The Mummy Resurrected (2014) Poster

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Next time, don't blow the entire budget on special effects.
planktonrules7 May 2014
Before I began watching The Mummy Resurrected, I wondered how anyone could make a mummy movie with a budget of only $750,000. Then, as I watched the film I understood. Most of the money was spend on special effects (they were reasonably good and a few were very good) but there really wasn't anything left to pay for a good script or actors or a director. And, speaking of director and script, it is very odd that when I looked up this film on IMDb, I noticed that although the cast and producers were listed for the film, this is NOT the case for the director or writer. Perhaps they didn't want to have their names associated with the film—all I know is that it makes no sense to omit these two very important credits.

The film is the story of six cute co-eds who are inexplicably in Egypt and are invited along on a mummy hunt. Now considering that these young ladies don't seem to know the first thing about archeology and seem like extras from a college sorority film, I felt perplexed. Yet, somehow we are expected to believe that one of them has a long-lost archaeologist father and instead of mounting a proper expedition with SUPPLIES, appropriate clothing and Egyptologists, for instance, he takes these six cute undergraduates into the desert to look for some ancient burial site. Once there, the three guides he brought are murdered (by whom we never have any idea—as it looks like the writer forgot about this plot thread) and he and the girls just ignore this and go exploring!

Later, the girls start dying—one by one. Does the girl whose father brought them there care? Not particularly—she just wants to hang out with daddy. Nor, unfortunately, does the audience care as it took so long for these deaths to occur that you'll find your attention sadly waning. Much of it is because the ladies' reactions were so muted. I've seen women break fingernails and act more upset than these actresses when one of their friends dies. I also had to laugh because one of these well-trained and well outfitted ladies had to use her smart phone as a flashlight inside the tomb because you can only assume they forgot to bring enough flashlights for everyone! So how does it all end? Who cares?!

Let's cut to the chase--the film is quite poor. The dialog was often atrocious ('it's like I totally blacked out'), the story was often dull, the edits were occasionally poor (scenes would go from full sun to dusk and back within the same scene) and the film never really made a lot of sense. These folks also didn't really seem like actresses—more like ladies who showed up for a campus kegger and on the way got invited to appear in the film because they had nice hair and looked kinda cute.

The bottom line is that the 1932 version with Boris Karloff is a classic. See that instead.
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New heights of the low!
vkasthakur7 May 2014
This movie's gift to the world is a whole new definition to the word "Pathetic". Typing 10 lines for this review is a Herculean task. This movie (really???) is a new landmark to the fact that how low and degraded a plot, an actor, and a director can go trying to thrive on reputation of previous Mummy trilogy. A couple of special effects were kinda okay but can be completely ignored. One can give credit for that to cheap CGI effect agencies available now days. Within five minutes into the movie then skipping and fast-forwarding till the end in another 5 minutes seemed eternity. Do yourself a favor... stay away from this movie, it is so infectious it will ruin your whole day. I am running out of patience to end this ten line policy of IMDb. In fact this movie needs and can be defined in one word... Horrendous!
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My Opinion
jcoderr7 May 2014
I just saw the full movie and it looked like it was made in the early 2000's horrible acting, to say the least it was no where near what I was expecting out of a 2014 movie. It made the Earlier ones look like a masterpiece. Very disappointed. Was hoping it would have much better graphics and somewhat realistic. The mummy movies were awesome, I grew up watching the movies and it had a realistic plot and a good climax. This new one just didn't meet any expectations. It was not worth the hour movie it was. I hope some of the other viewers do enjoy this but i'm sorry the movie had no climaxes and not much of an interesting plot. Sorry for dumping on this movie.
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"The Mummy Resurrected"- A cheap, soulless, lazy "mockbuster" that inspires more unintentional laughs than scares. Avoid.
Many people seem to be watching this under a false misconception, and are going in under the impression that it is connected to the popular 1999 Universal remake "The Mummy", and it's sequels/spin-offs. This is not the case. This film has nothing to do with those films- no shared cast or crew, no common story elements, not even a common studio producing this "effort." It has literally nothing to do with those films. This is what is commonly referred to as a "Mockbuster"- a low-budget film from a studio specializing in low-budget productions, which attempts to capitalize off of the success of much larger, more profitable studio films by making itself LOOK like those films through deceptive tactics like using similar titles, similar advertisements/poster designs, etc. But please know- this film and it's creators are in no way connected to or affiliated with any previous "Mummy" movie in any way.

I felt it important to get that out of the way, as the "mockbuster" trend has been a growing problem in the world of home entertainment (thanks to companies like "The Asylum" who specialize almost exclusively in making rip-off "mockbusters"), and has for at least the past decade caused an increasing amount of confusion for consumers and movie-fans.

I'll also note another important fact- "The Mummy Resurrected" is so bad... I wasn't able to make myself sit through it start-to-finish. It's cheap. Lazily constructed. Filled with flimsy scares and ludicrous amounts of padding. And dreadfully acted. Out of the 70ish-minute runtime (yes, it's only about 70 minutes, and is padded out to 80 with a prolonged opening credits and even more prolonged closing credits), I've maybe seen 40 minutes start-to-finish, before skimming through the rest on Fast-Forward.

To go over the plot is virtually pointless. You know what you're getting into plot-wise. Curse tomb, evil mummy, blah-blah-blah.

What you're really interested in are the actors, the scares, the "spooky" effects and the titular Mummy himself. And those are all drastic let-downs.

For starters, the actors (all basically unknowns) mostly fall flat. It's hard to tell if they're truly "bad actors" of if they just can't manage to build any performance from the terrible writing and direction... but they almost universally fail at connecting with the audience and building any personality. This is one of those cases of "cardboard cut-out" performances, where a plank of wood with a face drawn on it would've worked just as well on screen. But I'm not going to blame the actors for this 100%. As I said, it could very well be the product of the lousy production.

The "scares" are just dreadful. For starters, this is a remarkably boring film (mainly due to Patrick McManus' atrocious directorial choices), and the scares are all equally boring and phoned in, often being so needlessly prolonged and padded, they become unintentionally amusing as a result. (Case in point one scene, where bandages ssslllooowwwlllyyy snake along the ground and cover up a victim for what feels like a short eternity.)

The visual effects are poor. Mainly comprised of terrible CGI "sand" that looks like early area 3D-video-game graphics. It doesn't feel organic or even remotely real-to-life.

And the mummy itself is probably going to make you laugh out loud whenever it's on screen. It looks like any cheap "zombie" costume you could find in a Halloween shop, that's been wrapped up in nice, new clean gauze from a CVS pharmacy. You know you're in trouble when your 2014 film's mummy looks objectively worse than the creature from the original 1932 Boris Karloff film. Evidently, 80+ years of development in makeup effects don't mean squat if your design team is completely incompetent.

"The Mummy Resurrected" is one of the most painful entries in the "mockbuster" genre I've seen in quite some time. It's so cheap and padded, it's virtually unwatchable, and it can't even be bothered to give us even a remotely interesting mummy to look at.

This one easily earns it's 1 out of 10 rating. Are we sure this wasn't meant to be a parody or something? Because it certainly doesn't work as a serious film, and supplies more unintentional chuckles than thrills...
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Worst ripoff ever
I don't even know where to begin there was no storyline, no plot, all the actresses in it were pretty and young just to get young boys hormones going, it made no sense and by the end of the movie your sitting there thinking wow even Brendan Frasier would be sad right now. Don't WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY ITS TERRIBLE AND LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE WAS JUST Extremely BORED AND THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY TO TRY AND MAKE THE WORST RIPOFF EVER MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. I would rather watch the original mummy a hundred times before ever considering watching this again. I loved the mummy with Brendan Frasier and own all of them but this makes me sad someone tried to tie this movie with those.
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They should have left the stupid premise BURIED!
keithbenicek1 June 2014
This horribly written script only left out one thing that might have saved it from bankrupting the producers and those that were foolish enough to bankroll this epic flop - Teen Heart Throbs with pretty faces, 6-packs, big busted low-cut honey's with tight butts in short-shorts, like all the moronic vampire and zombie films and TV shows aimed at the addle-brained adolescents that flock to them.

Trying very hard to look and smell like a Brandon Frasier "Mummy" epic, this is a very poor rip-off. Perhaps the producers should have taken a "slap-stick" approach, rather than attempt a feeble serious guffaw that this turns out to be.

OMG, where to start? The Script, acting, "cinema" photography, plot and probably even the food table for the actors and hands was horrible! You'll be more entertained if you go and rent (buy it) one of the original 1932 B&W Boris Karloff "Mummy" films. This one gave me a whole roll of Tums case of indigestion!
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Just plain awful
ganteder0008 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this with the expectation of seeing a cheesy B-rated horror movie. It started off fine, but then the acting, particularly the female lead, started to go off the rails. The only main male does okay but little is given about his back story and he seems to disappear conveniently during the film to his own little hole. The other characters are standard bunch but also seem to act at times like deer trapped in the headlight when faced with anything remotely scary. Characters act most times here without rime or reason leading the watcher scratching their head. Special effects go from not bad to just plain unwatchable. Oh, and did i mention that Mummies can transport people wherever they want? Who knew? In conclusion, avoid this movie and just watch something else, otherwise you'll feel trapped when watching this terrible excuse for a movie.
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An abomination
TheLittleSongbird21 July 2014
And not the case of a good premise, weak execution but The Mummy Resurrected actually managed to be disaster from the get go. The way it looks gives an insult to the word amateurish, there have been worse special effects but these effects were stiff in movement and look so hastily done, very slapdash at best. The sloppy editing, drab lighting and haphazard camera shots further add to how bad the movie looks. If you are looking for good dialogue, acting or characters you won't find any of those here. The dialogue has a very awkward vibe, a lot of it sounds like total gibberish and improvisatory. The acting screams of both inexperience and pretty actresses- their beauty is pretty much the only halfway decent thing about The Mummy Resurrected if even that- who just go through the motions, have no chemistry between each them and not one seems to care about what would happen to them. Not once do you care for or connect to a character so you feel nothing when there's one less of them, some are so obnoxious you find yourself cheering inside when they're no longer there. The antagonist is a long way from threatening or scary, if anything more goofy than anything else. Worst of all was the story, one so lacking in fun, suspense or tension and filled with ridiculousness and so pedestrian in pace that it's pretty much non-existent. You can say the same for the directing too. All in all, an abomination that is only redeemed(in a very, very minute way) by the beauty of the actresses, which solely gives The Mummy Resurrected 1/10. Everything else however gets a big fat zero. Bethany Cox
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Boredom resurrected...
paul_haakonsen22 June 2014
While the concept of mummies is interesting, it is far from every movie adaption that turns out that way, and "The Mummy Resurrected" is a testimony to the fact that not every mummy movie turns out to be great.

This movie was not only boring and uneventful, but it also had a ludicrous storyline that was unappealing and weak.

I tried to get into the movie, but just ended up giving up, because there was nothing to reel you in and keep you nailed to the seat. The storyline was pathetic and almost non-existing, and the performances were not captivating, nor were the characters they were portraying. The only two things that the movie had working for it was the mummy plot and the special effects - although the latter wasn't much around.

I stuck with the movie to the end, hoping that it would pick up pace and actually get into gear. But it just never happened. And as such, I can't really recommend that you waste your time, money or effort on this particular movie, because it is just not worth it.
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save your money
chrisyarwood-215-34991417 January 2015
Unfortunately the characters are totally unconvincing and unbelievable. the plot is unfathomable. I don't blame the cast or directors but will not in future trust my service provider. They are clearly not interested in providing value for money to their customers being happy to charge me four pounds to watch the film (the same as inbetweeners 2,lucy, left behind, all advertised on the same page).Lesson learned for me in future, always check the reviews before handing over your cash. I don't want to be unfair to the people who made the film, work is work, and there were some fairly sophisticated special effects. Based how entertaining the Mummy Resurrected was forty pence would be a generous rental price. Seriously.
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drew-962-36647420 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I quite like 'bad' movies, but this contains none of those minor merits to even lift itself into that category. Its low budget, but for 750k dollars, really, it contains no real acting (a local drama group could do better), no real plot (really none, and no ending either), no atmosphere and nothing that would make you want to watch this, go play scrabble or trim your toe nails.... time better spent. The film title deliberately uses the same font and style from the altogether way better Mummy films (Brendan Fraser).... but that is it... special effects just make you yearn for an episode of Blakes Seven.... Seriously - don't bother.....
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Terrible movie
jd-langschied14 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I want to start out saying that when it comes to movies, I am EASILY entertained, it's very rare that I watch a movie and don't enjoy it to some capacity. This movie, was just absolutely atrocious. Typical SyFy acting, which is border line cheesy and entertaining, but even this movies acting was not entertaining at all. I am a big fan of the Mummy movies with Brandon Fraiser, this was just horrible. I had a hard time even following it. I found the most annoying part was when the girl was in the pit with sand slowly pouring on her and covering her till she was completely buried, all she had to do was move the side and keep stepping and climbing the sand hill it was essentially making.

However, if your a huge movie buff and enjoy having any movie out there under your belt, then go for it. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste your time at all on this movie.
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asea10097 June 2014
As an Egyptian, I always find it really unpleasant when a movie, that is supposed to be taking place in Egypt, contains "Egyptians" who neither dress as Egyptians nor speak in the language that Egyptians speak. And who live in a land that doesn't quite look like it could be anywhere in Egypt. The makers of this movie, obviously think that all Arabs are the same. Quite as foolish as thinking all Europeans are the same. We actually do feel really insulted by this kind of attitude. And while in other movies that contained some of the same mistakes, such as the Mummy, or Raiders of The Lost Ark, actually had a real fun movie to compensate, with good acting, plot, and special effects. So, we'd still find them worthy enough to overlook such silly mistakes, and we actually do like them despite of that. This film has none of the above that could be considered a compensation to this sort of crap. Bad acting, bad everything. The plot is... well, is there a plot?! The only good thing, if there's any, is that the all girl crew going to the tomb are kinda pretty. So, I give it one star. And my opinion is: Simply awful!
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Do not watch
blaketyrka26 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start awful acting, sub par CGI, and no story other than let's go in an ancient tomb with a bunch of college girls!!! Sad thing is I usually enjoy b-line movies on the sci fi channel but this one is god awful. The plot isn't resolved at the end someone kills their guides we don't know who or why one girls dies but no one ever sees her body so it's unconfirmed that she died one is inexplicably teleported back inside the tomb once she gets out and doesn't want to go back in with the group because the girl goes to an archaeological dig fully knowing she's claustrophobic the last one dies worse than charlize Theron in Prometheus running straight away from a rolling object the sand is burying her and she decides standing still and screaming help will get her out other than you know stepping side to side to stay on top of it.

I wonder if this is related in anyway to the three Mummy series with Brendan Fraiser or the just used a similar now to catch a few unlucky souls into watching it.
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Just make Mummy 4
sylvos-124239 August 2015
What a piece of sh*t movie! This is just so terrible! Why would they do this? Why? Someone answer me This movie is a catastrophe that takes a dump all over the original Mummy movie, and on the remake trilogy. I can't believe I watched this all the way through. Give me back my time! If you come into this movie expecting the thrills of the original movie, adventure of the remake, jokes of the Mummy Returns, and mythology of Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, you will be heavily disappointed. Here is what you will get: Poorly paced movie with bad acting and terrible camera controls. And the CGI is just horrible. The Mummy from 1990's had better CGI. In conclusion, don't watch this, you will deeply regret it.

They should have just made The Mummy 4.
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Calling this movie lousy is far too kind (Spoiler)(Spoiler)
robertka117 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To make a movie, a budget has to be raised from investors. I bet all investors of this movie must be gnawing their fingernails in frustration for this loss. This movie was so bad that I do not know where to begin my review.

For starters, as someone who speaks and reads Arabic, I immediately saw red flags in the second scene when the girls are meeting each other. The signs behind them are an assembly of Arabic letters with no meaning; like writing "skejdifjglv fdkdpsa" and pretending that it is English, French or another Latin based language.

Normally, a daughter who meets her father for the first time in 20 years is a little awkward and reserved because they do not yet know each other. Here, they both hug and embrace like long lost friends. This is so fake.

Except for the last couple of scenes, throughout the whole movie, the daughter had a constant annoying big grin on her face no matter what the situation was, like "our friend just died" "Oh, that's OK". If she is only 20 years old, how can she read hieroglyphics and appears to be an expert in archeology and egyptology. These need a lot of experience and research and a 20-year old with a bunch of girl friends, all interested in archeology is a little stretch of the imagination.

The special effects were fake, like the forward moving bandages can easily be seen as playing in reverse bandages being pulled.

Strange ending: the mummy which was in the coffin has, all of a sudden, a decent looking woman's face; yet, she just lies there. Even though the daughter stabs her friend and her blood flows into the coffin, supposedly to resurrect the mummy, it still doesn't move. Again, even though, the mummy finally has a human face without bandages, the mummy killing the girls still has the original bandaged face. Was that a coordination blooper? As a movie buff, I give all movies a chance. I watch them before looking at reviews or ratings. I watched the whole movie hoping that somewhere along the story, a real thrilling adventure would take place. I was let down and extremely frustrated that someone could actually have the gall to call this video a movie with the caption "Evil has awakened". Please, go back to sleep. You don't scare anyone.

I gave a 1-star rating for casting pretty girls, although they really need acting lessons.
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Just terrible...
karennuilcoco30 November 2015
First of the reason why I watched the movie, was because of the title and the cover picture. I remember when I first saw "The Mummy" (1999). I couldn't get enough of it. And I thought: Oh! Another Mummy movie! *-* I need to watch it! And when I watched it then I was like....What...?

For my luck I watched it on the internet so I could skip most of the scenes. Thanks God we can do it. The be honest by good movies I am not doing this. First of all I didn't like the actors. They couldn't act! When I saw they act then I thought: Okay....Are we back in the early 2000's?? And second the storyline was just horrible...In the end I was like: THAT'S IT!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I can't believe what I just did watch....The only thing what good about the movie was, were the effects. Those were well made.

I would recommend you not to watch it. It is just waste of time....
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Which they kept with the original stories
This movie was nothing like the others and confused me a lot. It was really hard to fully focus on the movie and the story behind it.

I had high hopes for this movie loving all the movies similar but this one was just ridiculous. The Graphics were all over the place and its really hard for me to say anything good about it.

At the start of the movie it gives almost the whole story away and every step is almost as predictable as the last.

I really wish they would have branched somehow of the original mummy movies. it was even hard to connect to the characters. This movie went really fast for me and when it finished i felt like i had only been watching it for ten minutes.

Don't think this would be a movie i would ever watch again.
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Zero reason
Leofwine_draca3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
THE MUMMY RESURRECTED is another loose adaptation of the Bram Stoker tale JEWEL OF THE SEVEN STARS, although you'd be better off sticking with Hammer's BLOOD FROM THE MUMMY'S TOMB. This is very much a typical indie, shot on a tiny budget in a tiny cave for the most part, and with barely any kind of incident. The story sees a group of archaeologists discover a bandaged mummy in said cave, and soon an evil spirit is loose among them. Expect little undead action here, just a body-jumping curse that causes black eyes and impending death. The cheap production values mean that the script, direction and acting are all very poor, which means there's zero reason to tune in.
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The Mummy Resurrected
a_baron18 November 2016
The vast majority of reviewers to date have given this film 1 point; one suspects this is because -1 is not permitted. Having said that, it has two things going for it. The first is that although it is rubbish, it is short rubbish, around an hour and ten minutes. The second is that the soundtrack is truly excellent, there is bundles of music at the end. Unfortunately, music of this quality belongs in a film that will do it justice, so its composers are unlikely to receive the critical acclaim they deserve.

What is so bad about this film apart from everything? Let's just mention the acting; if you were in a group of friends and one of your number was struck dead, wouldn't somebody shed a tear? Best not to mention the plot, if you can understand it.
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So sad...
HK_Key-Si_HK11 March 2018
...that this movie even exists. For years I am totally in love with Egyptian mythology, just came accross this movie and... wow! This is so bad, that I almost have no words to describe it. The acting: terrible! The dialogues: terrible! The plot: Was there even one? The effects: Some were acceptable. The mummy itself: I actually liked the look of it. After all it was still a total waste of time. Stay away from this movie. Save your time and/or money for something better. Gosh, even The Pyramid was way better, even though I can't stand most of this "Found Footage" stuff. But now that I have seen this... Maybe I should rewatch The Pyramid soon!
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nogodnomasters9 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This masterpiece of marketing deception has nothing to do with the popular Mummy series of films.

Maggie (Lauren Bronleewe) can't wait to meet her estranged father of about 20 years. Tralane (Stuart Rigby) is an archeologist whose daughter follows in his foot steps. He wants to locate the tomb of the cursed sorcerer whose name has been removed from all records. He is "The Nameless One" apparently more evil than "he who which we do not speak". He does have an ominous Anubis head.

Maggie and Tralane take along 5 pieces of eye candy to go on the dig near the Libyan border. As fate would have it our gang gets trapped inside a fairly well lit tomb.

The acting and plot were bad. The dialogue was horrible. While not as nearly as good as the popular series, it was better than "Isis Rising..."

Might want to skip this one, even as a rental.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
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Completely Stupid
ross-bryant23 June 2014
This is the worst mummy movie I have ever seen. Saw this on red box and rented it. Terrible choice. The acting was terrible and so was the script. The Mummy Movies with Brenden Fraiser were so much better. This does not compete with The Mummy Movies of the early 2000's. I really enjoyed those ones. This however is not what it seems advertised in the preview for the movie. I would not recommend this to anyone period. Please do not watch it. I was really disappointed with the way this movie was made. There could have been so much more done to make it better. A complete waste of time and money.There wasn't any comedy to the movies and it was not scary as was advertised.
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Good Premise Marred by Painfully Obvious Flaws
Uriah434 June 2019
Having not seen her renowned father "Professor Tralane" (Stuart Rigby) in ages a young archeologist named "Margaret Tralane" (Lauren Bronleewe) is excited to meet him in Egypt where he has reportedly found evidence of an ancient tomb which houses the burial place of an unnamed pharaoh. Joining the hasty expedition are five other young college women and three Egyptian guides who were hired at the last minute. Yet even though the guides warn the archeologists about the dangers posed by Lybian troops in the area, what none of them realize is that there is a source of evil in that same general vicinity with mystical powers which none of them can imagine. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film certainly had some potential but severely limited by the lack quality direction. In particular, although the actors and computer graphics were adequate, the extremely weak script and the lack of suspense were painfully obvious and this greatly affected the movie as a whole. As such, I cannot recommend this film to anybody and have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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It is so bad that it is good
moviedovie26 November 2015
This will definitely give tough fight to whoever plans to make the most ridiculous horror/mummy movie in the future. The acting, the plot, the CGI, the direction and even the music are so rank pathetic that 15 minutes into the movie you start wondering if it is a spoof of the original Mummy series. Nothing, I repeat, nothing is worth a word of praise in this ill conceived effort. The director should have left a warning slide during the credits that this movie is an assault on your senses and that serious movie watchers need to get out of harms way for serious sensory damage are on the cards should one chooses to see this abomination to its full length.
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