Super Cyclone (Video 2012) Poster

(2012 Video)

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Something is definitely not right...
paul_haakonsen29 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
'Something is definitely not right', that quote is taken directly out of the movie, and it can very well be used to sum up the entire movie.

As soon as I saw 'The Asylum' written on the screen at the very beginning of the movie, I feared that this was going to be bad. That The Asylum had returned to their horribly bad disaster movies after a couple of actual decent non-disaster movies in the past couple of years. And boy was I right, this was bad on so many levels. I have seen a lot of really bad and questionable disaster movies, and "Super Cyclone" definitely is right up there in the top 5 fighting for the number one position.

For starters, there are so many continuity errors in this movie that you just sit there and shake your head in disbelief. For example, for a super cyclone of that magnitude to be in effect, the ocean was unbelievably calm, with only lazy waves rolling about. And also the sky in my of the shots, especially aboard the off-shore rig, was changing between dark and storm-like to clear blue and almost cloudless - make up your minds already? Or the fact that the ocean was on fire and the rig was on fire, but then in some scenes neither ocean nor rig was on fire!

Then lets take a moment and talk about the special effects (or lack thereof). The computer animated rain was just horrible, and it was so fake that it wouldn't even fool a blind man. It was without a doubt the worst CGI rain I have ever seen. It could douse the car, but it left the road and nature dry and untouched. And the same with the time it was raining oil! It soaked and drenched the car, but the environment was spotless and clean.

Why is it that The Asylum always have to resort to have a video sequence and then use the same sequence over and over again? It is ridiculous. Especially the scene where a tornado picked up a ship, and then shortly after the ship was returned to the ocean. And guess what? Yeah, you guessed it, they just reversed the video clip and used that. I was laughing so hard at that.

Flaming hail? Seriously? Who comes up with that? Hail is a form of solid precipitation, that consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice. So for hail to be on fire and falling from the sky? Come on, no one is that stupid to believe that for a second. Flaming ice, hilarious!

The scene with the bursting dam should also be mentioned, not only because it looked so painfully fake, but because for some reason that huge amount of water abides to the physics and shapes of roads. I loved how the wall of water was able to turn a curve and come straight for the car, where it would otherwise (had it followed the natural laws of physics) continued straight ahead into the trees. It just have to be seen to be believed. I have never seen anything that stupid.

Or what about where the people were trying to get over a felled tree, and the guy just stopped midway and just stood there extending his arm, thinking 'yeah, I will get across if I just keep extending my arm!' and then got sucked into a sinkhole that just magically popped up and took him. That was just insulting to everyone. That guy's behavior was just so appalling and unrealistic. Not to mention the security officer and his companion aboard the off-shore rig, who just upped and decided to jump into the boiling ocean! What was up with that? Who would do that?

Speaking of boiling water. We were lead to believe that the ocean was boiling! But there was no bubbles in the water to indicate the boiling temperature. Nor did blisters or red markings appear on the skin of those people who were in the water, supposedly being boiled alive. If you go for something like that, at least have the courtesy to make it appear as it is actually happening, make the audience buy into it.

Well, all the ranting aside, then there was good things to "Super Cyclone", not many, but some. The good thing about the movie, and the fact that I actually managed to suffer through the entire movie, was the acting. They had actually put together a good enough group of people. Mind you, it is not award-winning acting here, but it is above amateur level, which makes it bearable to behold. Most memorable in the movie was Ming-Na (playing Dr. Jenna Sparks) and Darin Cooper (playing Colonel Lee Chadwick).

If you enjoy a good natural disaster movie, then stay well clear of "Super Cyclone", because it doesn't deliver and it will not blow you away. Then you are perhaps better off with a choice like "Volcano".

However, if you enjoy a campy and cheesy natural disaster movie in which the biggest disaster is the special effects, then hang around for the approximate hour and a half, because "Super Cyclone" is about to rock your world.
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clermont112 December 2012
bad acting,terrible special effects, how convenient to be sucked up in a tornado and land nicely on four wheels then get out and have beautiful weather , or having wind and oil( I thought they struck lava) on the windshield and noticing that the vegetation was still and serene. The same on the rig were all hell breaks loose, explosions,fire,lava, etc... but in the cabin, nothing was happening and seeing the camera going in circles around the people who cannot decide what to do next and outside, it was sunny and no smoke, in another sequence, you see them hosing on the ground in front of the fire! like they inserted clips from somewhere else and the list goes on and on, I just cannot find what made sense during the film apart from the actors earning a living, good for them ! the whole film was clips inserted here and there from someplace else and no efforts done to make the special effects more believable, I was left with the impression that all they wanted is to get the film out the quickest possible without reviewing anything to make a quick buck on the least possible effort, that's what you get when that happens, I was very deceived
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worst movie ever, waste of time
ipiercexpo18 September 2012
Horrible graphics, bad acting, complete waste of money and time!!! I have Nothing nice to say about this movie!! I have seen many of the actors in other movies or show and like most of their work but this is a movie they should all be embarrassed to admit they are a part of! I plan on letting the video company know they should off the shelf and will request my rental fee back. Now if only I could get back the 90 min of my life I wasted trying to watch it. Trying to submit my review and they are saying I have to have ten lines of comments but the movie was so.bad I can't even write ten lines of crap describing how awful the movie really is. I hope no one else has the unfortunate experience of renting and wasting time and money I hope no one else had the unfortunate experience of wasting their time and money on watching this movie
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More like Super-catastrophic Cyclone
TheLittleSongbird26 December 2012
I was curious and had little else to do, so I tuned in to Super Cyclone, not expecting much but at least some watchability. In evaluation there is nothing really watchable about Super Cyclone. If there are two things at all that sank Super Cyclone the most, I have to most definitely agree with that it was the special effects and the acting. Okay I knew the special effects were not going to be great, they rarely are in low-budget movies, but you do expect to see some kind of effort. These efforts actually look as though they weren't even trying, everything looked cheap and unfinished and even when against the choppy editing and dully lit settings they looked incredibly fake. If you are looking for the worst representation of rain in any movie, look no further than Super Cyclone. And no I'm not kidding. The acting is some of the worst I've ever seen, I have to agree that to call the acting terrible is an insult to the word terrible. The only person to actually looks as though they are trying is Ming-Na, and she's only okay here.

The story is another major disadvantage in Super Cyclone. No surprises, no suspense, no thrills, no sense of fun are to be found in the entire movie, considering that these are what makes a good disaster movie to say that this was a major problem is being too generous. There are far too many frustratingly stupid or insultingly unrealistic moments, it is paced in a pedantic fashion, the disaster scenes are so lifelessly done and predictable and the emotional moments are very forced, giving you little more than a who cares? vibe. The characters are stereotypical(all the disaster movie clichés and done terribly), are too bland in development to be remotely relateable to any audience and are made to do obnoxious things that not only makes you hate the character but also makes the scene further unbelievable until it was so hard to stomach. Then there is the dialogue which reeks of cheese and awkwardness, flat direction and very generic music. In conclusion, the only thing that is a disaster is the movie itself. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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complete and utter waste of time
david-onofer7 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As in the summary described, it was a "complete and utter waste of time"! The acting was so bad, I could just sit and laugh (and cry deep inside).

The CGI effect, let's call them effect were just out of perspective, and so cheap, just sitting and watching made me realize that tonight I will cry myself to sleep. The driving scenes with the bad white studio background where two guys hopping inside a SUV, was just hilarious, the shot "taken" inside the F-16 as it flies above the rig, and something on the rig explodes, next cut we see the people on the rig, NO smoke, NO explosion, just MADNESS, and it wasn't even a mythological movie.

Also the acting of some of the characters were just so funny that I had to watch it to the end.
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Unbelievably ridiculous
vicdru127 July 2014
I am only 21 minutes into this movie and already there are more holes than pound of Swiss cheese. For instance: A massive storm, the boat is rocking all over the place, people scrambling for cover, big waves, the whole nine yards. One man falls over board into a perfectly calm, what resembles a black bottom swimming pool. Later they're in the kitchen of the boat - everything on the shelves and counters are in perfect order, like they've not been touched at all. Not too mention, the sky is black, thunder crashing, winds blowing and yet strangely on the deck of the ship, the sun is shining and there is no sign of even a mild breeze anywhere. And the acting - WHERE do they get these people that play in these horrible, boring, ridiculous, so called disaster movies.
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Man versus Nature, Digital Effects Against All
egocandy28 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Did you know every Dynastic Hollywood family has a JV squad of alternate relatives? Your Coppollas, your Baldwins, pretty much all the Arquettes? They are kept hermetically sealed in case the alpha celebrity ever needs an organ transplant. Occasionally they are allowed to exercise and are even humored to workshop their acting, provided no one shall ever see it. It was thusly that Nicholas Turturro was permitted to appear in "Super Cyclone".

Nick Turturro plays an engineer, we know this because the script says so. Also he is dressed in a jacket and tie with jeans, in the costuming choice of a high schooler who doesn't own an actual suit but still wants to play a grown up in a play. He is named "Travis", which is almost as believable as an Asian woman named "Joanna Sparks" Ming Na plays "Dr. Joanna Sparks" who works for N.O.A.A. an agency she never identifies but pronounces as "No-Ha" which really sounds like a trendy L. A. Sushi/fusion restaurant. This has nothing to do with her ethnicity, it just sounds like a restaurant, and it must be pretty popular because everyone gives her access. As to why someone from a trendy restaurant has a PhD, it would be weirder if she didn't.

Dr. Percy Cavanaugh rounds out this Brain trust triad as an exposition sounding board and disaster fodder. He seems like a Devry testimonial that is destined to end badly. They land via digital chopper on what we're told is an oil rig and in no way is the facility plant of a community college.

Somehow a geologic event is set off by 2 workers tightening or loosening a valve in the lowest level of a parking garage. These two workers pay for their mistake in the cleanest death by burns scene in medical history.

Exposition comes from a disembodied female voice we can only assume is either a news reporter or the Mic is picking up an actress in the next sound booth recounting the plot to an Asylum movie she turned down.

The led singer of "Sugar Ray" has taken a hiatus from music to work on an oil rig and spend more time with his hair. He tries to conceal his voice behind a terrible impersonation of the Sergeant from "Full Metal Jacket" but everyone knows. He claims to be a safety officer in charge of 100-105 men, 97 of whom we never see. I suspect the others are trapped in a diversity training so mandatory, they may not leave to fight a full scale rig fire. The 8-10 who remain bare a remarkable resemblance to the Steelworker Dancers in Billy Joel's "Allentown" video.

Anyway, this "storm" seems to be occurring on what Seattle would call "The Sunniest Day of The Year" with a rain that has a terrifying defiance of physical properties; it can specifically soak a car but none of the surrounding land or roads, it remains solidly in foreground, and it is flammable when frozen. That's right, "flaming hail" You know it's a crisis because BOTH members of the US Marine Corp are frantically pacing the High School from "The Breakfast Club", which BTW is still as deserted as it was 28 years ago.

Our team of scientists move to land and make a colossal discovery; an actual black person in Topanga Canyon. This man is also the only African-American Tea Party/Survivalist, making him a .00003% anomaly. Before the team can document their find, they easily disarm the subject and take his truck, illustrating perhaps why this demographic is nearly extinct.

Their low impact Runyon Canyon hike turns serious when Dr. Cavanaugh decides that rather than walk over a log, he will dramatically recreate Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" with him as Adam and Joanna sparks as God or vice versa or... anyway he meets his "Red Shirt Destiny" by being inexplicably sucked into a sinkhole that targets him very, very specifically. As in, it is massive but spares people 11 inches away. Whatever he did to that sinkhole, it was pretty angry. A wall of water kills the only two characters I had any sympathy for; two guys in a camouflage truck who are either a golf club lawn crew or the entirety of the US Army.

So then... You know what? I am out.
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Train crash
pegusus273 January 2015
So bad, so awful that you just can't look away. I'm sure there are similar films out there but I haven't seen one this bad for many a year. My family kept asking me why I was watching and all I could think was it is was like watching a train crash. You know its awful but just can't look away.

So do yourself a favor. Rent, download, catch it on the box. You just need to see how it is possible that something so poorly acted, directed, edited, filmed, produced and released can ever make it onto our screen. Seriously this could have been made by an 8 year old for a school assignment.

If you want a positive out of this movie the time you take to watch it will provide a talking point, and a reference point for zero out of 5 stars!
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Oh my God, the horror!!
winsomebulldog15 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, how does The Asylum make money off this kind of garbage? It is a level of terrible that I can barely comprehend. Do they have a meeting with all the actors and direct them to be as horrible as possible? Never mind the atrocious plot line, cartoonish special effects, and total lack of anything approaching continuity. I had to back up just to confirm that I really had seen them showing a "radar" image of the supposed super cyclone crossing southern Florida despite the fact that it's repeatedly stated that this event is happening on the WEST coast. I get that there's some comedic value in horrible movies. We certainly laughed more than once at this piece of junk. But there's cheesy good and there's just plain bad. This was worse than bad. These "actors" should be truly ashamed to have their names listed in the credits of this "film." The writer and director should get out of the movie business, and The Asylum should make about one twentieth of the movies they're making now. Maybe then they'd be able to save up enough money to have a budget slightly larger than the one enjoyed by high school film makers.
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Super Terrible
13Funbags9 August 2019
I really thought this would be the best bad disaster movie because it starred 2 people I have actually heard of before. Then the 3rd name in the opening credits was the make-up artist, that's a huge red flag. The one unique thing about this mess is that there's no crooked oil man that caused the disaster. Just an oil man who had no idea what he was doing and a scientist named Jenna that can choke out a Marine. This is just bad all around.
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What the...!
exeverywhere8 January 2013
Please make it stop... So bad... So stupid... Can't... process... the badness... Noooooooo!

I wish the 10 lines requirement was not in place because this movie is so bad that 10 lines are completely unnecessary. I would have to pad this with a lot of redundant adjectives. Any further commentary would suggest a level of depth that simply is not there.

I figure a 12 year old with a video camera could come up with a movie half as good as this. That's right, this movie is on par with what a 12 year old could come up with. And not even a talented 12 year old.

Should be required viewing in film schools on how NOT to make a movie.

Yes really, that bad.

10 lines yet?
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abarden2315 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
By 10 and brilliant I mean as a comedy. I stumbled upon this gem and I have to say I cried hysterically throughout the entire film. It was non-stop laughs from start to finish. The worst writing, acting, visual effects and music I have seen in my entire life. Totally ridiculous plot with twists that will make your head spin. The rain and fire effects and the complete disregard for continuity are unreal. They must have known how funny it would be to make it this bad. Nobody makes a movie this bad by accident. The car scenes are great; a bunch of actors at rock bottom bouncing around in a car that isn't moving pretending to be in the middle of a super storm when it's clearly like 80 and sunny outside. Absolutely priceless. The end scene where a bunch of idiots jump like 4 feet into a pool that's supposed to be a boiling ocean was a highlight for me. They just flail around in the water yelling while the magma heated ocean cooks them, fantastic. Should have won a Golden Globe for best comedy. A brilliant mockuscifithriller. I highly recommend this film. Bring your tissue box though, you will cry tears of sheer joy and amusement.
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I Thought I saw the WORST Asylum movie awhile ago...
davidfurlotte22 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was wrong! I'm not even 15 minutes into this movie and I decided to stop it and come here to warn others before it's too late.

Not very long ago I saw an Asylum movie and reviewed it here and it was SURPRISINGLY good. This actually made me reconsider my original ideas about anything made by Asylum that I previously watched so much so that I decided to give this movie a chance.

Now, I checked the Spoiler tab but I don't think I could possibly spoil this movie for anyone unless I told them to go see it. That would spoil their day or evening.

I'm not even sure where to begin. To say the acting is terrible in this movie is insulting to the word "terrible" because it so far beyond that it's uncanny. Continuity is incredibly missing from this movie so much so that if they have anyone on the crew that is responsible for that area they should either get out of the business or request that they do NOT receive a credit so they may get a job again.

I have seen cartoons that do not insult my intelligence in belief as much as this movie has done so far. I am going to watch the total movie just so nobody can say "Obviously you never gave it a chance." I'm going to leave this alone right now and come back at the end to let you know if my opinion changes.

Well, I really didn't think it could get much worse but once again I was wrong. Our heroine manages to survive having the helicopter she was flying in the middle of a storm, being twirled around like it was a top and having her stabilizing rotor fail, having the ship she was on being picked up out of the water and twirled around like it was in the middle of a tornado, having the truck she was in catch on fire, running through flaming hail (yeah, you read that right, flaming hail), oh and can't forget running across a tree while the earth opens up like it was some kind of earthquake. I should probably mention that these are the MORE believable events that happen in this movie.

I understand the suspension of belief theory just to get through a movie but when the ENTIRE movie asks you to suspend belief that's when it really goes awry. Not to mention that one moment it's hailing, raining, blowing and the next it's a calm, beautiful sunny day. I'm sorry, but if you don't have the budget to put together a movie that is at least going to look semi-realistic, either get some more funding or change the script to accommodate the budget you have.

In all honesty, I thought "Ice Age: 2012" was the worst Asylum film I ever saw, this one pulls into the lead or at best, matches it for badness. If you watch this, don't say you weren't warned.
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Worst of the worst
dfairful11 January 2015
It would be unfair to bad movies to rank this among them, but the choice for "0" stars is not an option. Most of the actors are good, but every one of them put in an incredibly bad performance in this movie. The writing was terrible, sounds like the script was done as part of an assignment by a grade 10 drama class student that was failing. The graphics were so bad that it boggles the mind that this abomination was ever released for viewing. Even more incredible is that people are charged for viewing it. Special effects are dreadful as well with things like a shipping, then a bit later an SUV, are picked up, spun around and then put back in the ocean and back on the road so gently that nothing broke or fell off from the impact and none of the actors are even mildly shaken by the experiences. The oil platform is listing badly, the word is given that they are capsizing and need to correct the situation immediately. Guy gets up and his chair rolls down to the side of the room, then, as the platform is nearing level (but still listing) the chair roles back to its original place, uphill!
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Super cyclone
solair13024 September 2012
What can I say about this film, apart from its bad, very, very bad. I've not seen such poor acting and awful special effects in a hell of a long time.

The idea of this film is based upon a theoretical super storm known as a hypercane. Have a look on google and you'll find out what one of those things is. Anyway I digress, the films story is a simple one, and is hinted at towards the start of the movie, and it could be a good idea for a story, but is let down badly by the acting, and the like.

The shoot when the heroes of the movie are on a helicopter in an emergency is unbelievable bad, as so is the other acting, this should have never been revised

Do you're self a favor and avoid.....
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Don't see this!
johan-se23 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't write reviews on movies. But this time's an exception. Some times a really bad movie can have some kind of entertaining value in it self, just by being so tremendously bad. Super Cyclone is an exception from that. It's just embarrassing to watch. Don't waste any of your time watching this movie. Don't even bother to buy, rent or download it. Poor acting, even worse effects and a plot that's not even remotely plausible. What on earth could have made the actors to participate in a movie like this? Blackmailing? You really could expect so tremendously much more regarding effects from a movie produced in 2012. If there was a possibility to give a crossed over movie frame, I most certainly would have done so.
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A quattro formaggi of a film
jim-j-moore28 May 2013
I only stumbled across this movie while channel hopping with a coffee. This is a terrible film, even if it was a "made for TV" special.

The acting is simply awful. It's like watching a bunch of Star Trek fans who have filmed their own episode! Every line is delivered with exaggerated breathless earnestness. It becomes painfully obvious that you're watching a low budget production.

The cheesy script and cheesy acting is, at least matched by the cheesy CGI. Digital rain overlaid onto the scene of a bone dry van driving down a bone dry road. Very fake looking clouds, lightning and so on.

If this film was a pizza, it'd be a quattro formaggi.

On the plus side, if you're in the right frame of mind, it's so bad that it's almost laughably enjoyable! :)
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Worse ever
nancysvideo23 September 2012
Super Cyclone, I personally think the Liz Adams should find another line of work, from the opening of the movie pure unrealism. Any idiot knows hot lava will melt metal, and when the rig went down and the jet going down because of a lava flair come on, The using liquid nitrogen to stop it really. The only reason I think Super Cyclone will make any money is pure human curiosity, Nick Turturro and Ming –Na are fair actors but they need to fire their agents. Poor; poor Computer Generated Imaging just pure garbage, it all falls to the poor skills of the writer and director of this film. I sat there and watched it hoping it would get better but never did. I think the local graded school kids could have made a better movie!!!!!!
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An insult to bad movies everywhere
sixpack-312 January 2013
I do not normally say that a movie is horrible. I try to look at the intent of the film,the budget, etc. I know that SyFy Channel movies are not good, that is the fun in watching them... knowing how bad they are. But this film is just plain awful. It was made with such little care that it seems as if the people who made it were hanging around in a parking lot making this film with the camera on their cell phones. This film is completely and utterly ineptly made. Here is an example... part of the film takes place on an oil rig out in the middle of the ocean. OK, I understand that you had no budget and could not afford to film on a real oil rig so you had to film at a land based industrial complex. No problem, that is how films are made. One piece of advice... if you are filming at the previously mentioned land based industrial complex as a stand in for your oil rig in the middle of the ocean try not to capture the trees and telephone polls and streets with cars driving by. This was painful to watch.
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Super Garbage
gregorybundy2 January 2016
I can't believe "The Asylum" is still in business. Evidently they make several of these horrible movies per year and spend about $100,000 per movie and boy can you tell it!!! Every actor or actress that is featured in one of their movies is either a washed up has been OR is on the verge out of the movie limelight; Tera Reid, Ian Ziering, Monica Keena just to name very few. If any actor or actress wants to commit Hollywood suicide, do a movie made by "The Asylum".

I can't believe critics gave high ratings for Sharknado and Sharknado 2. There aren't enough sharks on the planet for either one of those movies to be anywhere near realistic!!!! I mean......I'm flying 41,000 feet in the air in a 747, and I look out the window and I see a couple of sharks floundering around on the aircrafts wing??? Even if a movie is cheesy it still has to have some believability to it and 99.9% of "The Asylum" movies are just plain idiotic, unrealistic and dumb. I guarantee CGI effects and the story lines were done by second graders on an Apple Lisa

Bottom line; if you start to watch a movie and the beginning credits say "The Asylum" either turn it off or go watch grass grow because either choice will be more entertaining!!! "The Asylum" doesn't care anything about movie making as an art form, they just want to make as much random garbage flicks as possible and hopes the unsuspecting public will pay a decent amount of cash to watch them.
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Ming Na Wen
Sumpmonster17 November 2019
Brilliant actress, super sexy. I'd watch her in anything. Script you say? who needs script.
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Not bad!
Leofwine_draca4 January 2015
Yay! I found another fun Asylum movie. Like AIRPLANE VS VOLCANO, this one's a low budget cheese-fest of a B-movie, replete with stock footage, cheesy CGI and more overacting than you can shake a stick at...and yet it also happens to be amusing and a fair bit of fun, given the zero expectations that anyone familiar with the studio will bring to it.

Ming-Na (an attractive Chinese actress who supplied the voice of MULAN in the Disney movie) plays a top scientist who must spring into action when the titular weather phenomenon brings menace to the western seaboard of the USA. Meanwhile, an oil rig turns out to have been built on top of a volcano (don't you hate it when that happens?), which means there's all kind of disaster taking place constantly.

The level of drama is high, as is the level of cheesy acting, so I was laughing half the time. My favourite part of the movie sees Ming-Na and her colleagues embarking on a journey where they're confronted by seemingly every type of extreme weather event: hail, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, and of course burning fireballs from the heavens. It's all ridiculous but at the same time the narrative is so fast-paced that you don't have time to pay attention to how poor it is. That's why I liked it...
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Not bad for such a tiny budget
andrisbankovskis15 November 2016
My main criticism is that it is too ambitious for such a tiny budget. The acting was not at all bad though.

With a budget of $20 million instead of $200K, with the same actors and a lot more extras, but much improved effects, Liz could have made a block buster from this.

On this budget, I try to view it as a stage play and then it is a lot better. Someone should put more serious money behind this director / writer and she should probably focus on more psychological science fiction.

Another possibility would be for Liz to work on well crafted science fiction shorts but in any case, I think she should have another go with the same cast who have now worked together.
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Wow.....just... wow..
hashimoto32141 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this a negative review I would. This script was written by someone who heard a lot of science words but had no idea what any of them meant, threw them together on paper and then handed then to half a dozen actors they instructed to speak imaginary 'southern' before going to a rudimentary college CGI class and said, we dont really give a flying F about this movie or logic so just make it flashy. They set this in California supposedly but even used a radar image of a hurricane over Florida.

Story insultingly moronic, science was nonexistent, acting was infuriating, and for Gods sake there was dust flying up behind the tires when they were supposed to be driving in the 'rain'.

I've seen bad movies, but this this one honestly made me either laugh or shake my damn head in disgust.
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Terrible shoddy directing, producing and special effects
bigbarry-881302 January 2020
I am very surprised that Ming Na Had a part in this movie. There are so many sloppy Aphex the cast is constantly in the sunlight with shadows in the meantime when they show you the sky it's cloudy and there's a Cyclone so one minute on the side of the ship it's dark and they run to the front of the ship and there is pure sunlight you can even see the shadows of everything. I don't know about you but I've never seen shadows when the sky is overcast. Sloppy cutting sloppy editing and these actors should've been smart enough to reject this role when they saw a script. Very disappointing, but it's a lot of fun if you play spot the errors. I wouldn't recommend anybody spend even 15 minutes watching this movie!
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