Katt Williams: Kattpacalypse (2012) Poster

(2012 TV Special)

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Not his best work, but still funny. What did you expect, Richard Dawkins?
keelhaul-8085619 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was not Katt's best special, by far. I also see why people might laugh at his silly, uneducated takes on society, but I think some people really got butthurt. What did you expect, a discourse on philosophy and anthropology from a professor? LOL. Katt just says ridiculous things as they pop into his mind. Of course, his comments are off the wall and not necessarily PC or even intelligent, but that isn't what we turn on a Katt Williams special to hear!!!

I am quite sure it has such low reviews mainly because he trashes atheists and evolution, and doesn't jump on the (complete) gay bandwagon, but jokes about how lesbians are (and this part is true) somewhat acceptable to men, in the right setting.

However, fair enough. I can see why some would be turned off by it, just as I am turned off by dumb specials from social justice warriors preaching about crap that isn't really funny. I will at least be fair, and allow people to have an opinion, unlike those audiences/performers. Katt is always funny, though, even if it is completely ridiculous and keeps referencing 2012 destruction and white people flying to other planets and the definitions for acronyms like NASA ...
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Sadly, a swing and a miss
theradicashift13 September 2012
I've never been the biggest Katt fan, but I always enjoyed seeing his work, as he had a unique style. But this show most certainly disappointed. I liked that Katt had something more to say beyond the joke by joke method, but he took too long and there were barely any jokes in between, even then, his message was too confusing. His comment about atheism is very misguided, and completely incorrect, and that's coming from a someone who does believe in God. If you like cheap laughs, or just the jumping and moving around Katt always does in his shows, then I think you won't regret watching this show, but if you are into actual comedy, then I think it's best to avoid this. I'll give it out of 10 the number of times I actually laughed while watching his show; 4. This is my personal rating of the show, and if you share my mindset, I believe you will share this evaluation.
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Katt Williams owes me an hour and fifteen minutes of my life back
Mjdenali-61942 April 2013
Let me start by saying that I know the special is only about an hour, but I spent fifteen minutes setting up this IMDb account so that I could write this review. I honestly have never written a review on anything before (not for movies, restaurants or any other thing that people write reviews for thinking that their opinion is special)... mostly because I've always thought writing reviews on anything (good or bad) was a waste of my time. However, this time I was so astounded I had to warn anyone willing to read this.

I have always loved Katt Williams as a comedian, but this wasn't comedy. It was one man preaching his views on life for an hour. I won't go into too many details about what his opinions were, but all I know is I laughed three or four times, spent the last forty minutes contemplating whether to continue watching or not, and unfortunately watched the whole thing hoping that it would get better... no such luck. I hate to say this, but I kind of hope he goes back into retirement because if he does another special, I know I'll watch it in hopes that it is as good as pimp chronicles. However, If it's as bad as Kattpacalypse he'll probably lose me as a fan. So... to Katt Williams if you happen to read this: either make sure your next special is funny or stop coming out with them. Either way, we'll all try to forget this happened. Also... evolution is a thing stop saying dumb stuff.

He owes me another 15 minutes for writing this dumb thing.
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hyozanoni1 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a Katt Williams fan for quite some time. I have always enjoyed his acting roles, feeling as if he added a bit of extra flavor to any scene. His stand up was funny and relevant. He would often talk about current events and I felt as if it was intelligent humor. This movie had none of those elements, it was incredibly inaccurate regarding atheism or homosexuality. His political jokes were hard to understand and his set up did very little to facilitate them. Furthermore he took many cheap shots which is far from the Katt Williams I have come to know and it makes me wonder if he got a hold of that Colonel's Fried Chicken.
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Katt Returns!
wondell30 September 2013
Classic Katt Williams here, I laughed the whole time!. Dave chappele need to comeback also. The other reviews must not be familiar with comedy because he had me and my friends rolling the whole time. He talks current events and cracks jokes about situations in everyday life. 5 stars.The only negative to this movie was that it wasn't long enough. Delivery was on point. Facial expressions were classic. From the laughter heard from the crowd, everybody seemed to be having a great time. Congratulations Mr.Williams you are back. Cant wait for the next DVD to drop. Required viewing material for any comedy buff. Oh, and get some fans next time around, he was quite sweaty.
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Witness the seeds of insanity.
electronicsspa8 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot imagine I've ever seen a train wreck as tragically bad as Kattpacalypse, either literally or figuratively. Katt Williams was once a comedic god who used scathingly funny observations to make society and politics understandable to ones that may not get the jokes dropped by Jon Stewart or Lewis Black. He was an every-man's comic, loved by intelligent people and the uninformed alike. But this... my, how the mighty have fallen. It would be easy to say that Katt just lost his way, that he forgot how to entertain, how to tell a joke, but to see the Whitney Houston-type sweat pouring off him, to hear him ramble and rave like a madman (yes the term is cliché, but here, it's apt) is upsetting. I did laugh, but I could count those moments when I did on one hand. His views are confusing and stretched, the act full of end of the world scenarios and eschewed viewpoints such as, but not limited to: Homosexuality is all right, as long as you're a woman; NASA is leading a secret mission to a "Super-Earth" where there will be no black people because white people are going to sneak away on rocket ships; Atheists are "retarded" and 2012 will be the year all this goes down. Not to mention, his vulgar, curse laden delivery (I actually enjoy blue humor more than any other brand) intertwined with religious rhetoric and propaganda. If he truly is a Christian I cannot believe how a sane person can be that abrasive and filthy of mouth while believing God won't have a problem with it. Katt goes on to speak poorly of Conrad Murray, while in Katt's last show, Katt confessed he'd like to see Michael Jackson "dealt with" because he believed the performer a pedophile. These are just a few of Katt's many double statements and lunatic ravings. One of our greatest comedic minds is suffering, whether it be drug or stress induced, I don't know, but you can just look at Katt, how he's aged in the face, and see something has gone horribly wrong in only three short years. Add in all the news of Katt walking out of shows and his impromptu stripteases followed by push-up sessions, and it makes you wonder how much longer Katt Williams will be among the living. I feel like I just watched a cry for help, not a comedy show.
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Katt Williams doing what he does best..
jason-1562024 December 2018
Katt is always funny and this special is another great one. Not sure why I see so many negative reviews but it's really truly great. Katt makes fun of everyone and everything (as usual) which seems to be too sensitive for some people. (Likely the politics) If you're a true Katt Williams fan then you should still enjoy this. I enjoyed this and I voted for Obama in both elections
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Michelleeingram9 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can honestly say that I sat through this entire show with a grimace because I was so turned off by his ignorance and righteousness. I don't mind jokes that poke fun of things that society may take a little to seriously but it seemed to me like he was receiving some sort of validation from what he was saying and acting as though those of us who aren't religious are bad people. I used to absolutely love Katt Williams and I was so excited when I saw this come up on Netflix but now I just feel bad for him because like a previous post said, i felt like i was watching the seeds of insanity being planted. This was terrible and I hate to say but he lost a fan and should have stayed retired.
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Worst comedy ever.
kmphill9220 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have never in my 21 years watched a comedy so bad as this one. If I could rate it 0 stars out of 10 I would. The use of excessive profanity does not make it any funnier as he thinks it does. The majority of the time you can not understand him. To even think this made a movie disgust me. There is no humor to it. To even think I wasted a dollar to rent it aggregates me. I wasted an hour and watched the whole movie and I am very unsatisfied. To think that people waste money to see him is wrong. Like I said I rated it a 1 star only because there is not a 0. So please do not waste your time or money. The word "awful" does not even begin to describe it!
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What in the hell is this?
nemiller85055 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
How many times can one man say the N word? About 248,674 times in one hour. I use to like Kat Williams stuff but this is ridiculous. We ended up turning it off and watching Kevin Hart. I would never recommend this to anyone. Horrible!!! And not funny at all, I never laughed. He rambled on about religion, political views, and black versus white people and nothing he said was educated. I am really glad I never went and seen him in person, I would want my money back. He tries to whine about him getting arrested, but he deserved it. He needs to get off the drugs hes on and back on track. And get back to the old kat Williams he use to be.
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The truth
beastyboyz66613 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, call me crazy or whatever. What Katt Williams is doing is trying to speak out against the "industry" not the Illuminati or anything. When you become famous, you sell your soul to the devil. Do research. The so called industry runs your life, tells you what to do. When he says " Satan ain't s**t"or"even if they gonna kill me for the s**t I say. He speaks out so much but people like you and i are brainwashed from day one you wont get this. If you want more info email me at Tgod0738@gmail.com. if you want thanks the truth. I can provide with plenty of videos and plenty of info. People need to know the truth. You should definitely contact me and find out.
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