Violation (2020) Poster


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A sum less than its parts.
cruelworldfilms28 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start with the good: well scripted (v. Linklater-like conversational dialogue), well directed (hats off to Madeleine Sims-Fewer and Dusty Mancinelli), beautiful cinematography (that'd give Lars Von Trier a run for his money).

Now for the bad: Poorly structured story, poorly paced and no suspense (so well accomplished in Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible" and David Slade's "Hard Candy"), pretentious, middle-class unsympathetic characters that makes it difficult to empathise with anyone when they're wagging their fingers at each other in self-righteousness. The sudden character switch of female-lead, Miriam, who, pre-rape catches her finger on a rabbit trap yet post-rape somehow knows how to dispose of dead bodies and has a go at being a vigilante for a second before having a panic attack.

Overall, I'm left holding a candle for 2 halves of 2 different films that would've worked so much better if they were separate features.
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I really wanted to like this film.
Also_Kiki30 December 2020
When I saw Violation at TIFF earlier this year, the passion from the creators was more than evident, with their capabilities being well showcased in the short films created in the past 13 years or so. A lot of those technical capabilities can be found here, made more impressive by the film's small budget. It features a solid performance from Madeline Sims-Fewer in the lead role, some fantastic color choices, and impressive practical effects. However, where this film falls flat in my opinion is in the content of its story. The film has a solid concept at its core, and naturally warrants a slower pace; but unfortunately does not make good use of its time. Between long conversation scenes adding little to the story, and intense scenes progressively becoming sluggish, the hour and 40 minute runtime of the film ultimately feels unwarranted, and often padded. I would love to see more from the directors, as they are clearly very talented, but Violation unfortunately left me feeling disappointed.
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When you're making a revenge thriller at 6:15, soft p0rn at 6:22, but have a Nat.Geo docu at 6:30
Top_Dawg_Critic10 September 2021
This was the absolutely most annoyingly too-long and too-slow film I've ever seen. Someone forgot to get the reel to the editor, because each and every scene was between 25-95% too long and dragged out. I lost count how many times we all yelled at the screen "omg get on with it already" or "someone please fast forward this already". This film is the epitome of "too much filler and very little substance". I've never been and seen a more annoyed audience.

The ridiculously too-long-for-this-film 107 mins felt like over 3 hours. The useless and unnecessary Nat. Geo nature shots were utterly annoying and pointless, so let's take 15 mins off for that nonsense. Now cut out an average 70% from every single scene. Now you're left with a 28 min short film, that will hold every viewers attention, eyes glued to the screen, with them sitting on the edge of their seat, with their heart racing and blood pressure elevating. THAT, is what makes a great film, not endless useless fluff and filler that makes you angry and lose interest - constantly.

Just for fun, I will use a basic editing program and cut this film down to a short myself, just to watch it again and actually enjoy it, as well as recommend only my version for viewing to my friends and family. Otherwise if you really hate someone, have them watch this full dragged out long and boring annoying nonsense.

Clearly the problem here was that collab'd writers and directors Dusty Mancinelli and Madeleine Sims-Fewer have only written and directed short films, this being their first full length feature - that should've also been a short. Aside from some plot and technical issues, the core concept and guts of their story was excellent, especially taking some gambles with gore and borderline soft-p0rn nudity. Unfortunately, transferring that concept into a full length screenplay, ended up a muddled melodramatic mess beyond belief. Had more writing been invested in the characters relationships and dynamics, this may have worked as a full length film.

The cinematography was horrible with the worst decision for color filters and contrast. The shaky cam was bearable, but the close-ups were unrecognizable for the most part. You'll squint, get closer, go farther, rewind and relook, and you still won't be able to make out what the heck you're supposed to be looking at. And then out of nowhere, for no reason, a bug is in the frame lol. The score was very fitting, although it was also too loud, too frequent, and overbearing in some parts. Performances were on point and convincing, especially Sims-Fewer.

Although this was a low budget indie film, it still had serious contention to be great - had it been edited/cut down to a short, of which I am determined to do myself, and/or had more substance and much less filler. It's a very generous 5/10 from me, more so for the efforts invested.
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Even the murder scene in the movie was far from scary
m-burakyuksel-564-43807016 August 2021
The pace of the movie was very slow. I got bored watching. It's not a horror movie. The drama aspect of the movie predominates. The director emulates biologists in the movie. He took a long shot of clear, enlarged images of caterpillars, birds, fingers and fingernails, and even the stamens. It's like he wasted time prolonging unnecessary scenes so that the movie would be longer.
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andrewchristianjr29 May 2021
It's wholly different from any other rape-revenge movie out there, and has so much to say about the genre and an audience's thirst for revenge. Not strictly a horror film. I'd call it more of a Haneke type drama with some truly grotesque moments.
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Bade edits make this unwatchable
songod-9500327 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is something called "hard cuts" aka "hard edits" in movie talk. They mean that there is no transitional footage between scenes. This is fine and not that jarring if you are telling a story in a linear fashion. BUT if the movie is jumping time lines without any warning, well, it makes the film impossible to follow even when you get used to the time jumps (present to forward; future to present) because you do not really know where you are.

Only after the protagonist dons a wig do you know that those scenes are in the story's future. And those scenes are few. Soon we are back to the when the f things are happening which ties quickly into what the f is going on.

When all is said and done, assuming you do not shut the movie off after a half an hour, you can put together most of what has gone on. However, the abrupt end without any closure leaves you wondering, again, what when and where.

Those out there who have seen Uli Lommel films will understand when I say I was at many points reminded of his work; especially the overly long shots of nothing that add zero to the understanding of events. Scenes that were disjointed and again from an unknown timeline also spoke of his infamously bad film making.

I won't say anymore other than I gave this two stars only because the acting was good. I will say the that all the reviewers, pro and armchair, who are falling over themselves praising this film are maybe so in need of a vacation from art house movies they cannot discern crap from caviar.

Oh,and the shocking scenes?? Unless the sight of an erect male appendage is shocking to you; "Hostel" and "Saw" were more "shocking".
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white knight
ferguson-619 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SXSW 2021 Greetings again from the darkness. Not just another rape-revenge thriller, this film from co-writers and co-directors Dusty Manicinelli and Madeleine Sims-Fewer is one of the most brutal and unforgiving films I've seen in a while. Emotional pain, regret, bitterness, and compromise worm through every scene and every character.

It begins as a cabin in the woods story. Miriam (co-director Sims-Fewer) and Caleb (Obi Abili) have a strained relationship that appears headed towards a breaking point. They are meeting up with Miriam's sister Greta (Anna Maguire) and her husband Dylan (Jesse LaVercombe) at his family cabin. There is an underlying tension that prevents the four from every being at ease with each other, though we only get bits and pieces at a time. To further force our concentration, the story is told in non-linear fashion, making it important to focus on hairstyles and details.

One evening by the campfire turns into a turning point in the film and acts as the before and after point. A primal and brutally violent sequence takes up close to half of the film, and it's unlike anything I've previously seen on screen. The practical effects are next level, and Ms. Sims-Fewer is absolutely terrific throughout. A chilling use of music accompanies an odd combination of wolf-rabbit-psychopath, and the filmmakers use shots of nature as connective tissue in a world where sometimes we are the wolf and sometimes the rabbit. Certainly not a film for mass audiences, but it will surely find an appreciative following.
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Waste of time.
martalubomirska2 May 2021
It was miserable experience with non-engaging cast. Shocking the viewer will not make the script any better.
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A Dish Served with Violence, Volatility & Very Hot
Xstal27 March 2021
If you go down to the woods today and you're a rabbit or a predatory opportunist, there's a good chance you'll get your big surprise and it won't be a pleasant picnic. Refreshing and brave, original and relevant, reflective and increasingly expansive, just as progressive and contemporary filmmaking should be.
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Slow,boring and confusing
jimbob25527 March 2022
Waste of time film . Style over substance as in it looks really good but the story was stupid and made little sense. I only gave it 2 stars and it gets one of those for the scenery . I saw it through to the end and still have no idea what was going on.
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There's Nothing Explicit About It
queeroid27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If your reaction to a woman co-writing, co-directing, and starring in a nuanced horror tale of a rape and its aftermath is shock and awe because it briefly contains a visible erection, then, honestly, grow up. A nude rapist fighting for his life while he's being attacked by his victim should definitely make you angry, but not _because he's naked_. You should really think about why these things make you feel the way they do. _That's_ part of the message behind this film and it manages to make that point quite clearly if you take the time to critically think about it. It's absolutely not gratuitous for the sake of gratuity. Nor is it violent for the sake of violence. There has been so much more despicably worse gore in horror movies than is present in this film, the only other difference here is that it doesn't cut away and isn't meant to jump scares out of you. You're meant to sit in an uncomfortable spot because, perhaps for once ever, it's not a woman being tortured because she had the misfortune of being a woman (the FIVE films in the Day of the Woman (1978) series come to mind).

Gender equality (to me, at least) doesn't mean everyone should be treated equally. In an ideal world, sure, that's how things would go. But where the hell have y'all been? You really think that's how things are going to work on _this here_ planet? If you think "gender equality" _doesn't_ mean that some men are going to be sexually objectified and generally somewhat mistreated in one way or another for at least the next couple of hundred years, then buckle up, bud, because your ride _will_ be a bumpy one. More women behind the scenes, in control of the stories being told, does not mean that all films are suddenly going to be beds of roses. It means that whole scores of people are going to be painted in a light they may not be used to reflecting, but definitely deserve to. And that's just the way it's going to be. Period.

I, for one, am absolutely here for it.

With all of that said, my only slight problem with this film is in the time jumps. It's not always made crystal clear when things occurred, however that still doesn't detract much from the overall story.

And, lastly, if you think all violence is unjustified, no matter the circumstance... frankly, what the hell are you doing watching a horror movie at all?
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Deep cuts
kosmasp26 June 2021
How do you deal with grey areas? Now the main incident that kicks our main character ... out of her "comfort zone" I reckon you could call it ... is something that a lot of people will have a debate over. The movie almost dares you to talk about it ... make a judgement ... give your take on what you think happened or rather who is to blame - maybe even both individuals.

I personally think it is clear whose fault it is - having said that, it does not mean I agree with what follows - what is being done to the guilty party. Now you can interpret that any way you want. And the movie makes it easy to get triggered ... it shows a situation that could and does unfortunately happen. But again, there are grey areas ... so there is room for some debate - or is there? Even that is up for debate ... a movie that dares and does handle a subject matter that has been exploited in a different fashion ... while ultimately also exploiting it ... differently and in some forms the same ways ... it is tough to actually go into certain crazy things that happen ... and if you are squeamish you probably shouldn't even watch this ... everyone else prepare yourself to feel very uncomfortable ...
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More annoying and angry than artful or meaningful. Not a charcter study, just a pissed off revenge film with bad editing
tlkkel5 October 2021
OK. I saw I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE (The original!) in the theater back in the 70s! At least that movie didnt claim art as its lead. It specifically warned its audience in the promos and the media. "Woman gets revenge on her rapist , cuts off his dick!" and it sold itself on that/ Nobody pumped it up as art, opr a triumph of woman against her rapist, nobody sold it as anything but what it was. A horror revenge film...and youll get to see a rapist get his dick cut off! (2 decades before Lorena Bobbit!)

People didnt flock to the theater to see it, but they knew what they were getting. (It was part of a triple feature BTW).

This is just...a mess. Ever since Tarrantino made it fashionable to show movies in out of order chapter parts, many films have done it badly (Even he hasnt always done it well). This film has terrible character development, worse editing and screenplay, and it really isnt artful, or empowering. You dont root for the woman or against the man. You dont want him to learn, or repent, or be freed. You dont respect her journey, or cheer at her achieving vengeance. Its just, her devolving into a monster 1 step removed from Jason Voorhees (Another assault victim who then became a lunatic monster for 12 films). Its only disturbing insomuch as its so angry, coupled with effortful nudity to try and make it moire horrifying. But its not beautiful or powerful or tense. It doesnt lead us through emotional buildup to any revelation. Its I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, but without the payoff.

Id rather see the next friday the 13th/ At least then I get what I went to the theater for. This is just...boring, disjointed, badly edited female revenge violence.

NOW, if you wanna see a good movie about female revenge, PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN is exceptional without this films many MANY bad mistakes and overlong runtime (or at least, overlong draggy scenes between its few high points making the film seem overlong).
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Very realistic and gory, lots of overly long gross-out scenes
daniel_d-0895116 January 2022
Very realistic and gory, lots of overly long gross-out scenes that could have been completely avoided without affecting the story at all. This could have worked a lot better as a short film that could have easily gotten the point across, but instead it's a very slow and not enjoyable movie to watch. Some cinematography and nature scenes were nice so I have to give it a point for that, but the editing was all over the place and did not make it easy to follow or enjoy the movie.
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Sundance 2021: Violation is a visually shocking, gruesome, disgusting film that shares a different take on the revenge subgenre.
msbreviews1 February 2021
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

This is my first viewing of a Madeleine Sims-Fewer - also the protagonist - and Dusty Mancinelli's film. I added Violation to my Sundance's schedule due to the macabre yet interesting premise, and I knew it wasn't just another random rape-revenge movie. The first half clearly demonstrates how impactful and visually shocking Sims-Fewer and Mancinelli want their film to be, but the final act stretches the story a bit too far for my taste. Still, it's a movie with an evident purpose that justifies all the cruelty with a traumatizing event that many women, unfortunately, have to deal with.

From explicit male nudity - something quite rare - to the excruciatingly long takes, Adam Crosby's lingering camera transforms already gruesome, vomit-inducing scenes into something even more difficult of keeping the eyes on the screen. I instinctively looked away in certain seconds. Miriam's turn to the Dark Side is depicted in a slightly abrupt way, and her revenge takes an excessively ruthless path I struggle to accept as something remotely possible. Some actions just raise one too many questions that ultimately hurt the narrative for me.

Despite the horrible event that changed her life, Sims-Fewer's character isn't exactly someone easy to root for since she wasn't the best sister/wife way before that moment. Some character moments feel earned, while others are just violent for the sake of visual shock. Regarding the cast, everyone's great, but Sims-Fewer delivers a powerful performance that left me feeling uneasy throughout the entire runtime. Technically, a final praise to Andrea Boccadoro's score, which is incredibly ominous, contributing to the suspenseful, eerie atmosphere, but occasionally it's just overwhelmingly distracting.

Violation is one of the most visually shocking, gruesome, disgusting films I've seen in quite some time. Madeleine Sims-Fewer shares direction and writing credits with Dusty Mancinelli, but she also portrays a somewhat divisive protagonist. While I understand her reasons and absolutely despise what happens to her, she isn't exactly an easy character to connect with or even root for. The narrative follows an extremely dark path of revenge, told through an interesting nonlinear storytelling structure. However, its setup is slightly rushed and developed beyond my limit of fictional logic and comprehension. Despite being excessively violent at times, most of the brutal scenes feel justified. I deeply appreciate the lingering cinematography and the ominous score. I recommend it to non-sensitive viewers who'd like a more meaningful take on the revenge subgenre.

Rating: B
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could have been good
elle-six27 March 2021
I love the visuals.

Jumping back and forth in timeline makes it really confusing. I didnt know whats happening till i gotta go read other people's review.

Now its like teaching people how to fry an egg by telling them first to flip the egg and then you crack the egg into a bowl... server the fried egg on a plate... then add oil... wait for the egg to cook... pour the egg on the hot pan... Wish they stop doing all the fancy schmancy cuts and tell the story like normal people do... in chronological order.
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A heavy movie that deals with a comples subject by refusing to leave the grey area and provide a catharsis
medusiac26 August 2021
Disturbing movie that one would call a revenge thriller, but it's really not. It hits the nail on the head when it comes to its difficult subject by making all of it incredibly grey, denying us any catharsis. This isn't a "feel good for the victim" movie. This is a deeply messed up film about violence giving birth to more violence, showing us everything in a nightmarish fashion, mostly through the eyes of the main character.

Do I suggest it? It's hard to say. I suggest it to people who are into movies like this. It's really not for everyone. It's not disturbing like Martyrs or The House That Jack Built. There's some intense body horror, but it's not gore, it's not a shock fest. It's a movie about being violated by someone close to you and having your world torn apart. And the consequences, that are neither justified nor condemned.

The chronology can be confusing at the first watch. It could have been polished a bit more, but I loved it for what it was.
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Vanity project
djh-9731822 May 2022
The awfulness of this film has compelled me to write my first review.

I'm in my 70s so it's safe to say I've seen more than my fair share of cinema.

As other reviewers have pointed out there is so much wrong with this film that a list would be endless Some notes to the film makers- you need at least one character the audience can empathise with otherwise you can kiss that same audience goodbye. The three main characters are so obnoxious that it becomes a case of "who cares".

In trying to reinvent / reimagine the genre this film is completely pointless.

Attempting to dive into to the whole Taxi Driver / Bad Lieutenant vibe brings nothing new to the table and just shows this up to be a huge turkey.

The film makers should stick to their short films because this is a bloated mess that outstays its welcome by more than an hour. Hopefully they won't unleash any more feature film atrocities on an unsuspecting public Hey,,,, but at least the scenery is beautiful !!!!
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The thin red line
johanmolling13 April 2021
Don't get the bad reviews here. Timeline was not confusing, the movie just demands attention to details. And the fact that male nudity triggers so much repulsion. Come on already.

The only thing I don't get is why it's supposed to be a horror movie. Maybe that triggers the wrong expectations.

Is the protagonist victim, avenger or offender? Hitler and Lenon kind of hit the spot there....
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Let Paint dry
arrmeen31 March 2021
This could've been a great revenge movie, turns out a full drama with some average moments in between. Not much to write as I don't want to put any spoilers , didn't enjoy it.
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A brutal, uncompromising piece of work that will stay with you (MINOR SPOILERS)
trentnewton-9603718 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is not so much a film to be enjoyed but rather experienced. I was reminded of quite a few classic horror works that I loved while giving it a watch; particularly Antichrist, Audition and The Shining.

A deeply disturbing film that explores rape/revenge in uncompromising detail, it is evident that careful thought has gone into all facets of the production, particularly the structure (very similar to Christopher Nolan's first feature Following), cinematography and sound design. All of this helps elevate the material from becoming exploitative; the clinical, deliberately slow pace of the horrific sequences, especially those dealing with a post-mortem disposal, made me, a lover of the genre, uncomfortable in ways I have not felt in quite some time.

The performances are strong, and specific praise should be focused on Madeleine Sims-Fewer (also a co-writer/director of the film) and Jesse LaVercombe, who present characters that do not fall into any stereotypes or cliches of the sub-genre, adding more weight to the proceedings as horrible choices are made. It is apparent there was a great level of trust between the cast and crew, which is all you can hope for when making a film that delves so deeply into such disturbing material.

I expect the film will be controversial and certainly not for everyone; the flipping of genre tropes when it comes to nudity and specifically showcasing the brutalization of a male character at the hands of a woman will turn some people off, but I believe that's the point the filmmakers were attempting to make here. By no means an easy watch, Violation left me feeling sick and unnerved, at the mercy of filmmakers who I believe have a very exciting future ahead of them. I look forward to seeing what the deliver next!
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A chilling, powerful drama about female rage
Sir_AmirSyarif7 May 2021
A reminiscent of Lars Von Trier's 'Antichrist,' Dusty Mancinelli and Madeleine Sims-Fewer's 'Violation' is a beautifully-written rape-revenge horror that hits hard and mercilessly twists your stomach into knots. It's also full of interesting directorial choices. While its depiction of sexual assault from a female perspective is both bleak and gut-wrenching - which includes and not limited to front and back male nudity, an erection, a prolonged murder, and graphic butchery of a corpse - the film is told out of sequence, spliced together with disjointed scenes and time jumps which dilutes the power had the narrative been told chronologically. But it's the performances in the film that really shine, especially from leads Sims-Fewer and Jesse LaVercombe. Their transition from natural, friendly chemistry to completely sinister is nothing short of remarkable.
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thats it I give up
zombie84-15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I give up listening to reviewers on sites, who say movies are messed up when they arent even close. I spit on your grave, irrversible, and the most recent movie nightengale are brutal revenge movies. And even the movie revenge was more brutal then this. If you wanta be bored to death watch this nonsense. I gave it a 3/10 for the random killing of the dude that was the only decent thing and even that was crap.
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Time I'll never get back
janiaston4 April 2021
What the actual?.. too slow, too many fillers, music drives you crazy, think it's supposed to be all symbolic and stuff....but nah, just does not get better.
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A Violated Woman's Vicious Crusade Of Vengeance
CinemaClown5 June 2022
Led by a quietly unhinged showcase from its leading lady, Violation covers a troubled woman's vicious campaign of retribution in the wake of a traumatic betrayal while capturing her anguish & agony with raw intensity. Still, the story's strong themes & provocative power often get bogged down by issues of its own makings and is further diluted by its narrative & stylistic choices.

Written & directed by Dusty Mancinelli & Madeleine Sims-Fewer in their feature film debut, the plot goes back n forth with time-jumps that are difficult to follow at times and needed a better streamlining of events. Add to that, the disorienting camerawork, slow-mo sequences, slanted angles & shots of nature fail to enrich the ride and only come off as unnecessarily pretentious.

The entire revenge act & its aftermath however is brutal, graphic & disturbing to watch and is drawn out for maximum effect. But the meandering pace, fragmented structure & convoluted storytelling prevent it from making the desired impact. Sims-Fewer also plays the protagonist here and her performance is excellent as she depicts her character's inner pain & resentment with aptness.

Overall, Violation packs an uncomfortable premise, revels in stomach-churning gore and works in bits n pieces. It had all the necessary ingredients to deliver a gripping & thrilling anti-revenge story but the execution is unfocused, thus resulting in an underwhelming drama-horror. All in all, this dark & deranged story of a violated woman going extreme on her vengeful crusade is not for the easily distressed.
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