QAnon: The Search for Q (TV Mini Series 2021–2022) Poster


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Unfortunately very Vice (edit: season 2 is worse)
drael6428 January 2021
Laughed out loud when they mentioned 'stochastic terrorism'. It's basically a left wing conspiracy theory with no basis in fact - it vaguely resembles the underpants gnomes from south park.

It has an annoying far left bias (banging on about BLM despite being wildly off topic, fascism, conflating basically everything for a conspiracy theory, handwringing on handwringing).

It's a shame because the Qanon phenomena and other modern conspiracy theories like the lefts 'christofascist' imagined banning of all contraception (IDK what you'd call that, hand maidens tale?) are a fascinating phenomena, and deserve a real unbiased look.

Likewise there are rational voices in almost any domain, and there are a small handful of proven correct conspiracy theories, and there's a tendency to villainize that is not helpful.

Whether is Russia collusion, or Qanon, we could use a more bipartisan look at the drift into mythology over hard facts.

The 1st season is definitely better than the 2nd, whilst also still bad in it's own right.
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More confusing than helpful
eenudcwk12 February 2021
I finished this doc with less comprehension on the Q phenomena than prior to watching it, and believe me I've read multiple articles on the subject. Every interview is too condensed and doesn't get the point of the interviewee across at all. 5 stars for doing this during pandemic and managing to insert 1/6 close to the original airing.
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Went Off The Rails
outpix25 August 2022
First 3 episodes were ok seeing the Q nuttiness but Episode 4 is pure trash and leftist propaganda with little or no new information- HBO did the best Q doc.
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fad-3879831 January 2021
The programme works well as a primer on QAnon but a documentary it is not.

No theories are countered with evidence, only with the opinion of the documentary makers, and their opinions assume a rightness based on good common sense. Their good common sense.

Their interviewing is on par with Borat. A couple of times the interviewers (bloggers? vloggers??) struggle to keep a straight face, mind, so did I.

An interesting watch, but don't expect 60 minutes.
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An Illuminating Docu-Series
Osibob30 January 2021
I don't watch VICE as much as I once did; frankly they've gone downhill a bit, but this series was eye opening and quite terrifying. Highly recommend.
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Opinion piece, not a documentary
Green-Irish-Eyes6 February 2021
Saturday afternoon and the weather is too gloomy to be outside, so I spent a few hours watching this series. There was some information I hadn't heard before, but much of this has already been in the news of late.

I was turned off by the insertion of the film makers' opinions into the interviews. (Hint: Sitting with your arms and legs crossed is a pretty clear -- if subliminal -- clue to the interview subject that you're really not open to what's being said.)

There was, overall, a mocking tone that just didn't sit well with me, even though I agree that the whole QAnon thing is ridiculousness personified.

It's fine for a slow, gloomy, overcast weekend day when you have nothing better to do, but I can't recommend it otherwise.
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Shines some light on an important topic
david-988541 February 2021
Not the best documentary, and whilst it gets a bit sidetracked at times for anyone wanting to catch up on what is known about Q, this covers it and I'm not aware of any other TV show that does any better, so for now this is the bar. It is obviously challenging to summarize Q given how loosely organized they are and the vastly different depths down the rabbit hole individual believers have gone (or not)

It is certainly NOT biased any more than a western documentary on Kim Jong-un would appear biased to a North Korean 'patriot'.
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All Q but very few A's
ciaranmarley31 January 2021
Having watched all three episodes I'm not much more enlightened about the whole Q movement/phenomenon/organisation/something than I was before I began. What do they actually want? What are they trying to achieve?

The documentary itself fails in its primary duty; to walk the viewer who is not fully aware of the subject carefully through the various details so one can be better informed and arrive at an opinion.

The quick-cut, MTV style editing of this particular series does not help in the least. As a hearing impaired viewer I must depend on subtitles but even they could not keep up with the machine gun editing and I was left reading a conversation that had long since been moved on from.

By the last episode the documentary makers themselves are so worn out by all this they can barely contain their exasperation, leaking out on camera and in the voiceovers. I was left with the feeling they had bitten off more than they could chew.

I suppose I did learn enough about Q anon to know that it is populated by some very angry, sometimes violent, true believers. Although they seem to have wilfully turned off their critical thinking faculties and have little or no regard for libel laws, they seem more clear on what they don't want than what they do and the whole 'we are woke and you are sleeping sheep' seems very seductive to a certain type of character.

Although often sniffed at as conspiracy kooks or tinfoil hat crackpots, it would seem to me that you would dismiss or ignore them at your peril.

There is a much better, more informative and more interesting documentary to be made on this though of that I'm sure. I doubt the final chapter has been written on this by a long way yet.
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It's called Gonzo Journalism people.
iliketowatchstuff5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From Wikipedia: "Gonzo journalism is a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story using a first-person narrative."

I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Some other reviewers seemed to expect a straightforward recitation of the facts of the QAnon movement, and if that's what you're hoping for, this isn't the series for you.

It's less a series about QAnon as it is a series about two journalist's struggle with the current state of American politics, which has been largely spurred QAnon. Despite the focus on the journalists' perspectives, it never struck me as preachy or pushy, but I'm sure someone more conservative than I would feel differently. It doesn't get into meaty details more than it can, because this is a very new phenomenon with little in the way of certainties.

Personally, I really wish the entire series was on YouTube, not only because I think YouTube audiences are more open to this style of journalism, but because I think this information needs to get out to as many people as possible.

10/10 would recommend. Torrent it if you're broke.
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tadted13 February 2021
I think it's more about promoting a couple wannabe presenters rather than dealing with the subject you think you are looking into.
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They lost me when they told me what to think
tjheitzman22 March 2021
Marley was very disrespectful as an interviewer and as a so called documentary, both creators came into this with very strong opinions. They also repeatedly used terms like baseless, unfounded, conspiracy, false claims etc. which immediately sets off alarm bells with me because I don't need someone tell tell me whether a claim is baseless- I can decide that for myself. If you are looking to get more information about the Q movement, the HBO documentary was much better in my opinion. It is a 6 part series with the first 2 being aired last night, 3/21/21.
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Should be required viewing for all humans
dzhaviland20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this an 8 only because the people interviewing these Qanon nuts weren't asking hard questions. For example one of the Qanon theorists who deciphers all "Q"'s postings said he knew Q was a top level Washington insider because 3 times in one day a tweet from Trump appeared on Twitter and Q's website within a millisecond of each other. My question would have been so could that also prove that Trump and his team is behind Q? It does give a great view into all of q's theories, how some people are on the bandwagon to make money and become the new Rush Limbaugh and others are just lonely, angry, disenfranchised people looking for meaning, having too much time on their hands and feeling like they're "in the know" and everyone not following Q are stupid sheep. The trouble is they estimate 10-15% of the US population believes this. If that's the truth, we need to split into two states, one for sane people with a modicum of intelligence and common sense and another one for people who watched too many movies in their lives and should all live together in their delusional world. Sorry this is a soapbox but man this documentary is not only scary, it make me angry at my fellow humans.
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christer-rodsaether6 August 2022
The presenters wants to be the star of the show. You will be disappointed if you think this is a documentary. Poor stuff. I recommend Q: Into the Storm.
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Love this expose!!!
kisami77711 July 2021
This is the best coverage of QAnon that I've ran across. It outlines the background and reasoning of this group in an understandable way, because it is a complicated concept and the basic local news programs don't make it a priority to define it. These two journalists are seeking the truth and doing a good job at it...bring us more, please!!!!
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Definitely not a documentary
bferrell-198-456402 December 2021
Really superficial hit piece. If you want a good, well-researched and balanced documentary check out Q:Into the Storm, by HBOMAX which was outstanding - years of research and a lot of international travel to interview all of the key players. This show is like a film school graduation piece, to be honest.
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Clearly not objective
ddieterbell27 March 2021
I love how this , and the other Q series, choose the most radical examples to represent Q followers. These two snowflakes who made this for the clicks and To look like victims themselves.

The very peopl who say things are debunked offer no debunking. This is a classic redirect psyop.
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annaconda-5076631 January 2021
Very weird. Made it seem like something it's not. Portrayed the movement from such an extreme stance. Didn't expand on issues it could have, made assuptions and simply voiced their own options while shunning others options. 3 part series for what? By the end you learn absolutely nothing. Especially if you have already been actively learning about all this.
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jeffrey-0032718 September 2022
This presentation alleges to defame conspirators by means of their own conspiracy. Sadly, all we get is a well mannered version of orange man bad. How tragic. The first amendment was designed to protect truth and expose corruption. Biased exposé's such as this only add to it. They become unwitting accomplices in subversion and deception. If a person wishes to learn about Qanon, this is not the place. The key to information, is a objective portrayal of facts. Not a subjective, opinionated farcical collection of rhetorical conjecture such as this. It is a dangerous foray into what is claimed to be a documentary. It serves more like a source of deception and false conclusions. Facts may be prevalent but conclusions are suspect.
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Don't waste your time !
rodcook-4239030 January 2021
I thought that this may be something interesting. It's actually like looking for the rabbit in a hat, but having no hat, having no rabbit, and then blaming everyone else because they obviously took the rabbit and the hat that you never had in the first place. Swing and a miss (minus the bat and the ball).
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Biased Leftist Investigation
slig54401 October 2022
Unwavering Leftist ideology, taught by our colleges and supported by mainstream media, pollutes the minds of those who do not feel the need or desire to question these ideas. This is why these two actors will never find what they are searching for. They begin by mentioning "Q-Anons," which is an incorrect term. In actuality, there is Q, which is military intelligence, and there are Anons who direct their research in muliple directions from clues from Q. (Even Lincoln had his own Q team, along with JFK, whose grave site is marked by a large Q.) The road to truth requires an open-minded desire and commitment to become well informed by probing deeply into all sides. Those leading the investigation in this documentary were sometimes so wrapped up in their own performance and preconceived views that they only sought after and interviewed individuals who shared their own ideas. They then talked over instead of listening to some of the people they were interviewing. As long as they continue to live in a world of propaganda fed by the mainstream media, they will never find the truth.
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Typical liberal bias...
bizzyziggy4 September 2022
So Marley Clements and Bayan Joonam, when are you going to do your expose on Antifa and BLM. If you did, I'm sure it would conclude, mostly peaceful. How about an expose on Fauci, Biden, or Hunter. We probably wouldn't see any crocodile tears from Bayan on those subjects. It's funny how you liberals again and again attack President Trump, but never have the balls to go after your own camp. Because if you did it honestly, it would be to eye opening to you. And you couldn't present that to your lemmings. But I dare you, please do it so I can see how you spin it. Really, 600 characters? I see other reviews which are smaller than that.
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