Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes (2012) Poster

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Not bad, but definitely not good!
Michael-Hallows-Eve21 September 2012
Now this film started off pretty good, the acting was pretty good too, but the movie took a good 50 minutes or so before anything really started to happen. Then when it did happen it was either out of focus or something was in the way or the camera was pointed in the wrong direction. I was actually hoping for more out of this film as I'm a 'found-footage' fan, and I'm kind of a Bigfoot fan too, but this movie (although well done in parts) failed in it's delivery. Just when you think you might see something, you're soon disappointed by the camera missing most of the action, or you only see some feet. It isn't the worst 'found-footage' movie out there, but it's definitely not one of the better ones. So I give this a 4 out of 10, only because it actually had potential, if only the makers had of done it better.
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The Lost Coast Tapes (2012)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain8 September 2012
Like found footage movies, love Bigfoot. In The Lost Coast Tapes a TV journalist decides to give a man $75,000 to see a Bigfoot corpse and prove it's a fake. Quite why he thinks making yet another show proving Bigfoot is a fake is worth his life savings is anyone's guess. They get out to the woods and of course start to hear noises and see trees rustling. It plays its found footage premise pretty well. There are no real contradictions in sound or shots, however the cast try far too hard to be quick and witty. The dialogue is also constantly riddled with references to the show they are making. The obsession of Sean, the lead. Is enough to convince us that they would continue to keep the cameras rolling, as he is in fear of being made to look the fool at the hands of someone's prank. Unfortunately, towards the end, the film adds a very interesting spin to the Bigfoot myth, but fails to elaborate on it. This wouldn't be so bad, bu it brings it in in the last few minutes and seems to use it at an excuse to not show anything. I'm all for leaving some things to the imagination, but sometimes a film's ideas do warrant further exploration. Up until the end you can kind of guess everything that happens, and apart from the actual violence all of these things can be seen in a show like Finding Bigfoot, which is a lot more fun because it tries so hard to convince you of what's real. Not the worst found footage film or Sasquatch film, but that isn't saying much.
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Not great but better then I thought it would be!
atinder1 February 2013
Yeah,. yet another Big foot movie, which was made in the same year, almost came out at the same yime as well.

I am Clad I saw the other before this one.

I actually enjoyed this one much more then Bigfoot County (2012), This had bit more of a plot to it and even filmed better.

I found the start of the movie very funny, there were really cool funny jokes that made me laugh out loud.

There were very likable characters in this movie, you care for at all times,

the movie dose not break any new grounds, in this found footage genre.

I found that this movie flowed really well, with a lot of action in the movie, there were some good decent images of the creature, I say!

But we never fully see the creature at all but we do see bit of the creature, we never really know if ig a who or what.

There some decent effect in this movie, which I really liked and there were some bloody moment in here and there, but don't expected a bloodbath or anything really gory.

I maybe I liked this movie more then I should ,cause of Bigfoot County (2012), which is much worse then this movie.

I going to give this movie 4 no, I give it 5 out of 10
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Lacks that je ne sais quoi
amesmonde27 February 2015
A group of filmmakers go to make a documentary about a man who claims to have body of a Bigfoot but they find themselves in real danger.

To director Corey Grant's credit Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes is one of the better made POV films, in the vain of Bigfoot County of the same year but even with its real life Bigfoot hoaxer Rick Dyer style element at the beginning it never manages to suck you in like REC, Exists, Devil Pass to name a few. It's not a budget issue either as similar films Grave Encounters and The Tunnel for example manage to pull it off it. For some unexplainable reason it just lacks that je ne sais quoi.

Writers Bryan O'Cain and Brian Kelsey have all the element there it just never feels the full package. Naturalistic Drew Rausch is notable as Sean Reynolds, the producer who'll do anything to get the money shot and the rest of the cast are pretty convincing including Rich McDonald along with Ashley Wood who deserve a mention. Energetic actor Japheth Gordon scree time is minimal as he has the oomph to put the much needed spark into the proceedings.

It's not a keeper but Grant's offering better than many of SYFy Bigfoot films, hopefully a sequel or remake would correct and inject that much needed Bigfoot magic.
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tmccull5229 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Although I didn't expect this film to be a top-notch horror flick, the more that I watched it, the less that I liked it. There were a few decent, if predictable moments, but for the most part, I found it to be more annoying that frightening or engrossing. The acting was passable, and the female lead, Ashley Wood, is physically quite lovely. Overall, however, I felt that the movie tried to introduce too many questions. Are there actual Sasquatches? Are they benign creatures that feel threatened by the intrusion of humans in their habitat or environment, or are they actually predatory and dangerous? Those questions could have been posed, and plausibly, to help the movie along. But when the bright lights began to presage or herald the presence of a creature, or creatures, that turned out NOT to be Sasquatches, the movie lost me. Were these supposed to be "spirit lights", which the Sasquatches were supposed to guard and protect mankind from and against? If so, they did a pretty lousy job of it.

The impression that I got from the movie was that there were two species of woodlands beasts; the Sasquatches, and this mysterious other creature, which was shown to have hooves as opposed to hominid feet. My guess is that the true villain and threat in the movie came in the form of another mythical creature, the Wendigo, which is purportedly possessed of hoof-like feet, and is also supposed to be quite large.

Whatever the case, if this was a "Sasquatch versus Wendigo, which one is it?" type movie, it failed fairly miserably, in my estimation. There were too many elements for which there wasn't even a hint of plausible explanation as to what was actually going on.

Were there Sasquatches? The movie would suggest that there were, given that the female lead states at one point during the movie that she felt no menace when she was picked up and carted off by some mysterious creature. She says that she felt as though the creature, whatever it was, was trying to keep her from harm, rather than trying to harm her. When she does eventually get picked off, we see for the first time, the hooves of the creature that does do her in. The hooves are seen again at the very end of the movie; they are clearly not the feet of a hominid.

So, was the menace a Wendigo? Who knows? Was it some space alien crytpid, whose presence was heralded by the intense white light evinced whenever it appeared to wreak mayhem and carnage? Again, who knows? In any case, I found myself not really caring one way or the other by the end of the movie.
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Pass me the razer blades....
ksteers4 September 2012
If you could give a movie "0" I would have done so. Please God someone stop movie studios releasing this utter rubbish. How many more of these utterly useless "lost camera footage" movies are Hollywood or whoever going to make. It just about worked once with the Blair Witch Project and should have stopped there. Granted the first Paranormal Activity gave this type of movie some creditability but that then lost all respect I had for it with the sequels. I sat and watched this with my girlfriend last night and I was embarrassed that I actually made her sit through this garbage by saying "wait for it; it will get better soon"
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Good idea, not so good movie
user-undefined-198424 September 2012
I gave this a 3 out of 10 only because of 3 reasons: 1. The actors are pretty good, considering I've never heard of them. Their emotions were believable and they even managed to pull off some intentional comedic moments that actually made me laugh.

2. There were a couple of moments that shocked me. However, it was more the result of sound effects that played at the right moment after some minor suspense, than anything else.

3. The idea for a twist was there but sad to say, it wasn't done any justice with the direction and special effects of the movie. In the end, too much was left unseen and unknown and for the little that was seen and known, it was too senseless for the imagination to make anything of! And the special effects? It's practically an oxymoron because there was nothing special about them, really. I think what will shock you the most in this movie are these "special effects".

Let's just say the 1970's budget horror movies called. And they want their EVERYTHING back.
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Mediocre effort with little time spent on the story
jmbwithcats4 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts out okay, but halfway through it's just really boring and mediocre writing, lacking complexity, I do however like the script twist though, even if it's right out of The Swamp Thing.

Odd, some of the way the main guy talks reminds me of Lance Preston from Grave Encounters, but not only that, the found footage in Grave Encounters was episode 13, same as in this movie.

Grave Encounters has a far superior script though, effects and entertainment value.

Ultimately this movie was a ridiculous movie, with very little entertainment value, very little plot or story development, horrible effects, I would never see this movie again.

All we know is there's bigfoot who are protecting humanity from "the spirit world" whatever the f* that's supposed to mean, there's no pay off whatsoever... they should have shown us what they were protecting humanity from, this movie has zero entertainment value because it doesn't develop the most important aspects of the story... this was just unsatisfying on any level.

This isn't better for being ambiguous, a movie still needs to be entertaining, give the people what they want, and I wanted to see what the hell was going on, and understand why, and what and where the spirit monsters were from and what they were like... man this script sucked, no decent dialog, so bad.

I would rate this movie a 1, there's just nothing redeeming about this film.

The only thing I like about the movie "The Lost Coast Tapes" using this concept that people don't see the yeti because it moves in and out of the spirit world is that the musical band Shpongle has a song all about this exact phenomena which is really good, one of my favorites by them actually.

Hallucinogenic Visions (Shpongle)- the Mysteries Of the Yeti (full version)
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How dare people waste 80m of another person's life!
david-wtsn715 November 2014
I believe in karma.

I sincerely believe that both the producer and director of this cheap, low budget, effects-skimping, Blair-Witch-style, horror fan deluding, intelligence-insulting piece of garbage will have 80 minutes chopped off the end of their lives.

1. A shaky camera is NOT scary. 2. A flash of this and that (where you can't decipher anything) is NOT scary. 3. Lights going on and off are NOT scary. 4. Odd noises are NOT scary.

The person who made the DVD cover pic should be sued in court for false misrepresentation. It is downright DISHONEST to have that pic!

I refuse to believe that this film cost more than 50 dollars all told, to make.

Shameful. Disgraceful. Criminal.
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It's a Bigfoot film but don't run away or you'll be missing something good!
Thrill_KillZ31 August 2012
The Found Footage sub-genre, yea I think it's time it got it's own genre. Just when I was thinking that it (F.F.) was only a fad & on it's way out, film makers are refining how to make this type of film rise in interest & the subtle ways to creep you out. When I read the word "Bigfoot" my mind went to that place of stupidity & a whole bunch of very bad attempts that the SyFy Channel has churned out over the years. Then I made sure this was not a TV movie which it was not and I actually became interested. Anyone that happened to catch TrollHunter(2010)and really liked it will undoubtedly like this as well. I don't know the inspirations of the film or any details behind the making of or script writing but I continuously got that great Trollhunter vibe and it was fantastic. It was like an American re-make to a foreign film but with switched up local legends. The acting of Drybeck(FrankAshmore) was perfection & paralleled the man in T.H. in the subtle ways he makes the scene frantic by saying less & always seeming to be preoccupied with something dangerous. Some of the other film crew actors got annoying at times with their over the top panic & fear but it wasn't bad enough to hurt the film any. It's not perfect by any means but I absolutely admit to having fun watching it and if it's offered on PPV or digital rental I do recommend it as long as you know what you're in store for. This studio managed to take a ridiculed subject like "Bigfoot" and freak the viewer out with it. So I think it deserves a solid 7/10 for the fun & creepy sides it displayed to a theme that hasn't had a respectable take done on it in what seems like forever.
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misskellie-452-23183112 September 2012
I've seen a lot of movies. Good and bad. This one was bad. Im not a fan of the whole POV style of movie. Hated Blair Witch Project and this was just as bad. The 'acting' was bad, storyline was bad. I didn't jump once, and I'm a sucker for a really good scary movie. It was a big disappointment. I think the best part of the movie was the last 2 minutes. Even then i was waiting for something really scary to happen...but nothing. Where are all the good scary movies nowadays?? Old time scary like Halloween or Jason. This wasn't scary at all. Please don't waste your time on this, spend and hour and a half washing the dog. Thanks.
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No Teddy Bear's picnic!
doorsscorpywag1 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sean used to have a big time paranormal reality show but when it was revealed to be a series of hoaxes he ended up in a psych ward and his career in tatters. Now he wants one more shot at the big time by revealing the Bigfoot to be a hoax after being contacted by Drybeck who claims to have a dead one deep in the woods along the California Lost Coast. He recruits two of his old team, old girlfriend and psychic Robyn and Darryl his camera man along with Kevin who was recommended by his old sound man who refuses to return.

Along the road to the woods we see a glimpse of each of the characters and they are a reasonably likable bunch with a mixture of scepticism and belief. New boy Kevin is the hapless comedy turn and provides a few laughs along the way.

Then we meet the mysterious Drybeck who asks them to don hoods, and leave their jeep as he drives them deeper into the woods to the compound he shares with LaRoche a Canadian trapper. Drybeck reveals than the compound is protected by an electric fence as there have been several incursions from the woods as Bigfoot attempts to reclaim it's territory. Sean just laughs and is convinced the whole thing is a sham perpetrated by the two woodsmen. After the exchange of 75 grand for full access to Drybeck and his dead Bigfoot we discover that the body is hidden off site somewhere in the woods.

In good old Blair Witch style we go into the woods and encounter strange noises and various clues as to what is going on. All dismissed by sceptic Sean as the figments of Drybeck's delusional mind.

Then it starts to get interesting and more deadly. It reminds me in part of the excellent Norwegian movie Troll Hunter and has some truly inventive ideas to the tried and tested found footage genre with Sean insisting that camera's should record everything if not just for their own protection.

The acting is pretty decent and the build up of tension from the initial jovial first half of the movie is well done. We finally begin to get a reveal of what is actually going on and as the tension rises Sean begins to question his scepticism.

The final scenes are really well done and really well acted and the last few minutes especially so. Unlike the lamentable Tape 407 this one really does have an ending that will stay with you a while. Probably wanting more.

The poster for the film is quite brilliant. 'Bigfoot is hiding......but not from us!' And draws you in to the film.

But the limitations of a decent budget is where the film falls down. Some really interesting areas are hinted at but not expanded upon. Sean's breakdown due to the collapse of his reality show and the story in the woods would have been great if they could have had the cash to explore them. But giving the film maker credit he does an outstanding job within the limitations of his budget due more than in part to the actors he employed who make a believable stab at the parts they are employed to create.

Overall this is a more than decent little indie film adding a few new strokes to the 'found footage' palate. Well worth a watch in my view although don't expect TOO much as the budget was just not there. This is one of those movies that actually could do with a part II as long as it was well written and did not go into 'daft' territory like many do.
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Not a bad movie, but not a masterclass of the genre, somewhere in between...
chubbalubbadingdong7 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I've seen a lot of people completely trash this movie since it's come out, so it made me very wary about buying it on DVD. But, the trailer enticed me and the film looked interesting.

What are those lights in the trees? Is the old man telling the truth? Will it just another Blair Witch clone without any substance?

Well, I got my answer in an average, but still good 'Found Footage' Horror movie (Which recently has become a staple of Horror Cinema)

The story concerns a group of TV documentary crewmen going out into the woods on a call that an old mountain man has the body of a baby Bigfoot and is willing to show them the evidence for a hefty (but reasonable) $75,000 dollars. Some members of the crew are less than willing to take his word as fact, while the others are finding strange, other worldly things are happening to them. One begins getting strange, psychic vibes (Because every good Paranormal investigation group need a psychic)and the other (a sound man) begins hearing strange things through his headphones and begins to freak out.

From then on, the group begins splitting apart and after a terrifying encounter with something out in the woods, the psychic girl is injured and left in the cabin while the other members of the team go with the mountain man to the dead body.

This kicks us off to the finale of the film which, in my opinion, had me tensed up, butt clenched, until the final frames.

Now, from my brief and uneducated summary of the film, I'd like to say, since watching this a few hours ago, names have slipped out my mind, and some scenes drowned out by a haze of pub banter and alcohol. But, myself being a person who enjoys horror films and has sat through the best and worst of the genre, I have never been more terrified of the walk home from the pub and car headlights through my windows, ever.

Something about this movie really got under my skin. Maybe it's the whole idea that it's something more than a simple Bigfoot hunt, something further viewed/explored in the films final moments. Bright lights and hoofed feet seem to point towards something more demonic.

For the good points, I liked the characters. They seemed light hearted, and while not entirely without cliché, never dull. The actors did a decent job with the obvious limited resources they had for the film. The only part where I feel they faultier is near the end, when they are being killed off or disappearing. It turns into a scream at each other/swear fest, and comes off as slightly immature. But still,I enjoyed them, and generally wanted them to try and get through the film.

The special effects are a point of interest. There's very little of it. The odd bloody person, a very well done shot the woodsman impaled on a pine tree. One of the more ambitious attempts is the suicide of one of the members. They tried, that's all I'll say, but, no one could be recognised after taking a shotgun buck to the face at close range. Another interesting thing is we never see the monster in question, but it is implied there are two out there. Large, furry, humanoid monsters that are trying to help the group, and a large, hoofed monster that is hell bent on murdering them all. They're all done in quick flashes of CGI or shown as shadows fleeting through the background, giving them an ever present feeling and a sense that there is no escape form here because they are everywhere. As a man who enjoys monster movies and seeing some of the creative decisions made in making the monster, it was better not showing anything at all, it added to the more supernatural element of the film.

Overall, this had me curled up, shoulder tense and frozen to the spot until the credits rolled. While not the best of the bunch, I turned the lights on and left my room for the pub and for the first time in a while got that childhood sense of the fear of the dark; one that I haven't had for a while, and that sense that someone was watching and I just saw something move in the trees in the park up ahead. It's an interesting concept that never gets too big for it's boots and handles the paranormal side quite well (although predictably). The characters are enjoyable clichés without getting to boring and the pace is always going forward, never looking back. It's very action packed for a hand held film and handles the shots well, never letting too much away while never putting too much into frame. With just a change or cut of the final line 'It's not Bigfoot, IT'S NOT BIGFOOT!' The film would of left me with a bit more of an impact.

Anyhow: A for effort C+ for execution and a big fat FU for making me terrified of the dark unknown again.
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Ignore false reviews
aucottjohn30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst found footage film in existence.

Oh and FYI, there are no sightings of bigfoot in the entire film.

I hate this film and everyone in it. Thanks for singlehandedly destroying the found footage genre.
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The Lost Interest Tapes
viewer771214 September 2012
This is another one of those cheap 'found footage' films that would have been pretty new and different about fifteen years ago. Since the film has nothing but that gimmick to offer your enjoyment of it will depend almost entirely on whether you want to watch some buffoons running around in the dark with some guy who is channeling Elmer Fudd.

Mr Dryrot or whatever he is called lives in the middle of nowhere. He still gets on youtube though uploading videos of his dead bigfoot. Strangely no newspapers, TV shows, debunkers, academics or TV networks have bothered to follow up on these videos which are apparently "epic". We don't get to see those by the way. I was so bored by the movie I started imagining old Mr Drywall out there in the forest prettying up his youtube page and perhaps watching the odd episode of bigfoot hunters to chill out.

There's no real plot here but the little that you do get is ridiculous and gets worse as the film plods on. There's no tension at any point, no scares or anything. I've probably spent more time reviewing it than they spent writing it so I'll just say don't waste your time, it's awful.
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Major Spoilers Ahead
rstef119 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So let me quickly review, and ruin the ending of the movie for you.

A group of unlikeable young people head out to the woods to search for bigfoot. They all get killed. The End. Just saved you 90 minutes of suspenseless annoyance.

Typical found footage nonsense with tons of shaky scenes of people walking in the forest and running away from "something" that we never see, except for a quick glimpse in the last second when the lead screams that it's not bigfoot it's... The flashing lights outside the cabin indicate it's an alien. Whoopie. They even steal a plot twist from Boggy Creek 2. How sad is that?
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This is not a review, it's a WARNING
longshot7510 November 2012
Found footage films, lets face it, they're much more miss than hit, but some of these films don't even get loaded into the chamber, and this is where you'll find Lost Coast tapes. I feel duty bound to WARN you not to watch this film because I have just wasted a precious hour and twenty five minutes of my life on this large roll of celluloid lavatory paper and whilst I have lost that time forever, I feel that it's not too late to save you. Yes YOU, fan of found footage films; because even you, with your love of Troll Hunter, and Rec and VHS, may be thinking 'OOoh this has a 4.1 rating on IMDb, it's in the zone where it MIGHT appeal to me as a fan of this type of stuff' must say NO. Yes it's a found footage film, but remember that "found footage", just means just that. What you have to ask yourself is: "found footage of what?" Well, I'll tell you - an hour and 25 minutes of PEOPLE. People talking, people driving, people arguing, people behaving irritatingly and nonsensically, people providing painful exposition, people pointing at stuff with torches, people running around in the dark, and people breathing rapidly in that way that actors always try to act 'out of breath'. OH what was that? A tree. Oh what was that?!? A very very distant flash of what possibly might have been a hairy extremity. OK yeah, but hold on because RIGHT over here I'll show you a BIGFOOT!! Here it comes, ready? Really ready?? OoOoh a shiny thing over there in the corner! Let me just go into the dark for a bit and investigate that. This is like 90 minutes of pass the parcel and when you get to the end, you realise your parents forgot to stick a present inside.

I figure if ONE person reads this review and opts out of watching this abysmal pointless junk, then I have done humanity a service.... Please, don't even be curious about this one, don't give it the satisfaction of doing a large Bigfoot sized poo all your expectations. If you hear about a twist, or are indeed even faintly curious about it, it makes NO sense and will annoy you even more. If you wanna ignore my words like the grizzled drunken harbinger that everyone always ignores in a horror film, then please for the love of God at least forward this rubbish to the 1 hour 15 mark and watch it from there. Then at least I can be safe in the knowledge that I've saved you 80 minutes of your life. You are very welcome my film watching friends.
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AWFULLY Produced Film!!!!!!!!!!!
lmiddleton-lm3 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this documentary-as it was suppose to be-and was THROUGHLY disappointed in this ENTIRE film. POORLY documented, edited, written, and produced. I would advìse NO ONE to waste their time-as I did-watching this film. The language was ATROCIOUS, BARBARIC, REVOLTING, and APPALLING!!!!!!!!! No; I am NOT a producer, editor, or filmmaker. Nothing to do with movies; other than- like most of you-watching them. If your plans are to watch this film, please; think deeply about the comments made-by those who did not like this film, but watched it-and consider what is said, and make your choice. If you are a person of colorful language, than this is the film for you. If you are not-as obviously as I am-you WILL NOT like or enjoy this documentary or film.
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Very Disappointing
jm_thailand5 February 2013
First off you have a movie that is a Blair Witch style rip off, then you have a lead character who for some reason reminded me of Shia LeBouf, that is not a positive thing.

Like many people I agree the movie starts out OK. It then goes way off the rails We are told Bigfoot may travel between the spirit world and ours. In one scene a character stands in front of a window a bright light comes on and POOF he is sucked back thru the window? SO was this a Bigfoot or Spirit? You have some Bigfoot moments walking by a window, seeing a leg thru the bush and yet the camera people saw nothing? REALLY REALLY disappointing. It had potential at times felt rushed, but in the end I think that was for the best.

Telling a girl stay in the cabin but if you think you hear something walk your hurt self to another cabin grab the gun and shoot. Ummm wouldn't it have been easier to say here is the gun right here right now? Overall very disappointing.

I had hoped this would have been better
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Opportunity hugely missed, very wide of the mark.
chuckm7619 November 2012
Far from being an awful film, it certainly has it's merits. That in fact makes it a bigger disappointment.

The acting is far too staged for this type of film, the hamming is way too put on. It's a constant break from reality which becomes very tedious. Too slow in build up, this is something that I don't usually mind but I had the nagging feeling that I wasn't going to be payed off. I wasn't wrong. The title of the film will leave a sour taste in the mouth of some people, I was pretty disappointed immediately after watching but on reflection I'm thinking it was pretty clever. The characters are just ridiculous, pathetic in fact. Less rounded more ill-written characters you will seldom see.

OK the biggest sticking point, the afore mentioned lack of payoff. Throughout the film there are no clever clues, no sneaky sighters nothing. The usual bad horror film decisions from the main characters actually drive the story, this is a massive oversight as I think there could've been a real story to get you teeth into here. You're left with nothing by the time the credits roll, just a feeling of emptiness.

Way below the bombastic Troll Hunter which it steals a lot from, could've been waaaay better.
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Engrossing found footage horror. Better than most.
nigel_essex18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bigfoot, found footage, what could go wrong? Actually those two titles could be enough to put you off but this is a great little film worth a watch. Starting out it appears to be a comedy with some nice back and forth dialogue between characters. In fact it doesn't really get started as a horror until some way into the running time. Blink and you miss it figures, shadows, eyes. The audience is presented with a standard Bigfoot movie, is it a hoax or not? The lead is consistently sceptical against all the events and evidence presented to him. The audience is led to anticipate the relish of his realisation of the truth when it comes, but when it does, it's the audience that have been wrong footed, it's not a Bigfoot movie at all! In getting to that point we do have to sit through the standard frat boy nonsense that seems to be regulation in American horrors, people behave stupidly, overreact, shout a lot etc. etc. But it's all very well made and a cut above the usual Asylum level dross that gets put out. The ending? It all gets very Evil Dead, doesn't it? My take on it is that the hooves belong to the Lovecraftian Goat of a Thousand Young. So adding an element of cosmic horror to all the chaos.
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danidanger8629 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was just horrible. I could make a better movie on a low budget. They couldn't even do research about Bigfoot. I am from the South. I know Bigfoot information. They didn't have to include where the guy killed himself. That was horrible. Little kids could watch this with their parents and then they will ask about it. The calls were all wrong. They were too high pitched. They are suppose to be throaty and or deep. They can't climb trees. They do not eat or harm people. They will watch people, but will not eat or harm one. There was a bright light in the middle of the woods. Like really?! There's nothing around them. To top it off, it's horror, but not even scary at all.
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My Review Of "The Lost Coast Tapes"
ASouthernHorrorFan1 October 2012
"The Lost Coast Tapes" is a well crafted found footage styled horror movie that chronicles a small crew of Independent documentarians on a hoax busting quest to Northern California. Directed by Cory Grant the film gives a small breath of new life into the saturated and drowning genre of unintentional documentary tragedies that have inundated the horror and sci-fi genre lately. It stars Drew Rausch, Rich McDonald as two almost symbiotic frat brother styled post grad douche's that grow on you in their fun loving, life-by-the-balls, quick wit personalities that really complete each other a little too well to be your average bromance. It works though, these two actors play their parts effortlessly with believable banter. Finished off by Ashley Wood and Noah Weisberg, a earth-mother-techno-pagan ex-girlfriend and the poor shmuck who got suckered in to carry sh*t and work cheap.

Tying up the character balance is the ultimate outback crypto-hunter that maybe had too many wild mushrooms and probably has a few secrets in his beastial wilderness lifestyle. All these crazy personalities would normally drown each other out in a film as they vie for attention but in this film the mad-cap cast seem to be as natural as serious reality professionals. They just happen to be exploring the world of the Bigfoot, or fabrication of said beast depending on which of these characters were to be asked. I found them for the most part to be believable and in no way feel jilted out of cinema value by the black guy bailing on the job offer. When you watch this film that statement will make sense. Anyway the parts are believable and the cast seems perfectly maintained so that even the over the top reactionary moments feel natural.

The tricks and effects stay within a limited use range in the film which put most of the chills on camera effects and actor portrayals. The story is steady and doesn't waver in plausibility. There is a minor irritation in the fact that this is suppose to be such a big wilderness area they are in and yet they get to locations without camera pauses within a few hundred steps. That aside the location is creepy as hell and reminds me of a few episodes of 'X-Files' with the freakiness. The creature is bare minimal in this flick so if your looking for full on monster assault then you will be disappointed but if you take the story as it is you will leave scratching your heads, thinking on a lot of cool new questions about the legends of bigfoot. For me this film is a great burst of new energy for the slowly exhausting found footage style. I wasn't disappointed by "The Lost Coast Tapes" at all.
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It is not a Big Foot!
jhmoondance24 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well this was an OK found footage film. The story was a good one n the plot was good too. A group of documentary makers searching for the elusive big foot found something else instead.

The acting was average n the characters were likeable.

There was some action towards the end with some gore thrown in. There were tense moments at the end of the movie but no suspense.

The ending was slightly different to the big foot theory but I will not spoil it.

I recommend this if you like found footage movies n the unknown.
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Not Good at All - Out of Touch with Recent Events
erica42517 July 2013
I'm an hour into this movie, and have yet to be shocked or awed. The keep speaking of the Patterson tape; please, that tape was ages ago. What about the "Beast of Wood Hill Woodbooger" tape??? Refer to something that is recent. When people that are into Bigfoot want to watch media about bigfoot, they do not want this kind of crap. So it's based on real stories they state at the beginning. The growling in not accurate; I've heard the bigfoot sound is more like a screech or something you have never heard before. Next great, exciting part of the movie is they find a footprint. Wow!! Like everybody knows about the footprints. There is so much proof out there, and different theories of how they jump from realm from realm, they could have had an action packed film - bam, bam, bam - leave out the damn Patterson tape, my God!!! There's so much more out there to play with and to scare the crap out of people. Please, someone else come out with a respectable film on the Sasquatch phenomenon and put this one to it's grave officially.
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