dream of traveling the world. They take his ashes in a thermos (which is a hilarious scene in the movie) and head out. They have many cool adventures along the way. They pretend to be writers for Frommer's travel guide and get free rooms. They go to Jamaica and meet some troublesome hotties. They almost fly off a mountain in a broken down van and Charlie gets marooned on a boat in Thailand. All of this is leading up to an amazing party called The full moon party in Thailand. Geesh,I want to go there. The film is shot guerrilla-style and is very enjoyable and super cutting edge. I saw that it's won a ton of awards and can't believe it's not much more popular than it already is. In time, it will be though. This film will be a cult classic. There is no doubt about that.
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one phrase: BATTY-FACE
violentfemmesrule30 July 2008
Have you ever wanted to travel around the world, but didn't have the money? If so, then check out this film.

These guys travel everywhere sprinkling their friends ashes. It's really awesome seeing all the places they go. They some really funny people and learn the meaning of'll get it when you see the movie. It's really really funny and also kind of touching at the end. Last Stop for Paul is by far the best indie film I've made on a shoestring budget. It's a real indie film, unlike Juno and those other movies financed by studios.

After you see this movie, your vocabulary will change. Watch out for Batty-faces!
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