Mummy Maniac (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Absolutely dreadful
wicked_pennywise15 July 2008
I've seen a lot of B-rated flicks in my 20+ years of being a horror fan; some were really good, some weren't that bad, and then there are those that are terrible beyond belief. This film is of the latter category. In fact, giving it 1 star is being too kind to it.

There are two things that are really consistent in this film. The first is extremely bad and over-acted performances. The second is repetitive scenes of really crappy actresses being tortured by the "killer", all set inside the same room where everything is painted gloss black, while his drag-queen looking mother supposedly looks on.

I seriously hope to god that, if this is indeed a true story, that the killer wasn't this boring.

For anyone who hasn't seen this, please don't waste your time or money to watch this. Seriously, there are probably high school drama departments that could put out a better film than this.
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CHUDtheBUD13 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a murder case that took place in New York in October 2005, where a bouncer killed a young woman and wrapped her head in gauze. Mummy Maniac expands said case into a 80 minutes serial killer torture thriller. Some young, big and fat cop is controlled by his domineering mother who tells him what to do or not. Most of his time is spend on a roof top where he is on the lookout for new victims. Once chosen, they are "arrested" and then thrown into a truck and then hauled to some abandoned building/apartment. 'Maniac Cop' has a small dark room with a chair and a few tools hanging on the wall. Plus a mirror in which the reflection of his mother appears from time to time, watching his son killing women. The victims are usually questioned first ("What's your name?", "When was the last time you had sex?", "Do you like my tools?") then are slapped on the hand ("Ouch!") followed by pointing a pistol in their face. After pleading for their lives they usually get strangled. Once dead the head gets bandaged and then mutilated with an axe, saw, pick-axe, knife or drill. Cop disposes the body and then he's off to find his next victim.

Garbage. Avoid.
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There is nothing to spoil here!
breslin-322 May 2008
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Here is what happens in this movie. It starts out with some guy getting killed. This is the killer's step dad, some text explains. And ever since, cops keep finding dead girls wrapped in bandages. Oh, yes! It's the Mummy Maniac!

He captures a girl. Takes her to a room. Waves random weapons in the air to scare her. Kills her. Wraps her in bandages. Lifts her shirt. Repeat. This happens about five times, I think. Then the movie ends. That's all there is.

The second girl was apparently the only one they could get to appear on film naked, because for the rest of the movie, they inter cut footage of her writhing in pain, nude and bound (a scene which never happened). For some reason, they also liked footage of a pipe getting cut with a saw.

The worst part about this movie is in between mindless killings, there are scenes that make you think there might be a plot. I found myself fast forwarding through all the killings for these nuggets, hoping for something redeemable. Then it just ends, not explaining or resolving anything.

Bravo. Finally a movie that is worse than Cheerleader Ninjas.
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Dreck, crap! steaming pile of you know what!!!
mrharper7718 December 2007
I have seen bad movies before but this has to be right down there with Ulli Lommel's "Black Dahlia" There is literally NOTHING of ANY value in this "film" aka "Mummy Maniac"

Scary noises and heavy breathing either mean I'm sick on the floor or at a really crazy "Frat" party. NOT as a means to scare anybody in a movie.

What!, a bunch of girls disappear and their bodies presumably re-appear somewhere,.. but dead!, and there is NO police activity?

The protagonist wanders around New York in his cool "official" New York Police Department's uniform and no one questions his authenticity as a cop?.

There is just an INCREDIBLE lack of anything approaching common sense apparent here.

Note to the "actors" in this bomb remove it from your resumes ASAP!.
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Don't waste your time
retylon19 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I can just say that no man or women would ever be even close to satisfied with the time wasted by looking at this piece of junk. ~80 minutes of absolutely nothing more then you can fit into a 3 minute long trailer. I can't believe that it wasn't ending with something else and I just waited and watched all the ~80 minutes to try and get a clue however they figured this movie would be worth producing/releasing. That question remain unanswered. The acting didn't have anything to offer and a few pictures of a naked girls breasts every now and then. And the "music" for this movie was just awful. The blood effects was even worse and there was really anything horror-like in this movie. I would more like to pronounce this genre as parody.
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A softcore snuff film
MBunge21 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There ought to be a Guantanamo Bay for people like Max Nikoff; a place where they could be punished for inflicting garbage like Mummy Maniac on the public and kept away from any writing, typing or filmmaking equipment for the rest of their natural lives.

Mummy Maniac is, essentially, a soft core snuff film. Apparently filmed primarily in the hallway and restrooms of some godforsaken dive bar, we're shown fat psycho Michael Savage (Ben Stewart) having submoronic conversations with his drag queen of a mother in between killing young women and wrapping their heads like a mummy's. There's literally no story here, just a single scene repeated over and over. Michael throws a young woman into the back of a truck, drags her into a restroom painted all in black, conducts a few minutes of inane dialog, kills her and then bandages up her head. There's also some footage of New York City scenery obviously shot through a car windshield because they couldn't get a permit to actually film in the city and repeated shots of one of the actresses topless and tied up with what appears to be pieces of a black garbage bag. Throw in camera work that looks like it was done by someone suffering from a severe case of depression and a buttload of community college film editing techniques and that's the long and very short of Mummy Maniac.

Ben Stewart, the supposed star of this ghastly production, is like a talking cow carcass hanging from a hook in the ceiling. The various young women who portray his victims are all pretty and some even appear to be halfway decent actresses, but they'd have been better off giving handjobs to the homeless instead of being in this aesthetic and commercial affront. I suppose they deserve some credit for only one of them being desperate and/or stupid enough to let writer/director Nikoff exploit her naked breasts.

There was a time when I had a case of food poisoning and was up half the night, liquidy substances exploding out of either end of my body. That was more fun than watching Mummy Maniac. If you ever consider for even a second renting this filth, please e-mail me. I will go to your home, wherever it is on Earth, and defecate in your face. That way you can know what it's like to watch this movie without having to pay for the experience.
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Aw hell no...
druquzdog2 March 2008
I'm not a person who worries too much about production values, or even plot or acting when it comes to low budget films. I mean, Uwe Boll can be pretty good now and then. I loved Bloodrayne one and two and looking forward to Postal.

This is a whole other thing entirely. My absolute number one worst movie I've ever seen. This honour was previously held by Snapped which in retrospect while unbearably overlong, tedious pretentious and silly had one or two moments where I almost laughed when I cringed. The lesbian "beating up" the guy who owed her money was almost worth more than utter disbelief. Still not worth watching the film for, so don't subject yourself to that either.

I love a good no-budget film, like Ankle Biters, Splatter Beach or The Janitor. This though is so below any other standard as to deserve it's own genre. It's almost un-watchably excruciating. No redeeming features AT ALL! I could not believe what I was watching.
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It Should Have Came With Toilet Paper...
...because it's total crap! I can't believe that I watched the whole thing. It's basically the same scene repeated what seems like 100 times. He kidnaps a girl, talks to her like he's half-retarded, wraps her head up in bandages and kills her while his freak-show mother (who looks like Michael Caine in drag) watches. I love B-Horror flicks, but I don't even consider this a real movie. Lionsgate should be ashamed of themselves for releasing this garbage. They're the worst. I bought this at a Hollywood Video going-out-of-business sale for 83 cents, then traded it in at another place for $1 and I still feel like I got ripped off.
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If hemorrhoids could talk . . .
charlytully26 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
. . . then the killer's mom in this movie would win the Oscar for fully embodying the essence of her character. "Mom" has 89 shots in this movie--57 watching her son butcher his young female victims from a "magic mirror" on the wall of his own private slaughterhouse, and 32 live action cuts. Too bad this versatile actress (by process of elimination, either Erica Kruz or Nola Roeper) was too shy to insist upon a proper film credit! As for the rest of the movie, here is my IMDb synopsis:

Serial killer Michael Savage (Ben Stewart) wraps his victims' heads with gauze, later telling his shrink that he wants to become a mummy upon dying. Michael's first victim is his stepfather, whose strangling is shown in a flashback. Then on October 19, 2005, Michael abducts a young woman--Jennifer (Elissa Dowling)--by shoving her into the back of a box truck. He takes her to a black-painted locker room which includes a victim's chair, a tool rack, and an ornately golden-framed mirror in which Michael's mother is constantly shown craning her head around to get a better view of the action. (Mom is NOT in the locker room with Michael; she's only watching in the mirror.) Michael eventually strangles Jennifer, wrapping her head in gauze, but a bar bouncer is arrested for this murder by the bumbling cops. Michael then abducts another young woman, Carrie, and beats her to death by hitting her in the face. When she's dead, he uncovers her breasts, wraps her head in gauze, and abuses the wrapped head with a power drill. Michael is next shown talking to his shrink (Bud Watson). Michael's third target is red-headed Rita Moore, an art student from Maine. He cuts her throat with a butcher's knife, and takes a pick-ax to her head after wrapping it in gauze. After scanning the sidewalks for potential victims with his binoculars during the daytime, Michael snatches up a fourth young woman after dark and kills her by sawing the throat of her bound body with a hand saw. After wrapping her dead head, he attacks it with a hatchet. Michael suffocates his fifth young female victim with a plastic bag, and cuts the wrapped head of her corpse with a hand saw. Michael's last shown victim is New York U. student Angela Picasso (Pia Pownall), an architecture student who is killed with multiple hatchet blows. After wrapping Angela's head, Michael saws AND hatchets it. The film ends with Michael saying he was born February 1, 1982, in Camden, NJ, and that he wants to become a mummy when he dies.
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Leave at the curb on garbage day
raymio171 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is just terrible. Shot for $1.95 it is the exciting tale of a fat dumb guy who in his spare time likes to dress up like a cop, pick up women, put them in back of his truck, take them to some isolated room and torture and kill them. He wraps a few bandages around their heads which gives him the terrifying title "Mummy Maniac". I got this for free at my video store and it still wasn't worth the cost. I'm really sick of these torture type movies which are very claustrophobic. And this one isn't even bloody. Buy a rental truck, rent a storage unit, hire some cheap bimbo actresses, and get your retarded brother to dress like a cop and you have this sorry excuse for a movie. No acting, no story, no blood, no boobage- I want my 80 minutes back damn it.
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Why all the bad comments??
j_maucher29 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I do not see why this gem of a film is receiving such bad comments. I mean the acting is flawless. The actresses are extremely hot and talented. The psychology of Baby Face's mummy fantasy brings this film to such a deep level worthy of an Academy Award. The only bad part (and why I did not rate a 10)is that during the middle, it does get a tiny bit repetitive in that the killings are very similar. However, the twist at the end makes it all worthwhile- watch and you'll see what I mean. The writers truly created a perfect script and I cannot watch another movie as this is the pinnacle of cinema. I for one can not wait for this to come out on Blu-Ray or Mummy Maniac 2.
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Have you seen a porn movie script? OK this is the same, without the porn
AlexeiAngelov8 September 2008
I can't believe how awful is this movie, who wrote the script? there's no script at all not an original plot, no acting just nothing, oh yes there is: Are you afraid of my gun? I'll kill you, snap snap snap! and all becomes the same once and once again, this is awful and repetitive, the acting is a piece of garbage, this looks like something I could film with my cell phone with a bunch of drunk girlfriends and my mum, I still can't believe it... I think the director was just joking and he made this movie just for fun, I hope he can do some career after this, if you don't trust me , OK watch the film, I warned you... -10/10 or well... 1/10 I wanna be a mummy before watch this film? again
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Now I know why this was the cheapest movie available..
SanForZeke30 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
..and once again, I'm a victim due to my own cheapness.

I bought this movie totally unprepared for what it would contain. I expected an actual horror movie with a plot, where we would follow the police, presented with the mystery of the mummy maniacs killings. I'm sure they were. As far as to where I got in the movie, we just didn't get to see it. Instead, we were shown what the killer does. And my God, does it get repetitive after the second killing.

If this movie had some message to its audience, I'd guess it was one of the following: 1) If you're dressed as a cop, it's so much easier to get away with kidnapping, no one will suspect you, standing on rooftops with a binocular, or driving a regular truck. Because you gotta be a man of the law. 2) Uniforms are a great way to make your victims become helpless. You can put them on a chair, and they will do little to no resistance whatsoever while you keep them there, they'll cry a little because people will miss them, or try to convince you to let them go, but try to hit the guy when he turns his back on you? No no, maybe play nice, and he'd let you go, self-preservation instinct be damned.

Ugh. Avoid this movie. If they wanted to show a documentary, then make it a documentary, don't dress it up as a horror movie.
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Ulli Lommel, Why?
gavin694228 October 2014
Plot: Not sure there is one. This is one of Ulli Lommel's serial killer movies, this time about a killer who wrapped his victims up like a mummy before killing them. Apparently this killer is named Michael Savage, whom nobody has ever heard of, unless killing is the hobby of that ranting radio host.

This film does not even deserve a real review, because it is just more trash from Ulli Lommel. Although he got someone else (his friend Max Nikoff) to put their name on it as director, the taint of Lommel is evident from the first frame.

If you like amateur productions that jump around a lot, are rather incoherent, and offer nothing to their audience, this is for you. If you have any sense whatsoever, you ought to skip this.
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Don't judge a DVD by it's cover art.
Talonrock6 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The $500 budget must have been spent on the cop uniform and the cover art. I picked up this movie cause I was intrigued by the name and the cover art. The production value is horrible. Filmed in a small bathroom of a club, most of the props are badly staged. The lines delivered by the "cop" are monotone and lack feeling. No wonder the actor only has one credit. He slices the throat of the third victim. She's dead but the actress is still moving. He goes to wash off the blade but the blade and sink are completely clean, no blood. All the actresses move after being killed. When he mutilates the body with a drill or pick ax, there is no blood splatter. Only see the breast of the 2nd victim over and over even after the killer as moved on to other victims. Most of the actors have no character names in the credit because either they couldn't afford to attach one or they are too embarrassed to be associated with the film. Can't bear to watch the entire film. Yes it's that bad.
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Beyond awful- but not surprising with Ulli Lommel involved!!
Jester22213 February 2010
Ulli Lommel!??- avoid anything to do with this talentless man - calling himself a producer/director??!! ha Ha- everything he touch turns to excrement!! he makes Uwe Boll look like Spielberg!!! Seriously, avoid this dreadful boring film. I wish i had- his name wasn't attached to the DVD - (uncredited) - probably as it would indicate how bad it was going to be!

They also have the 'From the Director of The Boogeyman' on the cover- yes- the below average 80's horror film. (his only half decent work) NOT the Stephen Kay directed horror film and Sam Raimi produced film - which they are clearly hoping people will misconstrue it for and buy. They should be ashamed- it's tragic and sad that they have to resort to such thing. Pathetic people indeed.
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I didn't listen to my fellow IMDb users and was punished.
Bill3578 May 2009
I sure wasted three bucks! If I would have noticed the words "Hollywood House of Horror", the company that put out those Ulli Lommel atrocities on the box, I wouldn't have bothered to pick this up.

BEWARE: This movie has no character development or anything resembling a story.

Please do not watch this unless your idea of a good movie is watching a fat tub of lard dressed like a cop, herding girls into the back of a semi truck and taking them to some closet to be screamed at, their face wrapped in gauze, and eventually killed. If that's your idea of entertainment then go ahead and knock yourself out! No really, knock yourself out, preferably with a hammer! (kidding)

Let me give a special shout-out (and middle finger) to Lion's Gate for helping these crooks steal the hard earned cash of unsuspecting viewers everywhere! They couldn't have done it without you!
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Worst ever.
janssontommy7 November 2013
I like b-movies. Often they have something that I like, even thou it's just a glimpse of it, it's wort watching the movie just for that short second. But this one is so bad and crappy that I rate it as the worst movie I ever seen. Everything about it is bad. Didn't think it was possible to not find a single something in every movie that gives some kind of mental satisfaction, but I was wrong. Acting, editing, photo, sound and probably directing is made in the worst possible way. A friend asked if it was any nudity and therefore wacthable. Not even the most desperate pervert will bare to see the movie just for a glimpse of a boob. Avoid this movie. At all costs.
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Absolutely awful but...
axel33512 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This one of the worst movies I have ever seen and I have seen thousands. It's totally pointless, the same thing happens over and over again in a very boring way. The actors are awful, the photo is awful, the script is non-existing, and the "film" is simply painfully bad.

But, and this is quite important, I do believe that the creator of this film wanted to create a kind of dream-like, hypnotic feeling, which, if you succeed, could be quiet cool. The problem is only that they don't ever go near to succeed in that effort.

A big warning for this movie. Don't see it, Anything you do in 90 minutes is better than watching this thing.
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I actually liked it!
gerwinters12 April 2009
Considering it's limited dialogue and location and actors I think it was pretty cool. You had to take the journey with the writer on this one. Seems they have a pretty good handle on psychology. I liked the set-ups and the implications. The sets were nicely done for the budget.The gimmicks were cool, the mothers face etc and random death scenes. They made it for like $350 or some low amount.BTW Lionsgate bought it and distributes it so how's that for success! I liked the music too. It's worth watching I think and I've seen higher budgets that suck and are boring, much worse than this offering. The editing was pretty tight too and everything worked in my opinion. The weakest point was it had no real story, you made it up as you went along.
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Awesome for the budget
wildlianas14 November 2013
This movie gets a lot of negative reviews. However, nobody is taking into account that the star of this movie, Ben Stewart, has stepped out of his classic genre which is comedy. It was low budget, give it a break! Honestly, I believe there was a problem mainly on the production end. Plus, the actresses were sub-par. It was probably difficult for Stewart to work with such amateurs. Afterall, Stewart is a member of Mensa, and was a triple major in Physics, English and Theater in college. His intellectual and artistic ability could not be appreciated with such minimal script and lack of opportunity to show his unparalleled talent. However, if given the proper role in a comedy, he would surely win an Oscar.
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The poster was more enterating than the movie itself
jordondave-2808525 July 2023
(2007) Mummy Maniac HORROR

Written and directed by Max Nikoff directing a straight to rental serial killer film supposed to be based on fact that happened around the LA or the Chicago area, an overweight guy whose pretending to do his duties as a law enforcer Michael Savage (Ben Stewart) but is really a serial killer, who gets his victims arrested first He then secludes each one of them to an unknown cellar before wrapping them up like mummies with a bandage before bashing their head with a sledge hammer. Low budget at it's best with some nude scenes obvious stunt doubles! The poster unfortunately does not make it look low budget. Bomb.
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