JFK: What the Doctors Saw (2023) Poster

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A True Conspiracy
billcr1222 November 2023
I have always been intrigued by events of 11/22/63 and even though I was only less than a month from my sixth birthday, I can remember walking into our family kitchen and telling my mother that the president had been shot.

A perfect companion to the documentary is David Lifton's massive book, "Best Evidence," which provides in-depth details as to the strange happenings involving the body of JFK and the cursory autopsy done by military doctors in Washington, D. C. rather than in Dallas.

Eight emergency room physicians who were present when Kennedy was brought in all agreed that the wound to the throat was an entrance wound were astounded with the conclusions of the Warren Report. As Lifton's book speculated, the wounds were altered in order to verify the conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunmen.

The Zapruder clip is shown and it is quite obvious that Kennedy was shot from the front.

The film is a very good one and should be of interest to anyone seeking the truth.
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Very Interesting
Foutainoflife26 November 2023
I've watched countless documentaries on the JFK assassination but this one stands unique among them all.

I've never really chosen between the single shooter and second shooter theories because I've always felt that each argument was plausible. I've also never considered the Parkland doctors or how they assessed Kennedy when he arrived at the hospital. This has made me believe that there were two shooters and it has made me wonder why the handling of the body seems so shady.

If you have an interest in President Kennedy's assassination, you should check this out. It's mindful, well-made and will have you asking why the government made the decision to handle certain things the way they did. It's worth the watch.
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"These doctors are about as trustworthy as you can get."
classicsoncall28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this film ought to put a handful of conspiracy theories to bed and give rise to a host of others. Personally, I could never buy the single 'magic' bullet thesis set forth by the Warren Commission. All it takes is a boatload of common sense to question the path of that bullet when you see a diagram of the course it had to take to inflict damage on President Kennedy and Governor John Connally. It would also be disingenuous to try and discredit the handful of medical personnel who were on hand in Trauma Room One of the Parkland Memorial Hospital on the tragic day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. All of them, interviewed for this documentary, are of a single mind as to what they saw when they examined the body of the President, most notably the throat and back of his head. The forces that went into play to thwart an onsite autopsy of the President, along with the quickly orchestrated removal of the corpse to Washington, D. C., ought to leave one with many questions about the motives of the government that pretty much exist to this day. To my mind, what is the concern with knowing the actual truth of what happened on November 22nd, 1963 that would expose some massive government secret? After seeing this documentary, you may well come to the conclusion that fake news existed a long time before the present day.
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...lies, lies, lies...
maca01119020 November 2023
...sixty years after jfk assassination us government still refuses to reveal all documents that are under the "top secret" seal... ...could it be more obvious that there is a 60-year conspiracy on...???

...as far as I can remember, president obama promised to open what was remain of that document, and then president trump and - nothing...

"In October 2021, Mr. Biden released nearly 1,500 more documents while delaying the release of other sensitive records until Dec. 15, 2022, saying further review was necessary to "protect against identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations."" (citation)

...who are they still protecting...???
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among the best...
ops-5253515 November 2023
Documentaries made in the year of 2023!!!

Where other fimmakers revives over ''facts'' that where established by the warren commision of 1963, and other reviews at high levels in the 70's and 1990's, mingling over and with the officials of the united states, this documentary , ''JFK: what the doctors saw'', really gives you some mind boggeling views and factual information that has been forever overseen/buried deep down in the archives by official ''u.s. Inc.''

so if youre not fascinated by the murder of president kennedy, this film will heave you in and may start a new wave of private and official research.

Barbra et co: youve done a decent job here. A big recommend from the grumpy old man.
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Best JFK Documentary I've Seen
gams-2754025 November 2023
This documentary shines a very bright light on the lies and deception by our government. It shows how little our government thinks the people they work for need to know.

This factually based documentary gives the actual doctors that were in the room on that fateful day November 22nd, 1963.

The lies our government told us made us question what really happened that day. This documentary gives not only the Doctors, but also witnesses a voice. It shines a new light on Lee Harvey Oswald.

It shows how far government overreach will go to protect what they don't want you to know.

I've been called a conspiracy theorist for thinking Oswald was framed. For thinking our government lied to us.

...... It's not a conspiracy when things are proven true.
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I am now convinced that there was a second shooter.
elainebogue21 November 2023
I have always dismissed those who believed that there was a second shooter in JFKs assasination. I thought that they were just a bunch of conspiracy theorists who were trying to get some TV coverage. Most of them were easy to dismiss and basically odd balls as far as I was concerned. I was 13 when it happened and I remember everything vividly. I saw Lee Harvey Oswald get shot on live TV. Maybe I was just naive but I never thought that it happened any differently than the way the government said that it happened but now I do. The Parkland doctors are nothing but totally professional and believable. And so was the Autopsy Corpsman in Bethesda. Watch it yourself. You will believe it too. The evidence is all on their side.
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Spoilers?....You betcha!
estelle5817 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am not sure how to talk about this documentary, or anything about the assassination of our beloved John F. Kennedy without spoiling something, if there is anyone left to spoil, that is unless, of course, this documentary divulged the to true assassin, (which of course, it does not). I sure do not believe Lee Harvey Oswald did it alone.

Does anyone? Certainly, after seeing this well done documentary, you might wonder, what part was Oswald actually playing. If you ask me I would say he was the patsy, the sucker, the fall guy, for the Kennedy assassination.

It does not take a brainiac to realize that a bullet entry wound is going to be much smaller than the exit wound. Remember the magic bullet?

Oh pshaw.
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Another round of misinformation
gregoryhughes-9236625 March 2024
The evidence lines up as Baden presents it. Two shots from the rear. First thru the neck, into Connolly in the jump seat, second rear top of head removing the majority of the right lobe of his brain. The bone evidence supports this as the vertebra are beveled in from the rear on the neck shot.

There was no front shooter. No visual or odiferous evidence. Folks in the SBD under LHO heard and smelled the shots. It's an easy set of shots for a marine marksman with a high powered rifle and scope.

JFKs time in the ER was brief. He was not examined. Never undressed. The tracheotomy was performed at the exit wound site. No one examined the back of his head as the anesthesiologist had his head in his lap basically while trying to resuscitate. Jackie never left him and they didn't do a detailed look as she wouldn't leave.

The autopsy location wasn't determined by Jackie until about an hour before landing. Bobby and she did not want an autopsy. There was never a time the casket wasn't unguarded and never a time it could be switched or manipulated.
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The Betrayal that started it all
wpirotte3 January 2024
I was 8 years old when JFK was killed so it would be ludicrous to pretend that I always suspected the treason. However, within just a few years I knew that that Warren Commission was pure nonsense. A few years after that I became versed in the why and how of assassinations (for instance, always kill the assassin). Over the years I have read or watched at least 4 exhaustive investigations. Strangely, US News & World Report, a respected conservative magazine, published a childishly amateur support of the Warren Report in the mid 90's, after it had already been discredited from both public and private sources. So I have been, for decades, aware of everything in this special: lies, fabrication, suppression, coverup, legal violations, planted evidence, Media cooperation, the entire inside job uniparty treason - except one thing - the accusation that the Russians did it. Wow....it seems like the News never actually changes. But there is a more important issue - whether you have absolute corroboration, like the Gulf of Tonkin fraud, or merely overwhelming evidence, like 9/11 stuff, the American people will never trust their government or media on any major issue again.
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Answers off
PiotrxxxDenmark24 March 2024
Why are we not being told the truth by the US authorities? Because that would open up Pandoras Box - and integrated lies would be exposed. The illusion of a shining democracy on the hill would be revealed ... and the american exceptionalism would erode. No more nice Uncle Sam.

A deep state able to obfuscate that USA was founded on european imperialism and a genocide ... and crafted on the basis of slavery and exploitation of working poors ... should be able to hide away the truth behind the killing of one of its presidents. It's all done for the greater good - and on a consensus of the people being an abstract for further exploitation. Business is big, business is bulldozing.
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Great Movie!
michaelmcgrew-290929 March 2024
One thing that I always disagree about concerning the assassination is that I've stood on the grassy knoll behind the fence and "lined up the shot". I am a hunter and avid shooter and know how bullets react. If a shot had been fired from behind the fence, and struck Kennedy where the "X" is marked on the street, it would have exited Kennedy and struck Jackie or blown out the LEFT-REAR of Kennedy's head. So the shot HAD to have come either from the front OR from the back. They always go through proving the shot from behind but not from the fence. This has always bothered me whenever I see documentaries on the subject.
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One Very Significant item from a really good Doc
mschrock22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone interested in JFK's assassination MUST watch this!

ONE VERY SIGNIFICANT item that caught my eye (SEE BELOW).

The assassination was an extremely dramatic event in my life. I just turned 14, and my father had passed away at age 48 less than a month prior. I vividly recall every event for the following week like it was yesterday. It's the day our country lost it's innocence.

I've watched a literal myriad of documentaries and read many books on the topic. I'm skeptical of most all conspiracy theories, but I still yearn to know the truth (While I'm resigned to never really knowing,)


Dr Perry, in a press conference following JFKs death stated 3 times that he concluded the wound to JFKs throat was an ENTRANCE wound. (and yes, all Parkland Drs concluded the same)

That presser started at 2:16pm and lasted about 30 minutes, so Dr Perry left the room at 2:46pm.

About 34 minutes into the show, Dr McClelland recounted, literally: "When he (Perry) left the room someone came up to him, who Dr Perry thought maybe was a Secret Service man. And he told Dr Perry, you must never, ever say that that was an entrance wound again, if you know what's good for you".

So, at 2:46pm on Nov 22, someone (presumably a Secret Service Agent, or other govt person?) was bullying Dr Perry to fall in line with 'all shots coming from the rear'. That eventual narrative wouldn't have started till much later, following the events that let to finding Oswald and forcing the single shooter conclusion on all of us.

Smells of fish doesn't it? To add a little pepper, Dr Perry altered his comments later (for Warren Commission and other comments) to say he couldn't really be sure. Also, that sometimes entrance wounds can wind up being exit wounds. (all that of course months and years after that Nov 22 "warning").

Fish isn't better with pepper, by the way.
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Looks Like I'm The Odd Man Out
soulcrisis2823 March 2024
This is just another flimsy conspiracy theory documentary building a mountain of a conspiracy garbage on flimsy, weak evidence.

It's been heavily proven that eye witness testimony is NOT the great source of evidence that we once thought it was. In fact, it's become so flimsy that prosecutors now of days don't and won't solely depend on it anymore when trying a case and won't even take a case to court if the only evidence they have is eyewitness testimony like they used to in the past. It's the same reasons why a confession alone isn't enough to try a case anymore, they have to have other physical and circumstantial evidence backing up and proving the confession to be true as best as they can or in court terms, "beyond a reasonable doubt."

Almost ALL the cases that the innocence project have taken on and proved that the convicted person was actually wrongfully convicted, all had garbage, bunk eyewitness testimony in them. In fact, some of them, the wrongfully convicted person was convicted solely on eyewitness testimony that was completely wrong and incorrect and they were fortunate enough to be exonerated by DNA evidence later on, and these are cases from the 80's and 90's before DNA was discovered and heavily utilized in criminal cases! It's called the "Gold Standard" of evidence for a reason, cause it not only convicts people, it can exonerate them as well.

If you really want to know the truth to JFK's assassination, you need to watch JFK: The Smoking Gun. It is a documentary that examines the ballistics and PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of what took place and occurred on 11-22-63. It explains the "magic bullet" and how it wasn't magic, it was just incorrect in the Warren Commissions findings and that Governor Connally was placed incorrectly in president's limo and when moved to the correct place where he was actually sitting, shows a straight trajectory in line of all the hit points of JFK and Governor Connally. It also explains why the final 3rd shot caused different damage and ultimately fatally ended JFK's life. There actually was two shooters and two different guns and bullets fired into him. But it all came from behind him. Not only does JFK: The Smoking Gun explain and lay all of this out, it explains why the Secret Service acted the way they did after the assassination and broke the chain of evidence command as well as flat out ignored Texas's laws in regards to not allowing a body to leave the hospital when an autopsy needs to be performed when a homicide has occurred. Watch the doc if wanna know more. It's free on all the free streaming apps with ads.

So, do I trust a bunch of still in medical school and in residency doctor's eyewitness testimony from 60 years ago? And that I'm sure were under extreme stress and duration and pressure at the time of their examination of JFK? Nope! Do I trust PHYSICAL FORENSIC BALLISTIC evidence? Yep. Mainly cause I have two associates degrees in crime scene investigation and forensics because before I got disabled, I was in school to become a crime scene tech as my career.

So yeah, now keep in mind, JFK: The Smoking Gun is only one side of a two-sided coin. There's a hole other side in regards to Oswald and Ruby and all that narrative, but that's another story for another time.
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