9-Ball (2012) Poster


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skouri10 April 2013
I am surprised by the other reviews here. The only reason I kept watching this movie was for hopes of seeing Jennifer, Jeanette or Alison playing pool. Because the acting, story and movie in general were terrible. My wife, who wasn't even watching the movie, was sitting in the other room where she could still hear it. And even she was commenting about how bad the dialog was.

If you are hoping for a movie about pool, then yes you will get that. Unfortunately, you will not see any real play in the movie. You will see shots being made, but no strategy involved whatsoever, even by the stars themselves. You will also see that the APA obviously contributed to the movie given the commercial dialog spoken by the stars.

Perhaps I set my expectations too high. I wanted this to be a good movie as I love pool, and think everyone should try it. I even appreciate the APA and the professionals who contribute to endeavors such as this. But would I recommend this movie? Sadly, no.
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This movie scratched.
farleym-194423 December 2019
Mediocre actors reciting mediocre dialogue. A predictable story line left little to the imagination. In all I would have to say a waste of time unless you are a pool fanatic. I really want my time back.
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Lol patty davis
morgankv11 May 2021
Maybe your review was to tell people not to watch the movie but it was so HILARIOUS that I just HAD to go watch it and confirm the scene you described!!

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SO BAAAAAAAD..... 90 minutes of my life lost watching 9 Ball
pattydavis-712-84471714 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My husband is an APA tournament player. We both LOVE the game and have even met Jennifer, Jeanette and Alison. As much as we looked forward to this movie, I have to say that this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen - the bad script and BAAAAAAAAAD acting is on par with C grade porno. The difference is, with porno, you know the bad dialogue won't last long, whereas this just goes on and on and gets worse than you could even imagine. There is not an ounce of sex in this thing - a woman in a teddy and a lot of leering is about as close as it gets. Either they could not afford quality porno actors or the APA would not go for it (the underlying promotion for APA league play is so evident in this thing they had to have some part in the financing!).

The lowlights - too many to count - include young Gail watching her pool hustler Dad get stabbed and fall to the sidewalk - before he goes limp he tells her.. "you make me so proud, keep playing pool, remember Daddy loves you" < CROAK>, Jennifer lying in a hospital bed after getting pummeled by her scumbag Uncle Joey. Her injury makeup makes her look like the Little Rascals pup - did some makeup person take black shoe polish and rub rings around her eyes and, oddly, one side of her mouth? Did she do this herself with an old mascara brush?

The film is just riddled with hugely long unnatural dialogue, plot alliteration I guess to help you figure out who is who and what in the hell is going on. This dumb dialogue is interspersed with still shots with no connection to anything - what was the meaning of the shot of the stop sign on the corner and someone's basement door? A look down the street at trash cans?

One prominent theme is that the Uncle is a dickhead who has it coming from multiple sources - fellow gamblers, people he's hustled and even fair-haired Gail whose pool winnings he has stashed away for years. It's just a matter of time. The thing is that the seedy underworld he travels in and the "dark" characters he rubs elbows with are just not scary. They glare and snarl but you feel like you could just thump them on the head with a pool cue and they would snap out of it or slink off muttering "I'll get you - just wait." So lame. A little gratuitous violence may have actually improved this turkey.

There are more odd brief shots spliced into this disaster that make no sense - Gail, post assault, sitting on this bridge with a guy who is her love interest telling him she needs "more time" to figure things out... They kiss gingerly and chastely around her shoe polish bruises. Then there is the confrontation with the Uncle post his arrest that leaves Gail with a shoebox of cash and the realization that her Uncle killed her Father as a favor to her Mother whom the Uncle was screwing. More snarling and glaring and mean talk. Gail takes the box, drops to the sidewalk outside his house crying. WTF?

Then there's the friendly female bar/pool hall owner who had the dream to go pro who confronts the Uncle by saying "I would like nothing better than to smash your head wide open for what you did to Gail but I don't want your puke brains all over my bar." OK. But isn't she the one ho knew he was pool-pimping her out all along?

No matter. There's a quick whiplash-inspiring scene switch to APA pool tourney and Gail smiling away in her APA logo-wear getting pumped up for the big dream match by her love interest and fellow team mates who look like sorority girl extras from the cast of Legally Blonde. Jeanette Lee and Alison Fischer could not have been more wooden in their final pep talk scene before the big APA VEGAS tourney. I wanted to capture the goofy dialogue because, honestly, it was the worst in the entire film - they took "phoning it in" to a whole new *yawn* level. I imagined Jeanette and Alison, true billiard champion superstars with personal brands to protect, having frantic phone calls with their agents minutes before this scene saying "I can NOT do this anymore - get me out of this, please God!" and the agent saying "One more scene and you're home free." Hilarious, but also sad.

Was this supposed to launch Jennifer's acting career? She definitely has a playful side and already dabbles in fun cheesecake promo photos in the pool world. Maybe she can tackle the acting thing again but as a junior actress developing her "chops" with some decent material and serious acting coaching. I started writing this review while still enduring this dog - the thing just ended and so will this review. This terrible movie has already stolen precious moments from my life!
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I made it through to the end, but only just barely
capn-609-70435915 May 2014
I wanted to like this movie going in. I watched this having seen just about every great movie about pool ever made on the subject. This movie simply isn't one of them.

It's not that the actors aren't trying or were even that bad. Really. It's that their lines are pretty wooden, and the plot is so way thin, it's obvious what will happen next, often before the actors even say it. The flat delivery of their lines only re-enforces this fact.

My real gripe though are actual pool sequences. Few and far between, they lack any kind of imagination or even an interesting camera angle. For example, several shots in the movie are taken, but you have no sense from watching the shot as it takes place, that the ball was actually pocketed. They often just show the actor squaring up and striking the cue ball, then quickly cut away. To a different actor or different scene. You have no sense that the ball goes in or was even close to the pocket.

This has the same effect of a comedian delivering his/her line and then cutting away before the punch line. You end up saying to yourself WTF?

I am hard pressed to come up with any reason to recommend anyone watch this movie. Bottom line if you are looking for even just a fair movie to settle in and watch, you'd be better off to keep searching beyond this title.
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those good reviews were definitely coerced
stephmburke31 May 2019
This is easily one of the worst movies i've ever seen, and i watched the happening.
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Film for high school juveniles
hsgotts-4005424 December 2020
I watched this film because I watch pro pool on YouTube and have enjoyed watching Jennifer Barretta play, so I was curious. Although her performance was fine, and it was interesting to see the brief cameo appearances with Jeannette Lee and Allison Fisher, everything else about this movie was worse than amateurish. The story was the kind that a couple of high school guys would come up with, shockiingly simplistic, with stock stereotype over-the-top good guys and bad guys, completely unconvincing, unrealistic and pathetically acted. The characters were one-dimensional wooden figures - nitty-gritty losers of the Martin Scorsese type but utterly uninteresting. When I watched the credits at the end, which were extensive, I thought, what a waste, to put so much effort for such a puerile, weak result.
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Note that all the reviews are either very low or very high...
charlie-316426 November 2021
...and draw your own conclusions. My conclusion is that the high reviews read like promotional material.

Please note that I have not seen this movie and have chosen my star-rating to not effect the average of the ratings given by others.
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Rack 'em up and run the table
Ed-Shullivan13 July 2023
I wasn't expecting very much since there were no Grade A known actors or actresses in this sports themed film about 9-Ball billiard players. Instead the producers decided to utilize some actual professional female 9-Ball pool players, namely Jennifer Barretta and Jeanette Lee.

To my surprise this film had an actual plot which revolved around Jennifer Barretta and the man who raised her after her own father was murdered. (This is fiction based, not fact based) Her adopted father Joey (Kurt Hanover) insists that the young Jennifer focus solely on 9-ball. And with time and maturity all the practise Jennifer puts into 9-ball has her sleazy adopted father travelling the 9-ball circuit and hustling various bar rooms looking for easy pickings by making side bets with the working stiffs who don't take the young Jennifer very seriously.

As the wins keep accumulating via these bar room hustles Jennifer asks Joey where is her share of the winnings and Joey's pat answer is always "who took you in, raised you and put a roof over your head and taught you how to hustle 9-ball?"

As Jennifer comes to realize that Joey is using her as his personal bank machine and cash cow, she decides to turn professional and in so doing no longer needs Joey handling her personal life nor her personal income gained from the game of 9-ball.

I wouldn't classify this in the same realm as the sports drama 1993 Rudy, or the 2003 Seabiscuit, but all in all an entertaining sports drama especially if you enjoy attractive women athletes playing 9-ball at the top of their respective games.

I would give the film a respectful 6 out of 10 IMDb rating.
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Just so Bad ....
bluestrat24 January 2021
It's a shame that a film could be produced that is truly this bad. writing, acting, editing, every possible film production category is amateurish.... not even high school film production levels.

it does a disservice to all who love this game/sport...!!
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I loved this movie
turbo25698 May 2013
I watched this movie and I have to say that this was excellent. Jennifer Barretta was the best choice for Gail without a doubt. The movie is not just about pool. I think that all the characters were well played and the films storyline was well thought out and flows well. I think the fact that Allison Fisher and Jeanette Lee were involved made it even better. I followed the Facebook page for this movie during production and I was impressed that they involved the town so much. The way they kept fans informed was very nice. Being a pool player made this movie a must have. I will enjoy this one for a long time. Even if you are not a pool player this is a great movie.
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9 ball
eugenekalvarez10 March 2020
Well it's NOT "color of money" LOL. the acting was high school . sorry but I won't say anymore, but waste of my money and time
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josephevola2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Why does the movie have to be so violent? A violent stabbing just doesn't go well with what family audiences would say is the safest sport in the world. Murder doesn't mix well with pool. Are they trying to scare people off? That's a very touchy area but I think they could have at least tried to water the scene down instead of go full throttle and have him stabbed to death.

I didn't like the film overall. But, on the flip side, I think the best part of this movie is the professional pool players in it.
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A good entertaining movie! even if you're not a pool nut!
jalan724018 February 2013
I had a chance to watch this movie last night, and I must say I did enjoy it :) The plot line was good and kept me involved in the movie. I think Jennifer Barretta did a nice job on her role, but she really shined in the emotional scenes. Jennifer Butler did a tremendous job, as well. Kurt Hanover played a good "bad guy"

I also appreciate the job that all the other people did in the movie as well, even though of course you can tell that some of them were not pro actors or anything, I think they all did well and delivered their lines nicely. I loved hearing Allison Fishers accent!!

Overall I say good job to Main Street Productions! I understand the challenges in doing a 'pool movie' that would appeal to people besides pool players, and I think this one comes through with flying colors!
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Gritty movie.
skatecov29 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it. It was gritty. I went into the movie with a mindset that these weren't going to be Oscar winning actors. I must admit I was surprised some. Jennifer Barretta came off well as a person struggling witnessing her fathers death. With appearances by Jeanette Lee and Alison Fisher encouraging her to stay focused and practice even through tough times as Ms Fisher brought out in one scene, using that to grow from those experiences. You quickly dislike her Uncle. To which he did his acting well. Developing relationships was a key in this movie. Using the APA was a nice touch in doing this. League play will afford this opportunity. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes the game of billiards or 9-ball.
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Thumbs up!
billbecker661 April 2013
Jennifer Barretta definitely put her soul into her character. The story line stressed the importance of following one's dreams, in spite of the conditions one has to contend with. The appearance of other stars from the APA and some fantastic shots keeps the viewer asking for more. I played back those scenes several times. The camera shots were crisp and clear, even the action scenes. I was glad that the violence and language were kept appropriately minimal so younger viewers can dwell on the content and not crudeness. Ms. Barretta brought style and class to a difficult role. A definite must see and a possible promo for the APA. Also a bright, positive image projection for the sport of 9-ball.
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I'm not a pool player, but great film!
LMiller08915 February 2013
I'm not a pool player, but I very much enjoyed this film. It was very character driven and Jennifer Barretta did an excellent job in her role as Gail. Gail had a lot to overcome before she could reach the top. With her journey being unfortunate at times, it was very entertaining and I would definitely recommend this to friends!

Seeing The Black Widow and Allison Fisher in this film was very awesome!

Anthony Palma and his entire cast and crew did a great job at bringing this story to life. Thank you all for making such a great film!

Overall, I would say 9-Ball is good for non-pool players as well as pool players.
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Good movie
benji00014 March 2013
I'd like to say it was a good movie and that I watched it all the way through to the end. There was some good quality work put into the movie and it shows. The cast was good and performed very well in the movie. I think the lead character (Jennifer Barretta, who is very attractive) did a great job of acting especially for her first time out! She did very well and it looks like she is a natural in acting as well as pool playing. I like how they brought in some very well known names into the movie. This movie definitely shows pool playing in a positive spotlight and I like how the APA is brought into the movie. The APA has done a lot to promote pool playing and they do it good here as well. Good job on the DVD.
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wow Warning: Spoilers
i am a big fan of Jennifer Barretta,, the Sharks Web series was cool, i couldn't wait till the next episode ,, , Now back to the 9-ball movie, I thought it was great,,The beginning was just right ,losing her mentor and realizing she needed someone close to her to help in her becoming a great pool player,,, Who would ever though the uncle,, i thought it was clean and original,,, watched it twice so far,, i am a APA player as well, I thought the episode at the end with the APA was cool, i am also an APA member, , Keep up the good work, look forward to another great movie ,, possible a continuing saga of this movie as to Jennifer becoming a Pro in the movie,not a hustler, Thanks Jeff P:S:,, keep up the good work
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This is what we've been waiting for.
mleichty15 June 2013
Being a lifetime fan of Billiards, if you love the game as much as I do, you surely equaled my excitement when you heard a new movie was being made about 9-Ball. Well it's here, and if you expect it to be like what we find on TV, where two players are trying to be the first to win 7 games, you're in for a pleasant surprise. This story begins with a young girl, Gail, who has idolized her Dad and his ability to play the game. She, early on, has set a goal for herself, to one day become a professional 9-Ball player. This film takes you along, as she endures more than her share of rough spots, each standing in her way of reaching her goal. The characters who touch her life, in both good and bad ways, keep the drama level high throughout, as she struggles to reach the professional plateau she desires. You'll find it difficult not to experience the frustration with her. At just the right spot, two professional players, Allison Fisher and the "Black Widow" Jeanette Lee meet Gail and provide the motivation for her to keep working hard toward reaching that professional status. Jeanette Lee also provides guidance on how to direct some of the hard work, to keep sharpening her 9-Ball skills. As the film progresses, you'll continue the ride with her, and at the end, both you and Gail know what "hard work" really means. After watching this film, if you're a player, and not satisfied with your own level of play, this could inspire you to indulge in a little "hard work"
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PLAY 9-Ball!
Jamesullivan7 March 2013
9-Ball the Movie is a positive message movie. With the focal point being on the player rather than the plays, you get a chance to see good sportsmanship's long term results.

All players have their own lives away from their opponents. 9-Ball follows one of those players through all the ups and downs on and off the table. With that player being a female, it was also a nice change from the classic "The Hustler" & "The Color Of Money". (On a side note now there is a pool movie to go with Paul Newman's 14:1 straight pool & 8-Ball flicks.) This movie will not only make you want to play pool, but perhaps it will make you want to play organized league pool with emphasis on good gamesmanship.

Another reason I enjoyed 9-Ball The Movie so much without giving away spoilers is the message that playing pool (or any sport) for fun even if you are good is always possible. Often the bad players are told to just play for fun, but everyone forgets good players sometimes have no fun doing what they do great. The APA is the solution for both good and bad players to have fun! :)
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9-Ball The Movie
jander_199827 March 2013
I bought the movie 9-Ball the movie,watched it and thought it was a very good movie.I did enjoy seeing Jennifer playing the part she played and I thought she did a very good job for it being her first picture she starred in and help produce the movie.Though they got the point about playing in the American Pool Players Association pool league across very well .I like watching the pros you had in the besides Jennifer like Allison Fisher and Jeannette Lee always like watching them on TV in the various pool events that come on.But as long as we are talking this movie was a good production would recommend it to all be friends to buy and watch this movie.i think it was a good movie and it was produced really well and got the point across about playing pool.
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Terrific Movie
debbiejohnson4115 September 2013
We just purchased 9 Ball movie, And we just have to say that we both very much enjoyed it. I have to be honest with you and say that it was a lot better than I expected. We are League operators of the APA, and was excited to see it after we were told about it at one of our APA conference's. Jennifer Barretta, Jeanette Lee, and Allison Fisher were all really great actress. We would love to see more Jeanette Lee, and more trick shots. This is one of those movies that makes you stop and think about family, life, and how lucky we are and do not realize it. This movie has something for everyone. Action, Drama, Love,and suspense all wrapped in one really great Movie. Keep up the great work, and Thank you so much for making an Wonderful movie. And please MAKE MORE.!!

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Loved This Movie!
pooladdict858 March 2013
I waited so long for this movie to come out and I certainly wasn't disappointed. I am a fan of Jennifer Baretta as a professional pool player and she did great portraying the troubled young girl working her way up the ranks to become a professional. I always enjoy new films about the game I love and have so much passion for. They took a new angle and new approach with this film, and there is some really great acting and twists and turns to make this movie exciting. I watched it from start to finish and it held my interest throughout. The appearances by the big professional pool stars Allison Fisher and Jeanette Lee were great as well, and the representation of the APA and our sport was awesome. Overall, 9 Ball the Movie is a wonderful story of a young, talented girl who overcomes obstacles and pursues her dreams of becoming a professional 9 Ball player. Definitely worth the buy, its a movie I'll watch over and over!
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Loved it
pjgannon-746-62379123 July 2013
My wife and I enjoyed watching the movie. I have been waiting for this movie to come out for a while now. We followed 9-ball the movie on face book while it was fun to watch it grow it was even better to see it finished. After I watch the movie I grab the cue head to the bar to practice. I thought it was a good story line. The cast was very well put together. Jennifer Barretta loved her. I was shocked not to see as much pool playing as other pool movies (all 3 of them) but it was not entirely missed. The bad guy played by Kurt Hanover did a great job. Being able to see that Jeanette Lee and Allison Fisher taking so much time out for the movie and APA was refreshing to see. I can not wait to see you all out in Las Vagas
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