Meteor Apocalypse (Video 2010) Poster

(2010 Video)

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Meteors with remarkable aim
MartianOctocretr51 September 2010
Streaking through space at immense speed, extra-terrestrial rocks seem to have it in for famous landmarks. First they head to Nevada to attack Vegas and nearby Lake Mead. Other famous sites all over the world soon get smashed as well. In between, meteorites zero in on cars and zap them just for fun.

The cast were fine; it's just that this disaster movie's writer seems to think that meteors target objects on the ground like birds of prey would do. Visually interesting, but about as likely as four poker players all being dealt royal flushes on the same hand in an honest game. The meteors shower down after (insert routine plot device here), and it makes the water icky, so carry lots of bottles water. It makes you get sick, especially when you're running around in the desert. Oh, what in blazes was up with the dune buggy chase? It looked like one of those old go-cart racetrack joints you go to when you're 12 years old. Also, it made no sense at all.

Not to be taken seriously, but entertaining in its silly exaggerations. Be advised to remove your cranium and store it in bottled water while watching.
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Yeah.... No
Scy_Fy_JunKiE28 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I am a fan of the over the top cheesy B, C, or D grade movies. The bad effects, the sub-par acting, and attempts at being basically a knock off of a descent movie that has already been made.

But I'm having a hard time enjoying this movie.

Yes despite the low quality acting, bad graphics, poor script and the kind of ridiculous plots that I live for I cannot enjoy this movie.

The movie basically goes like this. Meteor is heading to Earth, governments of the world blow up said meteor and people started getting sick from drinking the water. Main character's daughter and wife get drug away to a quarantine zone where the meteor pieces are later discovered to be heading so the man heads off to rescue his family.

The part that I have trouble wrapping my brain around is the fact that people are getting sick BEFORE the meteor crashed to earth and has time to contaminate the water.

I don't know if I dozed in the first five minutes and don't recall a really REALLY important detail. Or if the movie is just that bad. Feel free to message me if they explained how the water became contaminated prior to the meteors arrival. Because I completely missed that fact if it was stated and honestly that was the main reason I didn't care for this movie.

And yeah I am one of those people that appreciates a plot in movies. Because lets face it, even when something is really bad, it still needs to have a plot.... Even if it is not believable or realistic.

It still has to be there.
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paul_haakonsen17 April 2010
Strange how there are so many really bad disaster movies around. "Meteor Apocalypse" ranks right up there with the bad ones.

Initially, I had no expectations to the movie, and rightly so, otherwise I would be sorely disappointed.

The story of this movie is ridiculous and often incoherent. There are so many things and scenes that does not make sense and just makes go "alrighty then..." I am sure the director meant well enough with his movie, but it just didn't come together as a greater unity. "Meteor Apocalypse" was doomed right from the very first minute, already there it was incoherent and downright stupid.

The CGI effects in "Meteor Apocalypse" are bad, though not the worst I have seen, so that got to count for some, at least.

Some might find it enjoyable if you got nothing better to do, and just want some mindless way to pass an hour and a half. Expect nothing from this movie, and disable your brain if you are going to watch this movie.

The plus in this movie is that not all of the acting is all that crappy.

Sad that so many disaster movies are well-intended, but fail to deliver.
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Not so much a disaster film as it is a disaster of a film.
bill-drendel5 March 2010
Avoid this film at all costs. It is unbelievably awful. I rented it thinking it would just be some mediocre sci-fi flick to watch late one night when I was bored, but I was very wrong. It's not just bad. It's horrendously awful. I never finished it and probably won't. An unwatchable bore with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, bad, bad, bad. Did I leave anything out? I get the feeling that there is some sort of religious theme lying in wait, but I did not actually wait to find out. I only took the time to review it here to save any unsuspecting viewers from wasting their time or money on it. Guess I'm an altruist of sorts.
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Contrived with Religious message.
spamcatcher0118 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A movie where you can leave your Brain out of it. Just watch for the message. A government that doesn't warn anyone of the impending disaster. The featured player is a worker at water plant (scientist?) Some people are dead. The government 'qurantines' others and moves them en mass around the country. The Hero abandons his vehicle to walk home. He finds his family being herded in vehicles. When he confronts Bio-Hazard suited men they hold him back. Usually a person being argumentative is beaten or at least forced to join the herd. Of course the movie Road show would end there(?)... With all the adrenalin that should be present he wanders off and falls asleep. Waking he searches for what... finds a dead man in a SUV and a woman sick nearby. Now we have our sickly fem who goes with him on the search. Arriving in Las Vegas he finds his buddies Government office/lab. By Golly no security of any kind. Everybody has been evacuated Except one lab tech still working while the place is overrun with looters. During a search of a trash bin he finds a water bottle, wow. He is soon set upon by looters and a FBI team show up to save them. Begins the next leg of the road trip... More marauders take out the FBI and leave our Hero and fem to walk again. Side story is the Government mishandling elsewhere. Dialoge is unbelievable, responses to situations are contrived. There is so much more to lead to the "Miracle" ending. Funny that a Poster saying as much was conveniently over the shoulder of the Hero at the start of the picture. This is another movie you can confidently avoid. Although people who need to be inspired may enjoy it.
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Apocalyptically Bad
SSRhodes29 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When this title showed up as "recommended" on my Netflix, I was actually pretty excited. I LOVE Claudia Christian, and I had fond memories of Joe Lando from "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman." However, after 20 minutes, I realized this film, quite frankly, is a piece of trash and a waste of my time. Now, I don't mind when faith-based and Christian companies dive into the movie-making pool. What I do mind is when the produce trash. Everything about this film - from the plot, to the badly written dialog, to the mediocre acting - is just plain bad. And the ending (SPOILER ALERT) - just as David (Joe Lando) and his family are reunited, the last piece of the meteor comes crashing to Earth ... leaving a great big crater and ... then nothing. Wow. Just ... wow.
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Not 100% terrible.
planktonrules26 September 2012
My uncle and I watched the film and I liked it a lot more than he did. I felt it merited a 3 because....well....I've seen worse. He felt a 2 was being generous. Either way, these are not glowing endorsements.

The film begins with all the countries of the Earth launching their nukes into space at an oncoming meteor. However, the explosion only fragments it into many still big meteors that are STILL on a collision course with the planet. Oops. Now so far, this isn't a bad idea for a film. BUT, what happens next makes zero sense--when one of the meteors hits Lake Meade, it infects the water supply and people drinking it go into convulsions and die! Most of the rest of the film consists of a man trying to find his way back to his family from which he was separated. Unfortunately, most of his adventures are pretty dull. Not wretched...but not good.

Oddly, when I saw this listed on Netflix and IMDb, Claudia Christian (from "Babylon 5" is listed second in the credits--yet she's only in the first and last 5 minutes of the film.
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So bad you have to watch
dannytrend1-578-21514721 April 2010
This film is so bad I had to watch it all the way through, the effects, I have avoided the word special on purpose, are hilarious, there will never be enough hours in the day to describe how bad this film is. The leading lady idea of acting was to pant more when she was out of breadth. Loosing a few pounds of her hips would not have done any damage. As for the leading man, he would be wise to seek work as a stunt double for Daniel Craig. The cheapness of the sets are beyond belief, most of the central part of the film appear to have been shot over a weekend on a disused factory lot. The bit at the end when the hero is looking for his family and the mountain off screen is "attacked" by the meteors is really funny I won't mention the ending but it's so bad it's good and what happened to his traveling companion. Priceless.
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Joe Lando is decent, the rest is not
TheLittleSongbird29 June 2011
I have seen worse movies of this genre aired on the SyFy channel. In all honesty though, that's saying very little. Meteor Apocalypse was really quite a messy movie. If there was a redeeming quality, it was the surprisingly good and believable performance of Joe Lando. Sadly for this movie, the redeeming values end there. The rest of the acting ranges from bad to poor even from those who visibly try, and they are not helped by clichéd characters, dreadful writing and a contrived story full of scenes that don't ring true, and also naff special effects, scrappy photography and plodding direction and pacing. So all in all, one good asset isn't enough to salvage a bunch of well-below average ones. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Avoid at all cost!
LJ-2614 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I turned on the TV just to find that it was Disaster Saturday on Syfy. I love cheesy disaster movies, so I was excited. Boy, was I disappointed! This film is one of the worst films I've ever seen. "Planet 9 from outer space" is Oscar material compared to this. I have nothing good to say about this film.

It starts out with a meteor heading for earth. My first face palm came in the very first minute, when the Nasa tech with a shaky hand presses ESC on his keyboard to launch the bomb headed for the meteor. Alas, all the governments attempts to blow it to pieces fails, and it hurtles towards earth. This thing is HUGE, it's an ELE (extinction level event), and we should anticipate that life on earth will die out.

Fast forward to our "hero" who's afraid of heights, and for some reason HAS to go up on the roof. Why, no-one really explains, but he has to do it before the water rations. This fear seems to be really important, but I am not sure why. The meteor hits, and contaminates the water (?), and although it takes 12 days before people gets sick, his colleague dies within 10 minutes of the film starting.

There are looters who wants to kill people for no apparent reason, especially at the government lab. One of the techs is left behind working on a cure for the water contamination. It might kill people, but they are making lots of it. There is a lot of running and horrible events happening, and two FBI agents that cannot hit a barn if they were bolted to the ground, while all the bad people are marksmen. The hero picks up a woman on the road. She's about ready to die, but manages to stay alive for most of the film. For some reason, they have something that looks like an epi-pen that seems to revive people somewhat, or kill them, if they are a bad guy. Our hero uses this on the woman, and this seems to save her life (for now at least). Our hero drags her with him, and she is able to follow him in the blistering heat, most of the time on foot. They also finds lots of water on their way to LA, for some reason. You don't ever hear them complain about being thirsty or see them drink more than a mouth full of the water.

After a lot of bad movie making, our hero eventually leaves the woman when she is no longer able to follow, and climb some rather awesome and barren mountains. He meets the last people from the detention centre leaving LA, and lo and behold, the final two are his wife and daughter, who despite having been sick from the beginning of the movie, is still alive. At NASA they arguing about something and one of them says "There is nothing we can do!" A woman chewing her pen says "Yes, there is." At that point we see the meteor the size of a city block falling on LA, not a lot of dust or anything, and then a helicopter lands to take our hero and family to safety. The lady on chewing her pen is on the phone, and get the message "We got them" while our hero and family laughs. It is finally over.

This film is so bad, I got through all the hoops of coming here warning people about it. Avoid at all cost! It is so unrealistic it's not even funny. As disaster movies goes, it IS a real disaster. It's so bad it's not even funny. It is off the scale bad.
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Good Talent Wasted on a Bad Script
catgirl926419 March 2010
Can't defend the script or the dialog, but much of the acting in this sci-fi disaster flick is first- rate, especially if you watch the special features and realize they shot this thing in only 12 days. Joe Lando and Cooper Harris, in particular, do exceptional work under what must have been trying conditions. Lando brings a real sense of desperation and urgency and Harris is compelling as a lost soul along for the ride. They even manage to make some of the horrendous dialog sound human and real. It's a shame they didn't have a better script to work with, but they and one or two others in the cast are well worth watching.
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Only for those who must see all films in the disaster sci-fi genre
mike_cable13 September 2010
From looking at the DVD box, I decided not to watch Meteor Apocalypse as a film, but as a simple story about a man trying to find his family in difficult times. I put the cheap special effects, bad acting and script aside, and just waited to see what would happen next.

It reminded me a lot of the recent BBC series Survivors, except every 20 minutes there are meteors raining down on everyone.

The main character of David is played to good effect by Joe Lando, giving us a surprisingly good portrayal as the courageous man does his best to find his family and help people along the way. I was pleasantly surprised to see Claudia Christian appear as David's wife and mother to their child. I had not seen her in anything since the end of the Babylon 5 series.

Some things don't quite make sense, but when we are regularly shown conflict within the disaster management center, it may explain why some things occurred.

Not to be taken too seriously, but as a light contribution to the disaster science fiction genre.
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ohh my god,, worst movie
jacobo881 July 2010
the cover of this movies seems as a real action film with great Special effects, but IT IS NOT. It has been one of the worst movies i have ever seen.

If you want to loose friend or give a bad impression you have to recommend this movie as good to watch.

Poor script, bad director, bad characters, very bad effects.

After the first 15 minutes I started to slow forward the movie, after 30 minutes i was begging the movie to end.

This movie should be banned or be in a category called: worst ever. Its a shame for the main character to act in this movie, he should stay in TV episodes as he has been all the time.
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The Asylum knows no shame
Leofwine_draca30 May 2015
The Asylum put this piece of space junk on film, and as usual for The Asylum it's a real piece of trash: an almost worthless would-be disaster flick, chock full of cheesy acting and cheesier special effects. The storyline sees a gigantic meteor heading towards Earth: boffins decide to try to blow it up, but all they succeed in doing is making tons of meteorites hit the Earth and blow up various places.

What this all boils down to is the usual rugged hero and his pretty sidekick attempting to outwit and evade human villains alongside the killer meteorites, which seem to have some kind of homing ability in the way that they're constantly chasing after our heroes. If you've seen one CGI meteorite strike you've seen them all, so after about ten minutes this film becomes boring in the extreme. Claudia Christian (THE HIDDEN) appears in a minor role.
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Disaster of a Film
lionhrt11 February 2013
I tried to give it a 2 because of a few scenes that seemed redeeming, however, there is so much wrong with this I cannot do more than a 1.

There is hardly a logical moment in the entire movie. From the comet being blasted into a thousands of bits and pieces only to reappear intact like it was originally only would have taken a minor rewrite to fix.

Lando leaves his ever present hand bag early in the movie only to have it suddenly reappear in the next scene.

Antidotes working faster than it can even get into the tummy ...

Just un flipping believable.
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I made it to the end
jackandemma28 June 2021
Don't be expecting anything great like acting or special effects. Don't be expecting a great story or twists and turns. Do expect it to take about a hour and a half out your day to watch.
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plot awful
chrisbw196528 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The particulars on the film, acting, and cgi are notably bad, but others have covered that. What I'd like to comment about is the actual plot: it's awful. This man has the flippin cure for the sickness affecting millions, but does he try to find a lab to mass produce it? No. Does he even tell anyone he has the cure? No. He holds on to the only 2 vials in existence, and saves them for his daughter. How frickin selfish. He could save the world, but only thinks of himself. Any sympathy I originally had was burned up as I saw him continually put his own interests above saving humanity.
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Another movie written by a 6 year old,.. for 6 year olds.
GHynson-130 June 2018
Bad acting, bad scripting, bad editing. Can't get any badder than that.
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amazing high heels of Lynn
garex1361-775-93677310 August 2020
It's amazing and unbelievable that the character of Lynn hasn't thought or took the effort of changing her high heels with a more comfortable sneakers or walking shoes at the first opportunity. Usually in such disaster and emergency situation it is expected that much walking would be necessary and would be most likely to happen and what comes to your mind would be on a comfortable shoes.
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Watch it if you like post-apocalyptic films
dmdb23 April 2015
I only write reviews of movies with low rating, which actually are not that bad. Give them a chance!

Before watching Battlefield Earth, this movie had the worst IMDb rating in my list of films I liked. It is also the only Asylum film I liked and the only Asylum film I watched till the end.

The story like many other similar, nothing new, nothing innovative, but I enjoyed it. Not so good acting and CGI, but it is OK. I like post-apocalyptic films and that is why I gave a chance to Meteor Apocalypse and I can say I wasn't wrong. If you also like post- apocalyptic theme, this is a nice film to watch. Not the best, but solid one.

It certainly deserves higher rating than 3.0 which it has at the moment of my writing.

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Good B Movie
HollyFOdell1 December 2018
This is a pretty good movie for a B movie. My husband and I love the B movies. There are some pretty bad ones out there but this one is pretty good. The acting isn't half bad. If you go into this knowing it is a B movie, then you should like it.
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Was Seriously Hoping For Better...
mortwerks13 August 2020
I find many of the SyFy and Asylum movies fun to watch (in a cheesy, drive-in movie carload night, triple feature kind of way), but this one was a huge disappointment. I don't mind suspending logic or reality for the sake of a low-budget picture, but this had no real coherent plot or character development. I found myself rooting for the meteors to splatter these people whom I'd been following for the better part of an hour, just to put me out of my misery. I give it a "2" just because it might be okay to have on while you vacuum the house or make dinner, but you'd be better off watching a 50s "B" monster or sci-fi movie rather than this...
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Apocalypse Hollywood !
adabsiz19 December 2023
Hollywood is infatuated with "apocalypses" of all kinds ! I counted no less tha 22 film titles on IMDB where "apocalypse" was part of the title , and I am sure a lot more on the way !!


By the way , for some unknown reason apocalypses (?) never occur in Indonesia or Zimbabwe or even nearby Cuba for example ... Most of the time they seem to be partial to California and LA in particular ie if you save the film studio then you also save us mortals !

And so to this sad piece of Hollywood junk ( sorry , artwork ) about a disintegrating meteor showering Californian cities (but NOT it seems the surrounding countryside NOR Washington DC , where they are also busy calmly discussing bad ass diseases threatening America without any interference from Uncle Apocalypse ) !

There are several diversions which the director hoped to break the monotony with like a kiss of life in the middle of nowhere , gunfire and quadbikes , riots and shapely lab assistants . But sadly all these failed !

BTW , I noticed that NO one had a meal nor went to relieve themselves throughout ...

If any award is to be bestowed on this film , it should be given to its "stars & starlets" who managed to keep a straight face right to the end !!
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Not great but watchable
celtigra28 May 2019
Not amongst the greatest or even mediocre movies I've watched, but if you have nothing better to do on a wet afternoon it will pass the time without you having to engage your brain too much. Put it this way I've seen better and I've seen a lot worse.
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An Asylum 2
bitbucketchip17 February 2022
Next time, Asylum, try having a script, story, plot, actors, and competent director. None were in evidence in this series of strung together disjointed scenes produced in one take.

Meteors begin falling and within moments government troops brandishing automatic weapons are on scene on the hero's street rounding up everyone to be taken, um, they didn't really say. They didn't explain why they had weapons, why they were moving people when meteorites were falling everywhere, where they were going, or what they were going to do when they got there.

Our hero gets shot at by security guards, the FBI, and everyone else he meets. Though again why is never explained. They drive a truck of bottled water and a gang on ATVs attacks them. Why? They never explain. They never explain anything.

Regarding the score. No Asylum movie deserves more than one star when compared to professionally produced films. The best Asylum film deserves one star, the worst, zero stars. This is towards the low end of the Asylum spectrum, at 0.2 stars, also known as an Asylum 2. Two stars.
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